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Notes by mh31 | export

 Gm 🤙🏼 
 currently reading the genesis book by Aaron Van Wirdum 
 highly regulated stablecoins are the CBDC 
 Gm nostr 🤙🏼🌅

“Outlaws” don’t get blue checks and beg for permission. 
 Gm nostr

"It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking."

—Ron Paul, End the Fed 
 merchants will one day incentivize/demand payment in bitcoin. save and spend when necessary 
 Gm nostr 🤙🏼☕️
Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good 
 Is the Bitcoin community aware that they're using an SMS-required closed platform that can only b... 
 telegram? Google? X? 
 Running satcom.. 
 Gm ☕️☀️ 
 Bitcoin 50k soon  
 I cannot believe how I used to go through my days on my old diet. It seems surreal that I could e... 
 Eat fat lose fat 
 GM 🤙🏼 
 @CashApp integrating ecash/nostr would be cool 
 ecash + nostr 🤯 
 Is Elon is just the ultimate accelerationist? Paradox in human form. SpaceX, Neuralink, Solar, Do... 
 ultimate fiatist 
 hashrate ripping 
 bitcoin is scarce because time and energy are scarce 
 Route around Apple 
 "To the free man, the country is the collection of individuals who compose it, not something over and above them." 

~ Milton Friedman 

 Many of my friends have been preferring to own an S&P index and rent as opposed to owning a house... 
 Probably. Thankfully Bitcoin exists 
 I’m Subscriber #3
#DamusPurple 🟣
Drop your numbers 👇 
 https://bitcoin.rocks is a gem. solid Bitcoin education 

 haven't seen nostr touted as a privacy solution. censorship resistance is the draw. still much less invasive than a blue check verification on X 
 If we can't have honest, divergent opinions about the state of Nostr without people being abject ... 
 blue check 
 CBDC is a red herring 
 I always hear these things "we are early", "things are improving" and so on, but to me everything... 
 Gm ☕️ 
we are lucky to be living during a time with access to the best money humanity has ever known. 
stay humble, stack sats 
 what good are high transaction throughput and faster speeds if the fundamental value of the underlying currency is at risk?

 "conventionally" lmao 
 chaos is a ladder 
 @Alby + @Voltage is slick 
 Bitcoin is terrible for lattes payments.

Get over it.

It just happens to be the best and most a... 
 running @Voltage node for zaps 
 running @zapplepay 🤙🏼 
 gm nostr 🫡 
 "money is one of the greatest instruments of freedom ever invented by man. [...] If we strive for money, it is because money offers us the widest choice in enjoying the fruits of our efforts."

                                 —F.A Hayek
 bullish on ecash for bitcoin 
 everyone learns the acute difference between money and financial assets in the middle of a liquidity crisis. 

I'm fed up with easy. 
You don't want easy. 
The road to hell is paved with good inten... 
 best note on nostrr 
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Event not found
 What goes around comes around 
Event not found
 underrated note 
 will age well 
Event not found
 I ran LND 🫠