Oddbean new post about | logout
 Single devs with shoestring budgets are criticized for not having everything ready for everyone. I guess the solution is just to shove everyone into the KYC’d VC funded one with lots of employees. Pretty sad that this is where nostr is headed. I guess this is jacks vision for nostr now so it must be done. The biggest threat to nostr is a handful of influencers who control the funding and can pick the winners. Purple is my attempt at breaking free from this, but I feel like it’s already a losing battle. 
 It's not a losing battle. 
Keep going. 
You'll make it.  
 I am a subscriber. Happy to support and get others locked in as well. 
 Thank you! 
 Got to go renew. Thanks 😂 
 We have a new test light link for purple subscribers being launched today too! 💜 
 sounds a little defeatist and whiny .... profits not what they want as mining is less successful would be my guess. very bait and switch behavior. 
 I ❣️ Nostr
And frequently check even on a busy days 😊
That's..... almost hopeless romantic quote  
 (❓) Yes. That note is so misguided to me. You don’t deserve *any* of that. You know better than to take it personally.💋🦁❤️

From what I can decipher, he’s just frustrated. But he needs to be patient and take the high road when it comes to criticism. 

I know, easier said than done. But still, I hope he keeps building and creating because Damus is a beautiful gift to humanity. The world just doesn’t know it yet. 

Damus is my favorite. For me, Damus is nostr. I wouldn’t be here without it.🫂💜 
  @jb55 Jack's observation is on point.  Keep in mind he has been doing this for decades now, not to mention creating a social media site from scratch. You are taking this totally out of context.  He was simply stating fact, that the masses do NOT care about Bitcoin, sats/zaps, privacy, free speech, decentralization, etc. etc. etc. Although he did state he wishes this wasn't so.

If Nostr wants to attract the masses and RETAIN users, you are going to have to accept this reality, and try appealing to their interests/wants/needs.  Providing  "diverse" content/opinions/functionality. Clearly the foundation has been established here on Nostr, however, do not ignore the real reasons why people are on social media. Nothing wrong with EVOLVING and admitting why the masses use social media and/or the web.      
 I would not give up.
I would let the arrogant techbros deal with the long term consequences of undermining a freedom movement. 
 The free market will solve everything. At least that's what I always hear from the free market apologists.  
 Keep going 
a @damus maxi https://i.nostr.build/8G0WE.jpg  
 Not losing. You will get there. Not a lot of projects will make it through the great filter. I hope yours does. Its a good one and you are one of the good guys. Keep grindin homie. 
 listen, can’t blame China for not offering grace and goodwill to constirbute, but painting Satan as the public enemy when quite certain the wrong one, only pride oils to make right of a wrong.

Gotta have standards for your self man.

Rejected. What else do you want from me? https://image.nostr.build/c7d7391ad22c9a3585b8cef4e442c40095751d6516e785e7e1a8214dde84d860.jpg  
 P.S. I dont trust Tony. Smells like tricksy suits. 
 Single devs aren’t criticized. I do remember when I joined nostr a year ago you have been pushing updates every week and taking feedbacks. Now I see for some reason diss motivation. 
 Primal doesn’t have a huge team and a lot of money. What they got from VCs ? $1 million dollars ? 
Will, you have a whole army of plebs behind with the feedbacks, requests and support ! It’s much more bigger than having VCs money! Keep building 🫡 
 Since when is $1 million USD not a lot of money?  😂

That is literally more money than most of us will earn in our entire lives. 
 Not only that, but their team of “recommended follows” and “influencers” are constantly promoting the client. 
 Yeah, one hand washes the other, as they say here. 
 It’s ridiculously obvious, but no one seems to call them out, or give shit. 
 noone can, since everyone is getting paid by opensats, including me. ten31 is invested in primal and strike. it’s pretty ingenious and prevents anyone from saying anything or else you may not get your nostr grant, at least that is the perception even if its true or not. Odell has called me personally and said there’s no way he would have of conflict of interest, but it’s literally impossible to not have a conflict of interest here. Odell is a great guy and I’m inclined to trust him, but the whole situation feels wrong and is causing a chilling effect. 
 I was actually thinking about a way to ask you about this specifically just a little while ago. If there was pressure to not say certain things or rock certain boats. 
 I’m extremely sensitive to self censorship. I noticed this in myself and have trying to put it into words in a way that is not trying to shit on anyone or cause bad blood. I am just concerned of the effect it might be having on this situation. I dislike the feeling so much that I have been working hard on trying to establish an independent income stream just so I feel like I can speak freely again. These effects are real. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the support, I just dislike this feeling that I need to censor myself more. 
 Nope! You have the army of plebs behind you! 🫂 
 Thank you sir 🥹🫡 
 We got u Will stay free💜 
 Odell and OpenSats say they support freedom of speech. Make them put their money where their mouth is (literally) and feel free to criticize openly. If they pull funding, it proves they are hipocrites, if not, they are likely honest actors. High risk for grantees, but high reward for the community either way. 
 The average person who has yet to get a grant will not criticize. I don’t even feel like I’m criticizing, I’m just describing how I feel about the situation and speculating on the effects it might be having. Not intending to start anything, but it’s clear from the replies here I’m not the only one. I don’t have a solution either, other than to tap into other grant orgs like hrf and establishing other revenue streams, because any amount of reassurance is not going to help and it’s not like this conflict is going to go away. 
 It’s an unfortunate reality that when dealing with the inherent problems of centralization, some people can’t grasp the systemic cause and effect, and need to blame or attack other people. 

Centralized funding creates centralized behavior. 
 nostr needs the ability to create DeFi DAOs without shitcoins 
 If we want to avoid single points of failure opensats creates a bigger problem than it solves…? 

The goal is Liberty right? Freedom of speech and freedom of money. 

It seems the best peaceful way is to transfer capital and crash the fiat printer war machine- i.e. more high-income fiat jobs that transfer capital to the network helps more than living completely inside the circular economy? 

Can the entire project be more of a part-time thing? 
 It would be great if they could explain what safeguards they have in place to mitigate bias, and to avoid a conflict of interest.

This topic has been brought up before, but instead of providing an explanation, or reassurance to the public, there was just a bunch of yelling and “trust me, bro” replies. 

This is why I, and why I always will, simply pay for what I use and support the devs that are open with their stated goals and outlook on their projects, directly. There’s no reason for me to donate to an organization, when I can pay/donate directly.

Direct funding with bitcoin is a much better alternative than sending it to somebody who then gains power and kingmaker status. 
 Radical sovereignty. 
Radical leverage. 
Radical connection. 

Orgs are great when you aren’t in touch with the people you want to support. Our devs are *here* and you can talk to them and support them directly. 

Whole point of BTC imo. 
 I can’t figure it out for the life of me. Why would people give their precious sats to a middle man. 

Laziness? Lack of trust in themselves and their ability to decipher value? 

Like you said, we have a direct line to the people building the future we want to see and be a part of. 
 Rich people do that! They just know that there is a dedicated team who have been in bitcoin for a long period of time that can figure out to whom to pass this sats. Plus don’t forget that for the big donations you can write it off on your taxes. 
 Yes, I understand the tax implications and understand what wealthy people do. I’m referring to small nobodys such as myself. For me, the tax savings are not worth giving control over to a board, which may not be aligned with my objectives. 
 Very true words. There is no good reason why to send sats to a distributor when you can directly tip the creators you want to see supported.

On the other hand I see a point in for example ETFs not giving sats to creators they like but rather to an organization that is already trusted and committed to doing this without a focus on the ETF's interests.

But then again I would prefer if big donors would setup trusts themselves instead of just feeding one king-maker.

 I pay too.
But the users instead.
The users are even more important. 
 Only way is to sell a product or service for profit 

That's it. That's the game. Done.  
 Bro, you invented Zaps. 

Update the client with a v4v dev feature allowing for a percentage of every zap is captured and sent to Damus.

You missed that one thing during initial implementation. 

 Damus has this feature when you attach nwc and have note zaps unlocked 
 Most important part of of v4v is the ask.
If this exists, make it prominent and make it the preferred method.

Merch is a great option, but enabling passive value flow is critical.  
 Looking forward to making this more prominent in the multi-platform client. i always preferred this over subscriptions. Apple just fucked me over. 
 Hell yeah, looking forward to it. Keep crushing it. 
 I feel the same, I've never had an independent income stream, I just speak my mind and accept the consequences if they come.  Yes I've been fired a few times and had to restart all over again, but I couldn't really be any different if I tried. 
 Why do you feel the need to self censor? 
 @OpenSats never supported @SeedSigner guess why? Because @NVK is the board member and ten31 invested into coinkite. That’s bad look and we all see it. 
 This is exactly the reason why there should be no board members for donations. WE are all biased towards projects, topics, etc. 
That's why we should decide for ourselves which projects we support. But as long as the people think FOSS means free, nothing changes. 
 It doesn’t help that the F stands for free 
 It's true. NVK blocked me hear for calling out his bullshit. Odell went from freedom fighter to VC, I'd love to know if Gigi knows about this, but I can't ping him, Amethyst craps out when I try to.

 He blocked me too even as a ColdCard user, that guy is poison to the ColdCard brand. 

Not only does he give off really bad vibes, he’s just a straight up bellend. 
 I was a fan of him and CoinKite for quite some time. Sad that he seems to be on a crusade against every would-be competitor, regardless of the expense. 
 Including against COTS. Follow the money. 
 Sorry, what's COTS? 😅 
 What's COTS 
 the compulsive giggling vibe 
 Cool, I can finally edit notes. 
 I donate my ColdCard to the museum 🤷  
 It's a great decoy. 🤷 
 True 💪😂 
 I assume you are on graphene os. If so install the florisboard alpha version of keyboard from their github and it fixes the amethyst crashing issue. It is discussed on amethysts github.  
 CalyxOS with Open board. I hated Florisboard for some reason, but will try again. Thanks! 
 Yes thr board sucks but use it only when you have to tag someone, rest of the time used your preferred option.  
 Fucking the Fucking Fuckers
 that dude is a true piece of shit 
 It's true. NVK blocked me hear for calling out his bullshit. Odell went from freedom fighter to VC, I'd love to know if Gigi knows about this. 
 maybe it's because of the qualcomm chips... 
 Yeah, that's why those of us with independent income streams need to be more vocal about it and we all need to push forward with freemium models and etc.

This isn't meant as a personal criticism of Odell or Gigi, but the model will invariably have a chilling effect, for psychological reasons. Nobody bites the hands that feeds them. Producers are only truly independent, if they are being fed by many hands. 
 There is no conflict, there are 9 board members. On top of that there is a Nostr committee that are your peers. The board just follows their lead.

Not happy, build an alternative :) 
 Arschloch, das 
 Or even articulate a better way to run the organization instead of just saying it is bad. Everyone can point out problems. Proposing solutions takes effort, and executing solutions is so hard that very few even try.  
 The only reply I got from Odell  regarding my concerns was LMFAO NO. I also have concerns regarding Wavlake, add to that they both share an investor… 
Addressing the concerns would work better than avoiding them. 
 Been getting a few people dming me with similar concerns and experiences and that they are afraid of speaking out. Thats crappy, but I don’t know the solution. I’m probably at a great risk as well just for mentioning it. opensats is already unprecedented in terms of giving out no strings attached moneys to open source projects, so maybe its just an “accept it pleb” situation. If we think we can do better then someone should step up and make a competing org, but that is another hard problem all on its own. I personally am grateful there are neutral orgs like HRF that are doing work in this area and are willing to support nostr and bitcoin projects as well. We are quite spoiled already, most of open source is not like this. 
 I told people that something is really wrong, it's usually 3 things

Money, Power and Control 
 The board is a good board and additional boards turns them from altruistic foundations to competing corporations. 
 A competing board doesn't seem like as much of a solution as just normalize business plans and payment models, so that we can all slowly wean ourselves off our day jobs and/or grants.

It will take years, I think. It's a cultural change. 
 catch and kill variant 
 Let’s go 🚀 
 How can you gather the internal motivation to code and contribute to this beautiful tech? I burned out with code and politics and the life in general. It's not easy. God bless you for all that you did.  
 because its fun ! 
 Thanks Will 😃 

#BTC #Zap⚡#Nostr #FreeJulianAssange 
 Tricky wicket.  I wish we lived in a world where great work for the good of society didn’t have to deal with these hurdles and challenges. 
 It’s nice to want stuff 🤷🏼 sometimes hard to get, just the way of life. 
 Suspected something like this would happen lately. Thanks for speaking out. 
 I call it out, all the time, but get no response.

I just try to promote other clients, now. 
 Just a couple of nobody’s screaming into the void.

On the board of a non profit that invests in clients/devs that are in direct competition with the company he is heavily invested in using his vc company.

I don’t know how that even works. The mental gymnastics it must take to reason through that. From an outsiders perspective, with absolutely no understanding of how it all works, I find it difficult to understand how there can’t be a conflict of interest. 
 Well, I’m going to. 
I’m not here for popularity. 
 Me neither. 🤝 
 #methree 👍🏼 
 Probably why you guys are some of my fav folks on nostr 🤝 
 people do give a shit and talk about it behind the scenes.

first of all, what's whining about it without offering a solution or leading the way gonna change.

secondly, people don't want to create drama, get misinterpreted and ruin relationships, the community being as small as it is.

do i dislike it? yes
do i wish it got discussed more? yes
do i have a solution to offer? no 
 @miljan 🗒️ 
 I just doubt that they got a lot of money! My point was in different! That Will with his vision and understanding of nostr front run them ! Primal wasn’t in existence! Will choose that pass to the deliver the freedom of speech and user experience build on top the nostr  protocol ! I just don’t want him to give up! I wish I would have much more sats to zap such people with much more bigger amounts but I’m just a pleb 
 P.S. $1 million dollars is nothing burger nowadays. 6 devs minimum $100k salary per year and you run out of funds 
 1) Most devs aren't making six figures in USD. They aren't even earning USD.

2) If you gave me 6 full-time devs for a year, you'd get something a lot better than Primal. 
 The quality of the Primal product is low and the hype behind it is just more corporatism, which is why the feature set is as nauseating as it is.

 Any mobile nostr app that hasn't implemented amber is unusable as far as I'm concerned  
 Lol if you just earn 50k/year that's what you make in 20 years, will be 2 million in 40 years 
 $50k is an above-average income in Germany and Germans already earn much more than people in most countries. 
 Still the everage 35k will earn you a million in 30 years. 
Even an under average 25k will earn you a million in 40 years.

More interesting - why are we not all millionaires? Who is robbing our money? 

 That is literally less than what a team of five or six software engineers makes in any decent US based company. 
 really, no, most of that money will go to marketing and social and management

i estimate you get 5 good engineers, 3 good marketers and 2 managers for 1 million for a year 
 In the US? You would be quite lucky to get that. You can probably underpay the devs if you sell them your vision (and equity...) 
 my pay rate is $35/h which works out to around 54k... so 1 million is hiring 20 guys like me, for a year 
 Yeah, can get an entire software department, for that money. 
 Most experienced devs charge like 150k+ year, and thats probably on the low side. Depends if you junior or experienced. 
 Yeap! In the USA most of the devs have $100k+ salaries 
 The Internet isn't limited to Americans, tho. 
 Have you guys heard about India?

A decent dev works for $20k a year 
 Even we Europeans look like a bargain, in comparison to the Americans. 👀 
 You don't get many UX/UI focused devs in India. I'm guessing this is probably because of the university system in India. Also the timezone difference is a big pain though. Especially if you are not east coast. 
 i think those are way inflated prices, i clock about 6d20m a day and make less than half that but i'm doing this for the GFY value, and i get paid in bitcoin as well, and my boss is a chad, and we are delivering what the shitcoiners need more than anything... scalable social networks 
 I think everything just costs a lot, where they live. Probably have $10 bread, or something. 
 i can't imagine paying much more than i do for my living costs than here, no, i should be exact, i would not want to pay such a high proportion

i lived in bulgaria and serbia and rents and food costs were probably half typical germany/USA rates 

here in madeira, the rents are pretty damn high, i am not fond of this part, but the food costs are pretty much par, about the same as i paid in netherlands, serbia, bulgaria, only the rent is expensive... internet is also good here, only teh transport sucks in madeira, but partly that's just geography 
 How much do you spent in Madeira? Per month 🤔 
 That’s where you leverage bitcoin and get people from all around the globe to participate. 

For $150K a year. You get 5-7 highly skilled Jordanian Developers. 
 It's not much even when you pay 40-50k a year per dev. But it's not nothing, that's for sure. 
 We all know any amount of dollars is worth nothing 
 Felt that. 💯

 What is VC? I already am too old so VBA is Visual Basic for Applications for me, and VC is something like... Vacheron Constantin, idk. 
 Venture Capitalism 
 We’re gonna win 


 Ah well if you lose and are sad, you can curl up in your bed and cuddle your Bitcoins that'll console you.
 They may fool some of the people some of the time , but anyone whose really paying attention knows @jb55 I would not find this public space as beautiful as it is without the likes of you and several other seemingly small time operations with such huge minds and creativity ,, it’s nothing short of living art.  Thank you 🙏  
 Didn't Jack say during Nostrasia that he was the biggest point of failure on X? I took that as a lesson learned. What's going on now? 
 don't worry, primal will die for lack of funding in less than a year, like every startup 
 Ahh you might loose the odd battle but you’ll win the war for sure. Keep going 💜 
 youre about to piss me off
 Hodl that..... 
 This comes off as you are trying to bring others down because of your defeated attitude.  
 Dude shut up 
 I honestly believe that we are all trying to do the right thing here, but I agree that the distribution of opensats grants could be better.

@ODELL or @Gigi how feasible would it be to allow donations to be made to either the general opensats fund or an opensats project of our choosing? 

Do you think that would help @jb55

 The project you want to support doesn't have a cap address? Or no way to donate online directly? 
 Right now, when I donate to opensats I'm outsourcing the vetting of the projects and letting them decide which projects get different amounts of funding.

I'm not a dev and I can't review all the projects, so I have lass of an issue trusting them to vet projects. But if people have concerns with board members choosing the level of funding, that is something we could empower individuals to decide, right? 

Or maybe even by category. Like what if I want to donate to fedimint projects only, or only new LDK features (Bolt12), or only new lightning mobile wallets.  This would also help with the latest Saylor FUD... Have a no protocol changes fund, or a layer 2 only fund.

Just brainstorming really though.  Contributing to FOSS projects is literally mission critical to the future of Bitcoin. We need to make sure that aspect of Bitcoin remains as decentralized as possible.  Just throwing out ideas. 
 You're describing Geyser fund. Which already exists. I'm not sure the problem you're addressing? 
 Yea maybe. I think I'm unsuccessfully trying to point out that it's hard for non devs to identify legit projects that deserve funding, while also pointing out that it's impossible that only 9 people can bring totally unbiased opinions on funding.  Is there a way to decentralize it more without having to go all the way down to the individual project level? 
 Don't think so. Maybe @RESOLVR is what you seek? 
 Oh nice! I have actually been looking for something like this 👍 
 OnlyDevs model?!  
 @Reed thank you for the question. 

Check out


Also consider directly zapping @jb55 

cc @vrod 
 Are enough Zaps happening on NOSTR that devs could get a %?. 
 “VC-funded with lots of employees” 🤣 

Dude. We literally have 1 iOS dev.  
 the funding process should be open and fair. 
 I’m going to repeat this:

@damus is the only app that just works.

Other apps look better, have interesting functions or unique features, but Damus is the only app that works every time. 
 yeah but its only available on iOS
thats enough to make most of us not want to touch it with a 10 foot pole. 
 Would a 20 foot pole be of interest? 
 never purchased an apple product and never will.
but thats a clever line if you want to work at the apple store! 
 Workin my butt off on the android version! 
 i believe it

you are always working so hard will 
 Really excited to see it! Your excellent UX combined with no Apple restrictions will be amazing. 
 Have you used amethyst? It works fine 
 No, I’m primarily iPhone. I might give it a go on my Android phone though. 
 i have the hardware i am willing to donate to run a free public relay.
I had captnjack try to assist me in setting it up but I gave up when I hit a road block a few days in.

I am somewhere between a beginner and intermediate Linux CLI guy.

If someone can guide me through it command by command or spin up an ISO that i can simply deploy I would be happy to donate my hardware for this purpose and would commit to running it as long as  I can.   I have the necessary hardware and internet infrastructure an up time.

Happy to give back.
 I see and appreciate your vision and Damus purple 
 It is critical to everyone, not just Nostr, that you and your fellow independents, succeed. In any environment, there will others with greater strengths, that pose threats and competition.

As for the white noise, it is just that. 

We have all been programmed to be greedy. We want it all yesterday. And of course none us want to put in the effort to get that great free stuff. Hell! We got gold stars for turning up at school! 

The people adopting, testing, playing, even breaking your apps are your advocates, the ones to tune into. Sure the way they communicate can sometimes be improved.  

Keep sharing what you are doing too. When others know the great strides you have to take, to make simple things work ... maybe they will send more than love and Zaps 😀  You never know who is watching, listening and ready to support a great idea.

Keep strong, beleive in what you do. Many a great idea started with numerous set backs. And those of us that share in your dream, will have your back. 
 Every time I see this I extend my purple subscription another month 
 Hey Will, 

An alternative option is to look at equity funding, by selling your shares to your users,  instead of a VC. 

This is called equity crowdfunding. Say you need to raise $1M in exchange for 20% . Reach out to 100 users who can put in $10k each for a fraction of your company.  You will create a new company for this. 

* Company A remains as Damus - funded by grants. 
Damus is a people attracting magnet. 100% open source. No Ads. No VCs.

* Company B - Here, you can create a separate entity purely for the business/productivity suite or a valuable “other stuff” that the market needs. Single/dual class share. This will have equity investors, starting with the 100 angels for seed investment. 

**Under company B**

1. Open source at least 50% , until you can build the branding and market penetration. It will eventually become 100% open source

2. Outsource marketing and design as separate cluster entities (like how design is independent - this could work the same for PR, for marketing). 

Its a modular technique - what it does is, it removes a lot of operating expenses esp at early stages and your gross will be closer to net profit - this is a massive investor attraction.

3. Work with your 100 investors - for every person your investor brings into your productivity suite, investors earn sales commission on top of the investment returns. 

Early investors who are your users and fans of Damus will be very interested in making this business profitable. Imagine having 100 sales arms if you get 100 investors.

4. You need to work on branding, strategy and growth. After a while, maybe in a year,  whether it is patented or open source will become irrelevant (99% of the time) once branding picks up. This is the same everywhere, all the time. 

5. The $1M fund is your seed funds. Company B can eventually fund raise Series A through VCs if you want to, because you will have strong revenue. Your 100 investors can sell their shares at higher value or remain. 

Most importantly,  Damus is standalone - undisturbed - no center point of failure. Maybe Damus purple can have exclusive access to certain things that other people can’t have in company B etc

That's one possibility

There are many ways and many solutions, let your creativity go wild. You are a smart guy. You can even create some form of smart contract for these types of investment, gather investor input etc, it will be another new innovation for you. 

The options are endless. Problems = solutions = opportunity. 

** Some thoughts : 

1. No matter what you build, make sure the market wants it. You can spend shit loads of effort building it and it will go nowhere if market doesn't want it. 

2. Identify target market - where are you going to find the first 100 users for your new innovation ? First 1000 users? 

3. Open source entrepreneurship is diff from traditional entrepreneurship. 

If you can make open source entrepreneurship work successfully, then you would be a pioneer who has set up an open source entrepreneurship network. 

** On a personal note, 

1. Passive aggressiveness is a put off. Channel your good people energy in attracting people, not dividing them

2.  @jack is the good guy. He welcomed you to his home, he funded the initiative, he has supported you from the get go, he has been here lifting everyone up. I hope you didn't burn the bridge entirely and can still make amends.  

3. You can take the pisser on Miljan over his VC funding. Someone else can take a pisser on you on your first mover advantage. Negativity breeds negativity. OR - You can build solutions that can solve your problems and everyone else's problems 

** On an additional note

I did a brief cap table for you . If you raise $1M for 20%, your company post valuation would be 5M, assuming 1.5 years is a good enough time to develop, sell, get user feedback, rinse and repeat until product is a bit stable. 

And once you raise in 1.5 years at series A, your 100 investors could see a 9x return. 


I hope this helps you move forward and on a positive path. 

Good luck 
 This is interesting! 
 Great food for thought.
Pam Head of Nostr Strategy! 
 let's save that role for better qualified people. I'll go with the title "some random crazy girl with random crazy ideas" =)  
 Sounds like me too. Rando crazy thinking outside the box … sometimes way out… rarely in target … but always more rando crazy to try again.  
 > Passive aggressiveness is a put off. Channel your good people energy in attracting people, not dividing them

thats nice, i’m not going to self censor my true feelings on certain topics. If people make up some straw man interpretation of me because of that I can’t help it. if this burns bridges then oh well. I am only here to contribute to a censorship free communication network for the future that doesn’t repeat all the mistakes of the past. What people think of me is not interesting or important. If people find me so offputting that its affecting the success of nostr then I will go work on something else. 
 There’s a story in the book emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman. This couple was fighting and out of rage, she broke a painting they had. Many years later, she didn’t regret the breakup, but she missed the painting. That momentary spur and rage may not be the best indicator of life directions. 

My boss gave me this book in my first engineering job and I told him it was a great book to put me to sleep. He didn't give up, he told me, ‘Pam IQ got you here, EQ will take you all the way’. I told him, ‘I am my own person and if people can’t handle it that’s their problem’. In another conversation, I told him I am emotional and sensitive and he said, that’s a great thing because you can understand how people feel and react accordingly. I realised then, that I never saw things that way. I read the book -  and understood it wasn’t about changing who I was, but about self awareness. When I left the company, it wasn't the awards that I remember but the people who came to my farewell, beyond engineers and managers, were the cleaners, the security guards, the factory workers. It may not be much to someone else, but to me, that was my success story. 

I genuinely want to see you succeed. Everyone here wants to see you succeed. You have a lot of potential Will. But you have to overcome this self limitation and learned helplessness. And you can. Take a break, go for a walk, read the book, take a nap, feel better and start over. 

Now, on the actual 99% content of the previous note, having users as your partners and investors might be a great way to help you move forward, and you can build this solution for many other open source entrepreneurs. If you don’t like this idea, you can brainstorm many other ideas.  The goal of the note is to encourage creative solutions. 

I don’t know much, I don't have much,  but I hope anything that I have provided here will help you move forward. Good luck, Will. 
 I mean nostr isn’t the first place i would go to find high eq people across the board to be fair. I am not perfect and i don’t expect perfection from anyone on here either. You’re not wrong of course. Everything you post tends to be spot on 😅 
 Damn. Everyone needs a Pam. 
 shes good 👀 
 I think you meant "high IQ"?

I disagree. IMHO anyone who can navigate out of Mainstream Social Media and take up nostr is a high functioning individual. 
 Dude. You are such a champion for “what Nostr is” … but you miss out on “what Nostr has made”.

If emotional intelligence is to be found anywhere online, Nostr has it. 

As a Nostr developer, if this is not the “first” place you look for EI, it should certainly be the third (after family and god). 

If Nostr is a sanctuary … if you want it. 
 its ok, took much eq is boring =) the burn out, the jadedness, the mental stress etc is real. the financial stress sucks the living hell out of you. But you are super smart, don't forget that. You can and you will find many better ways, and pave the way for others.  
 > emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman

It's a real inspiring book!

 Nahhhhh. Say what you want. We don’t want no BITCH ASS devs around here 💩

 This is dope! Also @jb55 I’m happy to help with any branding whenever that’s needed 🤎 we just worked with Zeus on some brand strategy and design a few months back:

 Make a good product and it will win. The extreme altruists who believe a donations based revenue structure will result in the best product is delusional. 
 Tor support is a great way for relays ( and clients) to differentiate 
 Yes 🙌 

Overall design could be part of it.  Imagine using the typical nostr client over tor from Russia, too much bandwidth it would be loading forever.  I think he probably just doesn't have time to mess around with nostr in its current form.  Outboxes, bandwidth saving proxies, relay discovery.  These things will be ready the next time he tries (in a while because didn't he just have a baby?)


I can't imagine him being in Russia and being allowed to use social media freely anyway, even via tor (duh his account says it's him, they absolutely know who and where he is at all times) .. so that means it's probably his job to use it and he's under heavy Russian influence and can only do what they tell him.  So they told him not to promote nostr or etc.

Am I the only one thinking like this?  Why does it seem like everyone assumes he's in a safe spot and has freedom?  He already gave all that up to try to help the USA citizens.  It's gone.  I'm sure he would rather forget the internet exists at this point.  Whatever reason he is on X, it's only to an extent that Russia allows him. 
 Wait, you’re not talking about Alex Jones are you? Are you talking about Snowden? 
 Can’t wait, this is a fantastic project since long before the dawn of time, before any choices were made for the chosen to stand out. 
 Snowden yeah.  If he's truly decided to use nostr, we would never know it.  He would have a diff account and hide it well.   
 no need to even create an account at all, if all you want to do is read public notes 
 Can’t wait, this is a fantastic project since long before the dawn of time, before any choices were made for the chosen to stand out. 
 Snowden yeah.  If he's truly decided to use nostr, we would never know it.  He would have a diff account and hide it well.   
 no need to even create an account at all, if all you want to do is read public notes 