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 I am 100% against people blocking traffic. There are so many instances where it's harmful. You could have a hungry baby or child throwing a fit to get home, you could have some person with Chron's disease desperately needing a bathroom, you could have a car low on gas and was heading towards a gas station, but will run out idling there, some woman could be in labor on her way to the hospital, just countless examples of "non emergency" situations that are freaking time sensitive.  

I just saw a video of these people blocking traffic in like, midday hot Arizona, so they NEEDED to keep their cars on for the cold air. Then the tribal police came and rammed their setup and tackled them. I was FOR it. Don't want your life in danger? Don't block traffic for no reason. Also, it will put me completely against whatever cause you're blocking traffic for. 
 The tribal police were told by the tech bros at Burning Man, that the peaceful protesters had guns and were shooting at the motorists. The wanted them gone so that the profits were not effected, but Mother Nature had other days and washed that bougie hipster shit out. 
 I could care less about burning man, but wasn't it a highway they were blocking so it affecting many more people than burning man? One man was saying he was on his way to work, etc. Blocking traffic is not peaceful. They could peacefully protest from the side of the road without hindering people where they need to go.