whenever i have the feeling in the back of my throat or my body, i immediately affird "i'm not getting sick. I don't get sick"
seems to work 90% of the time. While the family around me gets sick here n there, i tend not to for the most part. The trick is, I really believe it be true.
the conditioning to value the opinion of those in perceived positions of authority over our own runs deep in the world we’ve grown up in.
Here’s to empowering future generations fully and whole heartedly
when i click on a profile, i cannot confirm if i follow the npub or not
~needs follow/unfollow button added to profile view.
~add npub to profile view with a copy pasta button
~add option to add column of someone elses feed via npub etc (like is possible in notifications column.
its pretty damn smooth. The speed compared to most clients is insane. Still very alpha in much of the functionality but that will obviously change with time. But initial release is super nice. Will be my default moving forward for desktop. and it made me install rust to compile it, so that was fun too
Notes by AK | export