Oddbean new post about | logout
 I'm not saying that our relay infrastructure doesn't work. I'm saying it's getting too complex to expect average people to wrap their head around it or spending days on figuring out "how to make this work". Most people don't have the patience these days and they'll just delete the app and move on. 
 I agree. That's why I think the implementation needs to change to make the config process more user friendly. One of the cool advancements in relays is nostr:nprofile1qqsw9n8heusyq0el9f99tveg7r0rhcu9tznatuekxt764m78ymqu36cpr9mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuat50phjummwv5hkx6rpwsq32amnwvaz7tmxwfjkuueww468smewdahx2tcpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuat50phjummwv5hs9smu6e's HAVEN relay, which is a personal relay, but one that basically acts as 4 or 5 different types of relays so it's an all-in-one solution. It would be cool if that functionality was extended to general relays so that we could all use just one type of relay instead of the array we deal with now.  
 this^ happened with 2 frens 
 2 for me as well. 
 Exactly that's why we are here. To work on the change in the behaviour of people!  
 I agree, but there should be a middle field.. 

people don't have patience to study bitcoin, how fiat money works, how to custody their own keys, how to run a node.. should we then level down and lower the standards or responsibilities? I don't think so, but I do agree with you that you can't throw all of that to new users when they approach it.

More services, more layers of actions and responsibilities, more clients and different way of onboarding. 

You can grow oranges in your garden, or buy them at the fruit vendor, or you can buy them at the supermarket already peeled split in slices and packed in plastic (not joking).. It's up to every single individual to choose his way IMO, let's give them alternatives and if they'll understand the benefits they'll take more actions and responsibilities.
 I understand your thinking but also noticed that over the last 6 months (or so) using nostr isn't as simple as it used to be. After last week I literally gave up trying to fix the issues I'm encountering personally. If that means I don't see your comments or you don't see my notes or I miss an opportunity because I simply did not receive your DM, so be it. 
 Yeah I agree, and I believe it's more complicated also because in the last six months number of features increased exponentially and Nostr evolved.

replyguy was a big thing and a problem for basically all users.. somehow, fixed now even for normies.

Discover ability for example now is thousands times better thanks to latest primal update and many clients will copy or upgrade that so all protocol will benefit from it and that was one of the main issues for nostr usage by popular opinion.

In the end, I am positive on hiw things are changing and keeping up with all of it I agree is super challenging and overwhelming, but it's early and everyone will focus on what they need most and learn what they need if they have the right incentives to do so. 
 Agreed. But sometimes I just get this arghhhhhhh gfy feeling when trying to fix or improve things from the user side. We're absolutely early and I believe that eventually features like DM's will work "out of the box" and perhaps we'll find a way for users to just use their paid relays in their app config to experience the vast variety of nostr features. 
 Paid relays will never solve the problem. I'm not paying for everyone's relay use and neither is anyone else but relay operators 
 Is the replyguy thing actually fixed or was it used as an excuse for filtering and censorship? 
 I thought about that when it happens.. absolutely true, it definitely could be an actor that settled it in order to than introduce the solution whom he'll benefit for.

Thing is, replyguy could have been created and would be  by anyone, and a solution would need to be found. Was the one they used the right one, I don't know, and not capable to create a better one, I can just decide to trust who built it and use it, or not. 

Optionability is what we have on #nostr.. you like it, you use it, otherwise you fork it or change it, or stop using it. It's all up to us and how much we want to engage and make a change. 
 Why do you post all this and then turn around and shit on Primal all the time? Primal is making nostr incredibly easy to use.  
 Yeah I don't get the primal hate when it's one of the best nostr products out there, if not the best. I'm not a user of Primal but want to see it succeed, we'll all benefit. 
 It's probably the best client for newbies, but not great once you take your training wheels off.  
 why not great? now that they have long form posts, custom feeds, etc. I think it's an amazing daily driver for all kinds of users. 
 I’ve been on nostr since end of 2022. Primal and Nostur are my daily drivers now. Primal is excellent for users of every level.  
 wholeheartedly agree, I don't use them but I'm a fan of both clients. credit where credit is due. 
 Ok, so use it. I don't like their relay model. It's good for people who want to just install and go, but not great if you want to experiment with your relay config, and explore the extended features of nostr.  
 I don't use it but I think it's a great product.

> It's good for people who want to just install and go

That's like 99% of the people my fren. 
 Because I dislike Primal. But it's not for me to talk about behind the scene events surrounding BTC Prague or statements people make over dinner during meetups 
 Primal is the worst nostr client  
 Ok, or grow up and stop acting like you’re in high school. Not my problem dude.  
 if it's not your problem why you're getting involved? 
 I’m asking why you’re being a hypocrite publicly on nostr about the primal app, and your response is to bring up some teen girl gossip episode about people. I’ve been openly critical of primal over certain things, but I also see the progress they’ve made and the app is incredible. It is solving the very issues you identified, for new users especially. Whatever beef you have with one or more people on their team, take it up with them. That’s not my problem. Be a man and sort it out, and I hope you guys can make amends. Life will be better for you. The usefulness of the app stands on its own, though, and that’s what I’m asking you about.  
 He's giving his opinion on the client. He's not engaging in a personal vendetta. People are allowed to criticize and share their opinions about whatever they want. Nobody is obligated to blow smoke, or sing Primal's praises if that's not how they feel.  
 I didn’t see anything about the client, which is what I was trying to discuss. All I heard him say was something that occurred offline involving their team. That’s gossip and between him and them. If you can point out where he discussed the actual client then I’d appreciate it.  
 Check out the first comment of his that you replied to.  
 Pretty clear that it’s a statement about their team instead of their app when you read it with that whole note.  
 Embrace the chaos. 
 #YESTR 🫂 
 This like a #Nostr slogan. Maybe use this for marketing? 😄 
 Managing #Chaos is the OG #POW 
 I chaos. it has it's own order. 
 Yep, exactly what is needed. No willingness to work, no need to run your mouth off on the Internet. 
 "convenience" is the main drive for most people these days in all aspects of life. 
 This can easily devolve into a victim blaming like attitude. It's convenient for us to say things like this so we don't have to face reality. We should want this stuff to be as convenient as possible within the confines of specific principles. Currently, it isn't. The UX sucks for average people. It's difficult to be objective sometimes when you already had a depth of knowledge on a topic that most people don't. It's easy to forget how much time was actually spent getting there. Time you would not have spent if you were less interested in the topic. Not everyone is interested in highly technical topics, but that doesn't mean they should basically be told to fuck off. At least not if our goal is to grow. I'm not saying it is.  
 I don't know that the lack of "patience" is a "these days" problem. I don't think the average person feels the pain of a problem that nostr solves enough to outweigh the frustration and time suck that making it work requires. Most people aren't tech savvy at all (I work for a fiberoptic telecommunications company, people have trouble with email, cable remotes and keeping devices connected to their wifi), have jobs, families, obligations and existing hobbies that they value greater than a decentralized, uncensorable communication protocol capable of near-complete anonymity using an nsec/npub keypair to sign events by users and publish them to various relays... "this fiberoptic internet was supposed to be so good, but if I go out to my metal outbuilding my phone disconnects from the internet, so fiberoptic sucks"  
social networks is for people to express themselves.

 I agree. I hate sorting out the relays. It's one of the biggest problems with Nostr. 
 I always refer to nostr:nprofile1qqsyvrp9u6p0mfur9dfdru3d853tx9mdjuhkphxuxgfwmryja7zsvhqpzamhxue69uhhv6t5daezumn0wd68yvfwvdhk6tcpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7qgwwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkctcscpyug's relay setup guide to understand the various relay types.
 I've spent HOURS sorting out my relays. Question for you, why is my profile out of date here: https://njump.me/decodejar@zaps.lol

I've edited and republished it dozens of times, to hundreds of different sets of relays, including the 21 relays I currently use, and even the njump.me relay and it never updates. I've even been through the source in github to make sure I publish to all the relays it uses.

Njump is pretty cool, would like to use is as a profile URL on Twitter, but I can't get the damn thing to show the right info. 
 Njump has a bug where profile data isn't being updated properly. I would suggest you look to nosta.me instead.  
 Thanks, I'll check it out.  
 Yep... Just hit little search icon 🔍 at the top, and enter your npub or NIP-05 address and it will pull up your profile.