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 Went out to fill the bird feeders and thought I felt someone watching me... 👀

#RedShoulderedHawk #Hawk #Bird #Ornithology #BackyardBirds #Wildlife #Nature

 I always strive to be kind to everyone. This world is hard enough, and you never know what someone is going through.

But the truth is, this kindness never extends inward. It pains me to admit that I'm quite mean to myself—meaner than I've ever been to another person, ever.

I'm working on it, but it's a hard habit to break.

So I want to know: what's one simple thing you do to show yourself some kindness?

#Kindness #BeKind #SelfLove #Compassion #MentalHealth 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm When water becomes ice it c... 
 @7b682b86 Haha, yes for sure! Her bond with the Water Goddess helps her maintain a steady calmness, but sometimes... 

She's more likely to go the way of ice than steam. She's an internal thinker, so that's only natural. Book 2 is a different matter (for spoilery reasons). 😅 
 #WordWeavers 7Oct- How do your MCs handle strong emotions?

Oh boy.

Jaslan's usually good at keeping her emotions in check (at least, in public), but when they build up, she can sometimes snap. Depending on the emotion, it's either outward or inward. Both are devastating.

Jack's different. He's quick to show his emotions at the onset, but when they build up, he internalizes and goes quiet. And you don't want to see Jack when he's quiet (but you will, at the end of book 1 😬). 
 It's just before 7pm on a Friday night, and I'm sitting in bed reading. A cup of citrus mint is on my nightstand, and a purring cat is next to me.

I think I'll stay here the rest of the night. 🥰 ❤️

 I need to commission some cover art for The Way of the Wielder.

It's #Fantasy / #FantasyRomance, with elemental magic, ancient artifacts, and a dark substance that ties the series together. It takes place in an urban setting, but with natural landscapes all around.

Do you know an artist who would be a good fit for that type of art? If so (and if they're open to work), send me a link to their pages!

Please and thank you! 🙏

#WritingCommunity #SelfPublishing 
 #WordWeavers 4: Character development, world-building, plot — how much attention do you pay to ... 
 @d47a3784 "I write, and stuff happens." That should be the tagline of every pantser. 😂 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm Ambitious plan, but I'm sur... 
 @7b682b86 Thank you! If nothing else, I'd like to get The Way of the Wielder published. That book (the whole series, really) is my heart, and though I'll feel completely vulnerable, I want the world to be able to read it. ❤️ 
 Disheartening to see my post on my personal FB page warning folks with secret phones about the pl... 
 @a3976b27 @a3976b27 I've always felt that FB brings out the worst in people. Which is ironic, given the toxic positivity of the platform (at least, that was the case when I left several years ago).

I'm sorry your friends weren't sympathetic to the very real circumstances some people face. 😞 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 05
project goals

Short term? Chronicles' Book 1 novel scan is done, working o... 
 @7b682b86 It's amazing that you have all of the books already complete, so you can publish consistently until they're all out. Bravo to you! 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 5Oct- What are your writing project goals?

The Way of the Wielder series:
-Finish editing book 2
-Outline book 3
-Find editor for books 1 & 2
-Get cover art for books 1 & 2
-Write book 3
-Write short story/SC history (maybe)
-Self publish book 1 (and maybe book 2?)

Tredania Chronicles:
-Continue trying to get book 1 (Rise of Iron) trad published
-Outline book 2
-Write book 2

-Develop website

This should get me through 2024 😬 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4m... 
 @7b682b86 Yeah, ghosting is awful, and TBH it left a bad taste in my mouth. I didn't query him, or the agency, this time around.

I'm fine now, but I definitely went through dozens of emotions as I processed what it meant. Like I said, a rollercoaster.

I can only guess why he didn't reply, but like @a3976b27 said, he requested it initially (within a day of querying, in fact). I assume there was something he liked, but what that was, I'll never know. 
 nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4mstwjlu4hsm40luj6f65m99hqjyjh7nes8eqstl7rek nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a... 
 @7b682b86 @a3976b27 So, when I queried The Way of the Wielder (Jack & Jaslan, book 1), the only agent who requested the full manuscript was the same agent for The Name of the Wind.

I loved that book, and I was thrilled he asked to read the full MS. Literally giddy as a school girl. That was last August. I've never heard back.

I was ghosted by the agent of one of my favorite books. Talk about a rollercoaster of emotions. 😬 
 nostr:npub1vmn59wexfsaus5gfryl0ezkecxqa48rsw0y3kluv5u34qnluumjqnzr9uz nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a... 
 @7b682b86 @66e742bb The Foundation series was brilliant, no doubt. I read that during my "hard sci-fi" kick a few years back. Although I much preferred The End of Eternity.

I really enjoyed Seveneves by Neal Stephenson. If epic sci-fi is a thing, I'd categorize it as that. Just brilliant stuff. 
 nostr:npub1vmn59wexfsaus5gfryl0ezkecxqa48rsw0y3kluv5u34qnluumjqnzr9uz nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a... 
 @7b682b86 @66e742bb Yeah, I'm much fussier with sci-fi than I am with fantasy.

I go through phases, though. 6-10 years ago I was in a sci-fi kick, but for the last 6 years or so it's been fantasy. Funny how that works.

Although I'll note, I intersperse it all with the occasional nonfiction novel. I love a good history or action/adventure story of glory. 😅 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm For all the extensive world... 
 @7b682b86 To be fair, a so-so plot for Sanderson is much more engaging than it is for other authors I've read. 😅

I also don't think he meant boring. An average plot is alright, because the characters (assuming the reader enjoys reading them) can get you through it. But a flat plot? Very little gets a reader through that.

I personally enjoy Sanderson's work, but everyone has their preferences. No judgement here. 😊 
 I post our kitten a lot (because kittens), but our adult cat deserves (demands) some attention, too. ❤️

Kona says hello 🥰

#CatsOfMastodon #BlackCat @2b1fdc7f

 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm Adverbs, it's always the ev... 
 @7b682b86 I, for one, welcome our evil adverb overlords. 😆

I know they shouldn't be overused, but a well placed adverb can add so much feeling to a scene! I'll never stop using them—Stephen King can go pound sand. (I said what I said.) 
 #WordWeavers 3Oct- How do you convey your characters’ emotions?

Often, and with many adverbs. 😆

In all seriousness, it's a combination of dialogue, inner thought, and body language. There's no specific equation, it's whatever the character or scene requires. The most important thing is that the reader feels it.

As an empathetic person (and a HSP), emotions are one of my favorite things to write (and read). And if I'm allowed to pride myself on one thing, it's how I convey them in my stories. 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm I’m glad you got yourself... 
 @c09f86d3 Yep, I completely agree with you. I also don't have kids, and was always asked to cover maternity leave for those who did (which hurt, since at the time I was suffering through infertility).

I'm sorry your colleagues took advantage of your kindness, and your physical appearance (some men are awful). I hope your current job is a better atmosphere. 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm Given all you were going th... 
 @7b682b86 I'm glad writing has helped you through tough times, too. The future is bright. 🌟 
 @7b682b86 I won't lie, I started detaching in June 2021.

Long story short, a contractor was hired into a position I was told a contractor couldn't get (I tried the year prior, and was denied).

Manager left in Dec 2021. In Jan 2022 I applied for that job. I was told no. That I "wasn't ready". But exec. leadership expected me to do it until it was filled.

The person who got that job (in June) realized how overlooked I was, but by then it was too late. My LOA started 2 weeks later. 
 @7b682b86 Addendum: I should have been more decisive sooner. But as my therapist pointed out, I'm a deep internal processor and need to consider all options before coming to a decision.

I was going through a lot then, too. Work aside, depression and infertility were constants in my life. There was too much to process, so I drudged on, miserable and hollow.

Writing was the only thing that got me through. Without it, I honestly don't know where I'd be now. 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm nostr:npub19v0aclaq72knydn4... 
 @7b682b86 I won't lie, I started detaching in June 2021.

Long story short, a contractor was hired into a position I was told a contractor couldn't get (I tried the year prior, and was denied).

Manager left in Dec 2021. In Jan 2022 I applied for that job. I was told no. That I "wasn't ready". But exec. leadership expected me to do it until it was filled.

The person who got that job (in June) realized how overlooked I was, but by then it was too late. My LOA started 2 weeks later. 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm So, if I'm understanding, y... 
 @7b682b86 Honestly, the job itself wasn't that bad. Two things wore me out: dealing w/ the [unfriendly] public, and leadership. The former was manageable, if the latter had your back.

My manager left in December 2021 and exec. leadership took over. That's when it went to hell. I was constantly overlooked and undervalued. Coupled w/ personal matters, I quickly hit my limit. By May I couldn't take it. I started a LOA in June, and never went back.

I'm so grateful for @2b1fdc7f's support 💚 
 #WordWeavers 2Oct- Who's your most intriguing character? Why?

If I *have* to pick just one, I'd honestly say my antagonist, Lea.

Readers probably won't agree, but because I know her backstory, I find her to be really fascinating. She's... more than meets the eye, and saying anything more would reveal series-long spoilers.

But for the record, I find all of my characters intriguing in some way! Okay, most characters. 😅 
 A very playful Jazzy wishes you a very Happy #Bleptober 🖤 🧡 💚 

#BlackCat #CatsOfMastodon #Cats @2b1fdc7f

 @4a3f9d7e Good luck! I'm rooting for the Bills, but it's going to be an awesome game! 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm Thanks. I'm just unhappy wi... 
 @7b682b86 It’s so hard to not take things like that to heart. At least it was only a document about blurbs, and not part of the story. Be gentle on yourself (it sounds like you are). 😊 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm You should also build off i... 
 @7b682b86 Oh no! That’s a bummer, but I know you can do it again! You’re very good with words. 🙂 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm That blurb is well done. Be... 
 @7b682b86 Thank you! ☺️ I had something similar for my pitch when I queried it last fall. It went nowhere, but I guess I should keep this for when I need a blurb in the future! 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 1Oct- Shameless self-promo. What's your WIP? What's it about?

Hi there! I'm Sarah, a still unpublished fantasy romance writer. To date, I have completed 3 books across 2 series.

This month I'm working on editing book 2 in The Way of the Wielder series (book 1 is by the same name). This story follows Jaslan & Jack, whom I've talked about at length (ad nauseam?). A quick blurb is attached.

This story is my heart. I'm also focusing on it for #WordWeavers this month. 🙂

 nostr:npub10d5zhp5atut9hcmyyslxdr07s65tj45q72wxvg229ajwjvmpqugq6lvvxa nostr:npub1tfpa6eu6gw7ylq7l... 
 @a3976b27 @7b682b86 @5a43dd67 Same here. I often find myself comparing my novels to published works of similar word count.

Rise of Iron is about as long as the third Harry Potter novel, for example. 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm I don’t know where all th... 
 @b7ab5d68 Haha, it's alright, I got the gist (could always blame the cats)! 😆 
 nostr:npub1vmn59wexfsaus5gfryl0ezkecxqa48rsw0y3kluv5u34qnluumjqnzr9uz I can still remember the je... 
 @7b682b86 @66e742bb I've definitely heard that, too. By a woman, though, and in a condescending tone. "It must be nice having that kind of time. Enjoy it now before you have kids."

"I do enjoy it. Writing helped me through depression and has been a positive way to process the grief of infertility."

That shut her up real quick. 😅 People can be jerks. 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm I think we're wired a certa... 
 @7b682b86 I would agree with that. I read a lot of epic fantasy, so it's natural that tends to be what I write.

Although, Rise of Iron is only 105k, which is substantially less than either of the books in Jack & Jaslan's story (155k and 172k, respectively).

J&J's story is *very* epic fantasy. It's, essentially, the "universe building" that's needed for what I envision for the rest of my stories to be based on, sooo... 🤷‍♀️ 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm Those short ones are few an... 
 @7b682b86 I just checked the data for Rise of Iron:

Average chapter length - 3.4k
Longest chapter - 5.8k (the climax happens here)
Shortest chapter - 1.1k

 #WritersCoffeeClub 29
scene breaks

My chapters don’t have scene breaks. I write in a deep POV ... 
 @7b682b86 I can’t imagine having a chapter that’s only 1-2.5k words long. 🤣

(I take that back. The first chapter of Rise of Iron is only 1,100, which unusually short for me.) 
 @7b682b86 I can’t imagine having a chapter that’s only 1-2.5k words long. 🤣

(I take that back. The first chapter of Rise of Iron is only 1,100 words, which unusually short for me.) 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Sept 28: Do you practice "kill your darlings" in your work?

I have a differen... 
 @2433bcdf Yeah, when I looked this up (as a refresher) this morning, I saw that it doesn't have to mean characters. It could be your beloved subplot that adds nothing, or even a paragraph you love that doesn't fit. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 27Sep- What's the strangest research you've done for your writing?

-How hot pyroclastic flows are, and how fast they move?
-What lead poisoning does to the body
-Basics of the caste system
-Alchemical symbology
-How much wolfsbane does it take to kill a grown man?
-How human skin reacts to being burned/branded
-Dark matter properties
-Kitsune folklore

Sometimes I wonder if "Don't worry, I'm a writer!" would be sufficient if I'm ever questioned by authorities... 😅 
 The tiniest blep from the smallest cat!

She's only 6 pounds (2.7kg), and the vet doesn't think she'll get much bigger (she's eight months old).

🐈 ❤️ 

#CatsOfMastodon #Bleptember #TonguesOutTuesday #BlackCat #kitten @2b1fdc7f

 #WordWeavers 26Sep- Is your antagonist or protagonist more fashionable?

Considering Rise of Iron's antagonist is a vain upper class woman with a knack for opulence in all things (especially clothes and decor)...

Emery's not into fashion. In fact, when she goes shopping for new clothes in the capital, "[she] sifted through more shirts than she’d seen in her entire life, searching for something that wasn’t a hideous shade of bright."

I'm rather proud of that sentence. 🙂 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 26Sep- Have you used a MacGuffin in your writing? Be honest.

I admit I didn't know what this was until today. And now that I *do* know, the answer is certainly yes.

However, in both series (across 3 books) the MacGuffin's are not just triggers for the plot, they *are* the plot—at least in part. They shape both character and story arcs in numerous ways.

Knowing that, are they true MacGuffin's?
Quite frankly, so long as the story's intriguing, does it matter?
 #WordWeavers 25Sep- Your antagonist gives a spontaneous speech. What is it about?

This actually happens in my story. Vince witnesses it, since he's still a bodyguard to the High Chancellor at the time.

She's spouting arrogance-infused lies. Society's about to change, and she's telling everyone that what's happening is the Gold God's way of strengthening Gold Wright's power over lower classes.

Essentially, she's telling everyone to be calm, pray, and prepare for a reckoning. How apropos. 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm It’s been so frustrating,... 
 @4a3f9d7e The Pats haven't dominated since 2019. I loved TB12, but it was time for him to let go (it was time in 2019, IMO).

As much as I hate to admit it, the AFC is now a KC dynasty. But for me, if it's not the Pats, it's the Bills. 💙 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm Yeah, just watching Redzone... 
 @4a3f9d7e You too! The Dolphins have come along way the last couple of years. The Pats... not so much. We'll need all the luck we can get! 
 Okay fell #writers, I need to commission cover art for The Way of the Wielder (Jack & Jaslan's story).

I'm considering one artist (whose work I love), but I should look into a few others. Any recommendations?

Here are some story facts:
~Fantasy romance
~Best friends to lovers
~Elemental magic
~Pieces of the elemental gods wander the world
~Ancient, mystical objects
~Espionage & hidden histories
~"New Adult" protagonists
~Strong female lead
~1st in trilogy (at least)

#WritingCommunity #Fantasy 
 Settled down to watch #MIAvsNE and it’s a bloody evening KO! 😡 Dammit! #NFL 
 @4a3f9d7e Do you get any other games? The Bills are playing the Raiders right now, it's a good game!

(Don't worry, NE is probably going to get schooled by MIA, so you won't miss much. Spoken as a NE fan. 😆) 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm The upper classes have been... 
 @7b682b86 And that's exactly what happens in Rise of Iron... on both accounts. 😅 I hope it makes for a great story! I certainly enjoyed writing it. 🙂 
 #WordWeavers 16Sep- How are people like your antagonist viewed?

Higher classes either approve of the High Chancellor or tolerate her. They see her acting in their best interest, and believe the rest of society should act accordingly.

Lower classes (the majority) hate her. The atrocities they experience on a daily basis have bred angst and unrest, and the High Chancellor is responsible for letting those experiences continue.

Let's just say, society is ripe for a change in leadership... 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Sep 14
Have you ever written about an ex-partner?

Woodspell's MC is a domesti... 
 @a3976b27 I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but I'm glad you were inspired to create a story that inspired others. That can't have been an easy story to write. 💜 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 14
real people as characters?


Original stories, original characters.

I ... 
 @7b682b86 Thats a good rule, and in general, I’m the same way.

However, with the antagonist in Rise of Iron (the High Chancellor), I based her off my former manager - but I didn’t know her outside of work. I knew she was a mother, and that she was well educated, but nothing other than that.

In that way, it feels less like I used her as a person, and more like the idea of her. That is, of what bad *leadership* is, not what a bad *person* is. If that makes sense. 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm I don't have anyone to tell... 
 @7b682b86 I think it's alright. You seem to have a good method of finding balance, so I'm not too worried. 😊 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm I'm glad you did, and that ... 
 @7b682b86 When you do what you love, it's not really working.

Although, I will say that I probably spend *too much* time writing or other associated tasks. My husband sometimes tells me to take a day off, and I'm like, "but... but..." 😆 
 @d73175df What is an arc reader? Just someone who reads to make sure the arcs are good? (I’m sorry for my ignorance - I should know this…)

If that’s so, then I could read it for you! 🙂 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 13Sep- Do you derive joy from writing? In what way?

I absolutely do.

At first, writing was my constant companion. It helped me through depression, infertility, a stagnant career. It gave me an outlet—a way to process my experiences and emotions in a healthy manner.

I derive so much joy from writing that I (after some supportive prodding from @2b1fdc7f) left that stagnant career to do it full time. Over a year later, I'm so glad I took that leap. I've never been happier. 
 Friends - I’m about to adventure to a Renaissance Faire, and will likely be unavailable all day. I’ll answer the writing prompts tonight. Have a wonderful day! 
 Friends, I have a favor to ask!

I'm going to try my hand at traditionally publishing "Rise of Iron". I already have the query letter drafted, and I'm wondering if a few people would be interested in reading through it.

It's only 418 words, not even a full page. I mostly want another set of eyes to check for glaring errors, as well as tone.

If you're interested, please let me know! I'll take the first 4-5 people who say yes.

Don't all jump at once, now. 😅 
 nostr:npub1yy2f70sw4mdqcx6a4ggxt6df46e4cyseyeycxd5sw6jmt0ll60ns6y7vpm Power corrupts. That's a th... 
 @7b682b86 Thank you! That's kind of you to say. 😊

I just finished editing this novel, and am now going to prepare it for querying. Since it's the first in a new series of mine, I'm going to give it a go with traditional publishing. If it doesn't pan out, so be it. 
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 @7b682b86 @2b1fdc7f She's so funny. I've never seen a cat stick her tongue out as much as she does. 😛 
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 @d73175df Poor Sammah, indeed! I feel for him so much. 😞 
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 @7b682b86 I hope it’s all true! 😅