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 Republicans: party of victims 
Democrats: party of puppets 
 Republicans: We don't get any results, but at least we keep you entertained. 

Democrats: We don't get any results, but at least we don't offend anyone.  
 Accurate 😆 
 Democrats get small, incremental results. Look over a 100 year period 
 Feeling spicy today I see 
 A party is an organization which decides how the people who aren't part of said organization, should live. 
 Babylonians: We control both parties in the shadows 
 this is also victim mindset 
 Only if you want to lose 
 Good point. Republicans (voters) feel they are victims to the government. Then they send people to run the government and can't understand why they aren't making it smaller. If their team loses, then the republicans do nothing until they can get their new guy in there. Its a losing game. 
 Not victim, ego inflamed ("god") mindset who puts themselves above it all and thinks all power must be in his hands 
 I usually call the Democrats victims. I will have to think about this one. It’s good. 
 Both politicians are closer to each other than their voters.

I only hate the corporate media more than I hate politicians.  
 Take a stand Jack. Vote Trump. 
 that would be kneeling, not standing. 
 Are you going to join Elon on the campaign trail?  
 Good idea 👍 Jack, please join Elon and RFK 
 Fence riders are easily the worst party. 

I N E R T I A 

 Political nihilism 
 Jack: King of censorship 
 someday you’ll find yourself 
 Is that your analysis? 
 Billionaires: should not exist. 
 grow up 
 Dumb take 
 Dumber response. 
 Ohh you caught me.  Stay envious, it's definitely a great life plan.  
 Even weaker. 
 I mean what’s your point? We have differing opinions so what. I didn’t say anything against or insult you. Ad hominem replies serve no purpose other than to back and forth the bullshit without any real substance. 
 Saying your take is dumb is not the same as saying you're dumb. So never did an ad hominem.

Thinking something as ridiculous as there should be no billionaires is envious and bad.

One should be more concerned on how the money is made not how much.   
 Your opinion is not fact. 
 Perhaps,but it is based on logic and experience.  I can not say the same for yours 
 Without knowing me or my experience you have jumped to a conclusion of what you think my reality is. 
 I didn't give one thought to your reality nor will I, I'm just calling bullshit on bullshit opinions. 
 most don’t. it’s all made up paper 

does that make you happy? 
 Me meditating: "Trump does not exist. Trump is made of paper." 
 ok lemme rephrase that: Oligarchs should not exist. 
 Would that it were so…

but, historically, it has mostly been thus. 
 One of the things I like about nostr is that we have a billionaire here who is active on the platform and doesn’t take it personally when their vast wealth is impugned. 
 what is your plan to achieve this? 🤔🤔 
 lol. Really touched a nerve with this one. 
 you think? 
 As a fan of diagrams, this is 🤌 
 If I remember correctly, it's from the fine folks at Terrible Maps. It's been camping in my gallery for a while though. I could be mistaken  
 i have been arrested and it was over starting a business... actually that's been a recurring theme of unpleasant incidents involving me and the government over the years

partly why i'm low key and glad for being able to work remotely in my chosen career 
 Libertarians: party of the Ineffectual  
 Bitcoin the third party candidate. 
 MAGA kick’n’ ass take‘n’ names 
 Democrats are clearly the victim party. They cater to victims, blacks, minorities, gays, trans, women enslaved by the misogynistic past, blacks enslaved by their ancestors slavery past. All parties are enslaved by bullshit and don’t realize the politicians don’t care about them.  None care about the truth and don’t realize they are part of the problem. 
 Monoparty won’t save us. Defund them. Refuse to use their money. 
 I wrote a Bitcoin poem.. I would like to sell it, are you interested? 
 Do libertarians. And maybe independents too. 
 independents the party of no testosterone 
 Half the population does not have a sense of humor. When they hear a joke they either pretend to laugh, or they get offended on behalf of an abstract category of individuals. 