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 FUCK the word resilience. If we were all treated like HUMAN BEINGS, no one would have to be so damn resilient. 

Add "empower" to the list of words that can fuck right off. 
 @3967703f They started using this and offering 'training' sessions for NHS workers back in 2008, just before I left...no, I thought, what they want is for staff to put up with under-staffing and other key stress-inducing issues. I refused to go. 
 @3967703f Yes. In the same way that you can't budget yourself out of poverty, you can't self-help yourself out of systemic oppression. 
 @3967703f This 1000x 

I hate the pseudo-darwinian stink that phrase 'resilient' has. Like if you're not resilient, you're in the wrong environment. Fuck that. 
 @3967703f Add 'radical self-reliance' the mantra of Burning Man to that list. 

How about radical interdependence instead? 
 @3967703f Resilience is a  corporate scam so they can use you until you burn out. 
 @3967703f If we put half the effort of being hateful to each other into productive endeavors, the definition of resilience would apply to humans populating and studying Mars and Venus by now. 
 @3967703f A double fuck this when it’s abled people using the word to turn chronically ill and disabled people’s lives into their personal inspiration porn. 
 @3967703f I am not comfortable with how often I hear my kid’s teachers use the word resilience….and consequently how often I hear my own kids use the word. It’s not a concept that brings about compassion or encouragement to speak out when things are wrong. 
 @3967703f Always want to tell people, just because you can endure doesn't mean it's right that you have to.

What if we could spend that strength on making the world better for everyone? 
 @3967703f the code word was grit in the public education reform wars of  recent years. Fuck grit. Children need care and love. 
 @3967703f Highly  Recommended satirical piece from Juice Media, Australia - "Get fucken used to it"

 @3967703f "but you became stronger after all that trauma" i didn't want to be stronger. i wanted to be happier 
 @3967703f I especially hate it when they use it with regards to kids.  All they are saying is that kids learn to pretend they're ok and may take a lifetime before they are actually ok.

Resilience is living through things because you have no choice, not because you don't get scarred. 
 @3967703f A synonym for that word is tolerance. 

Im starting to run short of that. 
 @3967703f It’s truly sad to see it used in the way that it is today, when it was initially used to capture the way diverse ecosystem cooperate to withstand external shocks. Now it’s been coopted into something like individualistic self-sufficiency in the face of shocks. 

unfortunately, you are 100% incorrect.  Parents die when you're young. Diseases attack you. Key machinery breaks when you need it most. Children become gravely ill or gravely injured. Employers go out of business. None of these are the "fault" of other people's indifference, and all of them can only be survived with tremendous amounts of resilience.