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Notes by Toby McMann | export

 Bringing this back to the top again because I don’t think Saylor yet understands that “those ... 
 Exactly. Well played. And the best part...Saylor wants taxpayers to bail him out when it all goes wrong. Like, who wouldn't. Right? 
 He used to praise cyber hornets. Now he degrades them as anarchists. Oh well. Buyer beware. 

(He's worse than an idiot, for those that aren't understanding his greed and the corresponding risks. Follow the incentives.) 
 I took a Masters Degree in economics at the University and didn’t learn what fractional reserve... 
 Like you, nothing about money or it's creation in college economics, or graduate work in finance. 👀 
 I got really lucky

working hard 
buying bitcoin
eating meat
lifting weights
refusing vaccine
 Not lucky. Your choices are 🔥🔥🔥. Rock on. 
 Love Three Doors Down and Linkin Park.  

Lately been vibing to Away From The Sun. If you think of the sun as truth/bitcoin, you can feel the regret of addiction to fiat. 
 If alcohol is so bad for you, then why did Jesus turn water into wine? 

If it’s good enough fo... 
 If you are turning to religion to justify drug usage, it sounds like a stretch. Sorry. 
 The greeter at our little local grocery store was wearing a button up  and khakis today. I said t... 
 Well isn't this an especially uplifting and heartwarming post Suzie! 😊 
 #bitcoin is life in the digital realm. Here's why....

Time is infinite. Life, however, is defined by scarcity of time. Life, therefore, brings value to time.

Digitization is an infinite representation of the physical world. Bitcoin, however, is digital scarcity. Bitcoin, therefore, brings value to the digital universe. 
 The Bitcoin network performs about 658,000,000,000,000,000,000 hashes per second. 

That means it... 
 The power of the bitcoin network

 Saylor is put up on a pedestal, and portrayed as a maxi totally committed to the ethos of bitcoin. His strategy, however, to loan bitcoin to "too big to fail" banks, dumping his tail risk on innocent taxpayers payers, to earn interest, encourages risky banking behavior bitcoin was invented to counter. No judgements if he chooses to loan his corn. But he isn't the maxi / HODL'r he claims.  

Of course, the "influencers" who preach the benefits of freedom and decentralization -- yet embrace and support X all day long -- are also hypocrites. 
 "No sun outlasts its sunset but will rise again and bring the dawn." Maya Angelou 
 From his convo with Saif, it doesn't sound like Saylor wants to loan bitcoin to anyone except "too big to fail" banks, effectively willing to maximize his return with the expectation taxpayers will bail him out when the banking system's rehypothication all goes wrong. 

Nothing illegal with borrowing or lending, and I appreciate Saylor's transparency, but his willingness to dump his tail risk on innocent taxpayers, just so he can earn an additional 5%, is NOT consistent with bitcoin's reason for existence, which is a protest against harmful bailouts and the  rehypothication.

People just need to realize Saylor and MSTR's greed and outsized risk appetite fuels the type of destruction which bitcoin is designed to avoid. He is not a maxi. 
 From his convo with Saif, it doesn't sound like Saylor wants to loan bitcoin to anyone except "too big to fail" banks, effectively willing to maximize his return with the expectation taxpayers will bail him out when the banking system's rehypothication all goes wrong. 

Nothing illegal with borrowing or lending, and I appreciate Saylor's transparency, but his willingness to dump his tail risk on innocent taxpayers, just so he can earn an additional 5%, is NOT consistent with bitcoin's reason for existence, which is a protest against harmful bailouts and the  rehypothication.

People just need to realize Saylor and MSTR's greed and outsized risk appetite fuels the type of destruction which bitcoin is designed to avoid. He is not a maxi. 
 In my experience it takes 

7-10 years to get rich. 

20+ years to get wealthy.

2-3 years to get... 
 Play the long game, doing things right, and trusting in truth

 From yesterday post some anons zapped me more sats to pass it on 🫡 

I have about 5000 sats⚡... 
 GM, good sir. 
 Good reminder that bitcoin was designed to help ppl you don't like, do things you don't like with... 
 Happiness results when you "play for the love of the game," not because you care about the outcome. #PV 
 Energy + time = life. 

#bitcoin is life, dematerailized. 
 Feels like I’m always going to struggle with my diet 😔 
 You will always struggle. We all do. It is an addiction. But you can do it. Fight through the cravings. Step by step.  Progress, not perfection. Love yourself. 
 For macro commentary, I find that nostr:nprofile1qqsw4v882mfjhq9u63j08kzyhqzqxqc8tgf740p4nxnk9jdv02u37ncpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9uju6mpd4czuumfw3jsz9nhwden5te0wfjkccte9ec8y6tdv9kzumn9wsq3yamnwvaz7tmsw4e8qmr9wpskwtn9wvql3tqm and Luke Gromen analyze the world through different lenses, and taken together can help triangulate the issues, over time, very well. Luke is particularly insightful in this week's interview on Macrovoices #448, shining a light on the cumulative, geopolitical trends impacting the dollar versus gold, oil and #bitcoin. 
 I wish I was a hero with better financial resources. There would be so many people I could save. ... 
 Be humble. Stack sats. You are doing fine. 😉 
 Kerry is correct: Democracy and free speech is energy intensive and often slow. Where he is wrong, and why he sounds like a communist: It is a feature, not a bug.  
 Welcome, Tara. Under the heading of dazzling profundity and deep thoughts on a Sunday afternoon....

Humility is the recognition of a world bigger than you, an expression of spirituality and faith, which supports self care and freedom. Sats are a symbol of truth and reality, as is Nostr.

"Have faith, choose truth" <--> "Be humble, stack sats" <--> "Let go, use Nostr" 
 Be kind. You may be remembered. 
Be humble. You may be wrong.
Be hard working. You may be luckier... 
 Earlier in the interview he argues that, long term, bitcoin's price is independent from that of stocks, but that the short term correlation and factors influencing price can vary. So, the statement that equities or other macro factors have no connection to bitcoin is a bit odd, in that it is unclear over what period he is referring (ie, clearly there have been many periods of correlation).
 Feeling a lot of love and gratitude for the freaks and nostriches today. Have fun, remove expectation from your actions, and just play for the love of life. 
 I am a mathematician by education and this is my first social media post. Glad to learn about the... 
 You have come to the right place. 🫂  
 In his discussion with nostr:nprofile1qqsyx708d0a8d2qt3ku75avjz8vshvlx0v3q97ygpnz0tllzqegxrtgpr9mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuumwdae8gtnnda3kjctv9usy2c9y, nostr:nprofile1qqs2xs05tluhtr6hpgsmqqxp04898gayjlyrjlexcrndv8j6el784xqpr9mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuumwdae8gtnnda3kjctv9uq42ldx suggests the benefit of earning 5% interest from loaning his #bitcoin to "too big to fail" banks outweighs the potential harm to society and innocent taxpayers. It is "just a function of risk appetite."

Saylor owns a lot of bitcoin. He is highly intelligent and understands the value of its scarcity, and the fiat system. He deserves credit for transparency, and there is nothing wrong or illegal with borrowing or lending money. But Saylor does not appear to have internalized the reason for Bitcoin's creation or it's core value to society -- i.e., "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks."

Whether purposeful or not, I hope that a combination of greed, large risk appetite, size bias, set against the "holy grail" of profit maximization, does not ultimately cause more harm than good.

nostr:nprofile1qqsqfjg4mth7uwp307nng3z2em3ep2pxnljczzezg8j7dhf58ha7ejgpz4mhxue69uhkummnw3ex2mrfw3jhxtn0wfnszynhwden5te0wahhgtn4w3ux7tn0dejszxthwden5te0wdjkuerfwshxummnvekxzun99e3k7mgrcp7e2 nostr:nprofile1qqs879mhq6kkuzh2wk57xdzanl76uem8d7hlyjd7v4a4jcm4u88d8ygpr3mhxue69uhkummnw3ezumt4w35ku7thv9kxcet59e3k7mgpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduq3vamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwwpexjmtpdshxuet57ehqsq

 Saylor is playing fiat banker games: He is willing to dump his losses on the backs of hard working taxpayers and accept bailouts. These are similar games to those that gave rise to bitcoin as their antidote. No judgements. Folks just need to understand they play with fire when supporting him, and question whether he is really trying to help. 
 Remaining unbothered is a superpower. 
 Not attaching expectation to your actions is super hard, but the path to unconditional love. 
 Reminder that lowering interest rates doesn’t fix a solvency crisis. 

In time - that “fix”... 
 Maybe I'm not thinking about this correctly, but when the Fed can simply monetize the debt, I'm not sure the issue is solvency. I'd think of it more as an inflation crises, resulting from the monetization ... which lowering interest rates doesn't fix either. 
 When you no longer care if the price of #bitcoin goes up or down, or your followers or "reach" on social media, but rather gain inner peace and tranquility from being aligned with truth and freedom, you detach and "separate from the tribe" without fear or loneliness, but with love, appreciation, and a simple desire to advance the cause. 
 If Cathedra is trying to run the Microstrategy playback, it could be a problem if they don't have access to cheap capital. 
 We are taught to believe in others and not ourselves, leading to expectation, dissappointment, sadness and conflict. 

#bitcoin teaches us to believe in ourselves putting trust where it belongs, in each of us, leading to acceptance, fulfillment, happiness, and peace. 
 step out of the 🫧 
 Jack's posts sometimes feel like Forest Gump when the Aging Hippie asks him for a good slogan for a bumper sticker. 
 If money is information and it is manipulated, then “misinformation” is whatever those most e... 
 The real tragedy is that the manipulation is in plain sight, and people are conditioned to believe it is normal, it is needed, and it helps them.

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist." 
 The real tragedy is that the manipulation is in plain sight, and people are conditioned to believe it is normal, it is needed, and it helps them.

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist."


 You never get bored with self sovereignty and freedom. 
 Universe money! 

 its debatable
if Einstein would be all in bitcoin !?
what do you think?

 If it is truly obnoxious, Peter and Danny will talk about themselves, the new podcast, the studio, etc, etc, for about 15-20minutes of each show. 
 You know, I'm something of a $1.15Tn market cap guy myself. 
 I don’t know what’s going to happen with #Bitcoin. 
Nor did I know when I became curious abou... 
 Control what you can control, and have faith in the rest.
