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 Not for sure, but my guess would be America... 
 I'd guess that too...probably the Midwest? 
 Fucking yuck I told tex-mex guy I’m pretty much busy for the month and he responded by asking f... 
 You should give up on Facebook dating lol. Go meet a guy IRL cause you know those ones touch grass at least sometimes 😂 
 I… what? How would you even do that, and what has it got to do with sandwiches? 
 The mental image I got in my head from reading Candace's post...I just don't want to eat sandwiches for awhile. 
 I’m a bit annoyed because I asked him what he had been up to since I hadn’t talked to him sin... 
 Drop this loser. He needs to make time for you. 

"Waaaah, women are so hard to find" the men on the internet say... 
 That fuckhead was stringing you along half ass for weeks. He was playing this game at the start. ... 
 FDS, FDS!! 
 I think it’s allergies, local bees take pollen from local flowers micro dosing their honey, sup... 
 Yes that's it! Thank you 💛🐝 
 That's actually a great idea. Thanks for the suggestion. 
 Honey is a good alternative for sugar in tea, and if you get local honey it can help your immune system for flu season I think. Or maybe it was it helps with allergy season...either way, honey is good in tea. 
 Wait, scratch that, they'll just show you turtles with plastic packaging around their necks 
 nostr:npub1dc8qh4z470xyzlypv5zvk07wpz4ejae284uscrm3asayd8v464rqnwwlj3 nostr:npub14xaplx6sqm2yv3cg... 
 I'm PMing you. Do you get those? 
 nostr:npub1dc8qh4z470xyzlypv5zvk07wpz4ejae284uscrm3asayd8v464rqnwwlj3 nostr:npub14xaplx6sqm2yv3cg... 
 Well you see the kid's ages right? They've already gotten them. Commenting on her post does nothing to help her. Make your own post about it with the information for parents to see. At this point it looks like you're doing the old, "see, I told you so!" 
 nostr:npub14xaplx6sqm2yv3cghnupjwqug080rmn6vctxljgudjnjylhwd00skylf0j you think it's funny don't ... 
 Dude what is your problem? At this point you just want to be right and "win" the conversation. The point is, she's already gotten her kids vaccinated so shaming her for something you think caused this isn't helping anything. Being a parent is hard. There is so much information being whirled around and you just want what's best for your kids. 

The daughter is three, born right around COVID. You don't think that has anything to do with a speech delay? The twins are premature, obviously linked to that as well. And how many kids get vaccinated who aren't going through this? Not to mention that the criteria for autism has become lower and lower. What get you labeled today wouldn't have gotten you labeled twenty years ago. And I have mixed feelings on vaccines so it's not like I'm blindly sticking up for them. I'm just saying, what are you helping right now with your replies? You're trying to fill a agenda for yourself versus offering helpful suggestions. She's doing her best at this point and has done what she feels is right. 
 Haha you have the best suggestions. This is great 😂 
 Hmm doesn't quite fit the two X chromosome 90s through 2000s vibe... 
 Ugh too long I'm just going to repeat the songs 😂 
 Its alright guys I'm off the nostalgic high, I'm going back to my normal, depressing music lol 
 Quick Spinsters! I'm on a nostalgic role, suggests a song that fits! 

Went from "Pocket Full of Sunshine" to "Sweet Escape" to "That's Not My Name" to "Girlfriend" now "Holla Back Girl"..."Sk8ter Boi" next while I wait! 
 Ugh too long I'm just going to repeat the songs 😂 

Even just on a basic leve... 
 On your last point especially....city people are so rude to complete strangers. It's not healthy or normal tbh. I always wondered why but anonymity is a great point. 

Cities encourage us to tr... 
 Agreed. There's a reason they've always been depicted as dirty and not ideal (compared to living out in the country) even when other factors didn't make them negative as well. Like even before they were a breeding ground for "diversity" and "wokeism" like, let's say old england, most historical depictions of them are still negative. 

The architecture used to be nice though. 
 I love a cool breezy day. 
 Me too! 🌬️🍃 
 I don't understand people who associate sun with energy. I go out in the sun for 5 minutes and it... 
 Exactly! Also there's such this powerful feeling with stormy weather, or cozy feeling with just grey, cold, calm weather. It just makes me happy when it's around. You're right, the sun just drains me. 
 Is it the heat and humidity or the sun? 
 Probably the heat humidity most of all. A sunny day with cold wind isn't the worst. Still nicer for it to be grey and cold though. 
 I'm not trying to be different here or quirky, but sunny, warm weather makes me feel genuinely depressed and unmotivated. I appreciate the sun and what it does, but a day with constant grey skies, and cold wind make me motivated to go out and just so happy and upbeat. 

And I deal with summer and try to make the most of it...but when autumn has started and the weatherman is telling me it's supposed to be nice and grey all day, I get excited. Then to take my LO on a walk and suddenly the cloud cover leaves, and I feel this hot, humid sun on me just is not fun. I cut the walk short, and right when I got home the grey skies came back. It feels like a tease. I just want autumn officially here and summer evaporated. 
 nostr:npub1dc8qh4z470xyzlypv5zvk07wpz4ejae284uscrm3asayd8v464rqnwwlj3 nostr:npub1sr773du95kdd95aj... 
 Yes exactly, couldn't put that better myself 
 That guy really needs to get a life lol. He's literally faking CIA leaked documents to try and convince people this is real, then he says they're essentially stupid for believing it. Just go do something useful with your life dude...get a real job, finish your degree, get a girlfriend, idk lol 
 I looked up the website and I genuinely can't tell if it's satire or not. On the FAQs I feel like they're messing around. Like specifying that you need to put the apostrophe in "aren't" or people won't take the movement seriously. Claiming china has said they disguised drones as birds, and said to look it up, but didn't link anything. Then the first thing that pops up on the site at all is the merch. Lol 
 It would get boring. By 1000 years, everyone would develop severe mental illness. Bored of everyt... 
 I understand that. I wouldn't want to live forever on earth (or however long humans make it). But for a Christian afterlife like heaven, it's supposed to be unfathomably perfect. Eternity there doesn't sound too bad 
 I think eternity would drive me crazy. 
 How long is forever? 
 Eternity, this life and after. But I guess if you're not spiritual, just this life. 
 What's everyone having for dinner? 
 Rotisserie chicken 🍗 

Parents' rights is a dogw... 
 You are a groomer. Alienating children from their parent's who are there to protect them from mutilation, delusions, and denial of reality. 

You will lose in your attempt with this. 
 Yes yes so glad people are talking about this

 Someone asked me why I think cities are parasitic....I don't even know where to start

 Update from the education trenches this week:  

Covered for a grade 7 teacher who told me the ki... 
 "why would you say this is being pushed on children?!" 
 Yes. I used to visit an imageboard and men there really actually believed that women will reject ... 
 I don't doubt that for a second...being on the internet too much really skews reality to most people. 
 Thorn was always a publicity stunt for AK. Nothing more, nothing less. He couldn't give a damn. 
 That sucks. I hope the organization as a whole does good though and my donations went to help real victims. Hopefully he was just the face but actual activists working there did what it's intended for. 
 Absolutely crazy! Wow. To put your entire life's work and the morals you claim to stand for at risk for a friend...I used to regularly donate to thorn but stopped when I wanted to find an organization that focused on adults as well. Ashton was always the face of it, I mean at least to me because that's how I heard of it to begin with. I think it was his congress appeal where I first heard of it. I also watch a YouTuber, Kendall rae, who regularly has fundraisers for it. 

I also didn't realize they were talking about Hyde either as the man he went to bat for. Just wow. 
 Community colleges in Michigan are usually full of working class people who genuinely can't affor... 
 Wow I think you summed it up perfectly! 
 And this is why internet dwellers need to touch grass at least once a week.

 The tribal police were told by the tech bros at Burning Man, that the peaceful protesters had gun... 
 I could care less about burning man, but wasn't it a highway they were blocking so it affecting many more people than burning man? One man was saying he was on his way to work, etc. Blocking traffic is not peaceful. They could peacefully protest from the side of the road without hindering people where they need to go. 
 What are you supposed to do when assholes stand in front of your vehicle? There used to be a kid ... 
 I am 100% against people blocking traffic. There are so many instances where it's harmful. You could have a hungry baby or child throwing a fit to get home, you could have some person with Chron's disease desperately needing a bathroom, you could have a car low on gas and was heading towards a gas station, but will run out idling there, some woman could be in labor on her way to the hospital, just countless examples of "non emergency" situations that are freaking time sensitive.  

I just saw a video of these people blocking traffic in like, midday hot Arizona, so they NEEDED to keep their cars on for the cold air. Then the tribal police came and rammed their setup and tackled them. I was FOR it. Don't want your life in danger? Don't block traffic for no reason. Also, it will put me completely against whatever cause you're blocking traffic for. 
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 "why is everyone homeschooling their kids??" 
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 Definitely not healthy, but looks good 😭 
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 Satan impregnates his bride? What the hell? 🤣😂 
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 "Transgender" gives this illusion of some meek, victim-class. This is why I don't play the pronoun game or lie. We must continue to speak truth, that MEN are infringing on women's spaces. When they say "transwoman," it tricks the brain into thinking it's somehow a subset of women. Women come first, especially in regards to our fears and uncomfortable feelings towards being in vulnerable places with men (mentally ill men at that). 
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 What would YOU blow a thousand dollars on? 
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 Did you make it into a candle like on Shrek? 
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 Wow...insane! Do you know where this is at? 
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 Feed your head 
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 Grr, I'm surprised Brave let me read it! 
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 Ah so THAT'S the secret 
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 "it's anonymous we swear" 😂 
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 Stunning. 🤍 
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 Autumn is here! 
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 Are you doing okay friend?