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Notes by JayLeClay | export

 BREAKING: China starts military drills around Taiwan, with planes and ships encircling the island. 
 If you think you’re the cleverest guy in the room, you may well be, but then you have to ask yo... 
 If you ever find yourself to the the cleverest guy in the room, the cleverest thing to do would be to find a room with more interesting people in it. 
I never want to be the smartest guy in the room. I can’t learn anything that way. I can’t even unlearn anything that way. 
 Krishna says to Arjuna,

“I am come as Time, the ultimate waster of people, ready for the hour that ripens to their doom. The warriors, arrayed in hostile armies, facing each other, shall not live, whether you strike or stay your hand.”

#BhagavadGita #Yoga 
 I see some groupings, but am missing an overall pattern.  Is there one? 
 Not saying that @petermccormack  is culpable, just saying it sucks that so many of WBD’s sponsors were shady:

 Even if you don't feel the urgency, grind anyways. 

The default state of nature is competition. ... 
 I feel seen 
 When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people I deal with today will be annoying, un... 
 I didn’t know Marcus Aurelius wrote about bitcoin. 

 Love it 
 Still blows my mind that the worst bitcoin mining FUD is from commentaries--scientific journal ar... 
 F Mora and his graduate student et al’s 
I actually read a transcript of the conversation they had.  It was something like…

Prof. Mora: The Bitcoin network is a waste of energy. I assign you to prove it in a short paper and encourage you to make any assumptions you want about growth without researching the difficulty adjustment, hardware efficiency upgrades, energy markets, stranded energy, the mempool, load balancing, or renewable energy sources. Really, just extrapolate however you want. Don’t bother interviewing anyone who actually uses or secures the network. Bitcoin is bad and, remember, it’s a waste of energy. Also, does anyone know a guy named de Vries? 

Et al:  Aye Aye, Captain!  Wow, data science is easy!! 
 Hard pass!  For my money, Batman, The Animated Series was far better. 

The character development, from Bruce Wayne, to the villains he faced as the Batman, to the challenges he faced as the Batman, himself, was excellent. The animation was smooth. The plots were full. 

 No harm in trying again as an adult!  It’s on Amazon. Beginning with the first episode, it jumps right into moral ambiguities for the audience to consider. 
 Maybe the real #Satoshi was the friends we made along the way... 
 Your welcome. 
 Why is there an @america Twitter handle?  Is there one for other countries?  Who manages that, usually? 
 I knew there was a @POTUS account, but haven’t used Twitter for a long time. 
 Yeah, no arguments here about that at all. I’m just asking why there is an @america handle in the first place. I never knew about that, or any other country having their own handle. I didn’t know that was a thing, or when it became a thing, or why that thing would be a good thing to exist, at all. 
 This feels like it’s crossing the line of the  1993 National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).  Voter registration drives are allowed as long as they are conducted in a non-partisan manner and do not mislead or coerce individuals into registering. In other words, the person offering the commission must not be affiliated with a political party and must not pressure or deceive people into registering. 
 Unfortunately, this is your reality. 
 I just learned that 50-70% of the population doesn’t have an internal monologue. 

I honestly c... 
 Hey #Plebs, #NostrPlebs,

I met a bitcoiner last year who had recently gone down the rabbit hole. Listening to lots of podcasts, but not reading very much. I know this because he kept repeating how he had been “orange-peeled” and how he wanted to “orange peel” as many people as he could.  Evidently, never seeing it written down, he did not know that the term is “orange-pilled,” as a reference to the decision Neo has to make between the red pill, which will wake him up to a life-changing truth, and the blue pill which leave him asleep and living an ordinary existence inside The Matrix (1999).

He didn’t know the reference and it was an innocent mistake —  not one of any real consequence. But here’s another for all you Plebs, #BitcoinPlebs, doing it all #ForThePlebs. 

Of course language can change over time and slang can hold different meanings but, in this case, you are actively reinforcing the belief that there is a division in society (originally Rome) between the elites and the common people, the haves and have nots, the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat.  Ah, yes.  It’s literally a Marxist framework and you are swallowing it uncritically, regurgitating it enthusiastically, and binding yourself to an ideology that DOES  NOT WORK for a free society.  Unless you are a Marxist, stop using this language. 

You cannot talk about creating generational wealth while simultaneously bashing the wealthy class… which you will become once you create said generational wealth with #Bitcoin. It is only through Capitalism that you will create the wealth you seek. Not Marxism. Not even Anarchism. 

An Honest Capitalist is a net producer of value (whether products or services). They are rewarded in the free market in the form of profit if they can steer their enterprise effectively, efficiently and fairly among a variety forces: sales margin, competition, regulation, supply chain management, employee satisfaction, customer service, growth, etc.  It is, of course, true that we live in an age of Crony Capitalism which rewards intermediaries, nepotism, political connections, regulatory loopholes, obligatory intermediaries and rent-seeking (which has nothing prima facie to do with your landlord or real estate), etc.

…but that doesn’t mean that we should be reconsidering Marxism, Socialism, or Communism and using THEIR mental framework and language. 
 My favorite response to someone says, “I could’ve done that,” is, “Yeah, but you didn’t.” 
 May you be happy.

May you be free from suffering.

May you be free of fear and regret. 

May you find peace in this life. 

#metta #meditation 
 Did you ever meet people in school/uni who said things like, “Learning math and science is stupid. When am I ever gonna use this stuff in real life?” 
Well, now you can see what those people become as adults. 
 What do other people do, when you've got more browser tabs open than you can navigate around, yet... 
 Depends on the browser. If Safari, I sometimes start fresh by going to each tab and close after saving the Reader View version to iBooks or Files as a pdf, and then read them on a slow weekend or during a vacation by the pool.  

If Duck Duck / Firefox, I do the same but hit Ctrl+P and then Save as PDF. 
 Over the past few years, I’ve seen #Bitcoin fans and people who view themselves as influencers take a variety of uncompromising stances on things that have nothing to do with hard money. 

Whether it was dietary (meat-only), constitutional (2A), political (insert preferred lunatic), cultural (modern art sucks), medical (anti-vaxx), environmental (anti-ESG), etc. and now, it seems, there’s this trend to promote human reproduction.  I typically don’t like to get involved in any of these arguments because, well, it’s a waste of my precious time.  

When I first became interested in it, ten years ago, I was fascinated by an immutable, censorship-resistant, cryptographically secure, pseudonymous, global, P2P, non-governmental, digital money that was, at that time, non-correlated to other asset classes. I saw this value then and I still do, for the most part. But that’s it. 

Just because I was early in appreciating this, I don’t think that gives me special knowledge in other domains. Evidently, others feel differently. 

On the topic of raising a family, do it if you want.. but implying that other people’s lives are meaningless if they do not want kids is just something I cannot abide. 

I’m here to tell you that child-free is great, too.  Don’t let society, parents, or bullies pressure you into doing something you don’t want to do.  You only get one life, do what you want with it. nostr:note1f6zhtr80pp6rskpngcgtcaqv3m4qd5vtsskn2e39g5z9k3k7l54ssax9k0 
 I don’t follow. What connection do you see between the two? 
 No. A wise an successful person leaves wealth to *anyone* they deem should be a beneficiary. There is no requirement that it be a blood relation. It can be a friend or a friend’s child. It can be a donation to anonymous individuals. It can be an endowment to a charity dedicated to a cause, or university for scholarships. 
 No, you’re looking at it myopically. 
Unless, do you think ONLY people with children/descendants want to support others??

Though I am child-free, I feel support people (as well as non-human animals) who will outlive me, most of whom I do not know, will not know, and who will never know me. That’s what philanthropy is all about. Hard money serves this purpose for me just as much as it does for someone who only wants to give to their blood relatives. 
 Do not run from them.
Do not try to chase them, either. 

Simply pay attention to your thoughts and sit with them, as they come and go. 

Pay close attention to what happens when the current thought unravels and disappears. Where does it go? Where did it come from? How long can you hold onto a thought, without a new one coming up, unintentionally?

Are you your thoughts? Coming and going like a sensation or a flavor, moment to moment?  Or are you something else, witnessing them? What is it, then, that is watching and experiencing all this?

 Population collapse is very real. Have a bunch of babies 👶🏼 👶🏼 👶🏼 👶🏼 in a... 
 Hot garbage. 

Parenthood is not for everyone. 

In fact, an effective case can be made that some people would be better off NOT doing it. The world does not simply need more people. 

Choose Quality > Quantity and live your life accordingly. 
 I’m presenting an argument. 

You’re making a personal attack. 

Is that how you raise your children? 
 In your view, describing his prescription that *everyone* should more babies as “hot garbage” is a personal insult? 
 Reread your post.  Do I need to explain how declarative sentences work?
You repeatedly write that’s there is an imperative for people to have more children. I’m countering that telling people what choices to make with their lives indicates a bloated self-importance. And yes, now I am making it personal. You have no business telling people to have kids, or insulting people who chose not to. 
 Wrong. I didn’t say children were hot garbage.  I’m referring to your hot take about increasing the population. Don’t get it twisted. Some people want kids. Some people don’t. Simple as that. 
My point is that it is NOT a life path many people and that’s totally fine. 
 We don’t have to. 

But that doesn’t mean I’m going to stand by and let you (or anyone else in your mentions) shame people into having children as if it’s the only way to live a fulfilling life (as you have done in previous posts).  Expect me to respond. 

Make babies
Make art
Make money
Make love
Rescue animals
Protect the environment
Protect the vulnerable
Read literature
Push science’s boundaries
Travel the world
Climb mountains
Explore the ocean
Write songs
Write books
Write code
Study maths
Visit libraries
Appreciate music, poetry, sunsets, sunrises, friends, or community.

Don’t tell anyone that there is only one way to have a fulfilling life. 
 The fact that you can read my post and come to that conclusion demonstrates a paucity of value in your life. 
 That’s fine, for you. Don’t lecture or condescend or presume or that it’s the right fit for others. 
 This isn’t clever, though it is cute.  And also sad.  

Calling his claim “hot garbage” is not an appeal to emotion.  I don’t know where you learned dialectic, but it appears you missed a few classes.  You have just enough education to appear sophisticated, but not enough to impress the initiated.

My claim that some people would be better of not having children is not a straw man, at all.  While neither verifiable nor falsifiable (due to the fact that some life choices are somewhat, shall we say, permanent), it is YOU who are creating a straw man by distorting what I said.  To wit, I did NOT write, as you claim, “the world doesn’t need more people.”  I wrote, “The world doesn’t SIMPLY need more people.”  Can you understand the difference?  Try reading it again a few times for better comprehension.  I’ll wait.  In fact, my next sentence emphasizes that point by praising quality over quantity but, apparently you and HODL (and others here) think more is better no matter what quality of lives those people have, or what qualities of character good parenting might instill. 

Y’all just want MOAR and that is, in a word, dumb.

Since I apparently need to repeat myself, I did not call HIM or children in general “hot garbage” but evidently you and others think that me opposing his “make more babies” idea is the same as a personal insult.  Is he *that* identified with this declarative?  Are you?  JFC, where did you people learn to communicate?

To repeat, with more emphasis:
Make babies (if you want to and feel you are ready to commit your life to raising a kind, responsible human being. The world needs more of that.)
Or, you can also…
Make art
Make money
Make love
Rescue animals
Protect nature
Protect the vulnerable
Read literature
Push science’s boundaries
Push technology’s boundaries 
Travel the world
Climb mountains
Sail the oceans
Write songs
Write books
Write code
Study mathematics
Study philosophy
Study history
Study #bitcoin
Build a business
Be a mentor
Visit libraries
Appreciate music, poetry, sunsets, sunrises, friends, or community.

It’s all well and good that @HODL enjoys being a dad, but he has also admonished people for not doing so, and now others dogpile on to rebuke me for simply providing alternative sources for a meaningful life.  ALTERNATIVES!  

Can’t there be more than one way to live life? Or must we all be parents?  Don’t you hear how insanely stupid that sounds??  I weep for your children.  Oh, how some of them will let you down when they decide not to give you grandchildren because they want to pursue other paths WITH THEIR OWN LIVES. How immoral of them to not agree with what you think is the only way to live! 

Here’s a tip: Don’t tell anyone that there is only one way to have a fulfilling life and that everyone must do it!  Else, you are nothing more than a fanatic.  (The world does not need more of those.)  I would recommend you not have children until, at the very least, you come to that realization for yourself.

To conclude, I’m writing all this not to prove a point to you or any other breeder trying to troll me.  Rather, to anyone else reading this who wants to remain childless, either because of personal choice, or sexuality, or medical condition, or any other reason, believe me when I tell you: Life is *also* wonderful and thrilling and fulfilling and happy without children.  Don’t take any shit from anyone who tells you otherwise. 
 That’s all well and good FOR YOU, but there are a variety of ways to contribute to something bigger than yourself, if you have the inclination to do so and, perhaps, some imagination beyond your reproductive biology. 

You misread Darwin. “Fitness” has absolutely nothing to do with an individual decision to contribute to anything greater than the self. 
 One can only hope that this case will inspire a fresh interest in the other, and Ghislaine will sing. 
 When did global debt become a positive number? nostr:note1j6hytry6d9yrnfhcqlscjzhjz69qcc0heup99vu... 
 Q: When did debt become a positive number?

A: A long time ago, with the advent of double entry bookkeeping.  One party’s debt is another’s asset.  The fact that this number is so high demonstrates how important credit is to the financial system.  For a deeper explanation, read Graeber’s “Debt, the first 5,000 years.” 
 Haha. Yes. 
 Let’s see if history rhymes! 
 When you begin meditating, you essentially wait for the realisation that beneath all the surround... 
 Accessible to anyone willing to look for it. 

 You think you’re in control?
The captain of your ship?
Master of your own destiny?


You don’t even know the next thought you’ll think, or what you’ll do about it. 

There isn’t a single neuron in your brain that fires on its own, for its own “reason,” let alone a person who is able to make choices free from their culture, biology, education, environment, etc. 

Everything is cause and effect. 

You are here to witness it. 

Free Will is an illusion. 
 My current health plan is:

-Eat real nutrient dense foods.

-Intermittent fast for 12–16 hours... 
 Simple #yoga

Sun Salutations
5 Surya Namaskara A
5 Surya Namaskara B

#Hatha or #Ashtanga versions. I prefer the latter, followed by the Ashtanga standing sequence, followed by 10 minutes in #meditation. 

Open the body. Twist and turn. Stretch and squeeze.  Flex and extend. Link each movement with an inhalation and exhalation. Focus the mind, here, now. 
 this feels so relatable.
i'm trying to bring different content here, but there's no real audience... 