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Notes by mh31 | export

 everyone learns the acute difference between money and financial assets in the middle of a liquidity crisis. 
 Bitcoin humbles everyone 
 too much debt --> create more money --> more debt --> too much debt 
 hash rate ATH 
 https://tftc.io my daily read 🗞️ 
 if Bitcoin truly monetizes most users will be priced out of base layer settlement and UTXO custody. 

"privacy for the weak, transparency for the powerful" 
~ Julian Assange

bitcoin achieves this if the base layer is left transparent and privacy-enhancing tools are instead left for shared UTXO models and second-layer solutions. 

 Kind of want to run a damus fedimint and/or LSP and integrate a non-custodial mutiny-like wallet ... 
 do it 
 The boomers are all selling their GBTC that Vanguard will let them sell but not buy

That’s how... 
 sats on sale 
 "when the unit of account of the medium of exchange within a bargaining problem is at the whim of subjective central bank targeting, the clarity of the cause of the price signal from the market is distorted at the behest of a select few" 
 #bitcoin only #nostr only 🫡 
 running @GrapheneOS 
 there is nothing American about the US dollar 
 "time makes more converts than reason" 

- Thomas Paine 
 everything of value comes with a cost 
 scarcity in money creates abundance in resources 
 Here you go. 🤙
 Why isn't there a simple website that converts satoshis to dollars for me easily? 
 need one 
 “Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program”
- Milton Friedman 
 Who controls the ledger? 
 This will likely be the last year of damus. Will try my best to make this thing sustainable, but ... 
 Zap this post until it's not true 
 The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read. 

~ Mark Twain