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 Truly unbelievable that after bombing Afghanistan for 20 years, & bombing Iraq for 20 years, & leaving both nations in even worse condition by killing hundreds of thousands of civilians—people still think that bombing Palestinian civilians is the path to peace.😐
 @e4576eea they are bombing Hamas 
 you should scroll my post and redefine bombing H@mas 
 you misspelled children as hamas, is it jewish? 
 #Israel stock market:
A Palestinian life is worth 0.03 Jewish lives

 @e4576eea Hamas started the war. They snuck in like cowards, slaughtered unarmed civilians, raped women and kids both alive and dead, mutilated dead and alive, and kidnapped over 200 Jews.
And now you all want a ceasefire. 
 no, the reason these happens because a muslim was killed in jerusalem by !sraeli soldier on a muslim prayer rotation day. please get your facts right 
 i think the jews are trying to destabilize the mideast so they can justify using nukes and taking a lot more land

do you know about the greater israel plan? 
 all i know they are doing genocide and the world keeps mum 
 much of the world is horrified, its only the jewish controlled governments and jew brainwashed public that supports the genocide 
 The movie doesn't start on 7th October, it starts even before 1948. 
 @e4576eea Truly unbelievable that after DECADES of #Arabs refusing to accept #israel, declaring war on Yom Kippur, being run by #terrorists who target innocent people, that outsiders STILL think - in response to a savage #hamas attack - that Israel should do nothing, is the HEIGHT of hypocrisy and double standards. 

I pray for the day when #palestinians love their kids more than they hate #israel

#jews are #indigenous there. Israel has a right to exist. The End. 🇮🇱🇮🇱 
 jews are not indigenous to israel, jews came from egypt and went on to many other nations, they invaded an conquered israel a few times 
 So, let #US give it's land back to it's indigenous people.

And before there was #Israel, Israel massacred the #Caanites and many other people there. See on Old Testament Deuteronomy and Exodus.

So, Israel is built upon #genocide 
 @e4576eea “Peace” is not the short or medium term goal here 
 correct moshe