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 >Anglo's built merit based institutions
did they though?
What launched the British Empire was the Bank of England - which was the federal reserve of their day.
With unlimited FIAT printing, were able to out bid every American investor on Wall St, buying controlling shares in legitimate industry.
Not to mention establishing East India Company, which was the biggest drug dealer in the world.

There's nothing ground breaking in operating an inter-generational money counterfeiting criminal enterprise. 
 No, the Bank of England didn't; you can say "your money is no good here" 
 then why is the dollar the reserve currency? 
 same answer 
 it's not, dude.
you can't reject reserve currency by default, that's why it's the reserve currency. 
 sure you can. whose gonna stop you? 
 from buying the dollar?
the fact you've to buy dollars to purchase oil 
 so if I go to Saudi Arabia and say "hey, I'll pay your .25 btc for your drum of oil" they'll say no? 
 >what happens if I don't buy oil in dollars
ask Ghedaffi & Saddam Hussein what happens

here's a reasonably good basic rundown on the petro-dollar