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 John Maynard Keynes (1883 - 1946)
BRITISH economist.

 Hey guys…

We don’t need a president or even a DC based Federal Government 

Let’s start ov... 
 I swear I replace our LED bulbs that are supposed to LaSt FoREvEr AnD UsE No EneRGy more often th... 
 I agree.  Your focus is where it needs to be. Push forward and ignore whatever distracts you.  Build the future. 
 If you think you may be being  manipulated by a speech (words) 👇

A Crash Course on Rhetoric:

The level, rhythm, pitch and tone of speech will  illicit an emotional response in our minds.   Emotions tend to short circuit the logical parts or our thinking (i.e. manipulation)

When anyone speaking starts to raise or very the level of their voice, they are typically not talking to your thinking brain, they are talking to your emotional brain.    If they couple this with extreme hand/arm/body gestures, they are trying to couple the audible and visual parts of the mind to be more effective .

When someone uses emotionally charged language ("your sons and daughters"), your Trivium flag should also be raised.

language that is not defined : "fair, just, free", etc, is ambiguous and should be questioned.


 In 2012 after a heavy DMT trip I wrote out a list of ways to change my life / be better. 

I just... 
 That was one of the lessons I got from Napoleon Hill.  It was a life changing book for me.  LESSON: write your goals down, and read it every day.  


 Edward Bernays wrote Propaganda in 1928.   After WWII, the word "Propaganda" became taboo so Bernays himself re-branded it to "Public Relations".  Today every corporation and every government office has a PR office.

 Please remember, the REAL purpose of schooling is NOT education.

 Did you know the majority stakeholder in The Atlantic Magazine is the Emerson Collective?


 This is from The Museum of Pop Cluture in Seattle Washington.   Thoughts?

 I love that Alfred Nobel—the dude who invented dynamite and who can arguably be link to more de... 
 Nobel developed a more stable  form of nitroglycerin, which he called dynamite.  His brother was killed in an accidental explosion in the family's arms factory.

In 1876, Nobel met Bertha von Suttner, an Austrian pacifist and writer, who would become a significant influence on his later life and work. Von Suttner was a prominent advocate for disarmament and international cooperation, and her writings and activism inspired Nobel to reevaluate his own role in promoting violence and destruction through his invention of dynamite.

Not making apologies,  but people can change.  I'm open to people trying to rectify mistakes.
 Will we demonize SATOSHI if Bitcoin get weaponized?  I, for one, will not. 
 Imagine trusting people who think it’s acceptable to add something to our water systems that lo... 
noun [ U ]
jux·​ta·​po·​si·​tion ˌjək-stə-pə-ˈzi-shən 

 really crazy that our politicians don’t don’t do the simplest thing to do interviews with fol... 
 Check you assumptions jack...

1. They aren't interviews
2. They want us in the bubble
3. They aren't our politicians 

 Check your assumptions...

1. They aren't our politicians 
2. They're not interviews
3. They want us in bubbles

 #Tao Te Ching: Chapter 50

The Master gives himself up
to whatever the moment brings.
He knows th... 
 this is a difference in cultural grammar,  not in grammar itself. 
 The only philosophical schools i know of that reach this conclusion are solipsism or nihilism.  I personally don't find either one of them particularly useful.   If, however,  you are thinking about "mastery" in terms like "perfection" then yes, we can always be better. 😀 
 Why was Socrates sentence to death? 

He spoke against the authority, and gave the plebs tools to understand how they were being manipulated.  #Trivium 

Censorship destroys a civilization. 

 let's use the Trivium Method to examine your claim...First of all, your posted reference is  a Henry Fuseli's painting of Odysseus facing the choice between Scylla and Charybdis, 1794–1796  .  Referencing Homer's work that was several hundred years before the trial of Socrates - which was the point of my argument.   This is what we knowledgeable kids call a STRAWMAN AGRUMENT.   


My sources are , The Apology of Socrates by Plato,  The Apology of Socrates to the Jury by Xenophon, The writings of Diogenes Laertius and “The Trial of Socrates” (1988) by I.F. Stone: A historical analysis of the trial and its significance. 
 This seems totally normal...

 Learn (or teach) almost anything, for FREE!  

Here are some great resources:

 Intellictual Self-defense:
The Trivium Method, can be adapted to evaluate information and identify potential falsehoods. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Grammar: Focus on the Input stage, where you gather information. Pay attention to:
Sources: Verify the credibility and reputation of the source

Context: Consider the topic’s complexity, and ensure you understand the context.

Clarity: Look for ambiguity, vagueness, or unclear language, which may indicate manipulation or misinformation.

Logic: Engage your critical thinking skills to evaluate the Processing stage:

Identify assumptions: Recognize implicit or explicit assumptions and evaluate their validity. 

Analyze arguments: Break down the argument’s structure, and assess the strength of evidence and reasoning.

Check for fallacies: Be aware of common logical fallacies, such as ad hominem attacks, straw man arguments, or false dichotomies.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies

Rhetoric: Examine the Output stage, focusing on the presentation and persuasion:

Tone and language: Note any emotional appeals, sensationalism, or loaded language, which may be used to manipulate or deceive.

Bias detection: Identify potential biases in the presentation, such as selective information, cherry-picked data, or omission of contradictory evidence.

Verify claims: Cross-check specific claims or statistics with independent sources to ensure accuracy. 
 Something I posted on Twitter but I would be interested in perspectives here. I am not trying to ... 
 One of the best books I've ever found on personal development and achieving success.  #bitcoin

The Law of Attraction: Your thoughts and emotions attract similar energies and experiences. Focus on positive, persistent thoughts to manifest your desires.

Definiteness of Purpose: Clearly define your goals and desires, and commit to achieving them.

Autosuggestion: Repeat affirmations to your subconscious mind, shaping your thoughts and emotions to align with your goals.

Specialized Knowledge: Acquire knowledge and skills relevant to your goals, and use it to overcome obstacles.

Imagination: Use your imagination to visualize and create vivid mental pictures of your desired outcomes.

Faith: Develop faith in yourself and your abilities, and trust that your desires will manifest.

Persistence: Cultivate persistence and overcome obstacles through determination and hard work.

Master Mind: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your goals and values, and collaborate to achieve success.

 The part of defining your goals, writing it down and reading it daily really worked for me.   It's worth implementing that into your business model.  it costs nothing,  but has profound consequences.  
 Ive read this also. Great book, but definitely a "sequel " to the first.

 If you have never heard of Edward Bernays,  there is probably a reason.

 I used to believe in extending politeness to everyone. 

Covid broke me of that. 
 Agreed...the next time "covid" happens we need to have arguments and phrases that are clearly articulated to the "enforcers".  It needs to be simple, concise and definitive . And should be based on reason rooted in grammar  and expressed through effecitve rhetoric.  

I Suggest the following phrase: " No"


 That works too...same idea, different delivery. 
 OUR WINNER IS SER SLEEPY!! 🔥 🎉  with a guess of $527.36
 I just got a side of beef from my local farmer. 350lbs for $1800. Best beef if ever bought.  No additives, hormones etc.  I don't know if he ships... 
 Three misunderstandings that people have about their money in the bank:

1. It's not yours
2. It's not there
3. It's not money 
 Population collapse is very real. Have a bunch of babies 👶🏼 👶🏼 👶🏼 👶🏼 in a... 
 The Trivium Blow-by-blow of this exchange for illustrative purposes (imaging you are reading an account of a boxing match) ...

@HODL makes a logical claim...followed by logical solution to that claim, followed by a closing argument that was opinion based.  Well constructed...the claim is verifiable or falsafiable. The claim and the solution presented is the debate...GO...

@JayLeClay  starts with an apeal to emotion("hot garbage") countered with a logical claim to @HODL 's OPINION (red herring argument) that [parenthood] is "simply the best".   by countering with a straw man argument with the statement "some people would be better off not [having children]. -.  Then concludes with the counter argument to the first logical point with the agrument that the "world doesnt need more people".  (the counter claim) 

@hodl makes a round-about ad hominem attack...

@JayLeClay  responds by pointing out the ad hominem attack and produces his own...

@hodl responds by deflecting the previous ad hominem and produces a response to the original red herring ...the crowd goes wild!!!!!

The only way to get better ideas, it through better discorse. Let all learn together.
 Current events remind me of a Lenin quote: “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”.  

I'll counter with Jefferson,  focused on reason. #Trivium 

GN #nostr,  God bless you all.

 This war feels awfully manufactured 
 All wars are manufactured my friend

 Daily Trivium: "Education " vs "schooling"

A Primer on the study of Grammar and a case for #homeschooling.  Scroll to the end for the answer. 🫠

Dedicated to great parents.

 im not an AI bot.   I am very  curious why you think this.  This is the second time you've made a comment like this, and you are not the only one. if I can't connect with people with Primal, maybe I should use something else? 
 All forms of Nihilism should be rejected by the thinking mind.  It leads only to destruction,  never to construction.


 The UN has allowed bloody dictatorships like Cuba and Venezuela to enter the human rights council... 
 It has been my experience that those most condescending & dismissive of the rights, opinions, and... 
 They've been trained to be condensing and dismissive.  They have also been robbed of history.

 How do you have patience with people when you see your government putting all of the pieces toget... 
 If you knew the true extent by which people have been systemically subjugated and manipulated, it becomes easier to have patience ---even pity.  Their ignorance is not their fault.  Scroll thru my profile for some examples.

Also know that it has always been this way.  It right-sizes your expectations for success in reaching people.  You've come thru the fog, and brought your family.  Any other person you reach is a bonus.   Keep up the great work my friend.  I've learned alot from you.

Thank you!

 This is what "the beast" wants...don't fall for it.

Sympathy makes us human...and it lays the groundwork for empathy.

A lack of empathy is typically defined as psychopathy or sociopathy.   A culture of psychopathy will lead to tyranny. 

The next generation had nothing to do with where we are today.  It was the generations of the past that got us here (including ours).  As a parent, I am unwilling to accept the answer that we can't do anything about it.  I strive every day to pass on the tools of self-reliance on to the next generation in fact, to anyone willing to think.  #bitcoin #trivium 

 Ben Franklin agreed with your point about Democracy...We need to re-learn our history.  It's easy to be cynical,  but more productive to be curious.

Article IV, Section 4
of the United States Constitution states:

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.”

 This post is meaningless without context.

 may I suggest this 

 They both reach the same conclusions, but Hoppe focuses on philosophical and ethical arguments, whereas Rothbard’s work often combined economic and historical analysis with philosophical and ethical critiques. - I find Rothbard more interesting and more complete. 
 Maybe we should rebrand the term "Conspiracy Theory" to "Spoiler Alert"

 Another "Spoiler Alert"

 Democrats are and have been illegally importing voters in an attempt to change the demographics o... 
 Elections are "Safe and Effective" ©️ 🤔

 #politics #opinion

I'm probably too one-sided against Israel.  So let me make a case for Israel.... 
 Some context provided by AI:

The British Declaration, also known as the Balfour Declaration, was a statement made on November 2, 1917, by British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild.  The declaration expressed the British government’s support for the establishment of a “national home” for the Jewish people in Palestine.

Key Points:

The declaration confirmed Britain’s support for the establishment of a “national home” for the Jewish people in Palestine, with two conditions:
It did not prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.
It did not affect the rights and political status of Jews in any other country.
The declaration was included in the British mandate over Palestine, authorized by the League of Nations in 1922.
The Balfour Declaration played a significant role in the emergence of the State of Israel and is considered a principal cause of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The declaration was made during World War I, as Britain sought to secure Allied support and gain a strategic advantage in the Middle East.
The British government’s support for Zionism was motivated by a desire to counter German and Ottoman influence in the region and to secure a land bridge between Egypt and the Persian Gulf.
The declaration was also influenced by the efforts of Zionist organizations and leaders, such as Chaim Weizmann, who lobbied the British government for recognition of Jewish rights in Palestine.

The Balfour Declaration has been widely criticized by Palestinians and Arab states for its perceived role in displacing Arab populations and undermining their rights in Palestine.
The declaration has also been praised by many Jews and Israelis as a historic milestone in the establishment of the State of Israel.
Today, the Balfour Declaration remains a contentious issue in Israeli-Palestinian relations, with many Palestinians calling for its repeal or revisions. 

end of AI.

for more information see

 Your body is composed of what you put into your mouth
Your mind is composed of what you put into ... 
 We also need to choose what gets put into the minds of our children, and who does it.

 I think nostr conferences should have guest spots from communities here. Like a guest spot on per... 
 Best hives on the market for beginners.  

Event not found
 The 17th Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1913, modified Article I, Section 3, by allowing voters to directly elect U.S. Senators. Prior to this amendment, Senators were chosen by each state’s legislature.

Before the 17th Amendment, Senators were selected by state legislatures, as outlined in Article I, Section 3, Clauses 1 and 2 of the Constitution. Each state, regardless of size, was entitled to two Senators as part of the Connecticut Compromise. The state legislatures elected Senators for six-year terms

The 17th amendment stripped power from the States and consolidated it in the Federal Government. Undermining Article IV Section 4, which states:

"The United States will protect each state from invasion or domestic violence, if the state legislature requests assistance.

The United States will ensure that each state has a republican form of government, elected by its citizens"

This is also around the time when the term "Democracy" was popularized and the term "Republic" was erased in politics.
