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 > Passive aggressiveness is a put off. Channel your good people energy in attracting people, not dividing them

thats nice, i’m not going to self censor my true feelings on certain topics. If people make up some straw man interpretation of me because of that I can’t help it. if this burns bridges then oh well. I am only here to contribute to a censorship free communication network for the future that doesn’t repeat all the mistakes of the past. What people think of me is not interesting or important. If people find me so offputting that its affecting the success of nostr then I will go work on something else. 
 There’s a story in the book emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman. This couple was fighting and out of rage, she broke a painting they had. Many years later, she didn’t regret the breakup, but she missed the painting. That momentary spur and rage may not be the best indicator of life directions. 

My boss gave me this book in my first engineering job and I told him it was a great book to put me to sleep. He didn't give up, he told me, ‘Pam IQ got you here, EQ will take you all the way’. I told him, ‘I am my own person and if people can’t handle it that’s their problem’. In another conversation, I told him I am emotional and sensitive and he said, that’s a great thing because you can understand how people feel and react accordingly. I realised then, that I never saw things that way. I read the book -  and understood it wasn’t about changing who I was, but about self awareness. When I left the company, it wasn't the awards that I remember but the people who came to my farewell, beyond engineers and managers, were the cleaners, the security guards, the factory workers. It may not be much to someone else, but to me, that was my success story. 

I genuinely want to see you succeed. Everyone here wants to see you succeed. You have a lot of potential Will. But you have to overcome this self limitation and learned helplessness. And you can. Take a break, go for a walk, read the book, take a nap, feel better and start over. 

Now, on the actual 99% content of the previous note, having users as your partners and investors might be a great way to help you move forward, and you can build this solution for many other open source entrepreneurs. If you don’t like this idea, you can brainstorm many other ideas.  The goal of the note is to encourage creative solutions. 

I don’t know much, I don't have much,  but I hope anything that I have provided here will help you move forward. Good luck, Will. 
 I mean nostr isn’t the first place i would go to find high eq people across the board to be fair. I am not perfect and i don’t expect perfection from anyone on here either. You’re not wrong of course. Everything you post tends to be spot on 😅 
 Damn. Everyone needs a Pam. 
 shes good 👀 
 I think you meant "high IQ"?

I disagree. IMHO anyone who can navigate out of Mainstream Social Media and take up nostr is a high functioning individual. 
 Dude. You are such a champion for “what Nostr is” … but you miss out on “what Nostr has made”.

If emotional intelligence is to be found anywhere online, Nostr has it. 

As a Nostr developer, if this is not the “first” place you look for EI, it should certainly be the third (after family and god). 

If Nostr is a sanctuary … if you want it. 
 its ok, took much eq is boring =) the burn out, the jadedness, the mental stress etc is real. the financial stress sucks the living hell out of you. But you are super smart, don't forget that. You can and you will find many better ways, and pave the way for others.  
 > emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman

It's a real inspiring book!

 Nahhhhh. Say what you want. We don’t want no BITCH ASS devs around here 💩
