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 Just became a Dad!

My baby girl was born at 3:03am this morning.

A Bitcoiner in the making! 

 Has anyone had success getting Jellyfin streaming to an Android TV from your nostr:npub126ntw5mne... 
 I've been trying to do this with an LG TV but no success so far... 
 That seems to be the problem I have. Can't seem to get it working using an IP address either... 
 Old but frail? No thanks. 
 A lifelong caloric deficit makes retention let alone growth of muscle essentially impossible. Frailty is the inevitable result. 
 "Some mice were placed on calorie-limited diets, another group followed intermittent fasting regimens, and others were allowed to eat freely."

Sounds like only some of the mice were fasted intermittently, others had calories restricted.

I'm certainly open to the benefits of intermittent fasting and have experimented with it myself.

Having practiced (natural) bodybuilding for years in the past I was never able to maintain muscle mass whilst restricting calories. This may just speak to my lack of talent as a bodybuilder. Pros are typically still using some sort of exogenous testosterone derivative while dieting for competition so I don't think that's a good example.

As a competitive weightlifter in multiple weight classes for over 15 years I feel I have a good understanding of how my body reacts to various dietary interventions and in my experience anything but brief caloric restriction leads to loss of both fat and muscle (not to mention strength).

BTW the Cambridge Dictionary's definition of frail seems to cover both our usages.

 Thanks, will do. 
 The 1 day per week intermittent fasting group appears the most interesting to me as overall caloric intake was maintained but body weight slightly reduced (possible improvement in body composition?) and some measured health benefits.

To me the loss of lean mass (and probable hunger) experienced by the 40% and 20% caloric restriction groups (if applicable to humans) would considerably reduce quality of life while increasing the risk of hospitalisation and early death from falling injuries in later life.

Each to their own I suppose. My preference would be to live an averagely long life with a high capacity over a long life with compromised capacity. 
 First time I've seen one of these round here!

 The hardest part of my random crappy sci-fi novel hobby project, is going to be the first half of... 
 Sounds like you're doubting yourself.

 If Satoshi’s identity was revealed, would it change anything for you?

Fuck doxxing btw. 
 Surely there would be an opportunity to do something other than burn the coins? But what...? 


Any Start9 jocks here who can point me to a roadmap for setting up a simple... 
 Are there any viable options for moving a wordpress.com blog to a self-hosted site? 
 Heidegger apparently thought that mechanical writing (using a machine, in this case the typewriter) interferes with the "authentically handling hand", thereby concealing character, making " everyone look the same".

What would Heidegger think of our use of machines to not only write nostr notes but sign them with our unique private keys, thereby placing their authenticity beyond doubt? 
 GM, it’s official Off-tober now.

I try to use each October to try to get my shit together a li... 
 Good luck. Any plans for alcohol moderation or not required? 
 Is it possible to set up a @Start9 server to provide S3 compatible storage? 
 Used the opportunity of being in a large city to get a DEXA scan done today.

I’m a sucker for ... 
 Does it allow you to assess how much visceral (as opposed to subcutaneous) fat you have? 
 An Atari ST? I had one of those when I was at university. I learned to write 68000 assembly on it. 
 My face when the weights at the hotel gym only go up to 10 kg: 😑 
 Same. Makes for an interesting experience and you get to meet some locals as well as get access to barbells, squat racks and sometimes lifting platforms. 
 I’m reading Heidegger’s Being and Time right now, and it’s kinda fucking with me. For some ... 
 As a comp sci grad that ended up working in trad fi I have no grounding in philosophy whatsoever.

I want to thank you Erik for your writings and opening up a new world to me. I hope to thank you in person one day. 
 Building muscle while trying to stay lean might be one of the hardest things to do in modern time... 
 Would love an article on this subject and your experiences. 
 Thanks for the link! 
 Start9 is great. 
 I tripled my body's production of testosterone recently which seems to have the side effect of 10... 
 Looks to me that enclomiphene citrate was shown to decrease serum cholesterol in at least one study, whereas zuchlomiphene caused an increase. But DYOR, I may have this wrong... 
 Compounding pharmacy for the enclomiphene citrate? 
 What character tropes do you dislike the most in movies, shows, and books? 
 The cool young edgy 'tech' person who can hack into anything. 
 The ex-special forces/CIA operative hero. 
 I mostly dislike the over-use.

Thinking about it, these are two different characters. I'm more prepared to buy the ex-military person as hero than the ex-spook.

Could be subverted by having the character be dishonourably discharged (anti-hero) or having left voluntarily due to conflict of ideology or conscience, but these too are probably well-trodden ground. 
 Had dinner with my mother-in-law last night. The conversation turned to the history of money, fractional reserve banking, inflation and the role of bitcoin.

I continually fail to engage my peers in conversations on these topics.
 I really don’t like weight lifting—it’s hard, I have to push myself, and take responsibilit... 
 I love the discipline of training for the sport of weightlifting (as opposed to the tedium of just lifting weights).

In my 6th decade and as strong as ever. 
 I loved my ZX Spectrum, writing my own games in Basic and Z80. And playing Manic Miner! 
 For everyone who says they don’t work out because it’s hard to get to the gym, this is your f... 
 If this guy was on nostr I'd mega-zap him... 
 Of the four Pierce Brosnan Bond movies, the first one was great (Goldeneye, so good), the second ... 
 Nice summary.

Quantum of Solace has a kind of gritty, slow burn feel to it. Some nice cinematography in places too if I recall correctly. 
 Taking a nap in the middle of the day - yay or nay? 
 Can be useful during periods of heavy training to aid recovery IMO. 
 What are some of the best movies of the past five years? 
 The Creator 
 NymVPN Alpha is apparently live.

Does anyone have contacts at Nym? Seems a shame for them to have no Nostr presence. 
 Most of the first $10 goes on bottling, distribution, retail margin etc. so when you pay $20 you're spending twice as much on the wine itself as when you pay $15. After that the returns diminish rapidly IMHO. 
 “What would Morpheus do?”

It’s not an unreasonable question for our timeline. 
 Lyn's use of the word 'timeline' has me thinking that she's been watching The Umbrella Academy... 
 hey hey...crypto means cryptography AND ALWAYS HAS. 
 I seem to recall that Erik's book describes the origin of 'crypto' as being the ancient Greek for 'hidden'.

So 'crypto' means 'hidden' and 'cryptography' means something like 'hidden writing'. 
 So buy some… if you’re feeling bold.

 Don't wait to be told. 
 You wouldn't walk around carrying hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash on you.

Yet a ton of ... 
 Can Casa multi-sig be used with two keys stored in offline hardware devices or is the mobile key compulsory? 
 It's Matt.
 On Friday the Chinese Bitcoin ETFs alone had inflows exceeding the daily mining output. 
 WikiLeaks not on nostr? 
 Istanbul airport is amazingly calm, spacious and efficient.

There's also a lot of highly visible BtcTurk advertising on display. 
 It is 111 degrees in Cairo today. 🔥 
 40 Celsius on Paris yesterday! 

Go to gym anyway

Push extremely hard

Leave with tonnes of energy?

How does this hap... 
 Currently traveling but still training. in the last two weeks have used a 24hr gym in Singapore, a hotel gym in London, a modern commercial gym in Split, a park gym and an 80s style bodybuilding gym in a small town in Tuscany. 
 I have friends with PhDs and friends with bitcoin but no friends with both. 
 A lot of people have heard my moped story but I don’t think I’ve ever told the story of my ex... 
 Got married on a local beach by a friend of the family (no cost). Put up a marquee in the garden and paid a caterer to feed the 40 guests. A friend handled the music. Cost about $5k. Instead of buying an expensive ring we spent months motorcycling in South America. No regrets! 
 - Learn to code
- Get well-paid tech job
- Realize it's all a scam
- Realize lack of personal ful... 
 A 'jobs to be done' board for freedom tech projects would be a great resource for devs looking for meaningful tasks that match their skill set and for the projects to attract contributions. 
 Saylor mentioning Cashu on the Bitcoin for Corps event is the real signal. 
 You win some, you lose some. It's all the same to me... 
 1BTC = 1BTC 
 Wounded animals in weak positions lash out in desperation to project strength when they are most ... 
 Lots of arrests lately... 
 Name the Nostra client that you are reading this note from 👇 
 what are the chances you are on a three-letter-agency list?