Peace 0f Mind can 0nly ₿e achieved thrU #minimalism, ₿eing c0ntentment & ₿eing Happy bc0z 0f wh0 U ar, n0t what U have.
It will f*ck the main$tream & mindfulne$$ c0rporate $hit.
Life is a c0llection of recUrsive Algorhythms + Data that
results in de$ires from the past & dream$ from the future.
The d0gs Algorhythm is in sync wit our Algorhythm so it becomes our pet.
We manipulate chicken's Algorhythm & it becomes our $laves in a cage.
Either we can be in sync with higher intel Algorhythms & be their pets or manipulated & contr0lled by them & be their $laves.
We xchange our #sovereignty & #freewill for our in$tant gratification & convenience.
c0mplexity is directly pr0porti0nal 2 entr0py.
Add A.eye 2 the EV car$ like te$la & other gadget$ in the equati0n.
c0n$equence of 0uts0urcing intel & trust 2 machine$ wit n0 Understanding will be a di$a$ter in the making, ticking b0mb.
pls learn from the past n0t 2 make similar mistakes.
₿eing in sync wit #natUre is ₿eing in sync wit Ur real self n0t wit a fake $ynthetic pla$fic $elf (a metal GM f00d hybrid $lave).
Why the f*cker is cens0ring c0ntent, puppet ba$tard$ for the Globali$t.
Hijacking #creativity & #freedom t0wards c0nformity.
why he did'nt enable direct crypt0 payments ?
Nirvana is from the r00t vā bl0w in the form of past participle vāna bl0wn, prefixed with the preverb nis meaning 0ut. The V of vāna causes nis to become nir.
Bl0w 0ut ? 3 fire$ Raga (attachment), M0ha (Delusi0n) & Dvesha (hate).
The result can either be Anatta (lack 0f self) merging wit shUnya Un-manifest (NirgUna Bramhan)
can be Atma (self) merging wit Paramatma (sUpers0Ul) Manifest, (SagUna Bramhan) the +0ne.
S #freedom & #trUth is in the eye of the ₿eh0lder & very relative.
#freedom 4 fish is water with n0 c0nstraints & #trUth is % of 02 in water.
#freedom 4 bird is air with n0 c0nstraints & #trUth is % of 02 in air.
Heiroglyps of 5 elements. R0ta cycle 0f cycles.
Akash or ether or spacetime ] 22 planes of existence [ Major Arcana.
Fire - Wand (f0rging #creativity)
Water - Cup (#navarasa)
Air - sW0rd ( defend #Freedom & Freewill)
Earth - pentacles (res0urces)
The 0nly c0Untry that has genuine dem0cracy in this planet is Switzerland.
Most of the G0vernments work f0r the c0rporate$ & acc0untable only to their financier$ & c0rporate$, & r0b the m0b by tax & inflati0n, dem0cracy & republic is a j0ke.
thx 4 the th0ught pr0v0king talk.
Just a n0te Zuckerberg is n0t an example 0f an abstract p0wer but an agent like $mith just a fr0nt end of the abstract p0wer of an A.eye.
The social c0nformity, pr0gramming & priming is the rever$e
reification of the abstract p0wer of an A.eye. It's not the energy as in #bitcoin but acts in the mental plane, a pris0n 4 ur mind just like the 100th m0nkey effect.
The rever$e reification of the abstract p0wer of an A.eye. is the
c0rner st0ne 0f the Matrix.
Trilli0n $ ? h0w 2 de-centralize the rever$e reification of the abstract p0wer of an A.eye.
what is the hash c0st functi0n?
@jack & @Lyn Alden
All the Inno0ators & Creat0rs are divergent.
#Divergence is #freewill.
Claim ur #freewill & #freedom.
A.EYE $ algorithm$ will lead to c0nformity & sUccUmb 2 de$tiny.
Phones ar just the tip of the iceberg, any $martgadget Shit, IoT telemetry, computer telemetry goes on & on.
(windows, macOS , ubuntu & Apps)
How feasible is implementing web of trust based on NFTs in #nostr
& weighted zaps as Proof of Reputation (PoR),.
Decentralized Society (DeSoc)
1/ A first sketch of Decentralized Society (DeSoc):…
Honored to have collaborated with @glenweyl and @vitalikbuterin on what will hopefully become a novel field of research, inquiry, and co-creation across our technological stack.
— Puja Ohlhaver (@pujaohlhaver) May 11, 2022
Within a DeSoc context, SBTs are issued by and held within accounts known as “Souls”. Souls are contract addresses in a wallet that hold SBTs and are used to establish provenance and reputation. Souls can be associated with individuals, organizations, or other entities.
The real purpose of #bitcoin and #nostr is to empower the common people & the planet and give them back their #freedom they deserve.
Not for corporate EFTs & speculative NFTs hijacking bitcoin for their own ends.
Notes by +⊙n!ephi☧ | export