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 Okay I’m going to write it, over time, for my own enjoyment. The question is whether I’ll publish it. 

Because I’m not an experienced fiction writer and would only publish it if it’s decent.

 Go, Lyn. 
 I would zap to unlock an early draft! 
 Same 🙋🏻‍♀️ 
 we want it by Aug 2025 
 At least we’ve got the currency worked out. The rest should write itself! 
 I second this. 
 That would be pretty cool  
 If it's not decent, ask an AI to rewrite it in a decent way. (As an experiment) 
 Hot! Do it! 😱 
 Will it include Bitcoin? 
 You just invented the defi-sci-fi genre. 😂 
 webcomics; hire an artist if you think it could be better if graphic. otherwise konsensus.network has published fiction and bitcoin fiction already ;) 
 nostr:nprofile1qqszh6vr6v4f342d287qchrf88mc9w3l3znx63884fwwe754jw5gujqpz4mhxue69uhk2er9dchxummnw3ezumrpdejqzrthwden5te0dehhxtnvdakqzxthwden5te0wfjkccte9eekummjwsh8xmmrd9skctcu0gzyc ☝🏻 
 👀  now, what do we have here?  @LynAlden have you checked out the 21futures.com #bitcoin fiction community? 
 Do you have the idea already? What’s the gist? The background mythology? 
 Please document HOW you're writing and planning the book.

I want to write but I have no clue which tools could aid in planning etc.

I think I need story notes, time line, what characters know and don't know at which point in time etc etc..

Tried starting with Obsidian.md but idk, still feels cluttered.

Maybe I just need a lot of paper and post-its everywhere on my wall 🤷‍♀️

Good luck Lyn, you will do it well! 
 “Publish” it one scene at a time on Nostre for Zaps. 
 The key here is 

“for my own enjoyment” 

 Nah. Send it. Who fucking cares. Everyone should be more like this guy, especially Nostr Lyn. 
 You can always publish it as a fan fiction under a pseudonym...  
 What are your favourite sci fi books? Want to get into the genre! 
 Do it…do it. 
 What sci fi novels are you into?
How dystopian are we talking here? 
 After the Bitcoin floor is above $120,000 
 Short stories are always cool if you have ideas for other things to write about!  
 im sure it will be better than decent 
 Could you name one of your characters Butterknuckles?!  Frankie Butterknuckles! 🧈 👊🏼 
 You could publish it pseudonymously to some mailing list as well... 
 That's awesome!

Sci-fi and fantasy novels are a big reason I'm a bitcoiner today. I understand the world better through fiction vs nonfiction. 
 Imagination front loads the future! 
 Definitely a low time preference decision. 
 baby steps and one step at a time…

the journey is the reward, Lyn! 
 You could post it on Nostr  first and then give it to the rest of the world later.  
 Hope I’ll get to read it someday! 
 Finance will still be there for ya when you get back. I'll give it a read.  
 I write/edit for a living.  I'll sign an NDA and happy to review.  Also, if it fails, why not just SciFi DND club and you DM it? 
 Damn, I can't wait... :) 
 Put it up in #NOSTR there's got to be a publishing wing! Habla does long form... 
 Should get in touch with the 21 Futures people

 The only way to find out if it is decent is to publish it and face criticism 🙈 
 You gonna write it for the "Writers of Tomorrow" publishing contest? 
 I would love to read your book in pt-PT 🥹 
 Nice! Gets me hyped to start writing more myself, too. Don't worry how good it is to publish, just do it, in whatever format seems best. 
 I nominate myself for proof reading 🫡🔎 
 You could write it piecemeal online and get feedback as you go?  Test the waters, dip our toe. :) https://media.tenor.com/OTvZN2KpSZYAAAAC/weekend-bugs.gif 
 A sexy Nostr fan-fic with left side of face references? 👀 
 Make it opensource while you write it so you get useful input from the community and in the end it will be great! 
Similar to what Andy Weir did with The Martian... 
 Ohhh this is exciting. Very much looking forward to seeing what you create.

The lifelong pursuit of writing science fantasy strictly for myself drove me insane in the second decade 😂 I finally decided to do something insane, and publish my (almost) complete digitized journals to the open internet, for my spiritual science fantasy tales, set in Gondōlla, The First Galaxy. 

Give it a read if it interests you! It’s messy, all-over-the-place, and ever-evolving: https://publish.obsidian.md/gondolla/Welcome+to+Gond%C5%8Dlla 
 What’s the general premise? 
 You may not be an experienced fiction writer, but some of the REAL LIFE finance stuff that you have highlighted in your books/newsletters is so unbelievable if we didn't know better we'd think it was fictional.  Sometimes real life is stranger than fiction! 
 Fuuuuuck!!!! I wanna audition for it!!!!