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Notes by HODL | export

 The internet is a land of extremes. 

There is always a market for extreme pessimism. 

There is always a market for extreme optimism. 

Neither of which is very useful or valid. 

There has never been an attention marketplace for the actual cheat code to a prosperous life: rational optimism. 

Until NOSTR. 
 Lift weights and be strong in your beliefs. 
 I’d say it depends on the goal. Lifting and being healthy is a small goal that’s easy for others to support. Big goals should be kept secret and only revealed upon completion. 
 Try and be really fucking grateful for super ordinary shit often and watch your life improve tremendously. 
 This is how I talk motherfucker I’m not deepak choprah lol 😂 
 Ok people, I need help.

What brand of washer and dryer do you hate, and which do you like/has wo... 
 The cheapest Maytag you can find 
 What a legendary clip from Chris cuomo of all people.
 From the dogs perspective this was basically the Stanford prison experiment but real and administered by robots.

 Need to add June 15th to this list, 6,15 day 
 Is it just me or are the younger generations more uptight / serious? Everyone takes themselves so... 
 Only the woke commie ones 
 Have a lot of babies 👶🏼 👶🏼 👶🏼 👶🏼 it’s the best 
 Haha we just had four in five years. We need a break. 
 Haha not my one year old 
 lol I think one wife is enough 
 Bro we are rekt lol 😂 ideally I’d like to have two more but we need at least two years off 
 It really is 
 Congrats! That first two under two is when you find out what you’re made of as a parent. 
 No but my mother in law (the girls grandma) lives with us. 
 Some dudes talk about fucking their wife I actually fuck my wife lol 😂 a lot 

 It used to happen all the time on Facebook and twitter when they were nascent. It’s a normal part of the process. 
 PSA: paying another man money to teach you how to be an “alpha” is the most beta thing you ca... 
 I like Peterson but the constant mental breakdowns are… let’s just say he shouldn’t be anyone’s mentor. 
 It’s like in the 90’s and early 00’s when we had to search out media. It created a more intimate connection with the music, movie, book whatever… blockbuster is a place of high nostalgia in our memories because we miss the search and the anticipation. nostr:note189ctfw2rqlyg5d9xph8sy3wt5sx0hctpzk9qdugahvr8jksc2p5qycyug5 
 Absolutely lol 
 The fact that the commies feel so comfortable parading around their murderous ideas in public shouldn’t be passed over. These people are the scum of the earth and they mean you and your family harm. Take them seriously, believe them when they tell you who you are. Trust me as a Bitcoiner you will be hated above all. Never allow these scumbags an inch. https://image.nostr.build/559a3b3ee10ff63345c8ea4dd0d80108525eff4f1192d4a7f57fb462d5128c91.jpg  
 Yep. I shout these losers down every time I encounter one. 
 Absolutely. It’s unamerican to normalize commies. 
 peter schiff wants to debate me on Bitcoin vs Gold. thought he’d never ask.

we were born for t... 
 lol this is going to be hilarious. 
 Good evening Nostrs. 

Let’s be honest. A 25% tax on unrealized capital gains is nothing more t... 
 And yet we should still be partially fearful that we live in such commie times where people feel comfortable floating it. 
 Let’s play a game. 

The rules are simple.

1. Whoever zaps me the most sats wins. 

Winner receives all zaps from all players.

And go! nostr:note1nx2ksu6vgq34cmh07zp675ldl476zuvhhdqp0ht6cax2jdvkjtvsee9lxz 
 Good point. We need a time limit. It’s 7:49 eastern right now let’s go until 10:00 eastern. 
 That game is still live and there will be a winner declared. This is a modified version of the game. 
 lol well you’re currently winning if that’s any consolation 
 Dammit I thought I invented it lol 😂 
 It’s a fun social experiment. Why? What’s bad about it to you? 
 Game ends in 3 mins 
 Congrats to NicB who won with 169,169 sats 
 Congrats sir 
 That was how much he zapped 
 Let’s play a game. 

The rules are simple. 

1. Whoever zaps me the most bitcoin wins. 

And go! 
 Actually that makes the game super interesting. Let’s do that. I’m gonna put up a new post. 
 @Splintern wins lol 😂 
 Wokeness is dying but not nearly fast enough 
 Be more outspoken 
 As someone who plays Dungeons and Dragons regularly, if I were to participate in a D&D roleplayin... 
 @bradmillscan has been trying to set this exact idea up as a podcast for two years now. 
 I think the social network was the most emotionally resonant movie for a certain cohort of young ambitious millennial males. 

Whereas wolf of Wall Street was the most resonant for the same category of zoomers. 

The message you got watching social network was basically this… the boomers are old and stupid and clueless and we can take over from them. Their empires are houses of cards and all we have to do is start pulling the cards out. We’ll build our own digital empires in their place. Will they be better than the boomers? Don’t know, don’t care. But we’re going to get rich and powerful doing it. 

The message of Wolf of Wall Street is  fuck everyone and everything. Nothing matters. The world is fucked. The only way to get ahead is to lie, cheat and steal. It doesn’t matter anyway. The only thing that matters is what you can get away with. Penny stocks, shitcoins, meme tokens, monkey pics whatever… let’s get our hands on it and find the next sucker dumb enough to buy it. We live in the moment. Fuck tomorrow. 

pessimism vs nihilism 
 It’s your defining characteristic. Wheras millennials defining characteristic is pessimism and boomers have naive optimism. 
 Taking what I said personally is peak boomer. It’s ok to admit your generation was trash even if you weren’t. True of my generation as well. True of most generations. 
 Remember when you were in kindergarten and you thought the adults knew what was going on? lol 

And then you grew up and realized the adults are just giant kindergartners. 
 Which bitcoin "influencer" do you trust the least?

 This is the correct answer 
 Bruh I just followed this mofo 😂 . I wonder if he deleted due to my thread 
 Looking to expand my nostr feed. 

Send recommendations of cool people who post often. 

People you think greatly enhance the quality of a feed. 
 It took me a little while to get into Donnie Darko, but I think it definitely ranks up there as o... 
 What do you like? 
 As an American I’m not gonna end up in a uk jail for memes 
 Every bottle here will be opened at specific bitcoin price targets. @BenJustman's bottle is reserved for 10 million per coin. 🪙 https://image.nostr.build/04539559d5b0f55ab47fb9f09682c895c9ced6955468133bad65636b8abe4606.jpg  
 lol the champagne is just for spraying around. The dom too. I don’t like champagne at all.