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Notes by ponymontana💜⚡ | export

 "this bitcoin thing seems ok but cant compete with my ultrasound money" 
 watching my feed as i ruminate upon some shocking events playing out in my sphere has been quite ... 
 this note is very powerful 

Energy companies will aquire the largest mining companies in the next 2 years 
 if only the fucking government wasnt here to kill free markets and offer monopolies and free-money-deals to energy companies we would see the opposite:
mining companies acquire largest energy companies 
 I invested a lot of time learning linux/bsd fine tuning my systems many times from ground-up. Now use daily my nerdy gentoo, compiling my kernel regularly with fine tuning for my machine, with only the feature that I use and extensive hardening and code-reduction. I compile my compilers regularly with security hardenings and stack protection, maintain my minimal fork of dwm for wayland and so on... In the end I builded the distro I wanted and didnt existed. 

And I'm happy using it daily, the maintainance is all automated and really all works and dont need to loose time thinking too much everyday. The most of time/resources I loose are due to heavy long compilations, around 4 hours every mounth I think. 

Things that require much more compile-time are GCC (~1:30h), glibc (~45mins), openssl (~45mins), linux kernel (~1h).
Pretty much this, maybe I'm missing something, but all other things compiles in max 30 mins, like python, go toolchain + rebuild all my go programs cause static libs, openssh...

I use binary for firefox and rust cause they are shit and dont want to compile. And because firefox would take at least ~3/4 hours.
I dont use GUIs, I dont need qt libs. I need just basic gtk gtk+ libs for basic things.
I use binary for monolithic heavy gui programs.
I also just put a binary when I need a jvm.

Thats it, I like it, I learned a lot diving into nerdy stuffs to make this thing works.
But today, if I will buy another machine and will need a new operating system, I'd absolutely go for a simple debian with some hardening and tweaks (like the kicksecure/whoonix approach).

Someone says "linux is free if you dont value your time" and this is half truth.
For the time and effort I put into this things I obtained in change a lot of experience and practice that I can use in other situations to makes machines work for me. 

So I suggest anyone who want to learn more about these stuffs to go deeper, configure things manually, invest time in break things so then you can repair it. The value you can get from this approach is immense.

Then, at some point, real works need to be done, real things that makes life good require attention and life is too short to compile GCC forever just for the sake of. 
So at some point you will know when is the moment to just go for things that works and have a "social convergence" of people. You will know when the "new time invested in deep nerding and auto-complicare your life" is not so valuable anymore in terms of "learning experience".

When this happens means its time to move on, keep what you learn with you and start nerding on other things, even other fields. Gardening this time? Nostr? Idk. 

But after all I learned from my linux/bsd experience, today I'll go for debian as main os (or ubuntu/mint if my hardware need proprietary shit), where I dont need to think about nothing under the hood, knowing that is the standard.
And as all standard it is not perfect, nor the most secure, not the most fast and so on... but is reasonably good and a lot of people are thinking about how your system works for you, with you. 
 0xChat users on iOS and Android, don't forget to set your DM relays on "Me" / Settings / Relays /... 
 hi theres a problem in how 0xchat manages relays: when I modify my relay list on amethyst they are added with a "final slash" in the name. 0xchat doesnt recognize these relays and automatically adds the same relays but "without final slash", doubling the relays (I suspect is only a UI problem). 
 I agree. The only thing I’d add here is that we have to do it properly and not hastily. Given o... 
 dms platforms are the worst. For security they are the most closed, no web client-agnostic access, no apis, give us phone number and stick in our walled garden. 
I recognize how "good" signal is, someway is the platform I hate most and want to leave. 
 Youre make me dreaming jeff, this is exactly what the world needs 
 It's weird to see external people that are aligned with Nostr's goals and even the overall design... 
 or just change wife 
 be aware if you want to do some illegal stuff from tor browser for android. 
Every installation is recognized with an unique fingerprint. Consider it just a "at least it hides my ip" solution.
My opinion is that this is a limitation of the bad (and young) firefox for android. 
 this is very cool, but best suited to detect downtimes and mostly ineffective with real fractional reserve hypotetically going on. 
 The internet is a place where any comment about B being better than A will immediately face a res... 
 its just you alt-right bubble 
 internet is the place where you claim something about the interent and someone will call you alt-right 
 >Be a no coiner
>Go to Google to find info about Bitcoin your friend told you to buy.
>"Bitcoin w... 
 my normie friends dont know what inflation is nor what a cap and def they cant count to 21 
 The price won't move until people stop giving bad bitcoin security advice. 

Clearly there are no... 
 your marketing becoming better 
 Satoshi = “Intelligent one”
Nakamoto = “originating from the center” 
 Studying Japanese and oriental languanges, this is more correct:

satoshi = "def not peter"
nakamoto = "absolutely not Peter Todd you dumb fuck" 
 phoenix wallet more open (utilizable with an open network of multiple lsp) would be by far THE best "lightning wallet" for 99% of people. 
 The way I look at money, it's only a yucky thing because people have a slave relationship with it... 
 someone can accumulate freedom and then excape the system, thats the goal of every bitconer still in the fiatmine I think 
 nostr:nprofile1qqs8pe023d2zh6jefqsln7q3l2qcz25k7m0a3waze6w0cgcqv2wrekgpzpmhxue69uhkummnw3ezumt0d5hs2l5p04 😋 
 Grinding is not just about making money and buying things, that's fiat.

It's about being passion... 
 grind is about being motivated. A sane motivated person, after sleep 8 hours will grind to be the best he can in what is important for him, and will grind. Family, work, healt, fun. All doing with passion and motivation is grind. 
 We're getting there...

"The Linux world behaves in many respects like a free market or an ecolog... 
 nostr:nprofile1qqsw3znfr6vdnxrujezjrhlkqqjlvpcqx79ys7gcph9mkjjsy7zsgygpr9mhxue69uhhqatjv9mxjerp9ehx7um5wghxcctwvsq3samnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwdehhxarjd93kztnrdaksz9thwden5te0wfjkccte9ekk7um5wgh8qatz7tvu4p main point about why linux and not *BSD. 
 fair point, but linux CAN be like modern bsds (stick with vi, stick with minimal init system, and so on...) 
 its like people criticizing bitcoin cause people mostly use etf and keep in exchanges...
The fact that SOME of the network, even if is the major part, is on shitty linux distros, doesnt mean that linux is that. This is just what happens when industry want to scale good things to noobies (and its good, younger geberations will use their fancy distro when switching from windows hell). Nerdiness doesnt scale. 
 when I will be wealthy I will ditch my smartphone for a "dumbphone with beenfits" like the punkt. Today I need to be "efficient" and be reperible for my fiatjob, cause I have limited resources; so I need smartphone and to loose precious time of my life tapping on this little screen (and develop insane habits with much screentime honestly). Maybe in 3-4 cycles🙄

Crazy absurd how my definition of "wealthy" is practically equal to the definition of "miserable" for people around me. 
 I can only imagine the mostruosities Giacomo will put on his shirt to compensate all this cuteness! :) 
 Why not work with nostr:nprofile1qyfhwumn8ghj7ur4wfcxcetsv9njuetn9uqsuamnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dshsz9nh... 
 mls for 1-on-1 chats is basically signal with a negligible overhead (it becomes the same thing in practical implementations in a multiple-nodes network). 
 critical vulnerability exploited in the wild in firefox CVE-2024-9680 "use-after-free in animation timeline".
How safe can we consider tor browser I would know. 
 to put in perspective, last critical vuln in firefox was disclosed the 22 march 2024 
 Never trust journalists, most of them lie more than commies. 
 the credentialed commies you mean 
 android is messed up but is the best we have today. Something better would be MORE open, not less. IOS is for licensed cuckholding. 
 agree, but today is even a challenge porting mainline linux kernel on devices, I cant imagine how difficult could be porting bsd. 
 Who wants to bet HBO doesn't actually name anyone as Satoshi? 

I bet 10,000 sats they just say l... 
 everyone knows satoshi is 2pac and hes hidden in Cuba 
 Did we find out who Satoshi is? 
 when it will be online? How the fuck works US timezones, when is 9 pm?? 
 new libreboot release coming today, lets make this the day when I finally break the 16 yo thinkpad... 
 meh you could have took 2 bananas so at least you could have eat 1. 
 Social media illusion, pretend you're a community of friends, then leverage that friendship and u... 
 so true my friend👌😓 (thinking what I can try to sell you...) 
 I hate all platforms for a reason or another, even signal... Dreaming FULL nostronly💜 
 will someone pirate the HBO documentary and upload here? #asknostr 
 not for now, was thinking that I'd need to at least wait for the premier 😅 
 a new doc about bitcoin 
 I'm exploring the creation and bond settlement of orders in Robosats using nostr wraped gifts ori... 
 your concerns are definitevely valid. The sender of giftwrapped messages is hidden, but the ip correlation would be trivial if a malicious relay is used. 
 by definition if you consider yourself a genius cause you have brilliant ideas you are so stupid to not recognize that all the ideas become stupid after you start the hard work of make them work.  
 Hes Matteo Messina Denaro, "the last godfather" recently arrested. I'm just a shitposter that hates the state like him... 
 hi nostr:nprofile1qqspwwwexlwgcrrnwz4zwkze8rq3ncjug8mvgsd96dxx6wzs8ccndmcpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhszrnhwden5te0dehhxtnvdakz7qg3waehxw309ajhjetn9enrw73wd9hsqwhj0h is the MLS protocol intended to completely replace the signal protocol, or the second has some advantages that will make it stick as superior is some cases? In particular, is signal more efficient in 1 to 1 chat?
I would really appreciate to know your point of view, thanks a lot! 
 for long compilations I take off the battery from the laptop to preverve it as I consider it a "consumable".
Another "consumable" I discovered in my thinkpad is the fan. Just broke the second in one year, maybe I've been just unlucky with the second.
But old thinkpad are unbeatable beasts and I can replace the fan with 5-10€, a common screwdriver and 10 minutes of my time. 
 Ever fuck up your coffee because you haven't had your coffee yet?

This morning while operating i... 
 one morning I put the moka (the tipical italian machine for homemade coffee) on the gas without water, it burned all the plastic around. 
 beautiful, love to see all these shades of green 
 maybe not in the photo, but I imagine in summer it is 
 Aldo got robbed last night 
 Aldo Baglio!???? 
 a tabu for boomers is that its a shame to admit to hate their job. And Its super shameless to hate every job that keep you away from yoir family and passions.
I fucking hate my job and I just need to stack some money, and the first step to make my life happier is realize it. Then I probably will continue this job for some time, unless I would have better opportunities to be paid doing things I like more. 
 I just learned that 50-70% of the population doesn’t have an internal monologue. 

I honestly c... 
 Imagine listen to radio when drive alone instead of simulate conversations 🙄 
 Just moments from taking my rightful place on the throne
 its pooptime I see 
 IDGF about privacy, I want just to create the biggest UTXO possible as a testimoniance of my life on this earth, like pharaons with piramids. 
 play fiat games, win fiat prizes 
 so true 
 4th cicle mindfullness I see 
 one of my pet hates as a #golang programmer is go projects that violate the entire point of the G... 
 I admit was really impressed when I discovered that I was compiling and installing binaries in userspace by default.
With makefiles you can just "make install", it could be problematic just with libraries that need to be eventually symlinked in root. Binaries can be installed to .local/bin in userspace and most of the time they just work, you need to see if the path is exposed as env variable and they will act as expected and even pop-up in the various DE- menus... 
 200 #sats to everyone who boosts this post comments about yourself and follows this npub.

✅ Re... 
 I'm Matteo Messina Denaro