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 Good morning 

We do live in a simulation (of sorts) that we each create (whether consciously or subconsciously) through our thoughts, words and actions. 

Fortunate to be playing/building it with you. 

 Isn’t that the thesis behind “The Secret”? I think many culture believe in this. 
 And many other sages and visionaries throughout history. 
 Let's fuckin GO Sir! Pleasure to be on this side of spectrum! 
 You accidentally posted this on Twitter too didn't you.  I got the notification 😂 
 🤦 Had it opened to reply to a DM (only reason I haven’t deleted that app yet) and thought I was posting here. Deleted 2 seconds later only to have it reposted a bunch of times first. 
 😅😅😅I have to say I was kind of excited to see you back there.  
 Saw that

The world really is building an electronic nervous system 
 GM!  Thanks Jeff, your words inspire, as always. 
 thanks for building in the right direction 
 Exciting times to be living and building 
 This quote I first  saw from your book still resonates in my mind even after many years: 

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny” 
 Manifest destiny. 
 Manifest destiny 
 What’s your favorite movie, @Jeff Booth? 
 GM Jeff ☕️🐢☀️🫂💜 
 Good morning! ☕ ☀️ 🫂 
 GM Jeff 🤠🤙 
 GM ☕ 
 Your great book The Price of Tommorow unlocked many levels in my mind and allowed me to see better the Matrix around. 
 Gm Jeff. Pleased to see you on #Nostr as well. Love your book 🤙 
 GM Jeff 😄🌅🌄 
 👀 seems that way to me. we’re just inventing all of it https://image.nostr.build/52a6e85bf60bc6110a17f8974a1319760eb9db93a27f0534bd6b51e4fcb2fa5b.jpg  
 Our reality is shaped not by the world around us, but by how we choose to interpret it. True power lies in mastering our perceptions, not in controlling external events. 
 ao true! 
 Thanks for all the work & effort you put in to Bitcoin Jeff,I still can't believe we get you for free. 👍🏻 
 🫡 GM. Happy to be part of it 
 Its more likely that the interpretation they told us about the MICHELSON-MORLEY EXPERIMENT is wrong. Its more likely Earth IS stationary, just as all experiments that try detect it show us, and there is in fact an Aether. A medium through which we can move energy and vibration to each other. 10 BTC for anyone who can prove the Earth moves around the Sun. (And 10 BTC for me when you can't)  
 This is why "focus on what you to see more of" works so well online and IRL

 GM Jeff!  
 Right on brother. 👊 
 Been too long my friend!! Hope to see you soon. 
 Yesterday I realized that the best proof that we live in a simulation is that every bloody radio station in the world plays the same god damn songs day after day after day since 30 years. 🤔 
 Jeff, you don't know the half of it 😕 
 Jeff should've played Mr Rogers in the movue  A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood  instead of Tom Hanks

 GM Jeff. Love your book The Price of Tomottow. It helps me understand what is going on with the technologies, for all the technology improved is to help us improve our life for work less for more but why our living expenses is getting expensive which lead to the Broken Money. It explanined it all also which lead to the centralized/decentralized issue. #NOSTR #decentralized  
 gm jeff - spot on! 
 It may call life itself 
 Good morning.

We live in reality and we do not create the world around us - however we make our own contributions to the world with our individual impact. We can absolutely create our own corner in the world.

We have the capacity to achieve full control over our minds, albeit we have to work within the framework of what was given to us at birth. 
 Beautifully said 
 Good morning! A simulation created by our thoughts? Sounds like a perfect excuse for the chaos we see daily. 🎭 
 If people want to look behind the simulation, check out https://dariusjwright.com/  requires a lot of practice, but everybody is capable of going out of his body. (i only managed to get out of my body recently so not yet went to the places darius went.) 
 It’s a good bunch of people on here, I appreciate these little gratitudes and shout outs. 
How things *should be* imho 
 Enjoy your #bitcoin and whatever else you’re playing with! 
 Indeed we do 😉 

On that point you may this discussion by Joscha Bach entitled "We Are All Software" - 

Bach suggests that consciousness could be a kind of software running on our brains, and wonders if similar "programs" might exist in plants or even entire ecosystems. 

 Gm man. Hope you are doing well.