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 What the fuck am I even looking at here 
 No idea

Don't have a clue what Christian nationalism is other than a slogan campaign of what seems to be a retarded concept if I go by it's name.
Then, Lutherans who seem to be a majority in the online christian circles, are accused of calling it leftism.
And to top it off, I agree considering how gay the idea of a National Identity only based around religion is. 
 >I agree considering how gay the idea of a National Identity only based around religion is.
Holy Roman Empire would like a word with you 
 The Holy Roman Empire was literally fractured, and it took someone OUTSIDE the CHURCH to unite it. 

Religion doesn't bring people together, as seen by the multiple wars throught out the middles ages. You're an ahistoric moron 
 >Religion doesn't bring people together
The Crusades would like a word withy you 
 They literally went to Constantinople and shacked it, retard 
 The Stone Choir guys give a slightly different picture of Christian Nationalism. The version they describe is more "A society that tries to order itself according to the way God made us, because that's Christian. God clearly (scriptural precedent + basic observation) made us in such a way that Nationalism (based in race) works well, so this order naturally includes Nationalism." 

It seems that the term has largely been taken over by colorblind Christians who are trying to erase the "natio" root meaning. I wish there were a decent book/essay I could point to. 
 That's some 4k listener podcast, of Lutherans who were excommunicated by their own Church and for all I know, Lutherans and Protestants broadly, really only on scripture, on scripture that has been edited by Churches and events they don't recognize as truly Christian. 

To give an example of how much they rely on scripture, they will tell me Mary had 6 other kids after Jesus and she didn't die a virgin, when the protoevangelion of James clearly recounts the story of Mary, where she was raised in a temple and as she approached puberty, because the menstrual cycles would be considered unclean, they decided for a widower to take care of her, the pull lots, where Joseph is to be her care taker, as a man who already had sons from his previous wife. 

And all this, I remember from my own education and just from looking at the story online. And yet I am to listen to these people tell me, ''Mary had kids after Jesus.'' And they will deny that story because, ''It's not in The Bible.'' 
Ahh yes, the pre-selected texts from Churches that are not seen as, ''actually Christian.'' 
 >To give an example of how much they rely on scripture, they will tell me Mary had 6 other kids after Jesus and she didn't die a virgin
Been going to lutheran churches my whole life and I've never once heard this taught as definitive doctrine.  *at most* one pastor said, "yeah, we're not 100% sure because scripture isn't completely clear one way or the other, so that probably means we don't need to worry about it that much".  Sorry you found some unhinged baptist or something snd that's colored your entire understanding of protestantism though. 
 Nah, it's the Mr. Eschatology from Stone Choir actually that I saw that from. 

Also in my quest to find his post I found him lecturing about the wording in the Bible and I just had to laugh as a Greek, ''The root of all evil is avarice, which seduces the faithful away from faith and causes them great suffering.'' 

Took me like 45 mins but found it: nitter.poast.org/treblewoe/status/1675648483217358848#m

Link to his scripture autism: nitter.poast.org/treblewoe/status/1682451171858960407#m


 And if I dare hear, ''he didn't say 6 other kids.''

The ''fiction of the perpetual virginity of Mary.'' implies that every child Joseph had, was with Mary, not with his previous wife. 
 I remember someone saying there was an interesting historical thing that is always ignored that Jesus having Saint John take care of his mother would have been a massive insult to his "brothers." 
 I will say, for honesty's and to be forthright, I am not a priest neither a scholar. A lot of my knowledge is based on my education in Greek public schools and whatever I can find myself online, relying on what I assume to be ''dodgy translations'' of the Bible and other scriptures. 
 It seems good and consistent with what I've heard. There is so much I haven't gone through and am still learning. 
 My end point in all this, Woe seems like a self-righteous guy who uses ''The word of God'' as his excuse to brown beat people into submission. He doesn't do it to spread the faith, to genuinely and sincerely convince people, he's not even judgmental, he says, 
''you're wrong, I'm right, no point discussing it.'' and frankly, that's the last person I would trust, not only as a Christian, as a White-Nationalist, as someone to fight the good fight, as a friend. 
I don't see him as anything else but an untrustworthy piece of garbage with false principles.