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 nostr:npub19dp9um2zqefaepyr8pphfgcjkf6mc0f5ag75ndyt9fszdepw9c5qt2zwzj it’ll be about 90% of wha... 
 @38629c61 I can imagine :) Maybe a prize for working probiotic yogurt cultures into a gag instead. From what I see today it's Trumpet level stuff, so ridiculous it's challenging to think of anything more stupid for a gag. 
 The fact The News Quiz for Radio 4 has me on during the week of the Tory Party Conference, meanin... 
 @38629c61 special prize if you can avoid saying culture wars / war / warrior 
 Do you ever think about abandoned tech trees? Like how no one is working to design better draftin... 
 @134318c2 alternate uses of out of patent medications are a good example too. No money in it. 
 nostr:npub19dp9um2zqefaepyr8pphfgcjkf6mc0f5ag75ndyt9fszdepw9c5qt2zwzj Why are more men not like y... 
 @53de482a oh I’ve been an arse plenty times, just ask my partner and she will list them all in order 🤣 
 I don’t need you to tell me that Barbie is shallow. I don’t need you to tell me that TikTok i... 
 @53de482a a big reason I follow you mate is I'm certain you know lots of things I don't, even putting your life experiences aside. Please tell me to fuck right off if I ever reply guy, I'm from Glasgow and am well used to it :) 
 @58fbd252 I often think back and wish Clinton hadn’t been passive about this sort of weird creepy bully man BS. If only she’d just say - what is wrong with you? Do you have some sort of illness? 
 🎃 OK, so I got the Halloween competition email from work today and there's an extra rule: the ... 
 [extremely Linda Yaccarino voice]: Sitting is the opposite of standing 
 @53de482a that’s such a C suite type of thing to say. A post on LinkedIn to influence the ‘influenceable by business Jedi Mind Tricks’ crowd 🤣 
 @53de482a also, I could totally hear Jenna Maroney off of 30 Rock repeating that sagely. 
 Me when something isn’t amazing: That’s amazing 
 @53de482a better than 'awesome', the most over-used word ever, thank you Americans, you're awesome! 
 @53de482a There won't ever be a better illustration of the vacuousness of "awesome!"
 :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4U0141mabVA 
 @43d7c4ea @0b29c469 @134318c2 @264363cd your piece chimes with a lot of experience, but the interesting point for me is that you mentioned US Vs U.K. productivity - are you suggesting this poor management issue isn’t as prevalent in the US, and if so why? What springs to mind is the more ruthless removal of folks seen as underperforming, and the more agressive American management culture, but not really sure tbh and don’t know of any data. 
 @f3257070 I remember going to see it, with my cousins, especially going to the Treasure Island arcade in Glasgow after, and playing Xevious and maybe Tron. Not sure how far into it being released in the U.K. though. Was 13 :) Very early 80s memory hehe 👾🕹️💫 
 Why is there not an app where people can suggest systemic or policy changes to a certain region a... 
 @53de482a Sounds a little like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens%27_Assembly_%28Ireland%29 heard many people advocate for such in the U.K. and should’ve been done after Brexit in my view to create some sort of consensus. 
 nostr:npub19dp9um2zqefaepyr8pphfgcjkf6mc0f5ag75ndyt9fszdepw9c5qt2zwzj oui je déteste la chaleur 
 @f3257070 c’est difficile quand vous viens de Glasgow. J’ai habité à Glasgow depuis 50 ans. 22 C est une canicule en Écosse :) 30+ en France 🥵 oh la la. 
 The ambitious part of me really resents how absolutely essential downtime and stress recovery is ... 
 @53de482a It’s a truism I think that if you don’t stop for your body, your body will stop you. 
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 @ed709062 the similar behaviour that does exist in trades can be seen any time you try to fix something in your U.K. bathroom - contemporary toilets that have the cistern built into the wall, or lack of, or inaccessible stop cock valves to isolate leaks and such like. 
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 @f3257070 good choice. Trainspotting or The Wicker Man strong contenders.