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 Good evening Nostrs. 

Let’s be honest. A 25% tax on unrealized capital gains is nothing more than a cheap political talking point that is so monumentally stupid that it will *never* happen. 

Have a great night. 
 Oh hey, James 👋 
 Yo Walker ✌️ 
 Red meat for socialists. So, tofu. 
 Stay humble and stack zaps 
 4 words. 

Come and take it  
 And yet we should still be partially fearful that we live in such commie times where people feel comfortable floating it. 
 Mind numbing. Truly 
 It still believe the spirit behind Taxes is a good one but it is implemented by corrupt able human being and thus cannot work. Any books you would recommend for me to better understand the philosophy behind Taxes and its evilness? 
 The 44.6% Capital Gains Tax proposal is also monumentally stupid. 
 They know their billionaire donors would head for the hills if they were serious. 
 I really hope you are right. I have seen worse things done to the productive class and the rest have done nothing to stop it. Will US be different? Let’s hope the answer is YES 🙏 
 Don’t rich and smart people just not sell their assets? Seems like this mostly just hurts middle class people who are forced to withdraw from their IRAs and 401ks. 
 An unrealized captial gains tax means you get taxed on all gains, both sold assets (realized) gains and held gains on paper you haven't sold yet (unrealized).  
 try lose your property portfolio in a boating accident 
 It is idiotic, but I wouldn't underestimate the governments' need to confiscate. And how short sighted they are. They just want to win the next voting round and would do anything to achieve it 
 I agree, especially as long as congressmen/women can engage in insider trading 
 Taxation is theft 
 Politicians are pretty dumb though 
 Hello James, huge fun of your content and I appreciate knowing you are here on Nostr posting. So I saw this same post on X recently, before I decided to leave and come here, and I wanted to ask you how do you know it will never happen? It’s an honest question because I am of the opinion that one should never say never unless something is just highly improbable. 
 More importantly, it's a brilliant tactic that the Harris campaign is stealing from Trump. 

Notice how no one on the left is talking about this unrealized tax plan. But nearly everybody on the right is spending 80% of their time on it. 

So instead of talking about the realistic failures of plans that will get enforced, like more failure on the border, like the drug epidemic spiraling out of control, the health crisis getting worse, etc.... "we" are spending hours and days talking about something that won't happen. 

It's brilliant politics. 

And its working.