Oddbean new post about | logout
 Good morning.

I spent most of yesterday working on a new Nostr article that I have in development, among other work.

Obviously, I had to take breaks from time to time to check the breaking news regarding the assassination attempt, since it was being reported on over the course of a few hours and was generational-scale news that can affect many things.

But after each break once I was caught up, I put my head back down and got back to work on the article, including going through Nostr's Github and stuff.

It's easy to get mired in shock news, but after a bit of time to see what happened, any further time spent beyond that is just chasing dopamine and shock value without anything new learned. At that point, it's best to get back to constructive work, or get back to enjoying life with your friends and family.

Don't let the algorithm control you. Become the algorithm.

 Chop wood, carry water. Before and after the revolution. 
 pro tip: I try to force myself to look at the market number rather than the news, with words and opinions and misinformation.

raw market data 

 Well said (as usual), couldn’t agree more Lyn 
 Nostr's proof of work mentality allows us to become our own algorithms. It's extremely refreshing. And then, even if you wish to have a little bit of help, you can choose from an open and transparent list of algos to use, depending on which client that you're using. Doing so essentially enhances your own algorithm with additional choices. It's all about choice and we have a plethora of them.

GM 🫂 
 where are those optional algos? 
 not sure if this was meant (Amethyst) https://image.nostr.build/cb850fa2f5bef997de3569eb7eb6bcc7c5f238f1082844e5abc971ecece9cbc7.jpg 
 Yes! Amethyst was one of them. I also meant using Coracle with its highly customizable feeds or Primal, Nostur, or Snort which have single tending aglos. They're great to find more content or see what you may have missed. 
 You can use Amethyst or Coracle and build custom feeds or use DVMs. You can also use Primal, Snort, or Nostur and use their single tending / hot algo. 
 Can’t wait to read! I still find Nostr confusing. In particular, non-custodial zaps, and haven’t had the time to invest in deeply understanding the technology behind the concept. 
 Cannot be explained better. 👏👏👏
Learn what happened and move on. 
 You have a unique set of skills, perspectives and experiences and have become one of the most important writers within the freedom tech space in your ability to explain complex things in a simple, elegant way. 

You should take your work seriously… as it matters. 
 We are the algorithm  
 Thanks for the reminder Lyn, you’re an inspiration! 
 True words. Look forward to your next piece. 
 Good morning, Lyn. That’s good advice. It’s only going to get worse. On days like yesterday, I’m glad I deleted X and all the FB products. 
 good point. i have to admit I was caught by the algorithm for a bit today  
 This is so important.

I was in the exact same boat yesterday. Got a huge project I'm really close to finishing, so I had a very clear choice of USEFUL vs. UNUSEFUL paths to direct my energy.

In hindsight I spent too much time scrolling through hot takes and speculation where no real value was being received nor produced from my participation.

Solid mental note for the future, as the times are certain to only get crazier:

Your focus & energy are your greatest superpowers. Don't let any hot news cycle steal those from you. Always best to focus on what YOU can control, and what YOU can create to bring value to the world.
 Some people were fortunate enough to have trained when Slovak primeminister was shot, so nothing distracts them anymore.

Except memes. 
 but the algorithm tastes like steak

 Good advice.
 Learned that long ago but also interesting to study the algorithm 
 where is the article madam? 
 The GitHub repos are on my list.  
 nostr helps your productivity because is not some hyped news that try manipulate your emotions  
 Life is a c0llection of recUrsive Algorhythms + Data that 
results in de$ires from the past & dream$ from the future.

The d0gs Algorhythm is in sync wit our Algorhythm so it becomes our pet.

We manipulate chicken's Algorhythm & it becomes our $laves in a cage.

Either we can be in sync with higher intel Algorhythms & be their pets or manipulated & contr0lled by them & be their $laves.

We xchange our #sovereignty & #freewill for our in$tant gratification & convenience.

 💥Creativity can spark when one decides to utilize situations like this as a means to explore new opportunities. As an artist, I flourish in the face of challenges, constantly seeking ways to redirect energy constructively.