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Notes by Milcom Miasma | export

 Overtime gratuity.

I know it's supposed to be the thought that counts, so here's my thought:
What cheap bastards. Here's $10 for the 30 hour shift you pulled when we bricked your servers.

"CrowdStrike offers a $10 apology gift card to say sorry for outage"


 Oh.  So THAT'S what bluegrass harmonies are supposed to sound like.

Darlingside - Go Back

"So we hold to who we are
Even into the arc
Beyond our furthest edges

To a world full of strange and towering skies
And a chance to choose in time
To set out on our own way"



I have decent tools — a... 

That's smart. I imagine salt-air and seawater would destroy most tools pretty quickly. 
 A retirement routine is important.

Having had my breakfast and coffee I'm shuffling off to the garage to generate strange banging sounds and profanity.

 What if the application process of business schools included writing an essay about justifying (t... 
 I remember when airlines didn't assassinate people 

I think they're working with Putin's definition of suicide.

It was "self-inflicted" in the sense that he brought this on himself by causing trouble. 
 Happy birthday to me. 

I realize this is late but Happy Birthday to you indeed! Yet another successful trip around the sun!  No small feat. Best wishes for many future orbits. 
 nostr:npub1f2ygl9q75ysqxuuraz6v3vyxlgvl8h50xyztahvqxdtp6eh46r8sqjm58m Change the voice to French. 
 @97965f52 😆 😂 😆 

I'd forgotten that TV show was set in Chicago. That explains a lot actually. 
 nostr:npub1f2ygl9q75ysqxuuraz6v3vyxlgvl8h50xyztahvqxdtp6eh46r8sqjm58m Indeed not. One nice thing ... 

It seems like I'm always doing the important things backwards.  At least I'll get those hours back when we travel back home. 
 Travel tip:

Don't travel through four states in one day if that also includes driving through Chicago and Gary Indiana during rush hour. Your sanity and inner peace is worth more than that.

Also we learned:
1. *EVERY* hour is rush hour in Chicago.
2. *EVERY* road is currently "under repair" and restricted to one lane in Chicago.


 Also - and this is IMPORTANT!!!

3. *EVERY* Chicago driver has seen the movie "The Road Warrior" and accepted it as an instructional video on driving technique. 
 nostr:npub1f2ygl9q75ysqxuuraz6v3vyxlgvl8h50xyztahvqxdtp6eh46r8sqjm58m speaking of notre dame, the... 

I'm 100% certain I would have made the same choice you did. Who could have known french construction workers would be so careless with electricity? 
 nostr:npub1f2ygl9q75ysqxuuraz6v3vyxlgvl8h50xyztahvqxdtp6eh46r8sqjm58m north-south travel is the w... 

Except now it's still dark and it's 7am?!?  How does anyone get anything done when it's still dark at this time of the morning? 🙂 
 Is it possible to teach an introvert to be an extrovert (if they were presumably motivated to cha... 

I don't have an answer to your questions but I can give you an additional data point. I was often mistaken for an extrovert at work because I engaged so easily with anyone I needed to talk to. I'm actually very quiet and most comfortable alone in my private life.  Now retired, I can still speak to strangers or initiate a conversation if I think it will make a situation more comfortable. It's not my preferred or even default setting. I find interacting with people exhausting. 🤷‍♂️ 
 Moving two time zones to the right does NOT agree with my normal sleep pattern. Either that or I'm allergic to Notre Dame university (we're staying at a boutique hotel across the street from the campus.)

 It’s tradition to say that the most prevalent police matters in this town are (in order) bicycl... 

I love the idea of an auditory receipt. I'm stealing that. 

Also, a police department that feels under-appreciated is a good problem to have.  We were in Rochester, Minnesota last night and spotted no less than eight police cars in a 2 mile area. We wondered if we'd wandered into a bad part of town for dinner or if there was just that many police on duty.  Of course that then begs the question why? 
 nostr:npub1f2ygl9q75ysqxuuraz6v3vyxlgvl8h50xyztahvqxdtp6eh46r8sqjm58m crispy fried chicken and cr... 

It was amazingly good. 

I think I gained two poun... 

Wait... I thought vacation road-trip calories didn't count... 🤔 😆 
 nostr:npub1f2ygl9q75ysqxuuraz6v3vyxlgvl8h50xyztahvqxdtp6eh46r8sqjm58m This is so beautiful! 

Yeah, we thought so too. 
Haha, their "Alfredo looks like friend chicken with Mc'n'chees but tha... 

Agreed, it *looks* like M&C but the Alfredo sauce is scratch made (with lots of garlic) and the noodles are longer. Not sure what they call them. 
#SouthDakota was a pleasant surprise for me. Lots of lovely places. Th... 

Their rest areas and visitor's centers are first rate as well. 
 nostr:npub1f2ygl9q75ysqxuuraz6v3vyxlgvl8h50xyztahvqxdtp6eh46r8sqjm58m beautiful 

Isn't she?  She's located at a visitor's center so it's completely free to walk around and admire all you'd like. She's 50 ft. tall. 

Holy cow. Is that as far ... 

Apparently, some others are not happy with the rate of progress on the monument either:

'Jim Bradford, an Oglala Sioux rancher and former member of the South Dakota Senate, criticized the foundation, saying "one non-Indian family has become millionaires off our people"'.

They've accrued $77 million in assets as of 2018 so he might have a point.

 They putting Trump up there? 

In order to save time I'll just ask - are you trolling or just making a really bad joke? 
 Progress continues on what I think will be an awe-inspiring monument and sculpture but I'm skeptical that it will be finished in my lifetime.  Still, the remarkable man emerges from the granite a bit at a time.


 Wow.  Her voice just flat works for this song. Great band backing her on this cover.

"Some caught a freight, some caught a plane.
Find the sunshine, leave the rain.
They said this town'll waste your time. I guess they're right, it's wasting mine."

Alison Krauss - "Goodtime Charlie"

 nostr:npub1f2ygl9q75ysqxuuraz6v3vyxlgvl8h50xyztahvqxdtp6eh46r8sqjm58m   If it leans to the right ... 

That's a really good point. Although politically speaking, South Dakota is just as conservative as Wyoming.  That might explain why the chair is still here in the first place. 
 Himself and Mrs. Miasma with four rock-heads in between. We 
were grateful the memorial was open today. We didn't want to take it for granite.  Don't throw anything at me, I'll show myself out.


 I can absolutely tell you that the desk chairs at the Rapid City SD Howard Johnsons are sad, depleted things that should have been retired *long* ago.

Poor Hojo Office chair... and it tilts to the right when I sit in it.


If you get th... 
I will absolutely post a picture of any cheese cow we manage to secure. 
 nostr:npub1f2ygl9q75ysqxuuraz6v3vyxlgvl8h50xyztahvqxdtp6eh46r8sqjm58m Gas-powered shavers: basica... 

Quite the image, isn't it? 😆 
 nostr:npub1f2ygl9q75ysqxuuraz6v3vyxlgvl8h50xyztahvqxdtp6eh46r8sqjm58m It wouldn’t be so bad if ... 

Republicans in Wyoming (a heavy fossil fuel state) don't believe in no 'lectric.  I'm surprised they don't have gas-powered shavers. 
 These silly things are street legal here. We see them zipping around on the roads in town *all* the time. Mrs. Miasma had the best comment about the situation:

"It's like we're living in a wildlife preserve, but for Republicans." 


Please tell me that you sa... 

Of course I say his name en français. To do otherwise would be disrespectful and wouldn't sound as cool. 
 Communiqué for the Northern Wyoming Grass War.

Jean-Michel and I made our final ride of the campaign today. I noted the grass grows more slowly now. Our fair-weather trappings have been put up for another year and Jean-Michel is off to receive his "winterization."  I'm not sure what that means but for myself, it involves a fireplace, an ample supply of books and bourbon. I shall place my pen-knife and cavalry kazoo on the fireplace mantel and dream of Spring.

 Spotted on the state highway that leads to our house.  Halloween decorating with a rural twist.


 The last super moon of the year as it looks from our front porch and with my poor night photography skills.  Still, 14% larger and 30% brighter than your average moon. I hope that you can see it tonight and that it's beautiful from where you're seeing it as well.

This week's harvest moon will be the last supermoon of the year



 Upon hearing of Senator Feinstein's passing, Senator McConnell had a brief moment of silence.

It remains unclear whether it was an observance of respect for the late senator or simply another medical event. 🤦‍♂️ 

 nostr:npub1f2ygl9q75ysqxuuraz6v3vyxlgvl8h50xyztahvqxdtp6eh46r8sqjm58m That’ll be me in 2 weeks ... 
 nostr:npub1f2ygl9q75ysqxuuraz6v3vyxlgvl8h50xyztahvqxdtp6eh46r8sqjm58m so much money and so many p... 

I can't help thinking the sunk-cost fallacy was involved. 
 The wheel of time (pilot)… oh god, i’m holding tolkien responsible… and whatever soap opera... 

I watched the first season and regretted it. 

What is it with our spous... 


I have learned to hide the comfy clothes with holes in the bottom of my dresser rather than risk direct confiscation. 
Her: You can't take your b... 

😆 😆 😆 
😂🤣😂 Sounds so fam... 

She makes me use a  small suitcase.  She's afraid people will mistake me for a homeless person otherwise. 
 My favorite quote for today:

“Some lose all mind and become soul, insane.
Some lose all soul and become mind, intellectual.
Some lose both and become accepted.”
― Charles Bukowski 

 nostr:npub1f2ygl9q75ysqxuuraz6v3vyxlgvl8h50xyztahvqxdtp6eh46r8sqjm58m I had monovision too (befor... 

My eyes have been this way for about twenty years and I kind of hate it. I'm always closing my right eye to read a book or the computer screen and my left eye when I need to see something in the distance. 
 I had a routine eye check-up today. Apparently, I'm about ten years out from needing cataract surgery, I have mono-vision (which some people would kill for according to my doctor) and most importantly, the ladies in reception learned that it's unwise to let me fill out my own patient information form.  

I tend to follow a "free-form/literal" approach in my answers to the medical and administrative questions. They won't make that mistake again.

 @58f2b9db @f6300c6e 

Thank you.  I was a SysAdmin for a large development shop back in the late 90s early 00s and it's inspiring to see that the emergency fail-over processes twenty+ years later work about as well as they did back then.

I lost count of the number of times the power didn't fail-over to the batteries/UPCs/backup generators. I spent a lot of weekends recovering UNIX servers and workstations that lost power and had their filesystems corrupted. 
 nostr:npub1f2ygl9q75ysqxuuraz6v3vyxlgvl8h50xyztahvqxdtp6eh46r8sqjm58m nostr:npub17ccqcmngac03zdj9... 
 @2b728e45 @f6300c6e 

I've gone with a permanent state of bewilderment. It's easier on my blood-pressure and I don't have to keep a list of all the wrongs done me. 🙂 
 nostr:npub1f2ygl9q75ysqxuuraz6v3vyxlgvl8h50xyztahvqxdtp6eh46r8sqjm58m nostr:npub17ccqcmngac03zdj9... 
 @2b728e45 @f6300c6e 

Hahahaha.  I guess that could work as well. 

I met her in a Phoenix hotel lobby in the 70s. She's unfailingly polite and kind to everyone. Truly a class act. I would listen to her sing scales.  Nice cover. 
 My dad was in charge of a military operation whose motto was, "Do it right the first time." Someh... 

Can confirm. I found a serious defect with a storage product the day before it was due to be released. The behavior resulted in data corruption 100% of the time due to in-flight data de-staging issues. The fix was expensive. My boss's boss accused me of waiting until the last minute to find the bug to sabotage the product. It was not the reaction I was expecting and it didn't exactly inspire me to work harder knowing I would likely be treated like the skunk at the garden party. 
 Thought and prayers for sdf.org helped! 

I never heard, what happened to cause the outage? Does anyone know? 
 nostr:npub1f2ygl9q75ysqxuuraz6v3vyxlgvl8h50xyztahvqxdtp6eh46r8sqjm58m if you have time, a reroute... 

Thank you for the tip. I think our friends are planning a weekend exploration of the UP country over the weekend that we're there. I'm anti-fish (yes, *all* fish) but Mrs. Miasma likes them for some reason. 
Event not found

I was there on a work assignment during the "Big Dig," you're right - it was horrible and I wasn't even doing the driving on that visit.  It seemed like everywhere we went we did it at a crawl. 
Event not found

I wish I better understood the need for some of our fellow citizens to believe in conspiracies when the science for immunity is both solid and indisputable. Then I see a story about the "flat earth" and I realize I'm yet again, giving us too much of the benefit of the doubt.