Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by Bitcoinium | export

 If you run a node, then you are Satoshi

 Approximately 30% (28.8% to be precise) of UTXOs within the Bitcoin network are Taproot ones 🤓 

What insight that gives you I can't say. You tell me 🤷‍♀️ I'll keep my day job. I am no timechain analyst. It was fun while it lasted, all of 5 minutes 😂

 Current pushup goal is 1000 for the month of October. Which means about 33 pushups per day. Aimin... 
 Uptober 😂 
 Thoughts? I didn't get the prometheus reference, a la greek mythology. What am I missing 🤔 
 That actually helps, thanks. I hear you tho. I'm not 18 yrs old anymore 😇 
 Uh oh. Fees are creeping up again 👀

We bitcoin maxis stack thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars on the time chain but balk at spending a few sats (relatively speaking) on transaction fees which secure the network, no less. Pleb logic. So funny. 

#plebchain #bitcoin #nostr #grownostr 
 There are 185.9M UTXOs within the Bitcoin network. Cool stat 😎 
 Followed 👍 
 Cool. This is basic stuff I know but are there only two types, Native Segwit and Taproot? I have holes in my Bitcoin education 😁 
 Mucho Gracias, Freaks!

Thanks @ODELL for providing me with a plane, an A230 no less, to take me from Denver to San Diego the other day. I finally crossed the border and went to Mexico, hence the Spanish. Now I speak it fluently. That's all it took 😂 

Weren't you also talking about someone at Bitcoin Park raising rabbits at WBD's final show? Well watch out for the Lynx (not Linux, NOSTR. That's different). Life is a comedy indeed. 

#nostr #grownostr #plebchain #comedystr 
 The WoT relay list is growing:

 Ryan, you don't know me but I need someone who speaks relays. I am running a private one via Start9 but couldn't prove it is actually logging my posts. Any advice? 
 Risk-free yield? Such an oxymoron, much scam 💯

 Good evening NOSTR

Remember nostr, it's the zap that counts 💯 
 Elon Musk is a hypocrite with double standards 

Why doesn't he criticize the lack of free speech... 
 Never apologize for being yourself 
 On Simply Bitcoin #It'sOn

#nostr #grownosrr #plebchain #asknostr #bitcoin #memestr

My First MEME !!! 
@Simply Bitcoin @nico @opti I am just trolling. Love, love the Simply Team. Catch them live weekdays at high noon EST 
 Running nostr

#nostr #grownostr #plebchain #bitcoin #asknostr 
 Good morning 

We do live in a simulation (of sorts) that we each create (whether consciously or ... 
 Jeff, you don't know the half of it 😕 
 Running miner 

#bitcoin #mining #nostr #grownostr #plebchain 
 Who’s really in control of the world? 
 Me, of course 😁 
 💯 Your life gets SOOOO Much better !

#BreakUpGang #Bitcoin #plebchain #grownostr #nostr 

 Plebs Service Announcement (PSA)

#grownostr #plebchain #bitcoin #election 


TLDR 👇👇👇

1. Kamala is Dr. Seuss. IQ wise, anyways.
2. They (who's they? The Dems, of course) are DEF gonna steal the election again, like in 2020. The CEO of the voting machine company was arrested due to election rigging. Just think about that for a hot minute. 
3. The AI-chips game is a shell game.
4. The betting markets is a "crypto casino". 
5. The world is being run by pedos. Estimate at least 100 congressmen are compromised.

****You are still alive. You have not given up on life yet. I got more******

6. The unapologetic, open air satanic worship portrayed in the opening and closing Olympic ceremonies is not new. Even the London opening ceremony was overtly satanic. The joke on me, I thought the children in hospital bed scene was celebrating the NHS.  

7. Marina Abramovic who is an avowed satanist has been made in charge of Ukrainian schools. She hosts dinner parties with cadavers. Hollywood is in attendance.

8. Hollywood, Disney and corporate media are all corrupt and rotten to the core. Bourne Identity is real. MK Ultra.

9. We are f**ED

I am moving to El Salvador. Who's with me? 

#asknostr #grownostr #plebchain #bitcoin

I am on the move. The world is my oyster. Life is short. I want to live free. I want to live the Bitcoin way. 

Where in the world do I go? How do I get there, plebs? Do tell.

Have info, will zap. 
 Have you been? Is that different than El Zonte? 
 My Dad, may he rest in peace, called me passion flower :) 
 Hey @bitcoin4all I confused you with my son's account @anon14 lol. I send him daily sats usually synonymous to the date. No harm, no foul. Bitcoin for everyone. Enjoy 🙂 
 It's all good. No need to return; There's No Bailouts in Bitcoin. If you are on Primal, the wallet is built-in. Have you tried to zap someone 🤔 
 No worries. Check out @BTCsessions  tutorials on YT. I used it to get setup with Damus and getalby when I first got on NOSTR. He's great. Also, I am a gal :) 
 Hi @Padoc2robert

This one is for you. It's Robert & Robert  😁

 7/22/24 RELEASE DATE 👻🚀🔥
 Oh you a model now, huh 😂 
 On AI #It'sOn

Happy Sunday. I am not here to take you to church. I am not even Christian. But I am reading a very Christian book by C.S. Lewis called The Problem of Pain. What a book, people. 

In it, Lewis addresses the problem of animal pain. Suffice it to say, he differentiates between sentience and consciousness. Animals have the former, not the latter. 

Given the ongoing debate about the intelligence of AI and what it will one day achieve by way of humanlike intelligence, I submit that the framing Lewis uses for animals fits here.

AI can perhaps get to a level of sentience through the power of math and computation. However for the full achievement of human virtues, consciousness is paramount. Hi @Svetski 

That is where drive, human ambition and free will resides. AI is very unlikely to spontaneously develop this kind of magic that we call life. Sad but true.

Do you agree, pleb?

#nostr #asknostr #plebchain AIstr 
 Hi Dan. I should say, first, It is CS Lewis who makes this argument, not me. Just want to give credit where credit is due. Finally, if curious, I highly recommend the book. But to answer your question, Lewis defines consciousness as a soul or a "timeless" quality that sits outside our lived or sentient experience. The fact that some animals appear to be conscious such as dogs, cows, horses, pigs, cats, etc., does not in and if itself prove the presence of a "self" or a "soul" in the sense that is true of mankind. I will paste an excerpt from the book which addresses this illusion of animals having consciousness based on the fact that we humans can act as if conscious when in fact we are sometimes we are truly unconscious,  from an administered drug or a comatose state. Finally, I am not saying I wholeheartedly agree with Lewis. I prefer to take the Jordan Peterson approach. That is, I will act as if animals are conscious. That is treat them with kindness, respect and dignity. Pets or not.  
 I posted the wrong excerpt. Oops. Here is the correct one. Enjoy 🙂
 I am telling you @CountBTC  I am real and I missed the part of the stream today about Mordecai Richler lol

Never heard of him til today. Better start reading if the books are as good as you say. As soon as I'm finished with C.S. Lewis book, The Problem of Pain 👀 📚

#nostr #grownostr #asknostr #plebchain #bookstr
 @joecarlasare ! you made it to NOSTR. Welcome. I posted on X months that you are not here yet. We need your 2 sats worth for Georgia veterans with PTSD, who needed a lawyer double quick. 

Welcome to the other side. 


@Natalie @joecarlasare let me know if I got anything wrong.


0. The economy is NOT about to blow up. I repeat, those Bitcoiners waiting for doomsday scenario should not hodl their breath. 

1. Why. Oh why you ask while cryjng into your dinner plate 😭😢


2. The dollar is the reserve currency  asset and the world still issues dollar denomiated debt (euro dollar system). It is not the same as the petrodollar system. 

3. It is the "Dollar Milkshake Theory". In other words, Charles Degaule to be exact, "Sacre blue! What Exorbitant Privilidge Etat Unis! has!!". They have a dollar printing machine but we do not. 

(That was creative license. Don't worry. I speak Francais parfait)

4. And also, the government can keep
printing for a while before something structual (read base layer) really breaks. 

5. Plus, it is all about investor psychology and so far they still believe in god, I mean, the full faith of the US treasury market.

6. Besides the n**mies still don't know the difference between Bitcoin and Crypto. Sigh. 

7. Self custody won't be an issue in the USA. the courts will declare it unconstitutional, if they try. 

8. Joe (our man in the courts) wishes they would so he can argue the case and put this issue to bed once and for all.

9. On the other hand, privacy tools like conjoin and mixing IS an issue. Governments will fight those trying to profit from mixing transactions.  

10. Joe is bullish on Bitcoin. And people
solving complex problems. 

You're welcome.

#bitcoin #nostr #grownostr #plebchain 
 Hey @ODELL Can you read this and respond? Thanks 👇
 Thanks Daniel. They don't fly out of Overlord Central, Washington DC 🥲 
 Plebs Service Announcement (PSA)

Do you have a Mutiny Wallet? Yes? Read this 👇

#nostr #asknostr #grownostr #Bitcoin
 I have dust left in the fediment. It's on chain. Only 1000 sats. Did you just swap to Lightening? 
 I am watching a series called the Power of Myth by Bill Moyers on Joseph Campbell. Highly recommend. Got the tip from @CountBTC 

In the episode I am currently watching, Joseph says something about life being at the edge of death. Isn't that similar to the concept of price discovery being on the margins of the order book? This is a concept that @Jeff Booth talks about very convincingly.

To extrapolate on this idea, we are the market and our individual lives are inextricably linked through a market process that entails buying and selling to form a great fabric of humanity. Our worth is discovered every time we form a new relationship in this market, be it friendship, marriage or death. If the currency that powers this market is broken or biased somehow to favor the few over the many,  such as fiat, no wonder we are choosing wrong. This just leads to bad romance, rotten relationships and malinvestments.

Best to use Bitcoin. It is honest money. It is moral, godly and sacred. Happy living. 

#nostr #grownostr #bitcoin #plebchain 
 Running Bitcoin

#bitcoin #grownostr #nostr #plebchain 
 I ran across this gem of a quote from whom else. Nietzsche. As you do.

I have been exorcising my demons, as you may have deduced. I want them to go away. Can you at least keep it down when I am sleeping? What do I have to say or do around here to get what I want? Peace and quiet. Why can't you do you and I'll do me. 

This quote does throw a wrinkle. Nietzsche is saying what Jung also says. Integrate your shadows. Overcome your inner Darth Vader. Conquer your Sith but don't kill it. 

The Jedi and Sith are caught in an eternal duality. You need one to be the other. Sometimes you're a Sith and other times a Jedi. You just need to learn when to be which is which. 

Too many Star Wars references 🙂

#nostr #asknostr #plebchain #bitcoin #StarWars #Jedistr 
 Ergo yes 🤔 
 It may be something, it may be nothing, but I live in Washington DC, and I can walk to the campus... 
 Whoa John. I used to work at State, next to the Federal Reserve. I know that area pretty well. Now I just stay home in Mclean, VA. I lost my job with Guidehpuse (government contractor). 

I bought this book from Amazon and I just happen to get my little sister's book from high school. I am Noha Simsaa. She is Sulafa Simsaa.

She went to a small, private high school in Madison, WI. The name of the school is Edgewood High School.

Let's calculate the odds of something like this happening in real life. Why? Because this is NOT the first time something like this happens to me. 

I defer to the time I made a phone call via Skype to my sister Maysa in Nairobi, Kenya only to have some guy named Nicholas of all the names (Sulafa's American husband), from  Copenhagen, Denmark (why the Kenyan mobile and also where Maysa "graduated" from her master's program in public health and met her German husband Christoph Schmidt) pick up the phone. We talked for a while and I even told him I am not vegan anymore. The odds of that happening Swedish Skype is ZERO. I asked chatGPT but I had to force-feed it the answer. Sam Altman/Elon Musk, you have some "training" to do with chatGPT

Population of USA in 2000: 281M

Percent of High Schoolers in 2000: 16.3M

Number of high school students in Edgewood in 2000: 1059

Number of High School Students in Edgewood High School per class: 256

Probability that I end up with my very own sister's copy of school novel is 250/ ZERO!!!!!


@CountBTC I won't lie. I am scared. This is beyond the simulation. I have been living like this for the past decade and it is getting hard to stay sane. What would you do???

#asknostr #grownostr #plebchain #bitcoin
 On Warnings

In a prior post I lamented the lack of warning from Hyatt Regency when I was unceremoniously kicked me out because I was too loud and may or may not have cursed out loud thus offending sensitive ears. First amendment and all. Well, I decided to be fair since that is what I pleaded. At least give me a warning first before you kick me out. Look at all the money I spent in your establishment, I said, pulling up my credit card statement. But nothing worked and I have not been back since. Read all about it on this profile, a few posts back. Anywho. I have this problem. My sister Maysa and perhaps also Sarah and Sulafa, are constantly screaming in my ear that I am insane. Also, there seems to be some fight over a man, maybe Drew. Hard to say because they have never met him. Also, he is well and truly married. God and country. But they are in favor in Ruby and not me, their own flesh and blood. Their lives depends on it. As in money. They placed their bets on the grand casino of life and they chose wrong. Now, they are willing to do anything to rig the system in their favor. They were already planning a luxurious life with mansions and trips to St Tropez. No joke. They eschew morality, ethics, decency and goodness. All for money. They are bought and paid for. They imprison me on false claims of insanity. When that doesn't work, they claim there are two "me" thus explaining away my successes. When that doesn't work, they claim I am not pretty enough. Then they extol the virtues of Ruby/Sarah. She is pretty, sweet, normal, a honey really. What they forgot to tell you is Sarah is the original insane. She called me in London, words a blazing, with tales full of bad spirits and treacherous friends. She then got better only to once again lapse into oblivion keeping me and my now ex-husband up all night with nonsensical gibberish. Kamal was sick of it so he went to bed, quietly saying a prayer to a god he doesn't believe in, for Sarah to go away. He was permanently turned off Sarah on that fateful night in Madison when he told her his plan for smoothing the way for her and her then boyfriend Ayman. He told her to wait until he broke the news to Mom. She broke into the most disrespectful expletives when he was a man 16 years her senior with negotiating experience advising worldwide news desks out of London, England. Once you lose Kamal, it's over. The sad truth is he was right and he was only trying to help her. But she did not want to wait. She wanted to be like Maysa, ironically speaking. She wanted to be the one with a boyfriend to bring home. Truthfully, Sarah is the furthest thing from sane. So when that doesn't work, they go back to I'm insane. It is their favorite excuse, not favorite mistake, Sheryl Crow. They are backed into a corner and will do and say anything to "get away with it". But this time it is different. God has weighed in. He decided to expose them fully. People shout back that I am sane. That I am pretty. I am good. I am moral. In fact, I am better. At the end of the day, I don't know what to make of it. I genuinely don't understand what's going on. Let alone what happened. I just want it to stop. I beg, I plead. I walk around with my wares on display because seeing is believing. People are astonished. I can see the shock in their eyes. They too are victims of a great crime. It is not just me. I must keep going no matter how foolish I look. The tide is turning. People are shouting back to Maysa in particular that I am sold. That is, people now buy what I am selling. The truth. I wish they knew the truth from the beginning. I wish this all could have been avoided. But Maysa is making it hard, according to Madex. She wants it to be her. She even recruited my own mother in her devilish ways. My own mom asked me once if my husband wants Maysa, not me. This is supposedly a god fearing woman who prays daily, fasts Ramadan and went to Haj. I am reeling from the pain inflicted by my family. How can they be this awful?. Most importantly, how do I protect my son?Why is it taking so long to put a stop to Maysa, once and for all. Is it not obvious that if anyone is well and truly insane, it is Maysa not me. I am making the hard choice to continue exposing my family. I was the one who sponsored them for American citizenships. I have the receipts. The best part is, I did warn them. I asked them not to put me in this position. They ignored me and continued with the insults anyways. I must proceed with making good on the threat. That's how to parent so it must be they are children in need of rearing. This isn't easy to do but needs must. Plus seeing is believing. Attached are encrypted documents with hash codes of my security clearance submission when I first joined Booz Allen Hamilton in 2008, to support The State Department. Hi @Snowden Yes, we both worked there. I am also in a gulag, but mine is more severe in its inhumanity. It is a state of mind. There is no escape. Not even in dreams. How do they do that, Edward? How do I save myself from this nightmare of Maysa screaming over and over that I am insane, not pretty, and it is her. Please help. I am suffering every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year of every decade. Can you stop it before I am a century years old and I make the Smuckers jam jar.  Please and thank you.
 On Inversions

1. The book, A Fatal Inversion by Barbara Vine. What a book.

2. There's the upside down in Stranger Things. Hi Netflix.

3. There's the movie Topsy Turvey.

4. There's the actual inverted glass pyramid inside the Louvre. Yes, I have been many times. Hi Paris.

5. There's our world being backward logic because of fiat currency. Hi Bitcoin.

Bitcoin fixes this. 

#nostr #bitcoin #asknostr #plebchain #theupsidedownstr 
 I just had a passing thought and I better post it before I forget. Anil said so. Anywho, psychology is quantum. You heard that right. The thing is about quantum is that it doesn't make sense. It's make belief at its finest. It is an object that occupies space and time, at the same time. Not possible, super position. Newton said so. But in the domain of psychology, you can make yourself feel better by smiling. Did you get that? First, you don't feel well, maybe you are a bit down. Then you smile and then you somehow "trick"
your embodied biology in believing that you are happy, on account of the smiling and all. And then you feel better. Amazing. In a certain context, "wet streets do cause rain". I jest but I think I made the point. Psychology is weird. Try it next time you are feeling down. Smile like an idiot. Does it work? Report back please 🤔

#nostr #asknostr #plebchain #psychologystr 
 I think the uncertainty principle is flawed. I didn't say that. Someone, much smarter than me did. To put his explanation is layman's terms, you can walk and chew gum at the same time. Thought?

#nostr #asknostr #grownostr #plebchain #breakingbad https://image.nostr.build/1d6ee57e8b628366a7987f0d0da9581b16f68665ebc71ba0a63e75db68cfeab8.jpg  
 On Hyatt Regency #It'sOn

I had a very bad day. The worst part is, the day is not over. It is noon on May 31st, 2024 in McLean, Virginia. I started out the day as a normal day. I went to Starbucks and ordered a cappuccino as per usual. I was on my phone, an iPhone, that is of the latest model variety, but somehow it "fights" me as I try to get things done such as type, call and sometimes load apps. It is hard to pin down what's wrong with Apple these days. Maybe Steve Jobs died and Apple went to hell in a hand basket. I am going to change phones soon but I have to mind my spending. Anyways, that's not why I am having a very bad day. I finished my Starbucks and then moved on to Barrel & Bushel for my second cup. So far, so normal. I was listening to one of my favorite streams out of Alberta. To be fair, I was shouting. A dam broke and I started swearing about the state of my life. You see, for a very long time, maybe even my whole life, I have been fighting an invisible specter. It presents as sounds in the atmosphere and does battles with my mind. It creates coincidences out of nothing, and collapses space, time as if newtonian physics doesn't hold. I know what you are thinking. You must be insane. Right? Well, the terrifying reality is I am perfectly sane such that I am forced to experience two worlds in one. The cognitive dissonance is exhausting, and is pure, unadulterated torture. In this physical world, my sisters are fighting me tooth and nail, to rob me out of the fruits of my labor including my own child. They insult, shout, abuse and steal. They will stop at nothing. It is a fight to the death. I beg for help. I get responses and promises of salvation. They come and go as if nothing ever happened. People laugh as if they find it amusing. I must keep going. What is the alternative? This time, like all times, I think, I have a captive audience. The solution is at hand. But I was wrong. Instead, an "official"
of the hotel, Hyatt Regency, comes over and asks me to leave. Which is strange because I have already calmed down having realized, once again, there is no reprieve. The torture is the endless hope which is always dashed. If you want to annihilate someone, that's the way to do it. I ask him why he is asking me to leave since I am no longer shouting. He says, they have been watching me over camera for a while now (Hyatt guests beware) and determined that I am someone who should be removed because I was given a chance which apparently I squandered. Funny that. This is the first time I hear of it. How about we count this as a warning and if it happens again, then shame on me, Bushie. But he tells me that is not an option. He pleads with me to leave without having to escalate the matter. There is a flicker of violence in the air. I refuse to back down. He says he "respects me" so I should just leave. So this is the "good cop" routine, is it? I remember Khala. She would ask for a supervisor and badge numbers and all. So I do that. He seems worried. I approach the front desk. He motions for me not to go there and points me towards the door. I smirk. Does he really think he can treat me like that? I ignore him and wait for the receptions, Kayla and Jordan Smith to finish dealing with their customers. At some point I even entertain the idea of paying for a room outright in the hotel just to make the point. He had tried using the fact that I am not a guest of the hotel as a reason to oust me from the premises. Guests, you should treat that as an opportunity to test their resolve, that is if you dare. He starts walking fast and scurries into a room and disappears. I'm surprised. Kayla puts down the phone and wants to deal with me at the same time as Jordan. Jordan asks me what the problem is. He says something about hoping it is not bad. I jokingly say, it is not bad. It is very bad. Now he is really worried. I go for the jugular. I know British so when I say very bad, I mean very bad.  They ask me what the problem is. I refuse. I ask them to get the guy. His name is F-something, to come so that I can face my accuser, so to speak. I would want to be fair. Since he wasn't fair to me. Right? Treat others how you want to be treated. The golden rule. I wouldn't want to say something he disagrees with when I tell my side of the story. They are having none of it. I am not budging. In the end, my accuser, F-something, does come back with his supervisor. A man whom later I would learn his name is John. He does listen as I recount my side of the story. F-something runs away. I am upset. I would like for him to stay and listen to what I tell his supervisor. Maybe I am unfair. Maybe I will take advantage of his not being there to fib the story in my favor. I call F-something a coward. Not once but twice. John is unimpressed. I tell him what happened. I login into my credit card account to show him the amount of money I spent in their establishment. He is unimpressed. He starts to cut to the chase. I tell him to let me finish. He does, to be fair. I say I didn't get a fair warning. He begs to differ. He says he is aware of one other incident whereby I was warned. I tell him that is a lie. It is a he-said, she-said situation, I say. I  am somewhat amused and perhaps it showed on my face. I can be transparent sometimes unbeknownst to me. John is still unimpressed.  I tell him, looking him dead in the eye, one of us is a liar. Either I am a liar when I say this is the first time I was warned, or you were told a lie by whomever said I was warned previously. We can't both be right, right? He doesn't know what to say. Finally a break in the facade. I let him off the hook. I say to him, John, would you like me to leave the premises now and never again come to your establishment? He says he would like me to leave now, yes. Huh? I try again. Would you like me to leave and never again come to your establishment. He is noncommittal with regards to me coming again. Interesting. I handed me  a FULL out on a silver platter and he is not biting. Why? I say, this has been a lovely argument. He might think I was being flippant, but I actually meant it. I walk out, head high, mouth curved into a satisfied smile.

Here is the funny part. The simulation. Call it the cherry on top, the bow on the present, the button on the shirt. Hyatt means life in Arabic. Regency comes from the French word Reine which is queen, so as to mean royal. Royal life. Hyatt Regency of Tysons Corner mall in Mclean, Virginia, a stone throw away from the HQ of Microstrategy, @saylor is neither life nor royal. Finito. 

#plebchain #nostr #grownostr #asknostr #bitcoon 
 Here is the article that Tony referenced. Read at your own risk 👀 Apparently not everyone likes it 🙂


 Plebs Service Announcement (PSA)

This episode is highly recommended. Why? Because I love Mutiny Wallet. TLDR below if you don't have time 👇

#nostr #grownostr #bitcoin #plebchain


@Deleted Account, @benthecarman , @petermccormack if I get anything wrong, please correct me :)

Here is the TLDR:

0. I just love starting at zero, don't you. Hello India. The episode kicked off by discussing the cases of Tornado Cash and Samourai Wallet. 

1. @Deleted Account  gave a rundown of the state of Lightening wallets and expressed disappointment and concern that a few left the US.

2. He called out Phoenix wallet for capitulating and exiting without any direct threat. He said it is as if they were admitting "guilt". @benthecarman  disagreed and said he understands why.

3. Tony softened the blow to Phoenix by saying they are the best lightening wallet. He explained why. They run a node with $100M in liquidity. They make money by taking a cut on transactions going through their channel.

4. By contrast, Mutiny steers clear from taking any fees from transactions. They are careful and deliberate in their implementation of Mutiny wallet by ensuring they do not see or touch UTXOs. I can personally attest to this fact. I lost funds and got help from Tony and Ben on Github. I didn't copy the 12-word seed phrase. I copied the wrong one 🥲

5. Tony said interestingly enough, the best lawyers within the space are crypto lawyers. Because they are operating within the bounds of the law/regulations and they know it 😂

6. They are almost done with a new app which is more akin to a Dao to fill the void of privacy tech due to attacks on the industry. They made the hard decision to not profit from it to not pollute the waters.  They believe in true cypherpunk fashion, it needs to be out there for the world. They are 70% of the way through. I am on it, NOSTR!!!

7. Ben said that no one understands the first amendment. Finally. Truth 😂

8. They talked about the real threat being centralization of mining 😱 Apparently Antpool has over 50% of hashrate, but you don't "see" it because some of the pools that do not appear under the name Antpool are proxy pools. Did you all know about Gcash? They talked about how it was almost was a successful attack on the Bitcoin network. The mining pool actually told people to point away from them to save Bitcoin. Now, that's what I call bravery. They did go out of business. SPOILER ALERT, kinda like Silicon Valley.

9. Tony and Ben are fans of Op Cat and would like to have more scripting enabled. What?! We definitely need to talk to Tony and Ben some more. Someone call @petermccormack and @dannyknowles. We need a part 2 npub1vjlp9n3eyfs0lr7p750k0p2jwn7edj4832ws6qyuxqnaruuxgglqggkjsg 😉

That's all folks. Zaps welcome. Thanks. 
 Good morning NOSTR. I'm now in the phase whereby I use NOSTR as my personal memory chain. I won't say how old I am but let's just say, it is that time.

I just realized something. I used to watch this show called Manifest back in my normal days. Husband, child, job, cars and lots and lots of chairs. 

In the show, the Mom says this saying regularly. All good things. It was the family affirmation of sorts. Not too religious. Only just but a hint.

As I was watching my regular morning show @CountBTC I had an insight that presented itself in my subconscious mind. My Mom's name is Mahasin. That is an Arabic word that means...you guessed it. All good things.

All this time I never saw it. But once you see it, you can't unsee it. If you are reading this. Help. I am sending an SOS. Full stop.

#nostr #asknostr #simulation #plebchain #normie 
 Plebs Service Announcement (PSA)

My new favorite blog :)

#nostr #plebchain #grownostr #bitcoin 

Event not found
 I know you're wrong. I don't know how yet :)