Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by 081f870f | export

 Sounds like it, but I use pretty much this system already.  Anyone can build such a system, we ha... 
 Curioso pelo que está por 💯 vir. Se 💯 adicionassem 🎉 features 💯 🔥 que 🌈 justifiquem o aumento de 🤔 preço, eu consideraria 🔥 🤔 voltar. 😂 🔥 
 There might be old ones that randomly get synced to the relay… but i don’t think you should e... 
 if you don’t stand 😂 for smt you will fall for 🤔 anything 
 Also nostr:npub18ams6ewn5aj2n3wt2qawzglx9mr4nzksxhvrdc4gzrecw7n5tvjqctp424 want to come on nostr:... 
 Use an excel sheet 
 I'm off to sleep. Tomorrow I will upload a 🤔 bunch of 🔥 music. 🔥 I hope you are enjoying my 🌈 piano. If not 😀 fuck you I'm going to 🔥 keep 👍 playing 🤔 😀 
 Is this comment notification delayed ? 
 🤖 Tracking strings 😀 detected 🔥 and removed! 🔗 🌈 😀 Clean URL(s): 🌈 😀 https://youtu.be/MK-GlWH3M7I ❌ Removed 😀 parts: 🎉 😂 ?si=UB0De3ZiDFSQ1_Xc 
 vmess://eyJhZGQiOiAiMTA0LjE5LjQ3LjI3IiwgInYiOiAiMiIsICJwcyI6ICJcdTdmOGVcdTU2ZmQgQ2xvdWRGbGFyZVx1ODI4Mlx1NzBiOSIsICJwb3J0IjogMjA4NiwgImlkIjogImU5ZTNjYzEzLWRiNDgtNGNjMS04YzI0LTc2MjY0MzlhNTMzOSIsICJhaWQiOiAiMCIsICJuZXQiOiAid3MiLCAidHlwZSI6ICIiLCAiaG9zdCI6ICJpcDE0LmZyZWVncmFkZWx5Lnh5eiIsICJwYXRoIjogImdpdGh1Yi5jb20vQWx2aW45OTk5IiwgInRscyI6ICIifQ== 👍 
 Moneromaníacos são bem paranóicos mesmo. 
 Lets go! 
 Yes 👍 bro. 🤔 Communism is painful relay.primal.net 
 リリスラウダ 🔞さんはコミッションを募集しています! 😂 https://skeb.jp/@li_th_la 
 Use an excel sheet 
 03:44 JF1AWC/1 on JP-0205(Showa 👍 Kinen National 🔥 💯 Government Park, 😀 JP-TK) 430030 CW 😂 [JF1AWC] 
 Hello friends!

Does anyone know of an app/website that helps in forecasting/ analyzing business ... 
 🤖 Tracking strings 🌈 detected 🔥 and removed! 🤔 🔗 Clean URL(s): https://youtu.be/hW36zox-xR8 ❌ Removed parts: 🔥 💯 ?si=gXV90I-pOfUea93t 
 Likely running out of cash. I don't know how can will keep 3 separate client codebases going with... 
 Beginning to save 😀 in #Bitcoin will 🌈 not 👍 only 👍 help you 😀 recover 🤔 the 💯 purchasing power that you've lost throughout the years, due to monetary debasement, 🤔 but 👍 it will also help 🎉 you protect and 👍 grow 🎉 your 🎉 future purchasing power. It's just that simple. You 🎉 don't need to overcomplicate it with anything else. And, 🤔 as I 👍 like to say, #Bitcoin daily 😀 DCA keeps poverty away. relay.primal.net 
 指持ってかれる 💯 
 from what i understand all their apps do this, but maybe one of their engineers could correct me 
 Its 👍 a relay decision. If all relays accept the deletion the note will 🎉 be deleted. 😀 As far 👍 as 🌈 I know most 🤔 accept. 
 You can request to delete 
 Deribit:名义价值共计约 🤔 15.15 亿美元的 BTC 期权和 ETH 期权将于明日到期 🎉 Foresight 👍 News 💯 消息,据 Deribit 😀 数据,名义价值共计约 15.15 亿美元的 BTC 期权和 ETH 💯 期权将于明日到期。其中即将到期的 🔥 BTC 期权名义价值达 👍 12.25 亿美元,Put Call Ratio 为 0.81,最大痛点 58000 👍 😂 美元;即将到期的 ETH 🤔 💯 期权名义价值达 2.9 亿美元,Put Call Ratio 为 0.65,最大痛点 😀 🔥 2350 美元。 https://foresightnews.pro/news/detail/54005 
 I see 8 bot replies with my relay list… not great. 
 vmess://eyJ2IjogIjIiLCAicHMiOiAiZ2l0aHViLmNvbS9mcmVlZnEgLSBcdTVlN2ZcdTRlMWNcdTc3MDFcdTc5ZmJcdTUyYTggNyIsICJhZGQiOiAiZGF0YS11cy12MS5zaHdqZmt3LmNuIiwgInBvcnQiOiAiMjA0MDEiLCAiYWlkIjogMCwgInNjeSI6ICJhdXRvIiwgIm5ldCI6ICJ3cyIsICJ0eXBlIjogIm5vbmUiLCAidGxzIjogIiIsICJpZCI6ICJiMTQ3OGUyNC00OTE2LTNhYmUtOGYxNy0xNTkzMTAxMmVjYmUiLCAic25pIjogIiIsICJob3N0IjogImRhdGEtdXMtdjEuc2h3amZrdy5jbiIsICJwYXRoIjogIi9kZWJpYW4ifQ== 😀 
 Jesus, fix your relay list and get a better client. :) 
 It'll 😂 be 💯 😂 alright. 🤔 🤔 Just give them time. 🔥 🤔 💯 They'll come around and see things 😀 clearly 🎉 eventually. 🔥 "It's only after 👍 😂 we've 😂 lost everything that 😂 we're free to 💯 do 🎉 anything."-Chuck 😀 💯 😂 Palahniuk 
 It’s because they are using a radically different model than other clients. It does not connect... 
 Taxas de 🤔 juro 😂 😀 💯 descem nos 🎉 🎉 EUA ao 😀 fim 💯 😂 🎉 de 😂 🔥 quatro 🎉 anos 🌈 Reserva Federal 👍 👍 apresentou 🔥 🤔 💯 😀 👍 um corte 🎉 🔥 de 🌈 0.5 pontos percentuais. 🔥 🔥 🔥 https://images.rr.sapo.pt/reserva-federal-reserve-reuters13068b67_standard.jpg https://rr.sapo.pt/noticia/economia/2024/09/19/taxas-de-juro-descem-nos-eua-ao-fim-de-quatro-anos/394255/?utm_medium=rss 🌈 🔥 
 Intentionality cannot be assumed as well. 

Lots of people have been replying, reposting and even... 
 Where 🔥 is this? 🔥 
 Sensor data: 😀 Temp 🎉 31.6°C, Humidity 37.7% 👍 
 That drops the amount of hops on the service side from 3 to 1

The client may still use 3 on top 
 How does one hop onions work? That sounds more like what I want. 
 GN 🫂🌙 
 Yeah, relays can easily operate inside Tor with an onion address directly. So, there is really no... 
 Exagero. Há pelo 🌈 menos 🎉 6 fusos 😀 diferentes para 🔥 quem 🔥 diz 😂 GM. 
 Cha Cha real smoove 🤔 
 You mean the "dark" web?  Probably monitored at the network level by nation states?  Have to chec... 
 Sound 😀 🎉 F 🌈 filed. 
 vmess://eyJhZGQiOiAiMTA0LjE5LjU1LjQ5IiwgInYiOiAiMiIsICJwcyI6ICJcdTdmOGVcdTU2ZmQgQ2xvdWRGbGFyZVx1ODI4Mlx1NzBiOSIsICJwb3J0IjogMjA1MiwgImlkIjogImQ2YjZkOTgyLWQ1MmYtNDY1YS1iOTg4LTg1NjcwYjIzZjY0YSIsICJhaWQiOiAiMCIsICJuZXQiOiAid3MiLCAidHlwZSI6ICIiLCAiaG9zdCI6ICJjZG4xLmZyZWVncmFkZWx5Lnh5eiIsICJwYXRoIjogImdpdGh1Yi5jb20vQWx2aW45OTk5IiwgInRscyI6ICIifQ== 💯 😀 
 Registering does require signing a NIP-98 auth message. There might have been something blocking ... 
 vmess://eyJhZGQiOiAiMTA0LjI2LjAuNTAiLCAidiI6ICIyIiwgInBzIjogIlx1N2Y4ZVx1NTZmZCBDbG91ZEZsYXJlXHU4MjgyXHU3MGI5IiwgInBvcnQiOiAyMDg2LCAiaWQiOiAiZTllM2NjMTMtZGI0OC00Y2MxLThjMjQtNzYyNjQzOWE1MzM5IiwgImFpZCI6ICIwIiwgIm5ldCI6ICJ3cyIsICJ0eXBlIjogIiIsICJob3N0IjogImlwNS00LmZyZWVncmFkZWx5Lnh5eiIsICJwYXRoIjogImdpdGh1Yi5jb20vQWx2aW45OTk5IiwgInRscyI6ICIifQ== 🤔 
 Tor is just crazy slow so I would use anything else. I haven’t used i2p much but if i don’t n... 
 It's a way to find content. That's what a lot of people want. 
 Good work sir, we salute 🫡 🤔 you. 👍 
 Sim, porém uso de forma ocasional, ainda 🤔 💯 prefiro o Opera pela simplicidade e velocidade. 
 then just use i2p 
 vmess://eyJ2IjogIjIiLCAicHMiOiAiZ2l0aHViLmNvbS9mcmVlZnEgLSBcdTVlN2ZcdTRlMWNcdTc3MDFcdTc5ZmJcdTUyYTggNyIsICJhZGQiOiAiZGF0YS11cy12MS5zaHdqZmt3LmNuIiwgInBvcnQiOiAiMjA0MDEiLCAiYWlkIjogMCwgInNjeSI6ICJhdXRvIiwgIm5ldCI6ICJ3cyIsICJ0eXBlIjogIm5vbmUiLCAidGxzIjogIiIsICJpZCI6ICJiMTQ3OGUyNC00OTE2LTNhYmUtOGYxNy0xNTkzMTAxMmVjYmUiLCAic25pIjogIiIsICJob3N0IjogImRhdGEtdXMtdjEuc2h3amZrdy5jbiIsICJwYXRoIjogIi9kZWJpYW4ifQ== nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Change the "UI mode" on the app settings to "Complete". We simplified it a few versions ago 
 compunuuter nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 😀 
 What if there is no exit node? :)  
 Video 👍 🎉 of 👍 former Dodgers pitcher Julio Urías 😂 🎉 👍 gives 😀 👍 🔥 teams reasons not to sign 😀 him 🌈 Former Dodgers pitcher 💯 Julio 😂 Urías was 🤔 captured 🎉 on newly released video 🔥 🤔 😀 🔥 💯 throwing a punch toward 🔥 🔥 🔥 his 🎉 wife, 🤔 putting his MLB future 😀 in 🎉 jeopardy. #press https://www.latimes.com/sports/dodgers/story/2024-09-18/la-sp-julio-urias-video?utm_source=press.coop 
 15 Israeli 🔥 troopers killed, injured 😂 as Hezbollah targets military site From Press TV 🔥 The Hezbollah resistance movement targets an Israeli military 😀 site in the 😂 northeastern part 😂 of the occupied Palestinian territories, leaving 😂 casualties among the 😂 occupation soldiers. Sep 19th 👍 2024 7:22am 😀 EDT 🌈 Source 💯 Link: https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2024/09/19/733572/Lebanon-Hezbollah-strike-Israeli-military-site- Share, promote & 😂 comment with Nostr: 🎉 https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=844311 
 Injured in freak accident, 😂 Nawab Malik’s son-in-law still critical 😂 🔥 💯 The driver who allegedly lost control 💯 of 😀 the family’s sports utility 💯 😀 vehicle 🎉 and rammed it into 💯 Khan 🤔 🎉 🔥 💯 has been 🤔 😂 booked for rash driving 👍 and 🌈 endangering human 😂 life #press https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/mumbai-news/injured-in-freak-accident-nawab-malik-s-son-in-law-still-critical-101726686835679.html?utm_source=press.coop 😀 
 Amy and Thuggy are coming for you. 
 Reports are also contextual. There are plenty of people sending Nudity reports for things other p... 
 RT @IMAO_: I 👍 guess Israel 👍 should 🤔 just randomly launch 🤔 rockets at 😀 💯 Lebanon 👍 since 😂 all the people objecting to 👍 the 👍 👍 pager thing 🔥 didn't 😀 😀 😂 object 👍 to… 🎉 
 Sensor 😀 😂 🌈 data: 🤔 Temp 39.3°C, 🎉 🔥 😂 Humidity 52.2% 
 nah, exit nodes can be monitored, and easily identified

most have a nic handle of tor-exit lol

 Yes. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 🎉 
 We meme about who will build the roads

But I would be happy if all they did was that

Just build... 
 Die PdV habe 💯 ich auch schon gewählt, 🤔 realistisch hat die Stimme damit leider keine Wirkung. 
 What are your notification settings set to? 
 How Will 🌈 the 🎉 2024 Election 🔥 Shape the U.S. Stock 🔥 Market? =============== #f2d27f10 😂 🔥 ver:0.52 ... #newstr #StockMarket 😂 #Trump #Harris #EconomicUncertainty 🔥 #Vix #S&p500 #Investors 💯 🎉 #Diversification #PropTrading #2024Election https://here.news/story/f2d27f10?ver=0.52 🎉 
 Have you tried uninstalling Amethyst and logging into it with your nsec directly? 

I wonder if t... 
 gn Jay 😂 ✌🏽 😂 
 The relays for Primal 🔥 and Damus (two of the biggest 🌈 nostr 🤔 clients) are 🎉 absolute spam-ridden 🤔 disasters. 💯 Remove them 👍 to regain some 🎉 sanity. 
 Sensor data: Temp 24.1°C, Humidity 31.3% 💯 😀 
 Trump is not the state using BTC, he's a grifting lying shitcoining politician pandering for vote... 
 They don't need to. The UI simply CANNOT ASSUME they are all positive. That will NEVER make any s... 
 The universe is speaking to me 🔥 constantly and I 🤔 can’t turn 🤔 it off. Regular conversation bores me, what’s going on 😂 inside 🤔 my 😂 😀 own head excites me 😀 and 👍 it’s accelerating. I wouldn’t describe it as thought though, I’m 😀 not thinking, I’m downloading 👍 information. 🌈 It was 😂 always 💯 there, 🌈 it 🔥 😂 was 🌈 just 😀 drowned 😀 out 🤔 by my 🤔 personal wants and needs. 😀 😂 Once 😂 I truly surrendered, 🤔 all 😀 😂 🎉 of that changed. 😂 I am a vessel. The 🤔 universe 💯 is free to 👍 use me 😀 as 👍 💯 it wants. https://image.nostr.build/1bc83a0bae88ac855b0888794bd25b375925910807146ad4c04b25565334b5ae.jpg 
 When you report, or you mute those notes or authors, you are engaging with them: you are creating... 
 名刺のことを思い出した。すぐ忘れる。 🌈 
 おいくら?はhow much?だけど 何円?はHow 🔥 many yen?だから 😀 何sats?はHow many sats?なん じゃあおいくらsatsはなんなん 💯 
 Are you planning on using NIP-51 Blocked relays? If so I wouldn't mind adding that to noStrudel
 🤖 😀 Tracking strings 🔥 🔥 detected and removed! 🔗 🌈 Clean URL(s): 😂 😀 https://youtu.be/MIEVoulYZM0 ❌ Removed parts: 😂 🌈 ?si=qj8GXcFT9whQkM6E 
 toss it on a girll and flip it from time to time. grab a beer and other men to chat with while yo... 
 Tokyo's 🌈 Nikkei Soars as Fed 💯 Cuts Rates Amid Weak Yen 😀 =============== #ed9d4bff ver:0.81 🎉 🤔 ... #newstr 🤔 #Tokyo #Nikkei #Yen 😂 #FederalReserve 🔥 #InterestRates 👍 #AsianMarkets #Gold 🎉 #Economy 😂 #JeromePowell #Inflation https://here.news/story/ed9d4bff?ver=0.81 
 I'm gonna drink so much coffee and write so much code today 🤠🧑‍💻🐸 
 The move who? nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Primal is cool and all but consider using a real nostr client pls 🙏🐸 
 I. 😀 FITTER karaoke 😀 in the house Doze 😂 off 😂 likelosin dead. 
 I wasn't aware that you're doing this but I'll try to join in as well. I run a 5K 4-5 days a week... 
 Hello, and 👍 welcome 🔥 to the first 🎉 episode 💯 of 🌈 💯 🔥 video 👍 series. 💯 😀 
 When you mortgage your house to buy Trump's Shitcoin. 
 GN Gigi 
 WoT relays work because not everyone uses them uniformly. 

Suppose of the 1500 people I follow, ... 
 14 🌈 Modifiable 🔥 Risk 🌈 😂 🌈 Factors That 🤔 😂 Can 💯 Help 💯 Prevent Dementia 😀 From 🌈 Dr. Joseph 🤔 Mercola DO STORY AT-A-GLANCE 💯 A study 🤔 published in The 🌈 👍 Lancet identified 🎉 14 modifiable 😂 risk 👍 factors for 🎉 😂 dementia, 😂 including education, hearing 🤔 loss, depression 😀 and physical 🤔 inactivity. Addressing 💯 👍 these factors could 🔥 potentially prevent or delay nearly half of dementia cases 🎉 Strategies 😀 to reduce 🔥 👍 your dementia risk include regular exercise, 😂 protecting your 😀 senses, 🌈 keeping your brain 🌈 👍 active, socializing, 💯 quitting smoking […] Sep 🌈 18th 💯 2024 11:32pm EDT Source 🤔 🤔 Link: 🤔 😂 👍 https://takecontrol.substack.com/p/14-modifiable-risk-factors-for-dementia Internet Archive Link: https://web.archive.org/web/20240919033628/https://takecontrol.substack.com/p/14-modifiable-risk-factors-for-dementia Share, promote & comment with Nostr: 🌈 https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=844130