There are lots of ways to address this, many of which you have named. Thinking about the specific scenarios that worry you most and then being prepared goes a long way towards peace of mind. Whether that’s carrying a firearm, having excellent self defense skills, using a multi-location multi-device multisig, or stepping up your privacy efforts.
We all know it’s a spectrum and you get out the amount of work that you put in. Lately life has been keeping me too busy for the kind of bitcoin work I was able to previously do but I also find it funny that bitcoin is largely just not cool to normies 😆 Those two things have me laying somewhat low these days, and when I do engage with people they usually are already into bitcoin. The more I do this, the less of a desire I have to shout my love for bitcoin on rooftops 😆 I mean, at the end of the day we’re all hoping for a hyperbitcoinization world right? Where everyone is a bitcoiner and it’s so normal that it’s boring to talk about! Thanks for the tag!