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Notes by +⊙n!ephi☧ | export

 Peace of mind is so underrated by the mainstream world. 

Everything is a rush, a rush to work, a... 
 Peace 0f Mind can 0nly ₿e achieved thrU #minimalism, ₿eing c0ntentment & ₿eing Happy bc0z 0f wh0 U ar,  n0t what U have.

It will f*ck the main$tream & mindfulne$$ c0rporate $hit.

 Don't show a presidential candidate that likes Bitcoin. Show me a presidential candidate that und... 
 Sh0w me a pre$ident ?  gives ₿ill of Rights ₿ack 2 pe0ple n0t a gl0bali$t or federali$t puppet.

 Life is a c0llection of recUrsive Algorhythms + Data that 
results in de$ires from the past & dream$ from the future.

The d0gs Algorhythm is in sync wit our Algorhythm so it becomes our pet.

We manipulate chicken's Algorhythm & it becomes our $laves in a cage.

Either we can be in sync with higher intel Algorhythms & be their pets or manipulated & contr0lled by them & be their $laves.

We xchange our #sovereignty & #freewill for our in$tant gratification & convenience.

 Ne0 Nazi raw d0g$ at the c0$t 0f German pe0ple. 
 I like how Nintendo systems from the 1990s could be put in a shed without air conditioning and su... 
 c0mplexity is directly pr0porti0nal  2 entr0py.

Add A.eye  2 the EV car$ like te$la & other gadget$ in the equati0n.

c0n$equence of 0uts0urcing intel & trust 2 machine$ wit n0 Understanding will be a di$a$ter in the making, ticking b0mb.

pls learn from the past n0t 2 make similar mistakes.

 I never understood the "go outside and touch grass" saying, as well-manicured grass that is aesth... 
 ₿eing in sync wit #natUre is ₿eing in sync wit Ur real self n0t wit a fake $ynthetic pla$fic $elf (a metal GM f00d hybrid $lave).

 GM Nostr 🌞

What's the ONE thing you most wish we had on Nostr but doesn't yet exist?  
 Migrate N0str p0sts as csv file  2  new PubKey &  Markd0wn. 
 Fantastic talk. Everyone should watch it. 
 Why the f*cker is cens0ring  c0ntent,  puppet ba$tard$ for the Globali$t.

Hijacking #creativity  &  #freedom t0wards  c0nformity.

why he did'nt enable direct crypt0 payments ?

 So if sugar is a drug, is the majority of the population high all the time? 
 S & then Dumb, Dumber, Dumbe$t.

 Because a lot of it is visual and measurable, and occurred within the past decade, Egypt is curre... 
 The rea$on 4 120 billi0n ext debt is 2 prevent an0ther rev0lUtion of the #people & keep them as their $laves 2 pay the debt.

 Nirvana is from the r00t vā bl0w in the form of past participle vāna bl0wn,  prefixed with the preverb nis meaning 0ut.  The V of vāna causes nis to become nir.

Bl0w 0ut ? 3 fire$ Raga (attachment), M0ha (Delusi0n) & Dvesha (hate).

The result can either be Anatta (lack 0f self) merging wit shUnya Un-manifest (NirgUna Bramhan) 
can be Atma (self) merging wit Paramatma (sUpers0Ul) Manifest, (SagUna Bramhan) the +0ne.
 free assange! 
 The price Assange paid 4 the #freedom of hUmanity  &  #trUth.

+0ne is all & all is ne0+ & eqUivalent xchange.

 S  #freedom  &  #trUth is in the eye of the ₿eh0lder &  very relative.

#freedom 4 fish is  water with n0 c0nstraints &  #trUth is  % of 02 in water.

#freedom 4 bird is  air  with n0 c0nstraints &  #trUth is  % of 02 in air. 
 Heiroglyps of 5 elements. R0ta cycle 0f cycles. 

Akash or ether or spacetime ] 22 planes of existence [ Major Arcana.

Fire  - Wand (f0rging #creativity)

Water - Cup (#navarasa)

Air - sW0rd ( defend #Freedom & Freewill)

Earth - pentacles (res0urces)


1. Dancing with the devil (Keep it minimum).

2. De-centralize Urself.

3. D0n't  tru$t  Urself, Verify


msg 4 the s0listice it's the wr0ng planet 2 claim the sUn.

 Some people have grown cynical with democracy (and various types of representative government bro... 
 The 0nly c0Untry  that has genuine dem0cracy in this planet is Switzerland.

Most of the G0vernments work f0r the c0rporate$ & acc0untable only to their financier$ &  c0rporate$, &  r0b the m0b  by tax  & inflati0n,  dem0cracy & republic is a j0ke.

 There are still people that think the lockdowns were justified, much like how there were still pe... 
 Bc0z of  WMDs (  Weap0n$ of ma$$ Decepti0ns ) & the $heeple.

 thx 4 the th0ught pr0v0king talk.

Just a n0te Zuckerberg is n0t an example 0f an abstract p0wer but an agent like $mith just a fr0nt end of the abstract p0wer of an A.eye.

The social c0nformity, pr0gramming & priming is the rever$e 
reification of the abstract p0wer of an A.eye. It's not the energy as in #bitcoin but acts in the mental plane, a pris0n 4 ur mind just like the 100th m0nkey effect.


The rever$e reification of the abstract p0wer of an A.eye. is the 
c0rner st0ne 0f the Matrix.

Trilli0n $ ? h0w 2 de-centralize the rever$e reification of the abstract p0wer of an A.eye.

what is the hash c0st functi0n? 
 EU  & uncle $am's lie$ doesn't  c0ntrol this f*cking planet., only c0ntrol$ the $heeple with a A.eye pr0vidence.

 Vampire $lave d0g$  $acrificing  c0mm0n pe0ple  at the alter of war. 
 just a n0te:


tesla phone 20% share  -->  X  +  AMERICAN SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE AND CBDC.
 People don't necessarily crave attention. We are starved for *real* connection, not attention.  
 1,000,000  $ ?   c0nnection to who? for what purpose? How? why? in space time.


 Wow. They doxxed nostr:npub180cvv07tjdrrgpa0j7j7tmnyl2yr6yr7l8j4s3evf6u64th6gkwsyjh6w6. Hey Busin... 
 Axel_Springer_SE & 3 letter org  & 7,000,000 $ is Ur an$wer.


 @jack & @Lyn Alden 

All the Inno0ators & Creat0rs are divergent.

#Divergence is  #freewill.

Claim  ur  #freewill  &  #freedom.

A.EYE $ algorithm$ will lead to c0nformity  & sUccUmb 2 de$tiny.

 Gimme! (Natural remedies or anecdotal hacks for headaches) 
-already took ibuprofen 600mg (sue me... 
 What would be a good name for something that has 100% uptime? #asknostr  
 Nondual  M⊙nad 
 People really don't realize how utterly dependent modern surveillance is on the idea that everybo... 
 Phones ar just the tip of the iceberg, any $martgadget  Shit, IoT telemetry, computer telemetry goes on & on.

(windows,  macOS ,  ubuntu & Apps)

 I've personally funded more open source Bitcoin development than Saylor 😏 
 Any0ne  can fUnd  0penS0Urce c0ders but m0ney can't bUy ethical c0ders like U , Linus Trovalds  & many others.


#opensource #backdoor

 U hit on the nail.

Bitcoin is money because it's backed by energy just like petrro $ & Ethereum is a Smart K0ntract  Utility T0ken with a Virtual Machine.

 The advent of Microsoft Recall so drastically changes the security model for Windows users that I... 
 Since returning from Bitcoin++ in Austin, I've been trying to alternate between working on Lightn... 
 Pls tweak it 4 pi 4 & 5  4gb, that will enable decentralization of nodes by empowering  people in Africa & Latin america to run their own nodes. 

Also how feasible it is 4 max contract size limit.

 How feasible is implementing web of trust  based on NFTs in #nostr
& weighted zaps as Proof of Reputation (PoR),.
Decentralized Society (DeSoc)
1/ A first sketch of Decentralized Society (DeSoc): https://t.co/rdTSL8QpJP…

Honored to have collaborated with @glenweyl and @vitalikbuterin on what will hopefully become a novel field of research, inquiry, and co-creation across our technological stack.

— Puja Ohlhaver (@pujaohlhaver) May 11, 2022

Within a DeSoc context, SBTs are issued by and held within accounts known as “Souls”. Souls are contract addresses in a wallet that hold SBTs and are used to establish provenance and reputation. Souls can be associated with individuals, organizations, or other entities.
 1/ A first sketch of Decentralized Society (DeSoc): https://t.co/rdTSL8QpJP 
 Let the ⊙ light ₿e with U &  guide U 4ever. 
 nostr dead 

 The real purpose of #bitcoin and #nostr is to empower the common people  &  the planet and give them back their #freedom they deserve.

Not for corporate EFTs & speculative NFTs hijacking bitcoin for their own ends.


 people are selling bitcoin to buy gamestop 
 Hope they d0n't  trasmigrate that digital degen's  Las Vega$ $hit 2 ₿itcoin 


0 -> +0nE(ternity)

+0ne -> 10...infinity

(10...infinity) X (+0ne) -> 3nity

[ 4 mod (+0ne) -> π & 4 mod (3nity) ] -> primes

 Is it g0ld (manipulating real price), 0il (manipulating production) & d0llar (inflating  ->0)? Devil in di$gui$e. 
 Is American ₿ill of Rights fighting a proxy war against rUssia? 
 Centralized $hit is $ecurity  &  DE-Centralized nodes are  property.. 

#privacy #crypto #Bitcoin 

 #Bitcoin #Privacy & #freedom is the birth right of a S0vereign.

 Governments and the devil are great in making people think they are much more powerful than they ... 
 By G0verning  our minds they are VCs for Devil's startups. 
 ideal bitc0in tx c0st = fx(vBytes)^2  + (time c0nstraint) + type 0f tx  [quadratic fx]