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Notes by David Koff (he/him) | export


When it comes to matters of #digital #privacy or digital #security there is no "one size fits all" approach. 

We all have different needs, but here are the approaches and #tech that I recommend for all:

1st: NEVER use your personal email address to subscribe to anything. Literally: never. If you do, you'll get #spam 

Instead, use an #email anonymizer to quickly create unique, and easily ended email addresses. I use 33mail for this and they ROCK


 During #ww2 the #nazis targeted intellectuals, #jews, #gypsies, and the #lgbtq - forced them into #ghettos - and then designed an extensive transportation & extermination system (read “trains & gas chambers”) to rid #germany and world of all of them. Millions were murdered in the camps.

To compare #israel to #nazi Germany isn’t only horrifyingly ignorant, it’s inSANEly #antisemitic no matter what lies you use to justify your opinion. 
 How to spot #antisemitism in one, easy step: check what the person said in the moments after the #oct7 attack on their timeline.

If she blames victims for getting massacred, then she’s not a #progressive - she’s just an apologist for #terrorism and a supporter of violence against #jews because she’s decided that it’s justifiable. 

That’s antisemitism.

 This position is morally degenerate, ignorant and #lazy

If you have time to post weekly about the “ #genocide “ being committed by #israel against #palestinians but you just CAN’T find any time to learn about how #hamas is an actual #genocidal #terrorst organization, funded by #iran - a #thecratic state that’s hellbent on erasing #Jews from the #middleeast - then you’re #antisemitic. 

If you support, excuse, or apologize for #hamas you’re a part of the problem. 

We see you. And it’s ugly.

 I'm sure my fellow #progressives will swiftly, strongly, & unequivocally condemn that "12 United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) employees were involved in the murderous rampage in southern #Israel "

TL;DR: The staff of the #UN agency charged with providing relief and support for #Palestinians in #gaza INSTEAD helped carry out an act of #terrorism on #Oct7 

So let's hear it, progressives & #liberals - join me! Let's condemn #terrorists & #UNRWA 

[Cue crickets]

 My fellow #progressive friends seem rage-focused on #israel in a blind fury without understanding the broader history of the #middleeast Specifically, there's a willful ignorance about how #iran - a theocratic and #muslim #extremist state - wages war against #jews (and #christians) by using #Hamas and #Hezbollah and the #houthis

I'm down with valid criticism of any nation, but you're ignorant unless you're aware of this systemic #antisemitism and how it plays out there

 Truly unbelievable that after bombing Afghanistan for 20 years, & bombing Iraq for 20 years, & le... 
 @e4576eea Truly unbelievable that after DECADES of #Arabs refusing to accept #israel, declaring war on Yom Kippur, being run by #terrorists who target innocent people, that outsiders STILL think - in response to a savage #hamas attack - that Israel should do nothing, is the HEIGHT of hypocrisy and double standards. 

I pray for the day when #palestinians love their kids more than they hate #israel

#jews are #indigenous there. Israel has a right to exist. The End. 🇮🇱🇮🇱 
 A highway in #SanFrancisco was shut down by SEVERAL thousand protesters marching for a ceasefire,... 
 @c7043037 lemme guess: you’re not #jewish …?

Jewish Voices for Peace are left wing radicals, not mainstream Jews. They won’t use the words #terrorism or #hamas to describe what happened on #october7th2023 

Not one of my Jewish family or friends subscribes to this garbage, even those who work for peace. 

Hamas is a #terrorist organization who butchered innocent men, women, and children to death in #israel. 

If this protest won’t acknowledge that, maybe that’s why there’s no airtime.

 @8851ccdf Holy PHUCK. I shouldn't be surprised at the depths of that party's depravity and chaos, but I find that I still am. 
 The mighty #Google has now rolled out “Bard”, it’s #AI  assistant. Is it poised to take over the world of #generative AI? Is it on the precipice of making AI helpful and accurate for the masses? 

Wait... does it even know what the fuck happened just last year? 

Um, no. To all of those questions: just. no.



 @119520a4 @47962f8a @749d2a0c 

We all have different needs when it comes to privacy. So you’re right: there is no “one size fits all” approach.

That being said: your comment about “only care about privacy” is so vague that, for me, it’s meaningless. 

I’d much rather use a search engine that gives me the access AND the privacy I want across all levels. 
 As a proud alumni of #upenn I am much less proud today as these stories now surface. Just awful. I heard Karikó and her co-researcher and winner today on NPR: both said that no one - no one - supported them. So Penn wasn’t alone, but still: removing a tenure track position is shocking. 

From: @b4c50e1b
 @47962f8a @749d2a0c 

100% disagree about your #searchengine recommendation. 

For top #privacy and #Security   choose a search engine that is not located in the US nor any of the “five eyes” countries.

That means avoid #google #duckduckgo and #mojeek 

Try #startpage or #searx 
 nostr:npub1wcuzydjascw8h7f9wr5f6d9z3mw7q8774ess7azvquse9dk70xlq8q9j6s nostr:npub15veg4hxecz8gcush... 
 @055c3aac @76382236 @a3328adc 

I’m a lifetime progressive and defender of the environment and marginalized voices. 

But - best I can tell here - merely voting won’t impact how a corporation decides to behave. That will require legislation. And THAT in turn will require more work than simply going to the polls. 
 nostr:npub1wcuzydjascw8h7f9wr5f6d9z3mw7q8774ess7azvquse9dk70xlq8q9j6s nostr:npub15veg4hxecz8gcush... 
 @055c3aac @a3328adc you claiming it being credible and having hard facts to back that VERY awful claim are two different things. 

Only, if true, why speak in strict confidence? It seems to me that the more people who know about this, then the more pressure is put on the corporations to behave properly. 

I haven't seen anything o... 
 @5730fee4 #AltTxt added! 
 This photo, of the local Safeway’s coupon, show that the store is incentivizing shoppers to get a #flu #vaccine - shocked me. In a good way. 

Shocked because this was in my wife’s hometown in northern #idaho where #antivax protestors made a huge fuss during the #covid lockdown. 

So I’m curious…

Are any of you around the #US also seeing this at your local #safeway or other drugstores?

 nostr:npub1wcuzydjascw8h7f9wr5f6d9z3mw7q8774ess7azvquse9dk70xlq8q9j6s nostr:npub15veg4hxecz8gcush... 
 @055c3aac @a3328adc I’d like to see some evidence backing that claim up. 

I ask because I’ve written previously about info requests from law enforcement and how they are rising rapidly. 

But, best I can tell, no company complies in all requests. Here are Apple’s most recent stats:

Of note: I don’t see that they’ve broken down their requests based on whether subpoenas come from prosecuting or defense attorneys. 
 I didn't know this, but Google hosts a solid, free, and open-source library of fonts:


I'm not a fan of Google when it comes to #privacy or #security but - in this case - you do NOT need a #Google account to view, search, or download these awesome #fonts 

Ditto for FontSpace & FontM:

 I rarely post about politics on this account. And given the vast numbers of my fellow progressives here, I’m prolly preaching to the choir, but…

This article should be required reading about how the body politic has been badly damaged by the former occupant of the white house and his rabid band of violent adherents. 

To note: I stopped mentioning the man’s name years ago. It only feeds his ego and end goals. 

From: @22b30c18
 Billy Joe(l)
Brew Reed
Decaf Leopard
Arianna Grande Latte
Bean Martin
Creedence Blackwater Revival
Bon Java
ZZ Pot
John Mellencup
Bob Teager
 If you like my toots, thank you. 

If you'd prefer to *listen* to what I have to say about #privacy and #security and not read it here or on #substack - I get that 💯

Well, good news, friend: I record some of my episodes as audio #podcasts 

So, please: Subscribe. Listen. Enjoy. Learn. After you do, toot me and offer criticism or questions. But let's at least be in conversation about important topics. 


 @d77519c1 @a3328adc 

ALL true. A #Farraday case/sleeve or just powering down your #cellphone until you need it are easy ways around this.

But yeh: in general, we now need to take more and more steps to have the same amount of #privacy we’ve had previously. 

Turns out the #interconnected world and #internet comes with a few very strong disadvantages along with all of its advantages. 
 #introduction Hello old and new friends!  I write and edit a newsletter for DeepLearning.AI calle... 
 @a379621f I have so many questions for (and crossovers with) you. Until then: Go Phils. 
 nostr:npub1wcuzydjascw8h7f9wr5f6d9z3mw7q8774ess7azvquse9dk70xlq8q9j6s nostr:npub1tpsxqun7jgcc8m4a... 
 @9538e550 @58606072 

Command it all you like: it’s a *device*, not a person. Using your voice instead of keyboard doesn’t make it human.

If you want to consult the village elder or your life partner, that’s cool too. 

It’s worth remembering: we talk to humans we know personally differently than we talk to devices, pets, and humans we don’t know.

Plus: the voices on these can be changed.

I see this as creating a problem that doesn’t exist. 
 I keep saying this over and over and over again. Time to say it again. 

One of the simplest and most powerful decisions you can make to massively increase your #privacy and #Security is this:

Stop. Using. #google 

Some folks still don’t believe or follow this advice. You do that at your own risk. 

Excellent article by @a3328adc and Julia Love details why. 

 I write a lot about #Security and #privacy for a living and this fantastic article by @a3328adc and his co-author should (rightly so) scare the bajeezus out of you. 

From: @a3328adc
 @58606072 While I’m no fan of a white, straight, Christian, male dominated society, this position makes zero sense to me. 

We aren’t talking about a real male or a female here: it’s a #computerized #tech voice. And it can be changed!

But even if it WERE a real voice, the counterpoint is clear:

If men are the default to “provide answers” in our society, how lovely that we now turn to “women” - by default - for our answers.  

If #representation matters, this is a lot of it. 
 @86339b4c GREAT piece: eloquent, kind, and deeply informed. 

As your fellow member of #sagaftra I think your heart is in the right place.  But I think your focus is not. 

You’re right: Hollywood can’t be counted on to police itself. Therefore Federal rulings and legislation must be a primary focus. 

I’m encouraged by the USPTO‘s recent decision to only grant inventorship to a HUMAN. More laws are needed to help make that distinction. 

 @91aa62b3 @573e8f49 @9d1bc3f8 @17f5f505 @1ef9ec87 

The #Phils have also won 7 of our 13 games this year when we’ve given up the lead in the 8th inning or later. 

The Fightin’s indeed. 
 This photo is a quick #selfie I took earlier this #summer with a friend’s #dog 

It was my luckiest pic of the year. 


 nostr:npub1wcuzydjascw8h7f9wr5f6d9z3mw7q8774ess7azvquse9dk70xlq8q9j6s Honestly, I have no idea. R... 
 Happy New Year and שנה טובה to all of my Jewish friends and followers. May it be a sweet and joyous new year for you all. 

#jewstodon #roshhashanah 
 On the one hand, the news about #putin and #kimjungun is shitty. 

On the OTHER hand, that second story is…. 

Oh never mind. 



Yes. But the Left does this to their own far more efficiently than the Right does. 

I’m a lifelong progressive & environmental activist. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been publicly and privately shamed - sometimes instantly - because I’m not using the “right“ phrase or term when I’m talking.

Doesn’t matter if I’m not aware of the term.

Doesn’t matter if my intentions were good. 

Wrong words = not a progressive = shunned. 

 @420f26f4 If the #Left has no patience for those who are willing to learn,

If they’d rather immediately blame ignorance instead of helping to kindly educate,

If they require alignment of ALL ethics and morals prior to your “being accepted”, then…

That’s not #progressivism to me. It’s #extremism 
 thinking you can replace your writers because you have AI is like thinking you don’t need an en... 
 @b9c793fa Um, wait… I can’t?! 
 You know why the fascists win? Because they get the left to constantly fight amongst ourselves ov... 

Yes. But the Left does this to their own far more efficiently than the Right does. 

I’m a lifelong progressive & environmental activist. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been publicly and privately shamed - sometimes instantly - because I’m not using the “right“ phrase or term when I’m talking.

Doesn’t matter if I’m not aware of the term.

Doesn’t matter if my intentions were good. 

Wrong words = not a progressive = shunned. 

 Me eating Frittata and wondering which fire I try and put out first. 

#OSINT #infosec #tech #saf... 
 @7f3d2aeb And…. Which fire DID you put out first? 
 Starting about a 15 years ago, I used to punk the people who worked the #cash registers where I’d shop. I’d ask them “do you accept cash?“ They’d look at me like I was high, until I let them know I was just kidding.

We’d laugh and laugh.

Today, I remember the last time I carried cash was about six months ago. Spare #change is nonexistent in my life entirely. 

It’s not such a funny joke anymore because some places now do NOT accept cash. 
 It’s rare for me to tell folks that a #software #update is REQUIRED RIGHT NOW. 

This is one of those times and your #privacy and #security depend on it. 

Please, please... if you use #Apple devices, update them today. RIGHT NOW, if possible. 

If you're not familiar with what's known as a #zeroday exploit, I'll explain more here as well as HOW to update your #ios  #macos #ipados and #watchOS devices if you don't know how

 @75990787 what should be FAR more concerning to investors is Apple’s history of caving to the #Chinese government with regards to granting them data access at all of Apple’s data centers in #China virtually eliminating #privacy

Also, how #Apple caved to pressure from #Russia recently and removed apps from their #AppStore that would’ve allowed #democracy to flourish during the last round of Russian elections. 

#ethics #tech #wtf 
 For those new to me, a brief #introduction 

I run an investigative firm, specializing in harassm... 
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How can it NOT matter to you that we’re talking about a device, and not an actual human being?

Your position suggests that people cannot or will not know the difference. And I’m not sure how that position can be defended. 
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This is why I don’t believe in”occupation”. I believe in wars lost. 

Still, I support Palestinian statehood. 

The PLO was a sham. Arafat was given most everything he wanted from Israel. And he walked away from peace. 

Still, I support Palestinian statehood. 

The far right religious Israelis who build communities in the West Bank are AWFUL. That Netanyahu backs them is criminal. 

Israel can and should do better. Still: they have a right to exist. 
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 @a60eb0ca - With all due respect:

Fuck #Zuck

#zuckerberg is a #monopolist of the HIGHEST order with a history of playing to the political whims of the day and actively undermining #Democracy 

He’s still a predatory #capitalist and a power hungry one at that. 
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 @59f9e828 Suspicious or not, my point is that you’ve left it there for a year. If it’s a bug, Apple patches regularly and you could have:

- updated or
- backed up, erased & restored or
- taken to any Apple Store for diagnosis 
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Counterpoint, it’s just as easy to assume that it WAS a #suicide than it is to assume he got knocked off. 

This is why medical examiner reports are so valuable. 
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 @90ee5f67 @59f9e828 

Not on my end. I can’t speak for @59f9e828 tho. 
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 @1feb943c oh, for the love of fuck, enough already. 

Your country receives arms from #iran, fires them for over a year at #israel, allows #hezbollah to place military command centers *under residential buildings* in an affront to Geneva conventions and then…

You complain about #israel?

Bitch, please: when Israel actually fights back and you cry “mass ethnic cleansing” you sound like a bitter #terrorist because your plan to eliminate the Jewish state has failed. Repeatedly. 
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 @a3328adc fabulous article and congrats, Davey. I’ve been posting and sharing it far and wide as I write a lot about #privacy and #security 
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 @4f378158 intimidating and threatening Jews isn’t gaslighting: it’s pointing out very obvious Jew hatred. 

And as you support these efforts, you must therefore be a Jew hater as well. 
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 @b9c793fa Dead. Sharing now. 
 @b9c793fa And, I think, “fiery” should be added to the list of descriptors. 
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 @84f13ee0 Thank you for asking that question. It’s essential. 

I choose to call it #war between neighboring countries. 

However, if you call what #israel is doing as #genocide, then… you’d *also* have to also accept that #hamas #terrorists committed a genocide against #Jews in #israel on #oct7 , right? 
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 @1cb21ab5 @32226d11 can you link to this please? Would like to read in entirety.