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Notes by reltbracco | export

 Love is like fire, which can be spread without diminishing. 
 I feel like I’ve seen people with cornrows that turn into braids…? Is that always weave?  I assumed it was their hair 
 Okay I’m going to write it, over time, for my own enjoyment. The question is whether I’ll pub... 
 Hope I’ll get to read it someday! 
 Same 🙋🏻‍♀️ 
 Ya’ll want Nostr Lyn to write a sci fi novel in whatever spare time she has, or get back to fin... 
 Novel 🙏 
 Ooh, a Virginia landrace squash?  What’s the variety / source? 
 Thanks!  That’s an unusual name for a Virginia squash 😂 I’ve gotta check this out 
 What do y'all think about women just going gray?Everyone says it's making me look old, but I am s... 
 I think it should be respected instead of covered up. Surviving to grey hair age has not always been common. 💪 
 Realistic beauty standards not to be taken for granted 🤌❤️‍🔥 
 I am laughing at my posts the last 24 hours. 
Most of them are just randomly negative angry notes... 
 Fidget spinner
Or develop a farmer persona and find a stalk of wheat? https://video.nostr.build/3ac058130af53117ab1b0b2b6bdfd6879f4f5c4d06fb2140d6dcafa518b9d548.mp4  
 New heuristic:  if someone says doing something for my child “unfairly disadvantages” other people’s children, I should probably do it

#parenting #kids #reading #bookstr nostr:note1356u2z8tsfyyk5tj5vcqf5kr7k2p2f5k02yrzkq77z7p05jha8jqe5j5px 
 I’m off most people’s maps 🏴 
 What a great analogy. 
The loudest sounds and the smallest brains… we all run into Danionellas from time to time in our lives…

 Noticing the reply guy bots tell you what relays they’re on. 
Disconnecting from those relays should in theory fix the problem. 
Just sayin’

I do have issues disconnecting from relays sometimes, so YMMV

 I started today with a goal of only posting and not looking at anyone else’s notes or replies. 

Truly massive fail 😂 habits die hard

Anyone working on that write-only client idea? 
 Oh yeah, been meaning to try that for reposts. I know it schedules posts, didn’t really think about it but I guess it is a write-only client… 
 Have a feeling I’m gonna need one of these someday…

#gardening #permaculture #compost nostr:note1505x8vgrsqvhgylhh0tdjrtu0fgu34qn9e52pcfalvht79jq9lgs6ujcsr 
 Today was last day at work. 

Next week we kick off a new chapter. 

I’m tired of normal. I’l... 
 #Christian #Jesus #faith #Bible #Church #nostrbiblestudy nostr:note12hmyphj8tzq273wc68ehhevajg5cd8k2ek9qn057vtgtrxtzngesh7ypgd 
 I would be so interested in doing this, and all kinds of other looking at my genes, if only I trusted gene analysis companies to be private. There has been far too much sharing with governments for my taste. 
 Ooh what kind is the gorgeous corn?  And what kinds of peppers?
So much lovely produce!  Enjoy! 
 Belated birthday dinner ✨ 

My Cravingz is a hidden gem Turkish place in Manassas. It has a goofy name and nearly no ambience, but the food is incredible. Go if you can. 

Pictured and enjoyed:
Pastirmali yumurta and sucuklu yumurta 
Pastirmali gözleme
Simit Katmer and tea

#nova #restaurant #food #foodie #teachain #dinnerchain #grownostr https://image.nostr.build/b9c9214499a74431eb5044fe518e654ce6d874f7c3fffd47bd83a050cb23e02e.jpg https://image.nostr.build/4ebe589d37b0aaad3f4ad0ea1147267e3cf1f0adef9e202a9ce8371da80a58c9.jpg https://image.nostr.build/e061c57860813e52b6097f6b53c2de179768c2425cb1c7c5770da1f445c47ec2.jpg  
 thank you so much!  :-) 
 Thank you! 
 Thanks so much 😁 
 I hope you get a chance to enjoy them again soon! 
 I just got affected as well 😬 I hear @AK 👸🏻 isn’t having issues because of her relay selection, maybe I should check that out 
 Ooh I’ve wanted to try pigeon for years!  That looks like a multi-day broth ☕️ 💪 

Help me out here. 

How does one feel strongly about Jesus? How does one have a pers... 
 Weak how?
What about your life makes you trivialize the forgiveness of a holy God? 
 There are a few particularly good ways to get to know God, and its best if all are done together:

- Read about what God has done and said (read the Bible)
- Talk with others who know Him about what He’s doing and saying (become involved in a church, probably also in a “small group,” where you can do this)
- Tell Him you want to get to know Him, and spend some time each day speaking to Him and open to hearing from Him (pray)

A bunch of us are about to start a Bible study Tuesdays at 8:30 pm EST and you are welcome to join. The first one will be Sept 10. 
 That’s a cool shot. Where’s this? 
 I agree, there should be no restrictions on this book for private purchase, but it should not be included in taxpayer-funded government school libraries. 

Since others are likely to agree, though, and you are seeking debate, here are some questions that might be a little tougher. 

Given taxpayer-funded libraries and schools exist and aren’t going away anytime soon:

What if this same book had no pictures, but explicitly described scenes in text?

What if this same book had no pictures, but described situations in text as non-explicitly as possible?

How about this book’s presence in a taxpayer-funded library that is not in a school?  Large libraries often contain erotica as well as children’s books in different sections, and kids are able to roam anywhere. 

How about this book’s presence in a privately-owned library or bookstore?  Again, bookstores often contain erotica as well as children’s books in different sections which are accessible to kids of all ages. 
 This is by far my most favorite bot that I made. I use it every morning to catch up on things tha... 
 She’s Chair of the Libertarian Party. 
 I am in need of hot chocolate. It’s rather cold today. 
 Officially yes!  Months ending in R are hot chocolate months ☕️ 
 My bad, that is INCLUDING an R 😂 
 I can’t express how draining and frustrating it is that this keeps happening 😒

I’m not demanding anything from devs. I know they’re busy. I’m not a coder; this is the only way I can contribute: by saying, as a user, that this aspect of user experience is seriously bad. 

Muting should mute. 
I can’t in good conscience continue to encourage people to come to Nostr (like I frequently try to do) if I know it doesn’t work even when they play by the rules. 

 Possibly the thing I most regret leaving behind in China:  this painting I made on an art outing with some friends.

I had thought I was coming back to China after a brief interruption and would be able to retouch a few details here and there, then take it home.  But I never went back... this is either still in an unofficially public art studio in an apartment complex somewhere in Shijiazhuang, or they threw it away...

#art #artstr #oldart #painting #acrylics #birds #pigeons

 Makes me feel better, thanks 😊 haha 

#艺术 #中国 #河北 #石家庄 #art #artstr #oldart #China #Hebei #Shijiazhuang

 This is so cool! 
 🤔 如果用Hivetalk, 可能是 @BITKARROT 也会参加。大家要试试吗?


https://hivetalk.org nostr:note16cdnmdgpj2xpjpve4qrzw0yym9d5y5eeewsj9jdxwscluruvrhfsq0wx5t 
 Boo! Turned down this year. Oh well nothing ventured right? 😁 nostr:note1zh9nh9zwvx4udjrlycm94... 
 If you try again next year, @boatingaccident and I might be there! 
 Years ago, every week I drove past properties for sale in the mountains that were 100-2000 acres.... 
 Especially on the larger end of that scale, given y’all agreed on how it would be divided up beforehand, it could still be possible to pool your resources for the purchase price but then parcel it into a network of individual private properties immediately after. Best of both worlds?  I wonder if anyone has done this. 

对我来说,09:30-11:00、14:30-21:00 都可以

我其实觉得 Corny Chat 比 Nests 有一点顺利,但是随你们的选择好。

@Sherry  @Moss @Jerry  @hes ⚡️ 
@karo  @Nyoro~n nostr:note152s069k9gg4ajvvenzvrjujczzlqhluscl5hc22qc0emkfnhkw0sc7zz24 
 I hope you’ll drop in if you get the chance! 
 All right! Bible study on Corny Chat to meet Tuesdays at 8:30 pm EST / New York Time. It’ll probably go for at least an hour. Look forward to seeing y’all there!

@BRB‽    @The Beave   @BitcoinBelle    @The Callnote 
@Alt-Ark  @dworis  @Nobody  npub1cwn8dka36gsxs9usw825a3qxh4002nykcrxqm5r07yl6qtr64aws307g64 npub176gqu66z4qax6ejcju2dujdvs6gecerys47eu9jtj5aul8r7jwwsnqq836
@PresidentElectTheRupertDamnit  @Vic  @Derek Ross 

 Sent you a DM 
 It’s really telling that interest in the “manosphere” is so unattractive considering the point of so much of what they spew is “do this to attract women” 😂 

Lesson to all:  leave that shit alone and be respectful and kind. 

#men #women #relationships #manosphere #masculineframe #gender #sexism #grownostr nostr:note1xe79neekfrlcgtfl8la03st7kkry0naq2k5mne9qdz3pr6fz6elq9gehv5 
 Oh boy more fun today 
 August has been 

Now that I can take a breath, there are two recurring voice chats I would like to set up:

— Bible study in Corny Chat. 
Start in the New Testament and focus on Jesus; frequently refer back to the Old Testament for context. Informal and lots of audience participation. Bring whatever translation you like and we’ll be comparing. 
Probably weekly. 
I am thinking Tuesday evenings New York time. Depending on time of day, there may be one meeting a week I can’t attend (because of a conflicting computer meeting 7-8 pm); if there is a conflict, I’d encourage everyone to meet anyway and pray during that time. 
A 24/7 prayer room where someone is always in is a stretch goal of mine, one I feel strongly about 😊

— Mandarin-English conversation space.  The point is to be able to stop anyone at any time to explain a word, grammatical structure, idiom, etc. for the sake of language improvement. 
Space TBD, possibly nests.  
How often and when:  also TBD. Mondays (New York time zone) at various times work great for me. 
It might be tricky to find a good time for everyone with the half-planetary time difference, but I know it can be done!

#Bible #Biblestudy #nostrbiblestudy #prayerchain

#English #Chinese #Mandarin #languageexchange #中文 #汉语 #普通话 #英文 #英语 #双语对话 
 Haha yes 😂 these are two completely separate events. 
 Possibly at some point! 
 Tuesdays 8:30 pm New York time starting September 10! 
 Hi Nostr! 👋 My name in Erin and I'm new here. I am a millenial, born-and-raised Phoenician, an... 
 Welcome!   @yarnlady  and @goldfishthumb1 are more Nostr sewists!  I’m just learning 😅 
I’m trying to remember all the birth workers and breastfeeding specialists here, but I can only remember @latchingwithgrace right now. 
What kind of engineering do you do? 
 It might be faster to list what I’m not interested in 😅 
But top interests are Christianity, nature (as a very broad term incl. the sciences, foraging, cooking, herbal medicine, and permaculture), anthropology/folklore, fiction and writing (especially hard sci-fi), music and composition, art (I do pottery and crochet), and my family (husband @boatingaccident and our baby, and stuff surrounding pregnancy/breastfeeding and homeschooling that supports future plans) 
 Haha as I type this I’m on the way to a meeting of a grassroots food freedom group, making me realize I didn’t even mention another big complex of interests, libertarianism/anarchy/building parallel systems