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 i got this life hack from @jack. you guys gotta just try it before you bash it, trust me on this

i’ve had no booze, no caffeine for a month.

i have raw eggs and fruit juice instead of coffee, way more nutritious and way more energy.

i eat a lot of red meat and butter throughout the day. cook my steaks blue, sometimes medium rare.

then i build shit for others and stack sats. 

if we’re all gonna live ~75 years you can try something for a few weeks. it’s been incredible 

 Even more important considering that we have a good chance of living a lot longer than that 
 the reason for raw eggs and blue steaks by the way is cooking the food removes a lot of the nutrients. it also tastes better, i don’t know how to explain it you just gotta try it 
 It also removes some of the things that can make you really sick lol 
 nah that’s a fiat take brother 
 Or it's just reality and has nothing to do with money at all. Microorganisms are real. You do you, but saying you aren't taking a risk is total bullshit. 
 And cooking allows for easier digestion and probably results in better nutrition as a result, even if the food does lose some when cooked.

This is the leading thought behind our smaller digestive systems, different teeth/jaws, larger brain sizes, and even our social structures.

Animals likely became man because they cooked.

Anyway, I'm glad you're happy. That's all that matters really. 
 Is a fact. That the probability is low if you source the food from top notch farmers is another thing 
 Being a top notch farmer, whatever that even means, doesn't just magically stop all microorganisms from existing. 
 Why would you want to kill all the microorganisms in your food? Do you drink purell to get rid of all your gut microbiome? 

If you’re gonna drink water from a dirty pond then it makes sense to boil it first. Water from a glacier is probably fine to drink as is.

Same applies to food. If it’s low quality and dirty then cook it. If it’s of great quality and pristine then it’s fine to eat raw.

It’s not rocket science. Just common sense 
 no but it does very likely mean that food from them is gonna hurt 99% of ppl. Although today with all the allergies fake and real being on the rise in USA i can't really say that with the same confidence as I can in my own little EU country
 This is same logic govts use to gatekeep the benefits of raw dairy 
 There is no logic in government gatekeeping food, but it isn't like people werent getting really fucking sick from the raw milk at the time. Cleaner manufacturing can solve that today, but just disregarding the problem is ridiculous. Times and technology change, but you're still taking a greater risk.

That's fine if you accept that. Denying the risk is not fine in my opinion. 
 I disagree that you’re taking a greater net risk today. All of this depends on the individuals digestive system. But there is also risks when consuming pasteurized dairy: 

Damages Proteins
•Destroys Probiotics
•Damages Omega-3s
•Destroys Lactase Producing Bacteria
• Inhibits Bioavailable Nutrients (Calcium, Phosphorus & Others)
•Creates A Histamine Response
•Deactivates Many Immune Factors

Which can lead to:

•Lactose Intolerance 
 idk man, do raw eggs actually taste better? do you at least add some s&p? 
 This is not exactly true. Cooking food changes the bioavailability of various nutrients. That is to say it changes what is available for your body to absorb. Some nutrients will become more available some less.  As with everything diet related, moderation and variety is the key. 
 Wait you put raw eggs into the juice? 
 How many for a glass? 1? 2? 
 I used to drink Prarie Omlettes for breakfast, same thing right? 
 May give it a try. Getting off caffeine is going to be a pain though, at least for a few days. 
 yeah the withdrawals are a motherfucker. the science behind that is crazy 
 Ok I'll try the OJ and eggs that looks interesting  
 can’t even taste the eggs. it’s pretty good actually 
 But raw eggs 😭 
 My grandma since young consume 2 Free-range chick egg + honey, no breakfast no lunch, and at 5 noon 1 meal. She Healthy live till 96 yo 
 I guess you do wanna cook the steak a bit if you're not 100% sure on the quality tho no? 
 I used to drink raw eggs when I was a kid a lot.

I do love blue steaks, will be hard to get rid of morning coffee though.

I guess I couls give it a go as I am planning on living long 😉 
 I don’t drink alcohol. 
 I've been amazed at what a carnivore (or near carnivore) diet has done for me. I might try this eventually. I just feel badly after taking in a lot of sugar, even if its all natural. 
 Interesting. I'll give it a try and jack up my diet. Coffee will be missed, but it's more a cozy calm morning habit than a need. 
 yolks only? 
 Also curious. I thought I saw Dorsey mention yolks only. 
 I will HODL for 30 years but I swear I will NEVER give up coffee no way 
 Like Rocky 🥊😁 
 The longer you live, the more sats you'll have when you die. 
 Just the yolk or egg white as well? 
 Used to drink raw egg as a teenager going through a fitness craze/regime. Quality eggs very important. Another small thing, the acid in the fruit juice will likely kill/denature any nasties in a bad egg. 
 The large quantity of sugar and resulting insulin spike are more harmful to your physiology than caffeine ever could be. Just being honest here. 
 You blend it? What are the proportions and what juice? 
 Used to down a ton of raw eggs years ago but was told BCAA don’t break down well raw (not sure about this). Otherwise great with juice.

Blue steak - all day long.

Went 7 years with no coffee (maybe some caffeinated tea). I like coffee but it isn’t a long term energy boost.

5 plus years no booze. 

Haven’t touched the sticky icky this year. 

Not against either. 

Need to research butter aspect to the msm narrative.

Local/back door/your door or a friend’s door eggs are the absolute best. Night and day to chain crap!

Bash drums, not people! Let’s go! 
 75 is the new 35 
 Raw Egg-White is an anti-nutrient, you should not eat that. Look into Avidin which is in raw egg white - it prevents b-vitamin from binding.  Raw egg yolk is the bomb though 
 Why would you quit coffee? 
 You gotta add in fermented food. I make my own sauerkraut and kombucha for very very cheap. Both are delicious and we need healthy guts for longevity too 
 What about lifting? We need Jacked Mallers. 
 Metabolism maxing

I love it 
 are the raw eggs mixed in with the OJ, or separate?  
 I have questions 
 except for the Salmonella.
Potential Risks of Raw Eggs
Eating raw eggs can be potentially dangerous if they contain Salmonella. 
. Salmonella causes about 30 deaths in the United States each year.
If you're choosing raw eggs because of the protein punch, it might surprise you that cooked eggs can actually give your body more protein.

Cooking eggs breaks down the protein, making it easier for you to digest, which means your body will have more protein to use. 
 do you stir the raw eggs into the OJ?  Or just Rocky Balboa style? 
 I was just in Vietnam and was surprised to see that they drink their coffee with a raw egg stirred into it. 
 I didn't know there were so many nutritionists on nostr...  
 you really should consider monitoring your cholesterol levels with this kind of diet. Even if you're young familial hypercholesterolemia can be a concern  
 No. Are you a 19th century doctor, or do you still believe everything in the textbooks/food pyramid propaganda? 
Is there a race on nostr for who can score a heart attack first? yes I do trust the textbooks, maybe one of those hardcore carnivores on nostr can do a lipid profile reveal. 
 apoB and triglycerides are my only concern if you have a genetic predisposition for metabolic disease. Cholesterol measured as LDL is unreliable in indicating healthy metabolism or CVD risk. Please read or listen to Peter Attia’s series on cholesterol https://peterattiamd.com/the-straight-dope-on-cholesterol-part-i/

Cholesterol is produced and found in every cell in your body and is vital for hormone production, liver detoxification and bile production, cell and nerve signaling, healing etc.

Generally carnivore advocates report triglycerides go down even on high saturated fat keto/paleo/carnivore diets while LDL scores skyrocket (except for Ken Berry) so this may just be genetic predisposition for free cholesterol in the blood.

What we do know is that OXIDATION causes arteriosclerosis in blood vessels when LDL particles stick to blood walls and oxidize. Also important is arterial calcification, where in smokers and insulin resistant individuals (pre or diabetic) arterial walls are more prone to attract oxidized particles.

Pro-inflammatory foods such as highly-processed, toxin and antinutrient laden modern foods DO cause inflammation in the body leading to more oxidative stress and potentially cardiovascular disease. This includes most plants which don’t have claws to defend themselves or hooves to run away, so they almost always produce chemicals to deter being eaten. This is the ideology behind NOT eating these foods on these diets.

What’s reported on low-inflammation elimination diets such as these are that regardless of dietary saturated fat intake and measurable LDL (some even report 500-600mg/dL) arterial calcification scores generally go down as well.

Now is this partially due to higher satiation - more calorie and nutrient dense foods being consumed leading to more time between meals where the body has a chance to process oxidation and clean the blood via apoptosis? Is it better bioavailability of animal foods or more vitamin and mineral support for natural anti-inflammatory and detoxification pathways in the body? Or is it simply depriving the body of toxins and phytonutrients in general leading to less oxidative stress?

Nostriches eating sticks of butter and raw eggs if they do post their lipid profiles will likely be high, but this blood snapshot really doesn’t tell the right story. I’m more keen to hear reports of better mood, vitality, strength, mental acuity, and lower CAC scores personally.

More studies need to be done rather than mostly anecdotal evidence. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0735109720356874 
 I appreciate the fact that there is a real research behind it not just following an internet trend. So according to you even though LDL might be high in people with a carnivore diet it won't necessarily lead to atherosclerosis plaque formation because it involves oxidation, and a low-inflammatory diet (carnivore diet) can prevent this oxidation. Hmm I feel like it's too theoretical and risky. I really don't think it's as simple as that, and in reality there might still be oxidation and plaque formation. Are there any scientific studies supporting this? With evaluations of apoB levels and CAC scanning?
Also it's mentioned in the article you shared that genetic predispositions impact the association between saturated fat consumption and cardiovascular risks. So just because a youtuber or Jack on nostr has a carnivore diet without consequences on their cardiovascular health it absolutely doesn't mean it will be the same for you.
 I simply think it's too risky, and the potential benefits aren't worth it. I'd rather have less vitality, strength, and a better mood than having to get stents at 50. 
 Yes, not enough backed evidence IMO and the genetic mutation is a big factor to monitor if you’re predisposed. I do not know of any studies specifically looking at these measures and mechanisms.

Without a health lifestyle, it doesn’t matter either. And until further research and replicated studies, I agree it is a risk to go against what most doctors will tell you without proper supervision and regular scans/testing.

There is a dearth of people, many doctors who even disagree in the paleo/ancestral/carnivore sphere on things such as “do you need fiber”, “fat soluble vitamin toxicity”, “are fruits, honey and dairy ok”, and “impact of environmental toxins”? but most all agree insulin resistance (metabolic disease) and inflammation are the driving causes of CHD and obesity in general.

I don’t believe it’s the best diet for all people; just like I don’t believe people should live in ketosis 24/7. 
 Well thanks for all this info, it was really interesting. Honestly, I'm no expert when it comes to diets, I just try to keep things balanced with animal/plant proteins, fruits/vegetables, fibers but I also enjoy pasta and bread 😄 
 Wow, really. Eggs & OJ.

Sounds pretty hectic. But I’ll give it a go and report back. Kinda scared tho. Not gonna lie 
 Drinking juice is pretty much like drinking coke with vitamins. Too much sugar. You need fiber to go with it. Massive insulin spikes.  
 Absolutely agree. And uncooked whites actually INHIBIT protein absorption and can induce biotin deficiency if you do this every day. Would rather try this with separate yolks and just eat fruit slices….maybe grilled fruit? Blend in some raw milk kefir with fruit, then @jack mallers grill already hot n ready for that fatty cut and BOOM. 
 I recently did a food intolerance test and my immune system reacts to all the products made out of cow... Kefir included. 

So would test that out. 

Really, there's no solution that suits everybody. Need to do your own research. 

Btw, was eating carnivore for a bit of time & fucked up my digestive system & liver too... Just couldn't handle as much protein & now have to eat lots of veggies (and beef too 2x per week) to fix it up. 

In other words - do your own research.  
 I don’t think kefir is for everyone, just like not everyone has the enzyme to process milk proteins in their genes. I would question what your food ate? Were you eating grain fed ruminant meat? Did you cut out everything but meat and clean water to start? It does take some time to recolonize your colon, your liver has to switch to metabolizing fat, and your bile production takes a bit too.

What liver tests did you have done? 
 I've done blood tests & immune response tests. 

And as for meat - I was eating grass-fed one. I was eating more things than meat for sure, though that was 70-80% of my diet. 

95% paleo diet I'd say.  
 This is the Orange Julius for bitcoiners 
 I will give it a go, who couldn’t use more energy👍🏽😁🚀 
 Boiling eggs is nice and all, but here on the Nostr, our new thing is to put raw eggs into orange juice. 👀🤣

 I have a crazy idea, now hear me out... Scramble them first, and then have them on the side, with a slice of bacon. 
 Hello Jack and Jack, 

please let me know if  this  diet safe?   I will definitely not do it for spiritual reasons but my teenage son is a rebellion and he wants to have non-vegetarian food. So if this diet is safe I will rather give him this instead of other non-healthy non-vegetarian food. Thanks 
 it certainly feels healthy 
 Ok Jacks. Here we go. 🥚🍊

@jack @jack mallers

 What about the risk of salmonella and verms? 
 On the outside of the egg. Either clean (your farm fresh) eggs or buy sanitized crappy eggs from the store. Omega 3-6 balance will be better with animals fed an evolutionary appropriate diet. 
 Or just be careful when you crack them - you’ll be fine. 
 Thought @jack was oman 
 Breakfast! Been drinking them Rocky style for many years at least 3 times a week. It's good stuff.

If you're drinking raw eggs daily, make sure you keep your biotin levels in check (never had an issue myself) as some people can develop "egg white injury syndrome" and that's no bueno.

Never thought to try them blended with juice 🤔 Looks good, will def give it a shot. 💪😋

 Followed #plebchain 
 Is your food fed corn and soy or do you have a hookup with a based farmer who lets their hens scratch and forage? Excited to try! Ty 🙏 
 You're very rich.... 
 Golden Gate Bridges