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jack | 15 days ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +189
 P.S. (small print) We would monitor God too if we could. 
 You cannot monitor something that doesn't exist. 
 Not something an ‘intelligent’ agency would say, but ok. 
 "Intelligence". Nobody said we're smart. We have AI and the @NSA 🇺🇲☑️ for that 
 lol I think it has to work the other way around, no? 
 cringe AF 
 Pussies, hahahahahaha…

 which god? 
 The one, benevolent, omnipotent, omniscient, uncreated creator of all. 
 the one located in the US and talked about on the money  
 Fiat voluntas Deus. Non fiat voluntas tyrannis et status. 
 I need this shirt 
 Glad you've received your free intern t-shirt. 
 Is it g0ld (manipulating real price), 0il (manipulating production) & d0llar (inflating  ->0)? Devil in di$gui$e. 
 If only the first part were true of the agency; we understand that they hold to the second part religiously 

 Jake the dog 
 CIA recruitment...

'Repeat after me, 'We are God. We are God. We are God We are..'' 
 Hoping I live long enough to observe their financial failure. The fireworks.

Thrive in chaos. 
 We're in the eye of the storm.
 Probably because the don't currently have the ability to monitor God ,,, but they do seem to like to monitor those who follow God...  