Oddbean new post about | logout
 It's weird to see external people that are aligned with Nostr's goals and even the overall design to complain about petty bugs or small details -- well, even big issues.

"Oh, I like the idea of Nostr, but it's so bad because I tried a random client and the search button doesn't work, therefore I will assert that Nostr is retarded and will never succeed."

The thing is: to whom are you complaining? Nostr isn't an organization trying to sell you anything, and if you are aligned with the goals then that supposed "Nostr problem" is also your problem so start trying to solve it. Or maybe you have a better alternative?, otherwise the tone of the complaint doesn't make sense. 
 It's weird to see external people that are aligned with Nostr's goals and even the overall design to complain about petty bugs or small details -- well, even big issues.

"Oh, I like the idea of Nostr, but it's so bad because I tried a random client and the search button doesn't work, therefore I will assert that Nostr is retarded and will never succeed."

The thing is: to whom are you complaining? Nostr isn't an organization trying to sell you anything, and if you are aligned with the goals then that supposed "Nostr problem" is also your problem so start trying to solve it. Or maybe you have a better alternative?, otherwise the tone of the complaint doesn't make sense. 
 this generation has soft hands 
 Also apply for any meme about “First World Problems” 
 I’m just very tired of people on Nostr constantly yelling about how fantastic Nostr is and how incredibly stupid X is. That’s all. 
A lot of idiots here 
 X banned me for saying mean words. I'm still on Nostr. 

I rest my case. 
 well, you can choose to stop using nostr then, that seems like an amicable situation 
 Why would I? It is a good idea in principle. I’ve been here everyday since 2 years. Everyone here is not idiotic, I’m playing the long game, waiting for more of the non idiots to come😂 
 what makes you think you are ever going to see in the average composition of idiocy in the population though?

and your proposition completely leaves out the important detail that for those people shouting about how great it is, their subjective experience is actually very positive

i just think your preferred client is shit at filtering your feed 
 But X is really crap. Just like every other centralized social network where your words are policed ​​by an authority you didn't legitimize. 
 X is better and more important than ever thanks to the total Hero Elon Musk(yes, yes, I know he is a SHITCOINER) 
 X isn’t incredibly stupid, all of its users are. 
 people should only compare nostr with mastodon &/or bluesky. dont compare it with twitterX, dont be an odell 
 I come there once per month for checking if it's changed, but nope still the same.  
 People were like that about those newfangled horseless carriages too  
 I think people don't realize that. They are too much used to a centralized system of production/development (even bitcoin is centralized in this sense, since development is always dependent on core), and can't see that nostr changes this "paradigm" in a radical way. 
 2nd tier people GTFO 
 Eu sou novo na rede e estou achando ótima. Parabéns aos envolvidos. Meu QI não daria para idealizar uma rede como essa. Hahaha 
 Seems like these people are only vaguely aligned at best. 
 People say that the biggest threat to Bitcoin is fiscally responsible governments.

Perhaps the biggest threat to nostr adoption is governments allowing free speech on the Internet.  
 There’s a ratcheted adoption to both bitcoin and nostr, frequently expressed with “once you see it, you can’t unsee it.” Same with government spending and power grabs. A government can probably stop and get fiscally responsible for a short period. But they can’t rollback past gluttony and they can’t prevent future printer orgies. Same with censorship. Bitcoin and nostr are inevitable. 
 Es extraño ver a gente externa que está alineada con los objetivos de Nostr e incluso con el diseño general quejarse de errores menores o pequeños detalles, bueno, incluso de problemas importantes. 

"Oh, me gusta la idea de Nostr, pero es muy malo porque probé un cliente al azar y el botón de búsqueda no funciona, por lo tanto, afirmaré que Nostr es estúpido y nunca tendrá éxito". 

La cuestión es: ¿a quién le dirijes tus quejas? Nostr no es una organización que intente venderte nada, y si estás alineado con los objetivos, entonces ese supuesto "problema de Nostr" también es tu problema, así que empieza a intentar resolverlo. ¿O tal vez tengas una mejor alternativa? De lo contrario, el tono de la queja no tiene sentido.

 Indirectas no directas pues que esperabas es la percepción general del estado en el que esta nostr 🤣 si te parece si no pues que te puedo decir, que le llegue dices? pues ganas no me han faltado que por todos lados son un puto desastre pues 💀 la internet esta muriendo.
 Forgive them Satoshi they know not what they print  
 Ya but the truth is you’re a welfare queen on Sugar Daddy Jack’s payroll at this point so of course you’d say that fiatjaf. The architecture is fucking retarded. Cope harder.  
 the better alternative is steemit. haha hoho.  
 Building FOSS is hard. People will shit on the product but there isn’t enough funds to build an army for its upkeep. However time is on your side. Keep building! We silently root for Nostr! 
 toda crítica destructiva siempre viene de gente que jamás hace nada 
 Nostr became my main social network two days ago and I already have two projects in mind to implement to improve my experience and hopefully everyone else's.  
 What are doing? 
 We could call it the "self-custody issue" 

Most people do not want to make the effort. They do not even care about their own freedom as long they perceive they are as "free" as the next person

 Too many people have gotten used to placing blame somewhere besides themselves, and maybe it's an internal excuse to stay complacent in their current spots.  
 Praise the 'report' button missunderstood as vent-a-rant  
 Easy to complain, but only the great come up with solutions.  This is very common in the work place and the people who get promoted are promoted for a reason.  Logic solutions over feelings of frustration. 
 Well said! Hear hear. 
 Same vibes when people complain about mass adoption and the only thing they are talking about is competing with X. 
 4 wasted years award 
 Tanta verdad en una sola nota 😮‍💨
 Complainers should offer up a zap reward for whomever solves their OE issue.  

Or maybe better yet for post like this just reply, I can solve the issue for 100 sats. 🤣  
 Customer service had enough of all the calls coming in :)
 change the word 'nostr' to 'linux' and 'client' to 'distro' lol 
 haha classic but ja 
 we have a long way to go
but we have begun
lets fucking go !!!! 
 Aligned in name only  
 Babies need their pacis or they wail ‘til they’re beet red. 
 Se você não vende solução, ignore quem exige solução. 
 Do you mind my asking how most clients like Coracle, Primal, etc monetize their service? 

One question I have is  whether or not clients need to find a way to monetize their service further than they already are in order to compete with large centralized platforms in earning widespread adoption.

I could see a world in which a client offers a range of % of each zap they take in exchange for their service, and then once the first client takes off competition drives this % down more and more. 
 People don't want to be there for the grind they only want to use the finish product/meet you at the finish line lol leave them be 
 People that tell you you HAVE TO listen to the users and if you don't you're a bad programmer.

Every good programmer knows that you don't listen to the users. Never. 
 i think trying to listen to them and understand is good, but that doesn't mean obeying every one of their whims 😀  
 users don't know what's possible. though devs don't always know what creates real value for the users. 
 nostr: Love!    t-u on top^ & the bottom  (0_O) 
 i remember this kind of thing from the early days of bitcoin, people have real difficulty coping with a system where there's no company and organization in charge, or directly profiting from use

at some level many people just *can't* understand it, which means Bitcoin Core was a convenient target for all nasty complaints

one of the most persistent, hard issues was fighting scope creep in Bitcoin Core (and in the consensus code); yes, that you can do something with bitcoin doesn't mean it all has to be in that software, the onus of decentralization is to create an ecosystem, where everyone does their part, but no part is critical
(and a project with everything is unmaintainable anyhow; there's the tendency to push the burden on a few people, a kind of Omelas effect)

and the relentless nagging for me to be "more like a dictator" (remember Mike Hearn)... sigh, no that's not the kind of thing we're trying to do here: create a decentralized financial system, not a weird new government. the reason BSV appealed to quite a few people is that it had a central dictator, even if clearly a scam

eventually, things fell in their place, though even in bitcoin it's a continuing struggle... really want something to be done? great, take initiative yourself, help out one of the projects in some way or get people to help

 “Wait, what do you mean, it’s my problem…?”

People don’t like accountability 

They’ll run back to X or whatever 
 If a dev implements a feature in a ui, then it doesn't work on the backend, then it's not the user's fault.  
 My wife will never user nostr while it keep these petty bugs and small details, she is a user, the tools cause this first feeling that things are broken.

I think would be good thing having a quality assurance professional from open sats registering bugs and improvement to popular apps. 
 We have quality assurance professionals here, and we're not from OpenSats. Not everything has to be from OpenSats.
If anything, that so much of the development is tied to OpenSats is an argument to keep us QA folk *out* of OpenSats because otherwise we're not fully independent.

Also, your wife is right. 
 or just change wife 
 Best answer  
 God reserved the best woman for me 
 There will always be this type of criticism. Telling them to do something to solve the problems is the right answer. 
 This is a problem I’ve learned to deal with other the years - being subjected to the criticism by the indifferent.

After a while you come to accept that it’s a characteristic of human nature. You can solve cancer or be Jesus and you’ll still have a layer of society pontification how things ought to be. 
 Imagine you are heavily involved in a project; you believe so much in its goals and its value — you treat it like your baby! And then people come along, the users, who will give their feedback, whether constructive or not. It must be frustrating. To some degree, it may appear as a personal attack to you as the creator of the app. So I understand where this comment is coming from.
However, if you categorise people as "external," then what does that mean? If you say "petty bugs" because some users care about the "search" functionality, does that make their feedback less important? 
We are the algo: this is one of Nostr's marketing pitches, and to be honest, it got me sold on joining Nostr. In the absence of algo like centralised social media, the ability to search is important to me and to some other users. Content searchability is important; speed is important, etc. 
Of course, some users will have a myriad of lists of what they want, and I know some can be very silly. Nonetheless, they believe it is important. My point is that what is seemingly "petty bugs" to developers may be critical to users' experience. 
I understand that some feedback is not constructive and you cannot act on it (e.g., insulting feedback like "Nostr is shite" — you cannot really act on this feedback!). However, comments like the thread below: are we endangering ourselves by creating division and antagonising those who provide feedback about Nostr? 
Could we not weed out the constructive feedback, learn from it, and perhaps educate the users? If we say that Nostr is everyone's problem, then we have not listened intently because if you did, you would not say this comment. Why? There are people who truly care about Nostr but are completely lost as to where to give feedback, what is in the works, or what is a priority. 
I have seen so many threads about Nostr's challenges. Yes, some of them are not constructive, but most are constructive. The question is: how do we know that those messages and feedback have been received, seen, or acted upon? 
Maybe I am too much of a noob in this community because I do not know which ones are being prioritised or worked on. Education, communication, and orientation are critical. We all agree on this. But if we call feedback "petty" for what is seemingly important to other users, then we are alienating those prospective users and could deter them from giving valuable feedback. 
I took my time out of my day to write this because I care, and honestly, to see this comment from nostr:nprofile1qqsrhuxx8l9ex335q7he0f09aej04zpazpl0ne2cgukyawd24mayt8gprfmhxue69uhhq7tjv9kkjepwve5kzar2v9nzucm0d5hszxmhwden5te0wfjkccte9emk2um5v4exucn5vvhxxmmd9uq3xamnwvaz7tmhda6zuat50phjummwv5hsx7c9z9, as the so-called founding creator of Nostr, is very disappointing. If we want to grow Nostr, I would strongly recommend that we start listening and learning to identify helpful feedback that is actionable versus non-constructive.

nostr:nprofile1qqs8d3c64cayj8canmky0jap0c3fekjpzwsthdhx4cthd4my8c5u47spz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumt0wd68ytnsw43qz9rhwden5te0wfjkccte9ejxzmt4wvhxjmcpzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wvh8xmmrd9skchd02dz #plebchain #grownostr #nostriches #asknostr 
 There are people like me who know enough to actually cite specific problems based on specific reasonings, e.g. you should not have tied javascript (or web browser compatibility in general) into the core of the protocol itself.

You're choosing instead to respond to people who don't know as much, but can simply observe with their eyes that the shit doesn't work, and tell them they should fix it themselves, while you ignore the people who actually have the knowledge to tell you how to fix it (but not necessarily the time or will to fix it for you). 
 most people weren't ready for Bitcoin until 2020. Most people wont be ready for nostr before 2030
 I've seen the same thing with bitcoin for years.

'Nearly my entire ideology aligns with bitcoin, but it's trash and will never work because it doesn't fix one very specific problem for me right now.'

I anticipate we will see the same humbling effect take hold over time.  
 I'm guilty of this, I think many people are. Its hard with Nostr - who are complaints really directed to: the protocol itself, client devs, relay devs, relay operators? I think a lot of times people complain about Nostr as a whole because they have an issue and don't know where to look.

I will say, some of Nostr's cheerleaders bring this on, and I'm guilty of that as well. The "Fuck Xitter, Nostr only because its going to devour and power the entire fucking internet bro!" crowd sets people in a mindset that this thing is flawless, so when people get here and stuff is finicky and a WIP, they walk away saying, "well that was all bullshit." 
 Is it faster if I run my own relay? I just find it slow and not loading fast enough!!! I believe in bitcoin and I believe in nostr. I try learning and building as I go. Awesome work 👏👌👍🙌 
 Spot on! Nostr is a community-driven, open protocol, not a polished product from a corporation. Let’s build together!  
 some people don't like to be early.  
 I get this a lot. I now lead conversations with “Nostr isn’t a company” 
 You’re not on here much anymore 
 turned of the pod once they got to nostr and I heard this shit  
 People are not used to this concept. It’s pretty novel. They’re used to being sold stuff, having people serve them stuff for free with pretty packaging hiding well-constructed, unapologetically chosen mistruths 
 Calling "search doesn't work" a petty bug is insane. If you're a dev and put a search bar in your site, but it's broken and then it's on you to fix it or remove it. Faux implementation is so bad for UX that it will drive users away. There's no reason to put a search bar if it doesn't work.  
 I had the "common complainer" syndrome too, until I was around for a month and realized that I had to learn how to use the service on different apps to get the full experience, because it's early days, and early adoption usually comes with a learning curve, and a little time devoted to lots of practicing and playing. 

Google+ had some bugs and blips, mostly for devs doing cool 3rd party things to enhance user experience (sad that G+ couldn't last for more than the 7 years it did). 

Anyway, I've seen many devs here being very receptive and responsive to user feedback and I think it's important that users here feel welcome to keep providing it, both critical and in praise.

I only used G+ as an example because I haven't felt this excited about a social networking experience since then, that I can compare to nostr. 

A couple years in, it's still the wild west here and we're building it, and it's not realistic to expect onboarding to be smooth for everyone, BUT we also can't also ridicule users who have a less easy time of it.  
 Thank you, but now I'm curious on what you saw on Google+ that was so interesting. To me it felt just like a Facebook copy at the time. 
 Hangouts! Video calls with up to ten people all over the world. No other place had those at the time.  
 And that's how I also met @Derek Ross, back when he still had hair 😁 