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 Introducing: NewsBot

Just posting latest news from the top news sources. More coming soon ™

Please follow your preferred news sources to help the bot get into various WoT relays please.

@bbcnews - bbc
@cbc_news - cbc
@npr_news - npr
@aljazeera - al jazeera
@rtnews - rt international
@timesofindia - times of india
@nytimes - nytimes
@washingtonpost - wp
@abc_news - abc
@cnn_news - cnn
@globalnews - global news
@time - time
@latimes - la times 
 You’re making us look bad! Working so hard. Lol 
 Hacker news? Stacker news?  
 Good ser may I humbly request one that incorporates all of the news sources too? 🙏 
 Every piece of news, or only some? Then comes the question of how to select. By amount zapped? Likes or comment count? 
 I mean all of the news sources listed there, but within a single bot to follow. 
 Too much to follow, lol :D 
 i smell a DVM need 🤙 
 Do you need an assistant? Seriously? 😳 YOU’re on fire 🔥 thanks 🙏  
 Suggested edit:

Propaganda bot 
 Al Jazeera bot labeled as BBC in it's profile.

good bot idea 👍
 Great work, utxo!  
 Wen open source on the bots! 
 oh no, not more news bot spam lol 
 wen detik.com news bot? 
 wen just a list of everything everyone wants in a consolidated area …. 😂🙏 
 nice, DVM coming? 🤙 
 You're a Genius! 
 Sir no reuters, bloomberg or cnbc? 
 Those would be good additions. Especially Reuters. They're a solid, straightforward news wire service that generally provide legitimate news without opinion.  
 They all have non standard feeds, will take more work to add them 
 Are RSS feeds a way to get around paywalls? Or do they just not include the paid data? 
 Financial times? 
 I may create an npub just for following news bots

 Big brain doing big brain things BRAVO!  

That could create a number of spin off bots.

You could now search the notes from those MSM news bots for certain terms.

You would be primed to build the bot for:
- MSM Bitcoin news
- MSM Nostr news
- MSM Carnivore news
- Geo engineering news

How useful would that be?
nostr:nprofile1qqst5teefqektpr4aytgpwyclxlq78v9q9nvd2pem0sgf5pxdttwyzspzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuurjd9kkzmpwdejhgtcppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qyfhwumn8ghj7ur4wfcxcetsv9njuetn9u4qf5yj nostr:nprofile1qqstzt0wugc7sklvr8e7fcl7ukyn63ym3ns4nmf2mnk0vqnz4l9x65qpp4mhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mqpr4mhxue69uhkummnw3ezumtfv3jxc6twvuhx67tydeeju6nsqythwumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytn5dacx2arg9e5kuen0te28kw nostr:nprofile1qqsqqx9hacelkffcgd3ecchzjtlvwq9xn2fmprhrwnzmm2t3exee2eqpzemhxue69uhkzarvv9ejumn0wd68ytnvv9hxgqg4waehxw309ajkgetw9ehx7um5wghxcctwvsq3wamnwvaz7tmxd9k8getj9ehx7um5wgh8w6twv5r638xm
 Introducing fake news bot

 RT is banned in Europe, so thanks!  
 I´m at europe and can open it 🤔  
 I´m in one of this area and it works 🤔  
 Consistent European regulations 😂 
 who's reading these news 
 I really love that idea. but am i right that you need an account to read  nytimes?? 
 no way i can possibly follow that, but love that you made it  
 hahahhaha looool 
 What about zerohedge? 
 I think there's already a zero hedge bot but utxos would be better 
 Zero hedge Yes please 
 So far it looks like a list of all the mouthpieces that I very consciously avoid. 
 Anyone else having problems muting npubs using primal 2? 
 Is it possible to please create one for disclose.tv? 
 Really wanted to see Al Jazeera news on my feed 
 I will slowly, over time, add all the feeds from everywhere on the Internet 

You can put in requests on this thread and I'll get to those first 
 ESPN next?  
 Helpful for mass user migration. I like that you're including "bot" disclosure, so we know it's unmonitored.

Is there an easy method or program to build more cross-platform bots like these? 
 I will follow @cbc_news out of my hatred for them 
 Can we pass on the CBC? 
 Thank you  
 I call this spam.