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Notes by jesssowards | export

 Any fiber crafters here? 
I get so joyfully excited about a freshly wound ball of yarn. 
 Post hurricane cooking continues….
Omelet with cheese, dried chanterelles, leftover chicken and dried shallots & canned peaches on the side. 
 Sourdough discard pancakes on the blackstone during the power outage post Helene. 

2 C. Flour
1 C discard 
2 tsp baking power 
1 tsp baking soda
3 T sugar 
2 eggs 
1 tsp salt 
1 1/2- 1 3/4 C milk

Mix together and let sit for 5-10 minute before cookings. Will be a little lumpy. 
 A little homestead harvest from earlier this week. The edge Helene has been dumping on us since the morning with no end in sight. I probably won’t see eggs this clean for at least a few days. #grownostr
 One if the mixes I’ve worked on for a handful of generations. Originating parents were Black copper marans and crested cream leg bars with welsummers mixed in along the way. 
 My favorite food in the wide world. #grownostr 
 A mix, but mostly the brown turkeys are coming in right now. Several varieties are barely setting fruit here in middle SC 
 Scuppernong and Muscadine season. (Wild Grapes) 
A friend gifted these, and I’m going to pick more today. I ate so many my lips went a bit numb, so now I’ll make wine with the rest. #grownostr #foodstr 
 I lost two lambs today. These two guys were in rough shape when I found them. Thankfully, with some intervention, I think they will pull through. I suspect selenium deficiency, and am moving my sheep over to the highly recommended Duraferm mineral and supplementing all the lambs born in the last week.
My heart is heavy today. Farm life is beautiful but not for the faint of heart. 
 Garlic confit has no business being so good with how easy it is. Spread on crusty bread, mashed into potatoes, topping a bowl of hash or eaten clove by clove, I love this stuff. 

Whole peeled garlic cloves
Covered in olive oil
Added some fresh parsley, salt and pepper flakes. 
325 degrees for 45 or so. 

The cloves get all soft and mellow, and the oil becomes sweetish garlic-infused magic. #tastynostr #grownostr 
 Born during a brief break in the rain on Thursday as the tropical storm sat over South Carolina. Jersey/Devon cross. Possibly a future family dairy cow. Nostr, meet our newest calf, Little Debby. #grownostr
 Fermented hot pepper/garlic honey underway. Would it be weird to set a two week countdown on my phone and wait eagerly by? 

Cup of sliced garlic cloves
6-8 sliced chili peppers 
One diced onion
A handful of thyme 
Covered by a quart of honey

Cover with something breathable and leave it on the counter for two weeks. Don’t seal, it’s going to be gassy and need to breathe. 

You could make less, but why would you?  #grownostr #tastynostr 
 No ACV though, just honey so much thicker and used more like a condiment 
 Fried chicken, eggs, pizza, cream cheese 
 I think echo chambers are like beds.

Everyone actually needs one, a good one, for rest, comfort,... 
 What a great analagy 
 Sausage? Rillettes? Something tasty for sure! 
 Foraged Chanterelles with @hbhgardens  and loaded the freeze dryer while the local peaches side-eyed me because they’ve been waiting to be processed for 3 days.  
 The first big tomato harvest of the year. About 15 lbs on the way to become salsa. 
 If you’re gardening in a hot climate, I cannot recommend this cucumber enough. Silver Slicer can be picked young for pickling or allowed to grow large as a salad slicer. White skin, prolific and doesn’t get even a tad tough or bitter with our 90+ daily highs in SC. 

4 plants will give me enough to can a years worth of pickles and relish. 👏👏
 #grownostr #gardening 
 I’d love to do a seed swap! I do save them. 
 Lovely views and sumptuous feasts, the garden gives generously, again and again. #grownostr
 Lovely views and sumptuous feasts, the garden gives generously, again and again. #grownostr 
 The rogue flowerbed volunteer pumpkin is going wild and it’s my favorite plant on the whole farm. 
 Breaking: the cicadas can GFT. 
 They’re pretty much finished in SC but it was a loud few weeks 
 How many Bitcoiners are hunting their own meat?

 We raise our own. 
 What are the guidelines of posting video in Nostr? What works best? 

Im working on some short format stuff and I’d love to share. 
 Reposting for ARNIE the puppy who wanted to give you a discount but it didn’t work out. Other d... 
 Arnie gets all my sats. 
 A storm is blowing in to soak the blooming garden and water in all the things planted today. It’s funny how impatiently I await spring but somehow I always find myself taken aback by it. Either way, it’s fully here now. Next stop, canning season. 
 Enjoying things like pickled beets makes me feel like a real adult. 
Finding them beautiful makes me feel like a real artist. 
Growing it myself makes me feel like a real gardener. 
 The aurora borealis shone brilliantly over South Carolina last night. Though I was wondering how northern lights could have gotten so terribly misplaced, I did enjoy that they came south for a visit. 

(This photo was taken by a friend a few miles from my home. My view was hindered by our pines.)
 If you set it up, bait it with some peanut butter and turn it on, they will lick it and then steer clear 
 Such a fierce little cutie! 
 Lavender strawberry jam. 😘
 nostr:npub15wgenn94ajftrngy00eacl5fy0k7w6w35hxvgl2hnyf0pawtm26qy07hfl gm, are you by chance publi... 
 I am. I write a first time gardener book as well as one for first time homesteaders. 
 The typos in my response are silly given the context. 😂 Don’t worry, the books had editors. 
 I just saw my first one this week! I shouted Welcome home!! 
 I made jalapeño cornbread with whipped honey butter to go with dinner last night. I’m currentl... 
 So tasty! 
 This time of year, the garden holds many demands but at least it also holds snacks. #grownostr
 Spring is in full swing on our South Carolina homestead. 
Goats and cows in milk
Eggs are coming in strong
Three ewe lambs born this week
So. Many. Strawberries.
Chamomile harvesting 
Artichokes setting 
The last of the beets and rutabagas pulled 
Onions are bulbing. 
Hog processed, filling the freezer after winter. 
Seeds are popping up, plants transplanted. 

What food are you growing? What is your favorite season of harvest? 
 Sometimes I’m overwhelmed by the corruption and control I see in the world we live in. It’s overwhelming to be aware of but I’d rather have awareness than the blissful ignorance I observe so many enjoying. 
I’d rather know and prepare, to build alternate sources of sustenance, to build something that isn’t so easily destroyed. 
It gets a little hopeless when I observe through the phone in my hand.
But when I go outside and feel the spring clover tickling my feet, hear the cicadas loudly droning, smell the roses, welcome the newest life, I realize there’s a great steadiness. And then I keep building, planting and growing, and I think that it can make all the difference. 
 One of the things I love most about the garden is though she may fiercely humble you in one moment, she gives you a mind blowing win the next. #gardeners #grownostr
 GM, Nostr! #coffee #coffeechain 
 It’s strawberry season in SC. Anyone have any ways they love to use strawberries? In the next two weeks I’m planning on freeze drying a lot, and making strawberry jam and strawberry jalapeño jam. Of course, we will also eat lots fresh and make a good deal of ice cream. What else? 

 Thank you!!! 
 What’s one thing you’re excited about in the week ahead? 
 Planting the garden 👩🏻‍🌾 
 Big ole shell cracker. We’ve worked to balance our farm pond’s population and fish like this show me it’s working. 
 I have countless childhood memories with a Zebco in hand, and now my boys do too. Any fishermen (or women) here? #fishing #grownostr 
 Hi guys! Im a gardener, herbal healer, animal activist and a lover of life and nature! 

 I love this time of year. The farm is so alive and so peaceful. #grownostr 
 Bocephus is a sweet, big boy and throws lots of heifers but he will never be remembered for his good decision making. #homesteading #grownostr #devoncattle 
 Nostr, meet William Wallace. 
 Goose egg, duck egg, 9 year old hands.  #homesteading 
 I like our buffs and Cayuga. The runners are  too timid. Pekins are huge but so funny. 
 Berry bright indeed. 
 The future is looking bright. #grownostr
 Well my weed eater died yesterday and the wife blew the blade drive belt off the lawn tractor, so... 
 Shifting tasks to maintain productivity while plans go awry is the most necessary homestead skill 😂 
 I am a content creator. I’ve been creating on YouTube since 2015 and have one of the larger channels in the homesteading and gardening spheres (Roots and Refuge Farm). I spent this weekend in NC with some girlfriends whose families also have some very large channels in the same niche. This gave me further insight into the things I’ve been pondering since joining Nostr this week. 

I do know the average content consumer doesn’t give a second thought to the reality that they are the commodity on current social platforms. They don’t care and it’s disheartening. BUT there are a lot of very experienced creators that are exhausted by the constant algorithm game. I haven’t convinced anyone to join me yet, as a lot of people simply aren’t willing to overcome the hurdle of the learning curve of a new platform. I think it’s getting ripe though, especially in regard to certain genres of content that just don’t fully work on a highly censored platform. Most homesteading content creators I know who have refused to indulge in algorithm-driven fear mongering have watched their reach dwindle and subsequently the monetization for their work drop by half or more. 

I can’t teach or share about butchering, guns, inflation, putting animals down, or anything the mysterious “community guidelines” deem unmarketable without risking losing monetization on 9 years of work on YT. At the very least, when I don’t play by the rules (and often, I’ve not), I go from averaging 100k views a video to spending a few weeks only getting 20k per video. It’s maddening but like any employee, you mostly play by your bosses rules even if you hate them. You do what you have to keep your job and pay your bills. Eventually though, tyrannical bosses drive good workers away. 

This is an oversimplified view of course, because there are other factors. I love what I do. I love homesteading and teaching it and I love the people I’ve connected with over the years and currently YT is my avenue to reach them. I would really really love another way though. The appeal of Nostr to me was seeing the potential for true freedom in creation and reaching a community with honest and untainted information and content. I agree, it’s going to take more development  and ease of use for the masses to come, but I think the trajectory is very good. 

 Thanks Jack! I’ve listened to your podcast a lot over the years. The last three years have been focused on diversifying income to move completely away from dependence on YT (or any of the current platforms). I started my podcast, opened a coffee business, and have dug in deep to local community. 
My friend and employee @hbhgardens  has been nudging me down the road to BTC and all it entails for a long while now. I’m slow at learning new things, and admittedly have taken a lot longer than I wished I had. It’s not a loyalty to clown world but a preference for the garden and the overwhelm of running a business and a family that kept my blinders on. I’m glad to be here now though. There’s a lot of hope here. 
Thank you for the warm welcome! You’ve done a lot of positive work in our community and I know it’s helped a lot of people! 
 I’d be so honored. I’m traveling today but I’ll check it out when I get home!