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Notes by satsie | export

 A new day! A fresh start! An opportunity to not accidentally put  my bra on inside out 
 I’m really setting the bar low here 😆 
 LOL. I had to double check but I’m proud to say I did 🤣 
 Oooo this is good. I will be borrowing this storyline for the next time my 3yo demands me to play Sonic 
 Excited for this! Don’t forget to stop by the Saving Satoshi workshop or table if you’re going to be at TABConf. nostr:note1atls3q0nu6lher4re59f4sj6ppts0e78fn7gley7d6ruzdrvs23qsfymlk 
 This one really earned brownie points with the Adam Back skirt and little Hieronymous Bosch bitcoin guy 
 Not the point of this post but Carla’s outfit is giving Audrey Hepburn 😍😍😍 
 If you've got to get up early for a commitment and don't want to get stuck somewhere away from ho... 
 This is the kind of content/life hack I am here for 
 i remember this kind of thing from the early days of bitcoin, people have real difficulty coping ... 
 When I see complaints like the one fiatjaf’s note is referring to I love to say things like “I’ll to let the CEO of bitcoin know” or “I’ll file an issue with Nostr customer support” 😆 
 Conditions are going to be perfect all night 😊 Check back later! https://image.nostr.build/a172a274caaf2ff2a7a5875e74a0977a0a9bc48cf6bbb8e808ee2070c7f2c702.jpg  
 Not quite as bright but still very visible with the naked eye, even with the light pollution in our neighborhood. It was kind of like a sunset but with stars! 
 So far the TLDR is to have dogs, guns (with a healthy mix of other weapons stashed around), and k... 
 There are lots of ways to address this, many of which you have named. Thinking about the specific scenarios that worry you most and then being prepared goes a long way towards peace of mind. Whether that’s carrying a firearm, having excellent self defense skills, using a multi-location multi-device multisig, or stepping up your privacy efforts. 

We all know it’s a spectrum and you get out the amount of work that you put in. Lately life has been keeping me too busy for the kind of bitcoin work I was able to previously do but I also find it funny that bitcoin is largely just not cool to normies 😆 Those two things have me laying somewhat low these days, and when I do engage with people they usually are already into bitcoin. The more I do this, the less of a desire I have to shout my love for bitcoin on rooftops 😆 I mean, at the end of the day we’re all hoping for a hyperbitcoinization world right? Where everyone is a bitcoiner and it’s so normal that it’s boring to talk about! Thanks for the tag! 
 💯👆 This. I was just thinking about how I wished I learned gun safety and how to shoot at a younger age 
 At the risk of diminishing the importance of personal responsibility, finding a spouse that can and will protect you and your fam is huge!! 
 ME TOO! This is a classic 
 This is my lazy girl attempt to drum up hype for @TABConf in Atlanta at the end of the month:

I will be there with the Saving Satoshi team (https://savingsatoshi.com) doing a workshop on Thursday 10/24. We’ll be playing the game together and will have lots of swag for those that participate. You won’t want to miss it!!

I’m also moderating a panel on FROST on Friday 10/25. It’s gonna be cool ❄️ HAH!! See what I did there? This won’t be the last time I use that joke 🥲 
 Bluetooth is NGMI. I might get a CD player so I don't have to fiddle with that mess. 
 I 🩷 CDs! This is what we have. It’s so beautiful it’s worth the space it takes up. I don’t recommend it for records though, apparently it has one of those cheap arm/needle things that damages the record after prolonged use. https://image.nostr.build/374a71f4a1200c6eeb946ac106aed80d5c312fa99381b7c2ee7530bc28719e88.jpg  
 Here for this!! ⬇️

This is legit the first time I’ve viewed a female post about receiving ... 
 Open Sats has graciously provided me with a grant to get the zines (https://satsie.dev/zines) into the hands of more people! 

If you are a non-profit or a bitcoin educational group, I encourage you to use this form to apply for some free zines: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nBsm0zhY6nY2uNvOzJzMPMF4MQ6sMtMNISFJHe7X47k

To my international friends, I am sorry to say I am currently only distributing to the US as the cost of international shipping is more than the cost to produce the zines. If you are outside the US I encourage you to print copies of your own for free! You can find all the PDFs here: https://satsie.dev/zines


 Thanks Andrew! So happy to have been able to share them w you all 😊 
 Thank you! I think so too 🥰 
 Thank you so much!! 
 Whatever it was, I did not notice 😅 
 Thank you! 🩷 
 Thank you so much! 🤗 
 Yes! And shipping and sewn bindings 🩷 
 Fill out the form if you haven’t already! I won’t be shipping till later in the month but I’ll make sure you get some 🙂 
 Thank you Open Sats for your support! <3  Whoever wrote this post certainly has a way with words. I appreciate the glowing write up and can't wait to use these funds to make bitcoin education more accessible. Onward!   
 Open Sats has graciously provided me with a grant to get the zines (https://satsie.dev/zines) into the hands of more people! 

If you are a non-profit or a bitcoin educational group, I encourage you to use this form to apply for some free zines: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nBsm0zhY6nY2uNvOzJzMPMF4MQ6sMtMNISFJHe7X47k

To my international friends, I am sorry to say I am currently only distributing to the US as the cost of international shipping is more than the cost to produce the zines. If you are outside the US I encourage you to print copies of your own for free! You can find all the PDFs here: https://satsie.dev/zines


 I can’t be the only one that sees stuff like this and thinks “I can fix him” https://image.nostr.build/7a61726115deb842e8da02d32358eea4b6172372f0fbc8dd700d6ca558895ef0.jpg  
 I find it funny that #replyguy is like having a child following you around repeating everything you say. I was born in it, molded by it. 
 What’s the latest on capitalization rules for “Bitcoin”? It’s my understanding that “Bitcoin” the network is capitalized and “bitcoin” the currency is lowercase. However, that seems to have fallen out of favor with the preference to always have it lowercase. 

Anyone have an opinion on this? I’m writing some copy for a project and want to follow the most widely used convention. 
 Thank you for sharing this! Nothing like being repeatedly asked “did you mean to capitalize this?” 😭😅 I think your experience makes a good argument for common noun casing, something I’ve been starting to think about more. 
 Hah!!! Same. Did you see this reply? It makes a good argument for that. 

 Makes sense to me! I’m sure you can imagine the context in which I was asking this question 🤗 I should have come straight to you, haha! 
 The RSVPs for the Boston BitDevs close in a week 👀 Join us for another lively discussion on all things Bitcoin tech!

WHEN: Tuesday September 24, 6:30 - 8:30pm

WHERE: Fidelity (245 Summer Street)

RSVP HERE: https://www.meetup.com/boston-bitdevs/events/302918883

As always, thank you to our amazing sponsors 🧡 @cequals 🧡 and 💚 Fidelity 💚 This wouldn’t be possible without you! https://image.nostr.build/8a5870f3673da4a91f4f9e07295139f66757efc7506ccf2d72aabb73b00911ef.jpg  
 Dumb story time. This is really stupid and I might regret posting it on nostr where it can’t be deleted.

I was driving to get breakfast and remembered that when it comes time to order, my voice is voice is usually all crackly and “I just woke up”. I decided it would be wise to warm it up a little and sing to whatever music was on. A cover of Missionary Man by Ghost started playing and I did NOT want to be caught singing to that. Did I skip the track like a normal person? Of course not. I just tried to sing without moving my mouth. At some point, after getting through most of the song I realized I was acting like a ventriloquist, something arguably more embarrassing than being caught singing in your car. Anyway I burst out laughing and still can’t stop. Highly recommend. Everyone should experience the silliness of this at least once. 
 Hahahaa it went so well 10/10 would do it again 
 Fancy croissants 😇 Gotta go when they open! 
 Hah! How does that work? 

Maybe I can bring back one of my favorite nasty replies “it’s not too late to delete this” 😆 
 Is this where I reply with “here’s something you didn’t ask for”? Come to Boston BitDevs on Sept 24!

 Yeah! BitDevs is developer focused. 

There is also the Mass Adoption group for Bitcoin events in Massachusetts 😊 They have a meetup on the 19th in Waltham https://www.meetup.com/massachusetts-bitcoin-meetup/events/303143835/ 
 In that case you would love the @MassAdoptionBTC one ☺️ 
 Doug bf pepper ann gf 
 how does this not have more likes 
 Thank you! The ones I make are 1 page with content on the front and back. (4 rectangles in total for 8 pages) The format you are describing sounds tiny and cute! Right now I’m having trouble fitting all my content into the current format. I think I need to pick easier topics 😄

What kinds of things were your zines about? 🤩 
 That still sounds pretty awesome 🙂 Long live zines!! 
 This is correct. You can see it hunched over its keyboard, roasting politicians on social media 
 I want to create a set of events around oak decline. Might explore highlighter to publish some of... 
 I would love to hear more about this! 
 For the last few years we’ve been growing these purple podded pole beans from Baker Creek Seeds. They are crisp, delicious, and absolutely prolific! So great for vertical gardening too. #growstr https://image.nostr.build/a0f3b12823ee5f33abb77324a52355a1de58ca6f517246c2aeffbd29a7e4b816.jpg  
 I usually throw them into a stir fry but now that we are a family of four, we’re pretty good at eating them fresh when we’re outside in the garden. 

My Thai mom makes a really nice green bean salad that is served over rice. This recipe is similar (I have a seafood allergy so I omit some ingredients and it tastes just fine): https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/som-thum-tua-thai-som-thum-style-green-beans 
 Oh no! Our garden is small so we don’t need a high germination rate for it to fill up. I have noticed slow germination but not a low rate. 

For the last few years I’ve been saving some of my own seeds. Each year the crops become better tailored to the specific conditions here.

Do you have other seed companies you like? I’ve been happy with Botanical Interests 🙂

I’m zone 7a 🌱 #growstr 
 Hey now, life happens! Your garden will always be waiting for you when you are ready 🙂 Cheers! 🍻 
 Me: What do you want for dinner?

My 3 year old: I want you to give me a nervous breakfast. 
 Lmfaooo this gives me a nervous stomach just by looking at it 
 My interview with @timevalueofbtc  for @TheBitcoinLayer is up! We chat about zines and Saving Satoshi (https://savingsatoshi.com), a browser based game about Bitcoin that is gearing up for launch. Check it out below!

 Thank you so much! 🧡 
 “Thanks for picking that up for me! I will Venmo you the money.”

“Oh I don’t have Venmo but I can do bitcoin, CashApp, or PayPal”

*radio silence*

Even if bitcoin has world-class UX, I’m not sure if we’ll ever see widespread adoption until we can figure out how to release the absolute chokehold Venmo has on people, especially millennials.

CashApp may not be self custody but at least I can live my bitcoin life if someone uses it to send me money. Venmo has normalized digital payments so much that it’s changed how people behave and has become a verb. Nobody bothers to split bills anymore and they have stopped carrying cash. Why? Because they “can just Venmo you”. 

I can see stack overflow error happening in real time when I tell my friends I don’t have Venmo because I don’t believe they created the social feature in good conscience and think it’s an awful thing for Venmo to try and normalize the destruction of financial privacy. Yes, you can now make transactions private, even if it’s not the default. No, I don’t care. I’m dying in this hill. I don’t want to link my fiat ass bank account to ANOTHER system when PayPal, which owns Venmo does the exact same thing. And you know what? People have been using PayPal since the dawn of the Internet 2.0. You already have it! And if I’m going to use a newer, mobile, digital payment solution, it’s going to be CashApp because at least I can turn that money you owe me into bitcoin, which is what I actually prefer you pay me back in. To add to that, Block and Jack Dorsey have done so much for the Bitcoin ecosystem. Of course I want to support CashApp!

In my experience the hierarchy is:
1. Venmo
2. Zelle
3. Cash (middle ground for “you don’t want to set up CashApp? Weird because I don’t want to set up Venmo!”)
4. “I’ll get your lunch next time”
5. MAYBE PayPal or CashApp
6. Not getting your money back
7. bitcoin

So what do I want? Obviously the Bitcoin Standard, but if I can’t have that I want to make cash great again and more people using bitcoin compatible payment solutions. 

I encourage everyone to join me in a crusade of maximum pain for anyone trying to use something that is not this. We all deserve better! A win-win would be if Venmo integrated bitcoin so then all my Venmo using friends could transact with whoever they wish, using a free and open monetary protocol.

For starters it would probably help if I was more often in the scenario of needing to pay people back instead of the other way around… 
 That’s a very good question. But nobody uses PayPal 🤣 
 Interesting! Is it just one instant transfer app? Is it made by a company or the government? 
 I love this! Because a lot of people don’t know where to start if they want to get bitcoin. And I too am bad at orange pilling 😅 
 It definitely could be regional. Were your PayPal purchases made in person or over the Internet? I still see it used a lot for sites like eBay and Etsy. 
 100%!!! 🤝 That’s awesome that you got your inner circle on Strike and CashApp 🙌🏼 
 See if they respond better to Dogecoin 😂😂 
 😭😭 We all deserve better! 
 Venmo doesn’t support this does it? I should still ask them though 😆 
 YES! I have the same question!! Was it an organic shift in user sentiment that caused Venmo and Zoom to come out on top, or was it a strategically planned thing? I guess we’ll probably never know but it feels like those apps exploded  in popularity overnight. 
 That’s my point though. Why are people choosing walled gardens over a global, permission less, decentralized network? 
 Maybe there’s hope that one day bitcoin will become the most popular medium of exchange overnight 😄 
 Heck yeah! This is the way to gently get more adoption 🙂