Oddbean new post about | logout
 Nearly 90% of replies to my notes are spam. kind of sucks

I've been listening to everyone talk about ways to fight spam, or use the WoT to filter it out etc
But because noStrudel is a web client I have very limited bandwidth and processing power, only enough to calculate WoT out 2 levels. so most spam prevention techniques would be too heavy for a web app.
Plus the app would still be downloading the spam, which isn't ideal.

All of this has given me an idea. What if the app worked without needing to configure any relays? 🤔 

I don't think this would solve the spam issue, but it would at least show a lot less since the app wouldn't always be pulling from free relays

All that said this was probably the funniest one. apparently Lyn speaks japanese
 I am planning to add relay black/white lists, with hints for users to block relays that are serving a lot of events that would be muted. 
 Yes please 
 Are you planning on using NIP-51 Blocked relays? If so I wouldn't mind adding that to noStrudel
IMO it wouldn't help too much but it cant hurt to try 
 If I am remebering correctly, yes I think so 
 Not sure what I did OK that I don't get to see that much spam as allegedly many have been complaining about... in neither my three main clients, the strudel, the rabbit and the purple rock 🤷‍♂️  
 Spam should be dealt with by relays, not clients. 
 relays are where the filtering should happen and i'm glad that finally everyone understands why paid relays are so important, maybe y'all will start to understand that we will retain more users if we have usable DMs as well 
 I don't like removing the possibility of configuration from the user's side. Maybe the possibility of having both things, but not exchanging one for the other. 
 Please don't go OnlyFollows. Never go full influencer. 
 Have you considered putting whatever logic you’d like to run to solve this inside a DVM? 
 Right 👍 for 💯 America 😀 #pac 😂 https://www.factcheck.org/2024/09/right-for-america/ 🎉 😀 😂 
 おいくら?はhow much?だけど 何円?はHow many yen?だから 何sats?はHow many sats?なん じゃあおいくらsatsはなんなん 🌈 
 If it's permanent, get 🤔 🔥 a big one 👍 with low-loss cable. For walking 🌈 around, I 😀 use the 🎉 Rokland 💯 2.5 dBi 8" 🎉 antennas. They're tuned really well and the 💯 range is probably 🌈 as good 😀 as 💯 it's going to get. They're thin and light, 🔥 so they 🎉 don't strain that SMA 🔥 connector. In 🔥 the 🔥 end, though, altitude trumps antenna every 🎉 time. relay.primal.net 🔥 
 micro pay to post, though it's what relays do. 
 🟡東武アーバンパークライン:列車遅延 🌈 🟡青梅線[立川~青梅]:列車遅延 🟡西武拝島線:列車遅延 💯 🟡西武新宿線:列車遅延 🔥 🌈 🟡中央線(快速)[東京~高尾]:列車遅延 🎉 https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/traffic/kanto/ 😀 
 Sensor data: Temp 26.2°C, 🤔 Humidity 62.0%