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Notes by EliasPfeffer | export

 What no one is talking about: If #Bitcoin becomes more diversified duo to more adoption, then the amount of UTXOs will increase, which will make fees incredible higher than they are right now. 
Maybe our simplification mechanism works like this: Information gets sorted to Who? What? Why? Where? When? How? Then you look at the details like Why? Where? How? and come to a conclusion. But instead of sticking with the details, you just sort a Who? = What.
Actually that’s very energy efficient, but if you overdo it, it might make you do dumb decisions and then natural selection gets you. But if you have enough people trying this game, you will end up with some folks at the perfect sweet spot. 
 Reality is a one-way-function.

………except if information gets stored in space-time-entropy 
 The answer to a why question is a one-way-function, similar to the output of the SHA256 algorithm.

You can try many inputs and check, if you’ve figured out the same output, but you can’t reverse from the output to the input. 
 I would love to talk with the person who has invented the SHA256 Algorithm. If you know why it works the way it works, then you might be able to break it haha. 
 I assume if you would contract space, then time would run backwards.

(In my assumption entropy is coupled with space and time. If you reverse the vectors of space, then the vectors of time and entropy get reversed as well).

Think about it. Could be right, might be wrong.
 Wait whuuuut this exists? Niiiiice. :000 
All time high today. 

I wish I knew if this move today was a front run by some people tha... 
 But only, if you do it without Multi Sig 
 What will the limiting factors of a civilisation be?
I guess the advances in chip production (up), energy costs(down), amount of autonomous #robots that can solve problems themselves (up), certainty of the law 
(up) and degree of #freedom (up). 
 Im hyped for shipping my #Bitcoin project soon. This will change EVERYTHING 
 Caught BOTH of the nostr:npub1h2cxhumkcsp9khm6k95rmjskwzlkcj28efwndat384dhcwyuv6gq4v752r playing ... 
 Pics or it didn’t happen. I want to see laser sword fight. 
 😂well sh*t happens😂
Lucky you, for stopping them fast enough haha. Thanks for the laughter! 
 Can I engrave my #nostr key somehow easily on a steel plate, similar to a seed phrase? 
 But it’s still very long and can get messed up easily. Is there a 12 words Bitcoin like way? 
 How many #Bitcoin would you have to own, to be in the top 1%? #asknostr 
 If everyone in this world would own the same amount of sats, then in average everyone could own 262500 sats (2.1E15 sats / 8E9 people).
At blockheight 865087 (60.000 USD / #Bitcoin), this would be ~156 USD. 

ERGO: If you own more than 156 USD worth of Bitcoin, then you will be richer than the average human in future on a Bitcoin standard. 

You should probably go get some. 
 @Alby could you make an iOS option to use #alby ?
Would love to login into @zap.stream but only can do so via the “unsecure” way of sending my private #nostr key. Would love to stream some live piano music from my iOS device. 
 Can’t see the notes on #primal. It works for me on #damus and #iris 

 I knew it! /s 
 Would actually be funny, to have your own custom made cartoon character as plush toy 🧸 haha 
 Feature request: filter for notes, that others have zapped something to, so you can filter for what others have valued already. 
= See high quality notes fast. Maybe even pay others for recommending it.

#nostr #grownostr #feature 
 I don’t get it. Could someone explain what minting is and what the purpose of the thing here is? 
 When you really think about it, generative AI is literally nothing but a translator. 

But litera... 
 It’s neurons connected with some order, but with still some missing parts to solve problems itself from start to finish. 
 So the advantage between nostr.build and just upload something via primal is this “Add/Move/Delete your media and AI tools”. Correct? Did I miss something or is that all? :) 
 Non-#Nostr apps with high value (for me, at least)

Athlytic: Valuable insights into your body metrics with many updates every couple of weeks

Cronometer: biohack your body and figure out what micro nutrients you have eaten

Circadian: Figure out when your body likes to do what, depending on your inner clock / natural light

Perplexity: Ai for searching through scientific papers and getting scientific answers / knowledge with sources

ToxFox: Scan the barcode of your groceries and figure out if the ingredients are bad for you (made in Germany, developed with help of the German government. Works at least in Germany)

Strong: good and free fitness plan tracker

Hidrate: automatically track how much water you have been drinking via their bottles

Yazio: the same as cronometer, but it’s free to add food in afterwards where you would need a premium account at cronometer

#apps #grownostr #health #lifestyle #longevity #value #v4v 
 Who posts the most intellectual notes on #nostr ? I’m happy to follow :) You can name yourself, if you thinks so, don’t hesitate! 
 Choosing the cheapest energy price is literally rewarding the financially (and technically) most intelligent. 

Choosing the opposite is a shy version of supporting, what the movie “ideocracy“ visualised. It’s like the opposite of natural selection.

This also goes for any government “supporting” any sort of free market players. If they can’t survive by themselves, then they are not financially effective enough and have not deserved to survive financially. Hard, but fair.
#finance #freedom 
 I really like new fundamental ideas like #dontdie and #zero of Bryan Johnson. 

You can check out his #longevity protocol here:


Also great is Michael Lustgartens (Ph.D.) approach of optimising blood markers by measuring what food he eats and what impact it has on him/ his blood markers: 

 What is the meaning of live? #asknostr 
 *Live. What’s the result to this question, when you reason everything you do to one ultimative answers, which explains everything you do? 
 #Funny and smart law proposals to keep your government efficient:

1. Personal tax rate = body fat percentage. Increase the tax rate again below a certain percentage of body fat. The healthiest body fat percentages = lowest #tax rate. 
Why: drastic simplification of the tax rate, fair and good incentives with higher productivity and less costs for health system as side-effects and abolition of the cold progression

2. Expiration date for laws (not for the Basic Law). 
Why: Certain laws always have a generational context + helps you keeping your governmental apparatus slim + keeps your country relatively liberate and focused on the important things

3. If the state budget is more in #debt than X percent, the entire parliament may no longer stand for re-election.
Why: solves the dilemma of „the election winner is the one who promises the most“.

4. If the average citizen is not able to understand a #law (chosen randomly), it may not be enacted. E.g. 50% of the test subjects must have understood it. 
 Of course, body fat itself is not bad, but rather the percentage how much you have, decides if you have too much or too less. That’s why I would suggest the healthiest percentage = the least tax rate :) 
 I like #Nostr now much more than X, as I can reward people with more than just a ❤️ symbol. Zapping is just so much more of a symbol appreciation for high value content than anything else. No need to pay 8 bucks per month at #X

Especially no addictive algorithms - I can’t embrace this enough, this is worth soooo much! Thank you for all the developers out there! Let’s make society free with freedom tec! I’m HYPED! 
 Have just uploaded some of my chillout #piano #music on #wavlake

Check it out, if you want

Check this out. What do you think?

 A decentralised peer-to-party fiat-Bitcoin Nostr-like protocol.
Check out the idea: https://github.com/eliaspfeffer/Bitcoin-layer3 

Tl;dr: HodlHodl / Bisq but on nostr basis. 
 3: saving posts now, uploading them automatically later (like you can with email via the „send later“ function), so I don’t spam my followers too much when I have a wave of ideas 
 I was able to zap you some test sats, but I have not seen any message on primal about receiving something from you, if that helps 
 Ah yeah, arrived as well, cool 😎 
 #grownostr you could literally decentralise AI by letting others run open source LLMs and pay them per token via nostr. Start your own AI business via this 
 Finally a platform to escape recommendation-algorithms #nostr 
 What are the things, you would have liked to know earlier in life? #asknostr

I begin: eating bad food is accelerating aging and will cause you pain when you are old. 
 A grey colour filter on your phone gives you less dopamine and leaves you with more motivation for real life things. #grownostr 
 Spending in average 1h on your phone per day is like spending ~4 years of your life (1/24 *100 years) 
 Everything has a hidden cost:

Advertised costs:
-A phone: 1000 USD.
-Yearly inflation: ~2.5% o per year (COLI: Cost of living index)

Real costs:
-A phone: avg. of 6 hours a day = 6/24 = 25 years[1] = 25% of your life.
-Yearly inflation: ~7.5% o per year (COGI: Cost of goods index) = 11,57 years[2] = 11,57% of  your life.

[1](when in use from age 0 - 100)
[2](when working 35 years in total)
#grownostr #inflation #phone #time #wisdom #knowledge 
 Primal is leaving everyone behind with UX, catch up guys.
Everyone is leaving primal behind with ... 
 What would you improve about the primal DMs? They work, but I assume not as nicely as a WhatsApp message? 
 Maybe you can improve it by the following: E.g. Elon messages Jack, but doesnt want the public to know, that he messaged Jack. So Elon posts a note, which got encrypted and posted into a messages-pool. Jack can decrypt the message with a private key. So now Elon basically messages everyone, but only Jack can read it. Now the question remains: How do Elon and Jack exchange the private keys, to decrypt each others messages, without the pulic knowing it? #grownostr
 *So with this, the network would at least only know once, that they both have exchanged keys, but not that they continue to exchange messages and when they do so. 
 Check this out. What do you think?

 Came here from #reddit 
Started with reddit, went on on X, ended up at #nostr
This is awesome! 
 Would wars still happen on a Bitcoin standard? What do you think? I’m interested in quality posts #Bitcoin #war 
 No war will matter after 100 years. War is entropy and all entropy is by definition a waste of time. 
 If you don’t forgive each other, then  entropy and war will never end. 
 Is it possible to use the Primal wallet in any other app? 

#asknostr #primal 
 Could actually be very  easy to solve. Enter your Lightning node credentials into primal and that’s it. Now you have paired your own Lightning node with Nostr. 
 Investing explained:
You put 💰in a magic box🪄📥.
If you expect the box to give you money💰back, then you are likely an investor🤑.

If you haven’t expected 💰 out of the box📥, then you are a consumer.

If you’ve built the box, you are likely an engineer / STEM👷🧑‍💻. 

If YOU are the box📥 and lend others money💰to multiple people at once (💰in=💰💰💰out), which causes inflation, then you are a bank🏧. 

If you regulate inflation, then you are a central bank🏦. 

If your box📥 outperforms the inflation 💸 by many X, then you are likely a Bitcoiner. 
 Using dices can be a bad idea, duo most dices not being 100% centered in their mass-point. Better is flipping coins, if you want to go nuts on security 
 Argentina is moving up my bucket list of places to visit. Quotes from Milei’s speech at UN toda... 
 Hello happy people, good day. Something you think #Damus needs to be the most user friendly Nostr... 
 Don’t know how to add people via their nostr id. When pasting it into search, then I don’t find anyone. How does that work?? 
 Can you maybe post your blog here on Nostr instead? Would love to stick im here and not jump to a website 
 Inefficient government money spending is good for #Bitcoin and at the same time a hell of a honey (money) pot to make money.

So go and make the government spend money on you or your service, take this money to buy more Bitcoin, repeat 
 For more consistency, they can join a mining pool. What’s wrong with that? :)