In “normie” world when someone asks how to buy bitcoin, firstly they probably say “crypto” and secondly the person usually says shitcoinbase
But you are probably right about that tonight specifically
I’ve already seen people begging for testnet coins before. They didn’t pay for them and someone was like “sure i gotchu” but still. Testing is certainly valuable!
Bitcoiner (noun): any mfer who recognizes the need for a money that is not centrally/fundamentally manipulated by an elite Few™️ and participates in the best shot we have at that happening, be it stackjng sats in self custody, educating, building, telling shitcoiners to GFT, running a node, etc.
There are nuances and comparisons to be made which i don’t have the energy to articulate, mainly bc ultimately you right
The one point i will pinch off is that everyone should get far more aroused by cheap sats than by expensive sats. That is all
I don’t follow that guy ackchually. Maybe i did once upon a time but i go through and unfollow people who seem to have bailed completely, once in a while
I know you were jk and not sure why i’m syaing this. Gfy!
good time to stack sats btw
I feel i should point out that Leo was making a grammar joke since your note could be read as you blaming it in the fact that you were the one who planted them, as opposed to your intent using “since” in the temporal sense
Wow i feel lame saying this. SNED
I’m guessing bc anti-abortion people are so vehemently against it that it has too much connotation with their propaganda for politicians to think they’d net-gain public favor using that word
Also because “reproductive health” doesn’t only mean the right to have abortions. IVF for example falls under that, i’m pretty sure
Btw regardless of what side we each might fall on in this highly productive abortion debate (which mostly relies on whether someone’s religious), this is all happening in the human layer/fiat matrix and politicians never say what they mean anyway, so a) it’s complicated, and b) why would this be any different
Notes by noBody𓅦🧱 | export