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 I learned about Bastiat, Hayek, Mises, Rothbard, and Ron Paul from my Dad. In one ear and out the... 
 My husband was a delegate for Ron Paul and I was an alternate at the RNC convention for Ron Paul (2012?).  It was eye opening.  Ron Paul is amazing.  The RNC, is corrupt to the extreme. 
 This can't go on forever.  When are we going to see things fall apart?  I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet. 
 Thinking about scoping down coracle a bit so that I can do a better job focusing on what's specia... 
 Get the basic feed and notifications working first.  The other stuff is nice, but they don't matter if the basic feed doesn't work.  I do want both basic and  long form notes in my feed and need pictures.  The rest is gravy. 
 i am eating a unique version of the popular "Espetada Madeirense" - which is usually made from ch... 
 When I lived in South Florida, I went to a Jamaican restaurant that served curried goat.  It was quite good, but it had shards of bone mixed in with the meat.  I always imagined someone in the back beating a goat with a sledgehammer to soften and break up the bones.  I don't know how the shards of bone were made. 
 GM dear ones!

May your Lord’s day be full of rest. 
 I know someone who’s been on Facebook for 18 years. 😳😳😳

And still posting to the acco... 
 I haven't been on facebook for several years and before that, I would check in once on the weekend and search for particular international friends to see what's up.  Now most of my international missionary friends have come back to the states and I don't need it. 
 I’m proud to say I’ve NEVER had a Facebook account and I NEVER will. 

A lot of it is a cessp... 
 I used it mostly to stay in touch with my missionary friends around the world.  We even used facebook to coordinate relief supplies to Chile when they had the bad earthquake something like 15 years ago.  It worked well for that.  The algorithms weren't so bad back then.  Facebook is terrible now (or at least the last time I used it which was several years ago, probably sometime before covid).

I refused to have it on my phone, ever. 
 One time my phone tried to install it without my permission.  I was raging mad. 
 I did.  Thank you.  I tried to respond to it, but I guess it didn't go through.  I'll use the money to fund giving away books as a ministry to people.  So far, I've given away more than I've sold, but it is meant as a ministry, not a money making enterprise.  Of course it would be nice to break even instead of going in the hole. 
 I just read a post about a company that is screening for supposed IQ.  They make 100 embryos, pick one or two and discard the rest.  That is so sad. 
 I'm betting if they stopped the illegals, most of the trash would disappear. 
 It's been interesting, how it has become more and more difficult to "acquire" followers, as I've ... 
 Using tags on our posts and training new users to search with tags, might help them find people that interest them and when they find interesting people and engage with them, then those people engage back.

Too often those of us who have been here a while, have curated our feeds to the stuff we like and don't regularly go looking for new users to follow.

People used to use the #grownostr  tag for non-bitcoin stuff and it helped people find content to follow.  Maybe we should get back in the habbit again. 
 If you use the NIV, make sure you use the original NIV which was pretty good.  The new version went woke. 
 The King James is the most poetic version and it is pretty accurate.  I think the ESV and NASB are slightly more accurate because they are word for work translations that are based on older copies of the Bible.  That being said, I don't think there are any major errors in the KJV.

The NLT is a paraphrase, but is probably the most accurate paraphrase.  It makes it easier to understand, but can introduce misinterpretation errors.  My son has down syndrome and so the KJV, ESV, and NASB are hard for him to understand.  The NLT  seems to be the best compromise between staying true to the original texts and being understandable for him.  Generally I refuse to use any paraphrase Bibles. 
 I thought highlighter had stopped keeping the formatting when I copy articles from my substack to nostr.  It ends up, when I paste the article, it is pasting it once without any formatting and once with formatting, so all I have to do is delete the unformatted duplicate text at the beginning.  This was so weird. 
 It did it again today. 
 I may go back.  I switched because I could copy and paste and not have to do any formatting to what I pasted because it carried over the formatting.  With Habla.news which I used first and the most, I had to redo most of the formatting and it wouldn't let me italicize or bold inside a quote.

Neither is perfect.  I just have to decide which features are most important to me and which anomalies are most irritating to me. 
 The people that paid attention and excelled in school and university

They were subjected to inst... 
 Yep, they think they know more than everyone else, but they are just more indoctrinated than everyone else. 
 OpenSats funding your idea does not make it a good idea.
OpenSats refusing to fund your idea, doe... 
 Do not  put your faith in king makers. 
 This is disturbing.

> Meanwhile, Walmart has also been testing digital price tags with fluctuati... 
 Throughout human history, the evolution of communication has played a significant role in shaping... 
 On a related topic, I was listening to John Leake on the Courageous Discourse substack and he likened the way all views that oppose those in power (in general) and particularly die-hard Democrats, are treated as apostate for all opposing views as if they had broken religious mores.  He commented that it was almost like the world was regressing to a time before the enlightenment when those in authority controlled acceptable "truth" and all who opposed were destroyed.  It is almost like we are reentering the dark ages.

John Leake explained it better than I did, but I thought it was quite inciteful. 
 Breaking the programming is painful, but definitely worth it. 
 Some things I used to be interested in, I’m no longer interested in. 

Some things I used to do... 
 I've definitely experienced this in many areas.  I used to be very into sports.  Now I couldn't care less about sports.  It seems so trivial and unimportant.  My poor husband thought he was marrying a sports fan and now I don't care even a tiny bit.

There are just so many things that no longer seem important.  My priorities have changed since marrying, running a business, having kids, and most of all getting closer to God. 
 Yeah, the french are really mean.  I mean, plenty of nice ones but the culture is snobby and aloo... 
 I haven't had trouble with them although I know why they could be considered snobby.  Americans are loud, obnoxious and expect everyone on the planet to speak English to them.  Most people can and do.  The French tend to make you work a little for it, especially older French people  (at least this was true 30ish years ago).  If Americans ask a question in English, they will frequently play dumb.  If you then make an attempt at speaking French, even if you do a terrible job, they will answer you in clear English.  It never upset me.  Us Americans do tend to be too America-centric and can't see beyond our own nation and our own language.

I wish I was better at  foreign languages.  I used to know a little of several languages (some very little), but I haven't used them in so long, there isn't much left of any of them. Now I only speak menu (meaning I can read a menu in multiple languages, but especially French and Spanish). 
 I'm really enjoying listening to the Renewing Your Mind podcast, that is mostly R.C. Sproul sermons.  I've got his book, "Hard Sayings" in my Amazon cart to buy soon.  He really speaks God's truth and doesn't shy away from the hard sayings like so many pastors. 
 i'm familiar with DMSO, thanks to Jello Biafra's famous song about it

i know that it is a very i... 
 Glad I can help.

It does look like DMSO also effects water because it binds to water more than water.

Yes, MSM is a metabolite and has some benefit as well. 
 It is horrible that electric vehicle fires can burn your house down, but with the twisted way insurance works, if your house burns down, insurance pays for your house to be rebuilt.  If it gets flooded, insurance won't pay.  It could be worth renting electric vehicles and parking them in your garage when a bad storm is coming.  If the flooding gets high enough to cause major damage, your rental car will probably explode burning down the house and allowing you to claim fire damage rather than water damage.

We really have perverse incentives in our messed up system. 
 It is horrible that electric vehicle fires can burn your house down, but with the twisted way insurance works, if your house burns down, insurance pays for your house to be rebuilt.  If it gets flooded, insurance won't pay.  It could be worth renting electric vehicles and parking them in your garage when a bad storm is coming.  If the flooding gets high enough to cause major damage, your rental car will probably explode burning down the house and allowing you to claim fire damage rather than water damage.

We really have perverse incentives in our messed up system.

 If I've missed responding to anyone, sorry.  I usually use coracle, but coracle won't show me any comments or likes since 10/6, so I was missing them.  I've been able to see a few on Iris, but I find Iris less user friendly. 
 Probably not.  I just figured it out and have been busy 
 non-interference is a central tenet of Taoism and Buddhism

it is also a big thing in Christianit... 
 Praying that you and your family will stay safe and that you will be a light for God in the storm to your neighbors. 
 A few random notes:

Angel is a terrible English word. It's a job title, not a typological name. ... 
 Yes there were definitely Angels that came down and created children (It is the children that are the Nephilim) that were human/angel hybrids.  I believe that one of the big reasons for the global flood was because of this corruption of the human race, which was part of Satan's plan to so corrupt the human race that Jesus, the messiah couldn't come to redeem humanity.  If you read Genesis 6 you'll see the cause:

"5Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7The Lord said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them.”

I always assumed that the only reason for the destruction was that "every intent of the thoughts of his [mankind's] heart was only evil continually."  I always missed the verses right before these:

"1Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, 2that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. 3Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” 4The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown."

This is the verses about the "sons of God" (angels) coming down to the "daughters of men" (human women) and having children with them.  God had to wipe out the corrupted semi-humans because he would only be kinsmen redeemer of the true, God created humans.

I also used to wonder why God had Israel wipe out every man, woman and child of certain groups in Canaan.  I thought it was solely so they wouldn't be led astray, but the groups they were told to destroy were peoples that included giants, especially the rephaim.  I now believe these people were also corrupted with fallen angel DNA and that is why there was no mercy on them.  This aligns with the Scripture and seems to better align with God's character as revealed in the rest of Scripture.

Jimmy Evans, who focuses on end times prophecy, has interviewed several guys with books on the nephilim (fallen angel/human hybrids).  I actually bought two of them.  One had too much repetition and I lost interest.  "On the Trail of the Nephilim: Giant Skeletons & Ancient Megalithic Structures" by L.A. Marzulli was fascinating.  It goes through old newspaper articles mentioning giant skeletons in North America, giant henges (circular megalithic mounds) in the NE US, and amazing megalithic structures and strange skulls in South America.  I'm unsure if I agree on all of his conclusions (don't agree or disagree), but the evidence he shows is amazing.  I couldn't put the book down. 
 We read Luke 4 and had an amazing conversation about spiritual warfare and other topics!  Join us... 
 We've been in Luke a lot lately.  My pastor is going through Luke right now and my son's Awana program is going through Luke and we are studying Luke 4 right now. 
 My dad has made a Nostradamus type prediction yesterday.

Elon is setting himself up for a run fo... 
 No but he could become the man behind the throne.  Sometimes that person effectively has more power without the responsibility.

Elon is such a mixed bag.  He'll do one thing that is wonderful.  He has talked about helping Trump cut the federal government by 80%.  That sounds wonderful, but he has done and said other things that show he likes government handouts and has some tyrannical tendencies.  I never know what to think about him.

Maybe Elon and Trump are made for each other.  They both have some really good traits and some really bad ones. 
 Any excuse to kill off whites, males, Christians, and conservatives. 
 for the voting Statists amongst you, please don’t miss this simple fact:
the establishment Demo... 
 I agree.  I have some significant concerns with Trump, but I think the Democrats controlling the government will be the end of America as we know it, and like to think it is. 
 I don't read Hebrew, but that is cool. 
 Oh, you lost everything

Here's $750

Oh, sorry 

You've been denied 🤷‍♂️ 
 I expected useless from the government, but they've gone from useless and incompetent, to causing massive harm and preventing individuals and organizations from helping the poor victims of the storm.  It's time to start abolishing departments until the whole behemoth is gone. 
 I don't approve of the unions holding the country hostage in the best of situations, but holding the country hostage, when there are Americans in their area who have lost everything and may die if help and supplies doesn't reach them soon, is horrible. 
 It looks like my book, "Why I Need Jesus" is now available in paperback at least on Barnes & Noble.  It is listed on Amazon, but shows unavailable.  

I think my paperback was being  rejected because it wasn't linked to my ebook that was already released.

Here is the Barnes & Noble link:

As it becomes available on other sites, this link should show you where you can get ebook and paperback copies.
 agree on all of this except I think that if they succeed in cheating, there will subsequently be ... 
 I've found it baffling that the Biden/Harris administration has not even pretended to care about the destruction and death of people by Hurricane Helene.  They should want to look like they care right before an election, even if they don't actually care.  The fact that they have been so nonchalant and have actually been hindering rescue efforts makes me think that they think they have fixed the election. 

 They may have fixed election machines and counters.  They may have an "October Surprise", like another pandemic or war which will allow them to either suspend elections or go to 100% mail-in ballots that can easily be miscounted.  I don't have any evidence , but I've never seen a whole party show such disdain and lack of empathy towards  voters right before an election.

You are likely right that people will finally stand up if there is an obvious fix like 100% mail-in ballots or suspended elections.  

For what it is worth, they did just have a bird flu event just like they had Event 201 right before the covid "pandemic". 
 I don't think the betting markets are reliable election indicators anymore. For starters, they co... 
 I tend to think that the cheating will be absolutely massive because those in charge have broken so many laws, if their cheating is exposed they will be ruined, so they will do worse than they have done before.  I also think that Trump will get way more real votes.  What I have no idea about is whether Trump can win by enough extra votes, so that the cheating can be overcome.  Sadly, I have my doubts.

I've also always laughed at every election being called "The most important election ever."  I actually think this is the election that determines whether or not we have any freedom or not (not that we have much left) and whether votes matter at all going forward or whether we become like Venezuela and Iran, where they hold "elections", but the results are predetermined. 

I admit that Americans are usually given two choices, that are acceptable to those in power, to vote for.  Even though I think Trump has some major faults, I don't think he is one of those "acceptable" choices and has messed up their system.

We'll see. 
 For basic web client, I've tried several, but always end up going back to coracle.

I use highligher.com and habla.news for posting long form notes.  I originally used Habla exclusively, but I've now found Highlighter more convenient because I compose and publish on substack and then I copy and paste into Highlighter.  With Habla, I always had to reformat numerous things and it wouldn't allow me to have bold inside offset quotes.  With Highlighter, now, I can just paste and post with no additional work.  If I was going to compose inside the app, I think I would prefer Habla, but the way apps are continually updated, I'm not sure. 
 very nice. 
 I've finally joined the ranks of the GMs.  It felt so awkward to me because there are so many people in distant time zones that I never knew when to say GM.  I'm saying GN when they're saying GM and that just messed me up. 
 Most western governments no longer care about the law.  They will do anything to silence opposing viewpoints and to stay in power.  The law doesn't have any effect in restraining their actions. 
 there's some complex around coffee and alcohol, if i drink coffee, i crave alcohol to calm the ji... 
 When you get your blood sugar more in line, you won't need the caffeine so much.  A lot of people need caffeine to raise them out of a blood sugar crash. 
 My 6 year old is showing signs of not absorbing fats. Otherwise fine. It’s been about a week si... 
 Praying for your child.

Sometimes stuff like that is digestive problems that can be fixed easily by adding digestive enzymes and/or Betaine HCl.  I take both with every meal.  Both are cheap and non-toxic, so can't hurt.  Digestive enzymes can be found in chewables, but I think the Betaine HCl is only available as a capsule which might not work for a 6 year old. 
 Back in my day Catholics taught that cherry picking Bible verses was an abuse of scripture. If yo... 
 Cherry picking verses and parts of verses, especially out of context, is definitely very bad, but these days I see people trying to make spiritual arguments based on how they feel and not referencing Scripture at all.  That is even worse. 
 I think the right picture should be a picture of a bunch of yuppies hanging out drinking coffee at Starbucks.  It isn't just that the government is unorganized and incompetent, but they are all talk and don't really do much that is useful. 
 I'll admit that I used to hate reading Revelation.  It seemed so confusing.  I couldn't tell what was literal and what was figurative.  I felt like I didn't get much out of reading it (although I still did because I read the whole Bible).  Now I am a bit obsessed with it.  I am realizing more and more of it is literal.  Things that didn't make any sense or seemed impossible are now so possible.  World alliances are lining up.  Technology is enabling the things described.  Things that John didn't have words to explain now exist and are in use.  I'm so interested in Revelation now.  It is my new obsession (previously Genesis).

Jesus is the Alpha and Omega.  I've put a little extra effort into studying the Alpha (Genesis which is the foundation of the Scriptures) and the Omega (Revolution is the conclusion and goal). 
 Thinking about sharing excerpts from my book on #nostr … not because I’m a prolific writer wh... 
 Try sharing in longform note.  I've tried and usually use either Habla.news or Highlighter.com .  Both allow you to use some formatting, so they make the notes more readable.  For me, it is easier to copy already formatted text into Highlighter to post to nostr, but it is easier to write and format text into Habla. 
Event not found
 Both countries seem to try to get people to either vote how they are told by the media or to vote for the person who says "nice" things.  Ability, principles, and trustability don't seem to be considered by so many. 
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 Under normal circumstances, I scoff at everyone calling each and every election "the most important election ever," but in this case, I think it is probably be true.  I'm concerned if the election goes the wrong way that we won't have elections, free speech, health freedom, or gun rights anymore. 
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 Your deep description of word meanings and helping to define thanks made me think of going to France with my family when I was in highschool.  

My dad is very bad with languages.  We went into a French restaurant for dinner and a lady offered to take his coat.  My dad, making his best attempt, says in a loud American voice, "Mercy, Mercy, Mercy!"  They(the French) and we (my mom, my sister and I) all broke down laughing.  He was making his best attempt to say, "merci" (thank you), but it sounded like a cry for help. 
Event not found
 I've only gotten a single notification since 10/6, but when I go to Iris (although I find it much harder to navigate than coracle) I see lots of likes and comments.