Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by AK | export

 public companies are too woke / captured 

efficiency trends to zero 
 yep, the trend is increasing incentive mot to be productive 
 short spyware, long freedom tech 
 For some reason I simply cannot do css today 
 less nationalism 

more humanism 
 Now that crypto anarchist was used as a slur I like the word crypto +21% 
 i grateful for the paranoid crypto anarchists 
 fuck me. I am.. 
 Monero fixes typos. Cool 

 why is that cia asset wearing orange clothes ? 
 if the predictive text on devices is so good, why do i struggle to post a note without a typo 
 They got Saylor by the balls!
 Jimmy, can i take “single point of failure” for $500 pls. https://i.nostr.build/8M0LACcT7Ko6lj6g.jpg  
 the vast majority of control is psychological

Opt out 🧘 
 you’d be surprised what i can not pay attention to 
 Proper psychopath

But pure comedy the extent to which she takes herself seriously. Best medicine is to laugh in that slags face 

 give em an inch and they take a mile 😂 
 The universe is winking a lot at the moment.  
 Tomorrow is the day. 
Creating this video took me more than 1.000 hours of my life. 

I can’t e... 
 Salyor could be playing 7D chess.

Or he could be a statist cuck.

I'm going to enjoy the show ei... 
 Monday fun-day

Feeling grateful. 🫂🧡🙏 https://i.nostr.build/8fcW3CptBX4EwKTq.jpg  
 suuuuper nice. Thanks mate, you too 
 Question for parents out there. How much do you agree with this statement. 

"You should let kids... 
 The way i’d interpret it, i mostly agree. 

They naturally want to grow up without being pushed to. At which point they’re much more available to input… pull > push 
 Nostr needs key rotation like Bluesky, where you can rotate your compromised client key using you... 
 guess thats it then 
 Just paid for nostr.wine relay for the first time

Again, blown away by how easy paying for a Bit... 
 The resulting feed is quite good!
I would appreciate if the feed could push authors who publish l... 
 great suggestion 
 Absolutely insane 
 both a mirror and the window. Yes!

Powerful 🫂🧡

 published 1353? 👀 
 safe bet 
 gn 🫂🧡 
 The expectation of obedience should alert you to danger 
 Hyper-local. Grass roots. 

Plant seeds where you can tend to them 
 where to now modern anon

 Does the average person/family get priced out of international travel during this next round of currency devaluation? brrrrr 
 maybe to say the average is actually a wild error. The average western family perhaps. But perhaps that is even a stretch. Maybe a sign of financial privilege… maybe the majority were priced out long ago 
 agree completely 
 Where is that? Looks like its deep in fiatnam 
 US politics(fiat politics) in a nutshell:

Free ross


We are going after samurai and jullian assange must plead guilty regardless of reality 
 Are there any #Victoria n's from #Australia around on #Nostr ? 


Would love to get a... 
 just organise it, communicate it and let the chips fall where they may