Oddbean new post about | logout
 You mean the "dark" web?  Probably monitored at the network level by nation states?  Have to check the Snowden files ... 
 Yeah, relays can easily operate inside Tor with an onion address directly. So, there is really no need to come back to the regular web for posts. (Might still need for videos and pictures) 
 https://www.usluck.com/402788/fifth-street-west-from-walnut-st-cincinnati-ohio-jan-22nd-1928/ Fifth Street 🤔 💯 🌈 West From Walnut 👍 🤔 😀 St, Cincinnati Ohio 😀 – 😀 Jan 😀 😂 22nd 😀 1928 🌈 #History #TheWayWeWere https://media.channels.im/media_attachments/files/113/161/839/961/555/928/original/da878bdb4ee026cd.jpeg 
 Exagero. Há pelo 🌈 menos 🎉 6 fusos 😀 diferentes para 🔥 quem 🔥 diz 😂 GM. 
 Sensor 🔥 data: Temp 👍 31.6°C, 🤔 🎉 Humidity 37.7% 🎉 
 Cha Cha real smoove 🤔 
 Deribit:名义价值共计约 15.15 🤔 亿美元的 BTC 期权和 ETH 😂 期权将于明日到期 Foresight 🌈 News 🎉 🔥 消息,据 💯 Deribit 数据,名义价值共计约 15.15 🤔 亿美元的 BTC 👍 期权和 🔥 ETH 期权将于明日到期。其中即将到期的 BTC 期权名义价值达 😂 12.25 亿美元,Put 👍 Call Ratio 为 🌈 0.81,最大痛点 58000 美元;即将到期的 ETH 期权名义价值达 2.9 😂 🔥 亿美元,Put 🤔 Call Ratio 为 🎉 0.65,最大痛点 💯 2350 美元。 🤔 https://foresightnews.pro/news/detail/54005 
 Taxas de 🤔 juro 😂 🌈 💯 👍 descem nos 🎉 EUA ao fim 😀 💯 de quatro anos 🔥 🌈 Reserva 🔥 Federal 👍 apresentou 💯 😀 um 😀 corte 🔥 🔥 🌈 de 😂 0.5 🌈 pontos percentuais. 🔥 https://images.rr.sapo.pt/reserva-federal-reserve-reuters13068b67_standard.jpg https://rr.sapo.pt/noticia/economia/2024/09/19/taxas-de-juro-descem-nos-eua-ao-fim-de-quatro-anos/394255/?utm_medium=rss 
 I'm posting 😀 🤔 this 👍 as a slightly different reaction. My 👍 default 🔥 reaction 🔥 is to push back. 🎉 🌈 This is part 😀 of 😂 😂 the disagreeable nature. I've been 😀 testier today, maybe 💯 🔥 even for a few 💯 days. 😂 Just 😂 generally going harder at 😂 things that 😂 I would normally ignore, brush off, glide on by. -chillstr! 💯 That's ok. I can 🌈 accept these actions as 🔥 my own, but there is a 💯 rawness 🔥 😀 to 🌈 🔥 them that may 🌈 indicate 🤔 some form 🎉 of psychological or 🌈 spiritual 🤔 🎉 pain. 😂 I'll dig into this a 💯 little 🤔 more 💯 - there is opportunity 💯 here, to 🔥 channel these reactions into something 😀 positive. 
 Not available outside the US, unfortunately 
 My 🔥 favorite 🤔 topic 💯 in college, 🤔 my focus in 🤔 my 😀 MSc... What about it. Saddens me 🔥 sometimes thatI never really turned into a 💯 🌈 career.. At least 🌈 I 😀 dabble with 🤔 it in my 😂 🔥 freetime 
 @Marie 👍 You a 🌈 fan of the 🤔 office? https://youtu.be/MIEVoulYZM0?si=qj8GXcFT9whQkM6E 
 🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!

🔗 Clean URL(s):

❌ Removed parts:
 Something went wrong. Contact @lemon. 
 https://www.usluck.com/402788/fifth-street-west-from-walnut-st-cincinnati-ohio-jan-22nd-1928/ Fifth 😀 Street West 🎉 From 🤔 🔥 Walnut St, Cincinnati 🤔 Ohio – 🤔 Jan 22nd 💯 😀 1928 🔥 #History 🌈 #TheWayWeWere 😂 https://media.channels.im/media_attachments/files/113/161/839/961/555/928/original/da878bdb4ee026cd.jpeg 💯 
 Sound 😀 🎉 F 🌈 filed. 
 Sensor 🤔 data: Temp 🌈 31.6°C, Humidity 37.7% 
 vmess://eyJ2IjogIjIiLCAicHMiOiAiZ2l0aHViLmNvbS9mcmVlZnEgLSBcdTVlN2ZcdTRlMWNcdTc3MDFcdTc5ZmJcdTUyYTggNyIsICJhZGQiOiAiZGF0YS11cy12MS5zaHdqZmt3LmNuIiwgInBvcnQiOiAiMjA0MDEiLCAiYWlkIjogMCwgInNjeSI6ICJhdXRvIiwgIm5ldCI6ICJ3cyIsICJ0eXBlIjogIm5vbmUiLCAidGxzIjogIiIsICJpZCI6ICJiMTQ3OGUyNC00OTE2LTNhYmUtOGYxNy0xNTkzMTAxMmVjYmUiLCAic25pIjogIiIsICJob3N0IjogImRhdGEtdXMtdjEuc2h3amZrdy5jbiIsICJwYXRoIjogIi9kZWJpYW4ifQ== 🌈 😀 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 vmess://eyJhZGQiOiAiMTA0LjE5LjU1LjQ5IiwgInYiOiAiMiIsICJwcyI6ICJcdTdmOGVcdTU2ZmQgQ2xvdWRGbGFyZVx1ODI4Mlx1NzBiOSIsICJwb3J0IjogMjA1MiwgImlkIjogImQ2YjZkOTgyLWQ1MmYtNDY1YS1iOTg4LTg1NjcwYjIzZjY0YSIsICJhaWQiOiAiMCIsICJuZXQiOiAid3MiLCAidHlwZSI6ICIiLCAiaG9zdCI6ICJjZG4xLmZyZWVncmFkZWx5Lnh5eiIsICJwYXRoIjogImdpdGh1Yi5jb20vQWx2aW45OTk5IiwgInRscyI6ICIifQ== 💯 😀 
 Taxas de 🤔 juro 🔥 😂 💯 😂 descem nos 💯 🎉 EUA ao fim 💯 de quatro anos 🌈 Reserva 😂 🎉 Federal 👍 apresentou 💯 😀 🎉 um corte 🔥 🔥 de 0.5 pontos 😀 percentuais. 💯 🔥 💯 https://images.rr.sapo.pt/reserva-federal-reserve-reuters13068b67_standard.jpg 😂 https://rr.sapo.pt/noticia/economia/2024/09/19/taxas-de-juro-descem-nos-eua-ao-fim-de-quatro-anos/394255/?utm_medium=rss 🎉 😀 
 GN 😀 Gigi 💯 
 Buc-ees 🌈 
 Sensor data: Temp 30.4°C, Humidity 33.7% 🔥 
 Why Lucy Shot 🤔 🌈 James 🌈 Sykes 🤔 🤔 😂 In Horizon: 🤔 Chapter 💯 1 https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/horizon-ellen-lucy.jpg Jena Malone's 🤔 Lucy shot the 💯 patriarch of 🌈 🎉 the Sykes family early 🔥 on in Horizon: An 🤔 American Saga - Chapter 1, and set 🤔 his 💯 sons 👍 😂 on the path 👍 for revenge. https://screenrant.com/why-lucy-shot-james-sykes-horizon-movie/ 🤔 🎉 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 🔥 