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Notes by cadayton | export

 Smoking kills, right??
So what's killing Americans if not the smoking?

Greece - Smokers: 39.1%, ... 
 None of us are getting out of here alive regardless of what you do or don't do.   So, I'd say live it and don't live it to tell about it.

Health is the real wealth. 
 Welcome Henriette,  I'm in the state of Washington we also have a horse ranch.   Mainly do natural horsemen ship stuff.

Unfortunately, I lost my job because I refused the covid JAB and as a result of this we are in the process of selling the ranch.

The person who is buying the ranch is a equestrian trainer but likely not at the same level as you.

Looking forward to more posts from you. 
 It's weird to see external people that are aligned with Nostr's goals and even the overall design... 
 Complainers should offer up a zap reward for whomever solves their OE issue.  

Or maybe better yet for post like this just reply, I can solve the issue for 100 sats. 🤣  
 I’ve been fascinated by an idea that doesn’t have a word, so I am going to coin one:

 Roger that.   Can't learn how to ride a horse by reading a book. 
 I gave up on IPFS many moons ago. 
 Kool.   I run a Hashicorp Vault self-hosted for non-routed network only.

It will be interesting to follow your development. 
 We are inundates with propaganda in normal everyday life.
Anything with a gatekeeper will be most... 
 I am a mathematician by education and this is my first social media post. Glad to learn about the... 
 Thanks for the references.  Might consider creating a nostree.me
account and adding those these links there.

Here example of several nostree accounts.



 Kool.  Added you to my list of nostree references to follow.

I'm doing a deep dive on NixOS/Nix and shall resurface in  a couple of months or so.  My hopes are NixOS/Nix will result in a strong foundation to build upon.

 The WoT relay list is growing:

 How about adding this list your nostree.me? 
 I need to move my kids and myself out of Mutiny. What wallet would you recommend?

I left Muun be... 
 Second the Ably Hub option and implement the Friends and Family app.  Alby Go and/or Zeus should work just fine. 
 It seems like we should be able to include a zap with a reply to a good post right? 
 With Primal, zap from their profile and the note option is available. 
 Seeing a good amount of cope about how plebs are "happy" to lose money running nodes to "help" th... 
 Why are people wanting to transact with large transactions on the lightning network?  I'd say this is not help lightning network either.

By the way qualify what a tiny channel is? 
 For me anything over 800,000 sats, I'm definitely considering that to happen onchain.

I moved a large amount of sats not too long ago and the transaction fee was less than $1 and the block wait time was of no concern for this transaction. 
 Saw this article referenced on Stacker News.  I wonder why when it comes to protecting our freedom and the constitutions that Article V is never referenced?

Maybe it is because Article V has never been invoked in the last 237 years.  There is an effort underway now to do so.


 Yeap.  Lysander was ahead of his time. 
 I'm still seriously offended by the lockdowns, the ban on all sorts of innocuous activities and t... 
 Ditto.  In addition to #bitcoin and #nostr, people need to get onboard with #conventionofstates.  Let's wake the fuckers up.

 How useful would it be in terms of local community resiliency to encourage local businesses to ta... 
 I've been trying that with local farmers without any success. 
 I need a proper node that’s not a wimpy raspberry pi. 

What do we think of umbrel’s hardware... 
 I think everybody has different requirements they are looking to satisfy so hard to answer without more knowledge.

Me personally,  my next is a 'Meerkat' from system76.com with max out memory and storage capacity.  All solid state hardware components.

With this setup one can now, have any number of Virtual Machines for whatever your compute pleasures are all on linux.

Also with this setup, you'll want to spin up a Nix/Nixos VM and start the pain of adapting.  It's the future.

I'm surprised there isn't already a Nix/Nixos setup available now that mirrors some of the node in a box solutions.

I'm basically running this setup now but on an Intel Nuc without Nix/Nixos. 
 Let’s keep it real that door could swing the other way since Elon accepted a position with the ... 
 Yeap.  Both sides are captured big time.

The only peaceful way to combat against the capture is to support the #conventationofstates.

 Privacy is requirement not a right.  It's right up there with air and water. 
 I don’t understand why there is so much hostility towards nostr. 
 Most people can't see past the two feet in front of them. 
 OK friends, I currently have my fortune (lol) parked on #Coinbase .
Is that smart or...??
 Nope.  Your taking a big risk that Coinbase won't freeze your account or worst yet Coinbase is hacked.

Given your recent posts, sounds like you have some shitcoins so you'll need a wallet that supports multiple coins.   Exodus.com is a solid multi-coin wallet that is self-custody.

For bitcoin only wallets, I'd check into either Sparrow or Green Wallet.

Check out the following for ways to secure your desktop apps.

 I'm finding nostree.me to be very handy.

Here are some links to other people, I found very useful.



Derek Ross
 Unfortunately, the COVID mandaters will likely never be held accountable. 
 Is anyone getting my #zaps? 
 zapless.  :) 

I spent my evenings writing 30,000 words of science fiction over the past week.

Definitely ... 
 Go girl.  Take a break now and then.  It's a journey not a race. 
 GM.  Checking out oddbean.com this morning.

Nixos journey continues.

 Here’s where I’m at. 

There’s not a doubt in my mind that god is real. 

Still not really ... 
 God made the Earth in six days and rested on the 7th.  I have a hard time with this one.

I think there is no doubt that there is bullshit mixed in with the teachings, but we were given a brain and meant to use it.  Maybe this was done by design.

 Tell me the story of your bitcoin journey in 5 lines or less. 

Best story wins 100k sats. 
 1. 2017 saw the BTC light and went all in with amount willing to risk.
2. Set up Bitcoin Core self-host from home with LND.
3. Set up cloud instance of BTCPay Server/LND/RTL.
4. 2023 nostr journey started.
5. 2024 Nix/Nixos, and AlbyHub journey started. 
 What are books that changed your life? 
 The Creature from Jekyll Island read in 2008.  
 Good morning and pura vida, Nostr! It's time to create notes and send zaps! 💜🫂🤙🏻

 GM 😵  
 Ok, so i'm trying to up my game.  I taught myself how to install Linux on refurbished laptops.  N... 
 Might suggest getting a mini computer (merkat)  from system76.com loaded with as much memory and solid state storage that you can afford.

Now you can use virtualization software so create linux VM instances to test.

Nix/Nixos is looking to be very solid to me currently.  I'm still learning the ropes, but I have the sense this is going to be the way I operate in the future.

You'd be wise to skip the school of hard knocks and start off with Nix/Nixos from the get go. 

If we just focus our time on the things we have in common, we won't have time to focus on our differences.  #unknown

Spending my time on #Nix and #Nixos in hopes it turns out to be a strong foundation to build upon. 
 Hmm. So this is probably a silly question I can Google when I get home. But, what’s the easiest... 
 No issue with running on POP!_OS for me.  Just starting my #Nixos journey but audio working.  #Nixos is running as a VirtualBox VM and only issue so far is sometime it hangs on power up. 
 I wonder how you will feel about spending BTC ten years from now? 
 It does grow on the blockchain though.  🤣 🤣  
 I had a cousin commit suicide this week.

Please remember that suicide is a permanent solution to... 
 Sorry to hear that. 
 Did you know there was a THIRD tower? On 9/11

Building 7 Came Down for No Reason 8 hours after t... 
 Yeap.  My father-in-law was CEO of Mason Construction on that day.

The first words out of his mouth was "That was a demolition".   Several month later, I became aware of building 7 and that was a big red flag for me.

Of course, don't forget the Patriot Act still being used.  
 Ok I’m not a US citizen and take minimal interest in politics but I do have a burning question... 
 Who knows.   They probably graphed some skin off his ass onto his ear.  🤣 

The one think we can count is getting feed a bunch of lies and bullshit by the MSM. 
 Didn't watch the debate.  Why tune into the MSM propaganda bullshit.  I'm so done with MSM and other captured sources.

I'm guessing there were a bunch of other meaningful topics not covered either. 
 I don’t get it.

#Bitcoin price action is slight negative if people think Kamala Harris is goin... 
 Looking for good references for noobs getting into Bitcoin.  Have any references? 
 Pretty stoked after my day with  nostr:npub1getal6ykt05fsz5nqu4uld09nfj3y3qxmv8crys4aeut53unfvlqr... 
 Ditto.  Running on !POP_OS though.  I'll very likely upgrade down the road after kicking the tires a bit more.

Looking forward to your review. 
 i hope it’s just me

but primal is now completely unusable for me due to slowness. web and all. 
 No issues for me.  Replying from nostrx.xyz at the moment. 
 Welcome!!!  What do you farm?   I always purchase from local farmers first. 
 Now your going to have to add 'nostr' to your website along with the other social media links.  🤔  
 If you want to see how divided the world is, scroll Twitter.

If you want to know what boomers ar... 
 Hey I'm a boomer.  GFY.