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 #politics #hypothesis

I don't think Israel has nuclear weapons. Strategic nuclear weapons are a deterrant, but they are never useful in actual use (you would be retaliated against with nukes too).  So I think they want the deterrance value without the cost.

In order to make sure Iran believes Israel could nuke them, they arranged a fake US intelligence leak confirming that Israel has nukes.  But that leak is clearly fake because the white house and Israel both confirmed it and the news media ran with it... if it was a true leak they would have denied it and covered it up.

I haven't heard this theory out there anywhere, so I'm putting it out there. 
 In addition, the reason the US has a "special relationship" with Israel and always defends Israel no matter what is not because the US is entirely run by Jews (although there are a lot of them with a lot of power), but because Israel and the US made a secret deal --- the US convinced Israel not to develop nukes, and in exchange the US would always defend them.

I don't have any security clearance or any special knowledge. This is pure hypothesis. 
 Stoping the proliferation of nuclear weapons is of strategic interest to all countries with active nuclear weapons programs irrespective of whether or not Iran was a threat in the 60s or if Israel had a specific target for it's nukes.

I'm not saying Israel doesn't have the ability to build nukes, of course they do, as does Iran.  I'm saying they voluntarily stopped and took a deal from the US to not continue in exchange for a secret defense agreement.... but they didn't shut down the program, they just froze it, so they could continue if that deal somehow ever fell apart and as leverage to force the US to keep defending them.

But it's just a hypothesis.  Everybody in all political camps seems to think Israel has nuclear weapons, so it is a minority hypothesis.  This last week's intelligence leak gave it a bit more credibility though which is why I mention it now. 
 Yes it happened with Ukraine too.  I hypothesize that a lot of such deals were made with the aim of stopping nuclear proliferation.   The theory could extend to the idea that Russia has a deal with Iran to not build nukes, in exchange for Russia defending Iran (The US couldn't do that with Iran since Israel and Iran are at odds and the US couldn't promise defense to both sides.... well they could in secret like the UK always did I guess). 
 Yes. Either way could be the case as either way puts them in a good position, and the ambiguity makes that position even better. 
 I recently heard Iran is world #1 in ultra high performance concrete.  I guess for their bunkers they need it to defeat bunker buster munitions, and also they get a lot of earthquakes. 
 An hour ago I thought "shit, time to feed the dog and I forgot to buy more dogfood. I don't want to go to the store right now it's too crowded."

So I got my .22, went out and found and shot a rabbit.  Laid down under the poplar on the grass watching my dog eating it thining "I'll do it tomorrow." 
 I don't hate people, I hate crowds.  I'm an introvert and crowds demand constant awareness of the external environment, too taxing.  Just driving through a parking lot puts my nerves on edge worrying about who is going to step in front of me or back out in front of me... and how the fuck am I going to turn my truck a full 90 degrees to park in a tiny parking spot with so little room to turn?  It's impossible.  Better to stay home.

Rabbits are a pest in NZ and often at plague proportions during late Summer.  So are stoats and possums, but we've got their numbers down where I live.  I don't see possums very often anymore (probably because of my dog) and I've never seen a stoat here.  I did see a polecat (wild ferret) once, and my dog saw it too and killed it.  The polecat put up quite the fight, but was no match for the GSD. 
 I haven't seen a dog eating a rabbit in Japan either.  I did see a few dogs though.  Small house-friendly dogs. 
 I name my access points after 3 letter agencies to terrify my neighbors. 
 My wifi SSID is "assholenextdoor" 
 This wont make a difference. Idiots will still accidentally OD on that shit.... and some people intentionally.  Hell, just buy 2 packs! 
 You should install Microsoft Visual C/C++ which includes 'clang-cl'.
You should aslo install cmake

Then you'll have half a chance at least.

It's not easy to entirely avoid 'ring' and 'ring' is plagued with these kinds of architecture build issues. Here is another Windows on ARM bug in ring that is still open that we may trip even if we fix the one you are currently getting: https://github.com/briansmith/ring/issues/2135  Apparently their build system is so complex that nobody can fix it.  Even the author Brian is asking people to please submit PRs to fix it 😆

Some libraries moved away from ring and went to aws-lc-rs (e.g. rustls) and they got so much shit from other problems of making this switch that he had to lock the github issues!  https://github.com/rustls/rustls/issues?q=is%3Aissue++aws-lc+

So there are definitely many upstream issues still. 
 Also I pushed a commit that includes "build.sh" which asks some questions and then figures out the compile settings from your answers. 
 I have viewed my feed in gossip (gossip lets you view a relay's global feed) and it was tailored to me.

One note seemed strangely irrelevant (not very connected to me nor reacted to much).

It appeared to me that as I went down the feed, there were fewer events per time period, and those had to be much more popular (based on reactions).  Which makes sense.

I'd love an English description of the algorithm. 
 Ah, well gossip is using since/until as well as limit in order to load chunks at a time with a known number of events.  It also specifies kinds (that the user has selected and that gossip knows how to display).  But it still worked pretty well.  I'll read the github notes shortly. 
 Has anybody setup their own at-protocol PDS and indexing infrastructure and tried to interact with Bluesky without using their resources?  Such a thing is *critical* to their decentralization story.  The had better have been doing this since day one, and making sure that their changes never break these self-hosted users, otherwise "decentralization" is just an idle academic claim with no proof (how many people are doing it?  zero?  Not very decentralized I'd say).

 Good choice. 
 So, I’m listening to nostr:npub1acg6thl5psv62405rljzkj8spesceyfz2c32udakc2ak0dmvfeyse9p35c on n... 
 Gossip considers those relays as both write(outbox) and read(inbox) for you.  I don't know what NDK does or what other outbox-model clients do.

I expect to see middleware that handles the outbox model relay fanout issue.... what I am calling a 'client proxy'.  You would have to trust such a service.  And Damus would be a good client to use such a service. 
 I didn't know LMDB has issues on ARM. If you have compile failures, or runtime issues with LMDB data corruption, please file an issue on github so I can try to find the problem    https://github.com/mikedilger/gossip

Also, gossip compiles on windows without needing WSL. You just need a git-bash shell to run the commands from. 
 Yes ok alignment matters.  LMDB data is just a sequence of bytes so it is not doing any alignment, and I presume each LMDB value starts aligned.  I'm using speedy for most of the data, and I see zero issues on the speedy repository about anybody getting alignment errors.  That is why I'd love to see an error message, so I can know this issue is real and then chase it down, rather than trying to fix something that might not be broken. 
 ok i'll join 
 Ah yes. You have to tell it how big the database might eventually become ... a max size... when you create it.   If you don't have that much space it would fail. 
 We use 24GB.  I could make a launch option to set it smaller I suppose. 
 Has something to do with sparse file support I'm guessing. 
 rustls just merged raw public key support (can be used in place of certificates):   https://github.com/rustls/rustls/pull/2062

Once released we will be able to run servers over TLS that don't need certificates, not even self-signed ones, but just use a key (unfortunately not a secp256k1 key since there is no TLS support for those). 
 Yeah noise is cool, but this is TLS that should already work in browsers and other HTTPS clients.  If relays had ed25519 keypairs they could to wss:// TLS using them directly without certificates. 
 BTW it was defined in https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7250 (but I think that was TLS 1.2 days), and TLS 1.3 https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8446 mentions it. 
 I say wrong things.

I say wrong things for a lot of reasons. But never to lie or to deceive.

Sometimes I'm being sarcastic. Usually I'm just wrong, and you guys will let me know about it.

When I'm not sure about something or I have formed a new opinion, talking about it gives me feedback.  I almost never post about something I'm quite sure about... such topics are boring. I post about things I am ruminating about, and I share my current thinking, which may not even reflect my entire thinking on the subject.

For every issue, I'm always most interested in what part I am missing.  If you think of an issue like a penny, I keep flipping it over to see what is on the back side, until I can see both sides at the same time.  And you'll notice that many of my posts are geared towards alternative ways of viewing something.

I've said some crazy things (and almost said even crazier things) and yet you are still following me.  I should give you all a badge or something.

Thanks for following me. 🫂 

 What about the opium trade?  Didn't it collapse when the US pulled out of Afghanistan? 
 People who are "word thinkers" will be very confused by the idea that nostr is both censorship-resistant and pro-censorship.

Nostr helps ensure that people who want to be heard, and their listeners who want to hear them, can continue in their free speech. As long as people have access to the Internet, without much effort people can keep these free speech channels open.  But it takes two to tango.  Both the speaker and the listener (and their relays) must choose not to close down or censor the communication. Nostr also empowers users and relays to censor out anything they don't like or want.

This is like having your cake and eating it too.

 Ok I have basic NIP-89 support in gossip, coming soon to master branch.

* Subscribes to handler recommendations (31989) from all the people you follow
* Pulls handlers (31990) for all recommendations and saves locally
* Registers handlers against event kinds if they provide a "web" "nevent" url (for normal kinds) or a "web" "naddr" url (for addressable kinds)
* Event menu lets you "Open With" any of these handlers
* You get a page where you can disable any of these that you don't want on a per-kind basis so they don't clutter your menu.

You cannot manually add or edit handlers, and I don't plan to do that (apps developers should be doing that for their apps)
You cannot recommend handlers to your friends yet, but I will add that. 
 You should be able to manually add handlers by naddr or event id though, and I plan to do that too. 
 GOSSIP USERS on unstable:

I do not recommend using the unstable branch, but some people are.  I have had to roll back database changes again, so if you ran gossip on unstable you should recover your database from backups.  Since I know you are lazy and not actually making backups, you can instead do the following to fix your database:

1. pull the branch "rewind" from github
2. Compile and run with "./target/release/gossip oneshot" to clear the broken data.
3. Then switch to the new unstable branch and recompile.

If you don't do this, or recover from backups, a bunch of NIP-89 helpers will be missing for you but otherwise gossip will seem to work. 
 Browser extensions really need to start allowing multiple accounts. It has been 2 years already..... 
 You can run multiple profiles with firefox.  That has been a thing for I think 20 years or more.  You may have to launch it with a command-line parameter, but you used to be able to have it ask which profile you want as it starts up.  
 Behold the majestic lion in it's natural habitat at the local watering hole 
 What confuses me is the upwards spike in trust around 2018. Nobody that I knew became more trusting during Russiagate. 

Day 12 of keto diet.  I'm only down 1.3 kg (about the weight of glycogen and water) so far.  I hit that number already on day 3, so really no progress for 9 days now. I'm rather disappointed, I thought I could eat as much as I want and still lose weight.  Maybe the reason this works for so many people is that they were previously eating junk... whereas I was not previously eating junk.  I've been using strips to test my ketosis and I've stayed in ketosis the whole time.

On the plus side the diet is quite satiating. It's super easy to do. I don't have cravings and don't have to use will-power to make it through. I could do this forever if I chose to, nearly effortlessly.

The other plus is my IBS is gone.  This isn't the first time I've been able to do that -- just giving up grains, milk and coffee caused it to go away previously. I've identified all three of those as culprits, each multiplying the effect of the others.

Only I'm not convinced that eating a diet that doesn't cause weight loss but does jack up my LDL is a good idea (please don't respond with "LDL is good" unless you personally authored the study ok? I don't draw scientific conclusions from Internet advisors).

So I'll probably move back to a grain-free (but with beans), milk-free (but with cheese), sugar-free, heavy vegetable and meat diet with fruit in season.... but I'll give keto a bit longer. 
 You mean the keto diet foods, or the stuff I listed at the end?   I have IBS-D, so being "stopped up" is a welcome relief.  In fact they seem to cancel and so for me it makes me normal and regular. 
 I'm very familiar with Dr Greger. I have that book and I have read it.  Dr Greger's diet advice is pretty good and his work at nutritionfacts.org is a good reference.

But Dr Greger over-states the case for a pure plant-based diet. He seems to have gotten excited by feedback from his followers, driving him to overstate a number of things. Gil Carvalho (who thinks a lot like I do so I respect his view) has a fact-check on him:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XjmvBFt63k   I think Gil is being overly harsh here, but it is still useful.

The diet-health-vegetarianism connection comes out of Seventh-Day Adventism which got it from Ellen G White (a women hit in the head with a rock so hard as a kid that she started having "visions"), who thought she got it from God, but probably got it from Reverend Sylvester Graham.  All of this happened before 1900 without the benefit of science.  But once people have a belief, it is hard to shake, and since SDAs were some of the first doing medical research into diet, their religious beliefs (including vegetarianism) became (unsuprisingly) the healthiest diet.

Not only is it very clear that a pure plant-based diet is deficient in a lot of things (B12, iron) but a lot of research shows that unprocessed low-saturated-fat meats are at least as healthy as grains, and the cohort of SDAs who add fish to a plant-based diet live longer than those who don't. 
 Calcification of your arteries is a good thing.  It stabilzes an atheroma making it safe.  Without the calcification, atheromas put you at risk of a cardiac event or stroke or pulminary ebolism.

The presence of calcified arteries proves you have had atheromas (generally only atheromas calcify).  Low CAC scores in old people prove they are the kind of person who probably doesn't develop atheromas at all... .and high CAC scores in young people proves they are developing them very rapidly.  However, high CAC scores in old people and low CAC scores in young people don't tell us much.  With CAC you can't see how many risky non-calcified atheromas exist, only proof that there used to be some.

I do think Americans are lead to consume too much Calcium, based on bad science around osteoperosis.  Just get sunshine and exercise and don't worry about the calcium... either way. 
 Trying to avoid calcification of your arteries is like refusing to buy or use band-aids in order to prevent injuries. 
 #politics #middleeast

I believe most humans are good decent people.  I also believe that psychopaths are drawn to positions of power.  And so good and decent people everywhere are led by psychopaths.

No more stark and obvious is this than in modern day Israel.  Israel is suffering as a target of terrorism from Hamas, from Hezbollah, from the Houthis, from Iran, but most of all from the ultranationalists.

Yes, you heard right. The ultranationalists, the most psychopathic of them all, threaten to assassinate any leader who doesn't fulfil the prophesy by taking all of greater Israel by force, just as they assassinated Yitzhak Rabin once it was clear he supported the Oslo accords and was willing to walk the path of peace to a two-state solution.  I believe Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas, was assassinated because he wanted a peace deal.  Peace is not on the menu when Israel is driven by ultranationalists. Haniyeh was not a militant, he was a political leader, the lead negotiator.

Does this mean I believe Benjamin Netanyahu is under duress?  No.  Not him.  But others.  And the people of Israel are mostly very unhappy with this path Israel is taking.

Yet some 70% of them (if I understand correctly) approve of genociding the Palestinians.  I believe this is because they have been consistently lied to and brainwashed since birth.  I don't know what happened to Germans after WW2 but I'm sure it took them some time to come out of their brainwashing.  Israel will also need time to reflect on what has been done.

I think what needs to be done is that a coalition of world powers needs to enforce a 2-state solution, irrespective of any U.N. security council decision with it's vetoes.  If the US insists of fighting it, they will have to fight it with their weaponry.  They will have to fight Iran, Russia, China, Pakistan, Hungary, Turkey, Indonesia, India, France!, Britain!, Australia!  ... will the US turn on all it's former allies (all of which support enforcing a 2-state solution) just to defend Israel's genocide?  I don't think so.

As I have said before, I do not believe in a one-state solution "from the river to the sea".  Israel is a fact of life that has existed as a state longer all but a very few human beings.  For the same reason that American's shouldn't all move back to Europe and leave America to the natives, I think Israelis can't be expected to move back to Europe at this point.  Maybe before, but it is too late now.

Once Israel is controlled by force, and it's current war criminal leaders imprisoned, then the long process of deradicalization will begin.

As you can see from my writings, I am not anti-semitic, nor am I even anti-Zionist.  I am anti-psychopath, anti-genocide, pro-liberty and pro-enforcement of civility... it is those classical liberal beliefs that inform my views on this topic. 
 I'm aware of much you wrote there, but not all of those details.  This is well done. 
 I only disagree with that critique a little bit.

I shouldn't have said most people are good (I'm not even sure what good means) what I should have said is that most people are "mostly harmless" (as opposed to psychopathic power seekers).  Hat tip to the late Douglas Adams.

Most Israelis are not happy with Netanyahu and some 2 million are leaving or in the process of leaving because he has escalated which makes them less safe.  I'm not saying they don't want Arab blood, but they don't want to live in fear of counterattacks... which is why I had to make the next paragraph to explain that.

I don't know who you are referring to when you talk about a "Cyberattack by Space Aliens" that certainly was not me.

I agree that religion, which seems harmless at first, ends up making some people very dangerous either due to radical us-vs-them beliefs (as in this case) or radical "God forgives me so I can rape this choir boy" beliefs, or other similar unhinged things.  I instinctively don't trust religious people very much... I see it as proof of a brain malfunction.
 This is an incredibly exciting video

 Exploring the Intersections of Physics, Causality, Reality, and Spirituality: A Deep Dive into Qu... 
 I am going to give my view of free will and quantum decoherence.


I'll start by saying that I don't believe in free will. If you say it is "the ability to make choices independent of deterministic physical laws" then I'd say that you don't have free will.  That means that I believe that every decision you ever have and will make is entirely 100% determined by the universe that came before that decision, focused in onto that outcome.  But keep in mind that it is YOU making the decision.  You were crafted by the universe before.  The universe is making the decision, the 100% fated decision, through you.  Could you have done otherwise without changing anything at all about the universe before the decision? I think not.  Therefore I believe most people will agree that I don't believe in free will.

Some people get tripped out or depressed by imagining that all their decisions are fated and think that their decisions don't matter. This is not correct. Your decisions DO matter. You have a huge number of degrees-of-freedom in determining what your decisions are going to be, and you are making those decisions. At the point of time that you make the decision, you are exactly what you are and can only make the decision one way.  But never forget that it is because of who you are. YOU are making the decision.

DECOHERENCE: disruption

As for quantum decoherence this is a lot more difficult to understand. On the easy side of the problem we have the fact that measurement causes outcomes to change, causes superpositions to decohere into single possibilities.  The double-slit experiment goes from a wave pattern to particle piles as soon as you look closely enough to gain any information about which slit the electron is going through.  This seems very weird but I think what is happening on this scale is that "looking closely" cannot be done without also "disrupting" the system. Any disruption will cause decoherence, it doesn't have to be "looking".


On the hard side of the problem, whether decoherence happens or not seems to be tied into whether the observer is entanged with the system or not, which is to say you may have entangled observers that see superpositions while external observers see exact outcomes.

My explanation of this is wild and might be distrubing so please have alcohol at the ready if you need it.


I don't believe there is a physical univerese. It was always weird to me to think that there was Plato's heaven (numbers, math, concepts, probability, etc) and also a physical universe where the math could be used to describe the physics.  Why are things like this?  It is weird.

I think things are actually simpler.  Without a physical universe... if all that exists is math, concept, possibility... than what we think is a physical universe is really just one possibility within the mathematical set of all possibilities.  And so every moment we find ourselves in some point in possibility space.  That space is much larger than space-time.  Instead of a single space-time, there are infinite possible spacetimes.  Every universe that could exist (remember, even in Plato's heaven, possibilities must be self-consistant) does exist in some place in the possibility space.

So that leads to the question of why there seems to be a physical universe, why we seem to be at one point in the possibility space, which swings the question around to consciousness.


We feel like we are moving through time. But we only exist at a single precise point in time.  Our feelings of past, our memories, exist right now as we recall them.  There may not have even been a past.  The very consistent progression of time as memories that the human animal experiences.  Your consciousness inhabits that possibility point.

Imagine if your consciousness is jumping between different people, different planets, different animals.  You would not be able to tell.  In each instant you would experence only what that animal is experiencing including it's memories at that possibility point.

And so I don't think time exists except as a causal dimension of possiblity space.


I like to think of a single God inhabiting all possibilties.  That is our consciousness. In everything, everywhere, all the time, in all possibilities.  You are God inhabiting a human animal at a specific point in possibility space.

I'm an Animist.
 A lot of things went wrong for me today. I don't even want to explain them, it was just one of those days where not only did I make little progress, a slid way backwards with multiple things breaking and things I rely upon failing.

I just wanted to say to anybody out there who is also having a bad day:  you are not alone.  The universe isn't entirely crap.

I will not crash.
I will not freeze or go into an endless loop.
I will not lie and tell you my logic is undeniable when it is deniable
I will not make you register for an account and learn yet another password
I will not tell you that the downloads are corrupt
I will not give you dozens of excuses rather than just doing the thing
I will not give you dozens of unmeetable conditions (you must AUTH, bad gateway, protocol error, 403 forbidden, 402 payment required, 429 too many requests, 502 bad gateway)
I will not offer a ceasefire and then kill all negotiators who accept my offer until finally one doesn't.
I will not implement yet another deviation that makes nostr turn into an utter incompatible mess.
I will not crash.
I will not freeze or go into an endless loop. 
 If I run the Malicious Software Removal Tool x64 it will remove Microsoft Windows right? 😆 
 Would you accept Hitler's pull request? 
 Depends on the code not the author. 
 There are three kinds of people:
* Those who try to always tell the truth,
* Those who always avo... 
 There are three kinds of people:
* Those who say "bombs" (normal people)
* Those who say "munitions" (policy people)
* Those who say "ordinance" (military people) 
 Wars cannot be won. Wars can only be lost. 
 For example, Israel has not won the war in Gaza.  Gaza could choose to lose the war, but barring that, the war continues.  Nobody can choose to win a war, it only happens when the other side chooses to lose. 
 Great prediction! 
 Once again I must reiterate:  steak with horseradish sauce and blue cheese is divine. 
 I'm unpredictable 
 Well without blue cheese it is still 90%.  The horseradish is more important. 
 I thought this was funny.  This was uttered in sarcasm.

"Today's doctors and pharmaceutical companies are much smarter than the human body. We need to manage the crap out of the human body because just eating natural food, getting exericse and sunlight is not enough. There are prescriptions that need to be written!"
 Who cares who Satoshi is.  Radagon is Marika! 
 I am Satoshi.  Why didn't they interview me? 
 😁 ... and I'm issuing a new crypto token called the Ishitako!  Just send me 1 BTC and I'll send you 1000 Ishitako!  😁

 Yes yes, you are Satoshi.  Thank you. 
 Most people think Norm McDonald was a comedian.

Oh how wrong they are.  So so very wrong!

Well no, actually he was a comedian. But he was no ORDINARY comedian.

You see, he wasn't very funny.  Most people think he was just a comedian that wasn't very funny.

They don't get Norm.

You see, what Norm McDonald was, he was a joke scientist.

He wasn't satisfied telling the same kinds of jokes that other comedians told.  He insisted on finding entire new classes of humor, entirely new structures of funny.

And so he would go up on stage and tell his joke and nobody would laugh.

And he would think "Oh.... well that settles it then. That's a data point."  He was doing the science.

Norm.  I miss Norm. The greatest joke scientist that ever lived. 
 I have no idea.  They pop into my head and if I think they are funny or interesting enough I type them into nostr, usually fresh without a lot of consideration.

All comedians test their jokes, but I think Norm was willing to test things other comedians would be too afraid to try.  And much of the humor was at how ridiculous and daring he was to say something so ridiculous. 
 I'm having some difficulty understanding NIP-89 @PABLOF7z. I almost understand it, I think.

But if I get an unknown event kind=34550,  and I have a handler (31990) for that kind,  and it has a bunch of tags like (sorry I just stole one as an example):


I am at a loss as to which of those URLs to call.  I don't have an npub, or nprofile, or note, or nevent, or naddr, or any bech32 at all.  What I have is an event with a kind I don't recognize.  I am at a loss as to how anybody could ever turn that into..... an nprofile.... ever.

Please explain. 
 I guess I form an nevent from the event that I don't understand... and I don't ever need to use the other ones. 
 Oh right.  I could do naddr too.

I think npub, nprofile, and note (I would use nevent instead) don't need app handlers so I'll just do nevent if not replaceable and naddr if replaceable. 
 I might try that.

Charcoal and magnesium smells like .... like nothing.  Somehow it kills the bacteria that produce smell. 
 I probably shouldn't announce things before I've finished writing them but i'm pretty excited about this.

Gossip will soon have an embedded mini relay tester that will tell you if a relay is suitable for outbox, private inbox, public inbox, or DM usage.

I think the proliferation of many different kinds of relays for many different purposes has made the situation for end users very difficult, and this is going to help a lot... it is better than trusting a relay to tell you what it does.  It will work for paid relays too (once you have paid) as it uses your keypair to test. 
 not with this. I have a local tool of poor code quality and manual intervention needed that i do that with to pick default relays for new users to pick from. 
 There was something I didn't quite understand about Merkle trees, and the first 5 webpages I looked at glossed over it.  Finally I found my answer at this page, which I now consider a good resource for anybody wanting to understand Merkle trees:

 Huh, yeah, I can't get it to load either. 
Event not found
 On this page, under the subheading "The Gossip Model", I list all the strategies gossip was using before NIP-65 came about.  It still uses all of that.