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 @21149f3e For all the extensive worldbuilding I've done over +20 years, I still want a plot that engages me or I'm bored. Personally, I wouldn't read a so-so plotted book for its amazing worldbuilding. Not the first time I disagreed with Sanderson, but I will acknowledge his sales. 😆 
 @7b682b86 To be fair, a so-so plot for Sanderson is much more engaging than it is for other authors I've read. 😅

I also don't think he meant boring. An average plot is alright, because the characters (assuming the reader enjoys reading them) can get you through it. But a flat plot? Very little gets a reader through that.

I personally enjoy Sanderson's work, but everyone has their preferences. No judgement here. 😊 
 @21149f3e As I say, it's subjective, and that's a good thing. Otherwise, we'd all be writing the same books for the same people. I revere Tolkien (I have gorgeous editions of LOTR on my shelf), but don't believe his work perfect, no work ever is, and certainly not mine. I've also drifted away from epic fantasy. Again, that's just me & my tastes, nothing more. 😃