This has always been the case with hashtags everywhere. They are only useful until the become popular, then you see people using them every day on every piece of content to try to game exposure. If you use asknostr, grownostr, or introductions like this, I mute you. Even though this happens, I still find them more useful than not.
I hear you and you’re right A lot of people are going to be shocked when their social client isn’t shielding them from graphic images when they are just browsing #gardening and I expect that will discourage many I’m hoping curated DVM feeds can help with this where there’s a delay from the global hashtag so that the DVM can assess the relevance/block graphic content So in that sense hashtags aren’t completely useless as they can be the first filter, I guess I just mean that we could benefit from another filter so users don’t have to mute so often or have their eyes burned first
Agree. Now we just need more advanced DVMs 🤓