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 Lot of things going on for me at the moment. 
 what's up with you, young-blood? 
 Three years in a row lads.
ZOG ain't happy.
Compulsory military service inbound for burgers.

 >implications that graphics of women are now more attractive than the real thing
how will women handle being replaced by AI?
will they sperg out like the US does when the dollar is challenged, or will they go quietly into irrelevance like the Spanish / Portuguese empires? 
 And who gets to decide what speech is "hate"?  You? 
 Everyday I think how much fucking money I could be making selling weed to potheads, they are so f... 
there's no money in selling weed.
it's like the entry level drug everyone sells when they get the bright idea they can make bank selling Persian Rugs.
There's more people selling weed than there is smoking it.

That said, i did grow it for a while & did alright selling to my friends, but the only reason i made anything was because had no real overheads because growing it. 
 the problem is BRICS trading without a reserve currency. US dollar purchases down 8% last year (how much this year?).
Some serious cope about this from boomer burgers on /pol/ kvetching that BRICS isn't a threat because none of their currencies are reliable / trusted enough to assume reserve currency status.
They don't seem to realize, reserve currency isn't needed when you have commodities to barter, not only that, seem to be doing it intentional.
Shifting reserve currency is how how zog is able to shift from host to host, Dutch-> UK -> US etc.

The beauty of bartering commodities instead of using a reserve currency is, no medium / middlemen required, ergo parasites need not apply. 
 Did Jesus’s apostles used too be jews before he was like, my dudes, jews are gay af. 
 didn't call em synagogue of satan for nothing 
 Holy shit

that's a cracker
hope nobody tells him 
 nostr:npub1yd32dfj0939jc7rv33ztappygxnjek3m54789m4ywxr2wjse8a0sk6juh3 nostr:npub1ecj3mfr9lzvx7wh6... 
 i never said they don't have agency, they do, in the context of their nature.
does a dog have agency? yeah, limited to within the context of its nature.
you're assuming men & women's natures are identical, they're not, they're complimentary opposites. 
 nostr:npub1tdsdk6l08hvq9q7737gm42c3fyq5xgqmy4lpvmda5hqaemhkhhzqz6djq2 nostr:npub1xxmkdm3qzxvy6g06... 
 >In other words, you might say women lack agency, and may or may not have integrity, but a woman in a moment of self-reflection would say, and would indicate, that women have agency, but lack integrity.
I really don't think it's a conscious thing.  Women don't feel about you the way you feel about them, because they've evolved not to as a coping mechanism.  Historically, they're part of the spoils of war.  When a tribe was conquered, some men were kept as slave labour, most killed.  The women were carried off as booty by the victors.  That mean's the man on top of her later that night, is the same man she watched kill her father & brothers in the morning.  That's why they've a totally different psychology.

Men are the romantics of the sexes.  Man built the Taj Mahal for the woman he loved, Helen of Troy's face launched a thousand ships out to war.  Everything- or at least most- a man does in life, whether it's get a degree to get on the ladder to become an executive, become a tech bro or start a business, ultimately he's doing it to win the affections of the woman who will bare his children.

Once you understand it in it's proper context, it's easier to not resent them for something that's not really their fault.

 Ok, then, why not stop what obviously is antagonistic to us, and start seeing how we operate. 

but if i see something good, i'm posting it 
 Here, to make this simple

1. Why are you here?
2. Do you like poast's culture?
3. If not, then w... 
 >1. Why are you here?
novelty, it's new to me
>2. Do you like poast's culture?
haven't had a chance to actually see it, will let you know when i do
>3. If not, then why persists in attacking while joining?
i'm not the one attacking 
 i have no problem being brigaded.
my problem is being band for standing my ground 
 You stupid fucking nigger the reason we drive people off is because we have our own culture here ... 
 in fairness, the culture borrows heavily from 4chan.  The use of slurs/  in-jokes as fidelity tests (just missing the gore).
also there's greentext.
look, it's just a bit of cross platform posting. look at all the screengrabs from other websites that are both news & injecting content to encourage debate and lulz.
to be honest, i think my original point still stands.
the internet is de-centralizing- and i think that's a good thing - but it's up to users to cross platform post to make sure info spreads.

i mean, if you just want a monolithic culture with only your own selected clique of users, what's the point in the website?  A private discord would be more suitable. 
 This isn't 4chan/Twitter 

Sept fags never fail 
 >If I respond I'll be brigaded by an entrenched clique for defending myself and ultimately b&
all i'm saying is, i don't go a round trying to brigade / run people from the site.
the block option is there for a reason. people should be encouraged to use it.  i've literally seen people on here bragging about gettin' people to rage quit.
i think that's wrong,. there's those that clearly provoke others, exercising clout.
I'm just doing a bit of cross platform posting, which is congruent with the spirit of fediverse.  that's how information / ideas are disseminated.  i'm not lookin' to enthrone myself here like just another fractal of Plato's cave.

 so if I go to Saudi Arabia and say "hey, I'll pay your .25 btc for your drum of oil" they'll say no? 
 >what happens if I don't buy oil in dollars
ask Ghedaffi & Saddam Hussein what happens

here's a reasonably good basic rundown on the petro-dollar
 sure you can. whose gonna stop you? 
 from buying the dollar?
the fact you've to buy dollars to purchase oil 
 The Holy Roman Empire was literally fractured, and it took someone OUTSIDE the CHURCH to unite it... 
 >Religion doesn't bring people together
The Crusades would like a word withy you 
 same answer 
 it's not, dude.
you can't reject reserve currency by default, that's why it's the reserve currency. 
 No, the Bank of England didn't; you can say "your money is no good here" 
 then why is the dollar the reserve currency? 
 No idea

Don't have a clue what Christian nationalism is other than a slogan campaign of what see... 
 >I agree considering how gay the idea of a National Identity only based around religion is.
Holy Roman Empire would like a word with you 
 >Anglo's built merit based institutions
did they though?
What launched the British Empire was the Bank of England - which was the federal reserve of their day.
With unlimited FIAT printing, were able to out bid every American investor on Wall St, buying controlling shares in legitimate industry.
Not to mention establishing East India Company, which was the biggest drug dealer in the world.

There's nothing ground breaking in operating an inter-generational money counterfeiting criminal enterprise. 
 >WASHINGTON, Sept 27 (Reuters) - Chinese hackers who breached Microsoft's (MSFT.O) email platform this year managed to steal tens of thousands of emails from U.S. State Department accounts, a Senate staffer told Reuters on Wednesday.

 More information needs to be published about the Council on Foreign Relations. A thorough body of... 
 This stuff isn't hidden
 well the sadistic narcissism is alarming...but it's not bad advice for a lot of people... 
 i don't know what to make of it.
there's an archive link in the bread.
it's dark, complex, tragic... something else i can't quite put my finger on.
have to wait for the facts to come out, if it is him & assuming he's telling at least some truth.
chaps life got ruined, lost everything he worked for, then snapped & murdered the people involved.

again, assuming its him & assuming there's some truth in his version of events 
i won't ask why that's even an option 
 you’re not a bot, unmark yourself as a bot now please 
 literally just messaged you lads about that. what's with that, what do i do? 
 The internet is so gay now. 
 >The internet is so gay now.
not everywhere mind, but it's gettin' slim picking's.
moderation is way too heavy, even in places that are "pro free speech."
It get's to the stage you have cliques, that basically haunt their little enclave & if they dislike you, they'll get onto the mods to get you b&.

being on the internet is now essentially you re-living your school years as an adult. 
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 also, if i could play devil's advocate for a moment, it's not all on women.
Men aren't without our own baggage.  How many men out there bitchin' & moaning about the absolute fuckin' state of women, yet themselves have unrealistic expectations?
Modern men's minds have been totally warped by porn.  I've had countless conversations of this nature with men online.  These men complain about women's totally unrealistic expectations, yet how many of them shun that plain Jane in work or serving at the counter when they pay for their morning coffee?
I have legit had conversations with men saying they couldn't have a relationship with someone they're not attracted to.  lemme let you in on a secret, buddy, go 2-4 weeks without a wank, see how attractive that plain Jane in work becomes.
Most men historically, married a 4-5/ 10 plain Jane.
Lotta them about - not on dating apps- that are just as lonely as men, craving a family.
who's giving them a chance? 
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 My take on this is, in same way I'm a race realist, i'm also a gender realist.
People are throwing that word agency around without realizing it's limited to a person's nature.

Do blacks have agency? yeah, limited to their nature. Their nature is - lower IQ, lack of abstract thought, low impulse control etc.
it's helpful to apply the same rationale to women. Don't expect them to behave according to agency or you'll generally be severely disappointed.  Expect them to behave according to their nature.

When you say that word "agency" to me regarding women, i feel like face-palming because you may as well be asking blacks to imbibe and retain information above what their IQ permits, ponder abstract concepts & not be so impulsive.  Most of them are gravely deficient in these qualities, however, you're not.
So it's up to you to factor this in while decision making / planning.

Does that mean you excuse blacks / women's behavior?  No it means you take into account & plan accordingly.

women are the niggers of gender. 
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 dude look, if it means that much to you, ban be me.
attack the arguments, not the man.
it's just a bit of posting... 
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 >Nobel Prize Winners
what an absolute meme! It's by consensus / committee sure.

The proof is in the eating of the pudding... Inventions.
Who invented / discovered practically everything making the modern world possible?

i rest my case...