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 #health - this post is my opinion. You are welcome to your own. I'm not really interested in debate, but small focused corrections are always appreciated.

Inflammation is an important process that humans (and other life) evolved in order to combat problems (pathogens, foreign agents, and necrotic cells).

Pro-inflammatory foods are necessary in order for the inflammatory process to work.

Pro-inflammatory foods do not CAUSE inflammation they SUPPORT inflammation.  The exception is if you have inflammatory bowel disease and are sensitive to the particular food.  If your body doesn't need inflammation right now, pro-inflammatory foods won't cause inflammation. If your body needs to be inflammed, those foods will support that process.

Pro-inflammatory foods are thus positively associated with inflammation, but that statement is too confusing for most people, so I said it differently in the prior paragraph.

Do not try to control your body's inflammation by avoiding pro-inflammatory foods. Because if you succeed in that endeavour it means your body wanted to use inflammation for something (probably a good thing unless you have an autoimmune condition) and you starved it of the ability to do so.  This tactic may be useful in people with auto-immune conditions though. 
 Whatvare pro inflammation foods ? ..like example .. 
 The current pop-sci theory is that arachadonic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid common in seed oils and which your body produces from linoleic acid, another omega-6 fatty acid in very very high concentrations in seed oil) is pro-inflammatory.  In my view, while this is not strictly wrong, it is misunderstood and people draw incorrect conclusions from this.

The takeaway I would suggest is that you cannot possibly know and acount for all of the psychological processes involved in anything.  Looking at one physiological process means nothing in a complex system like a human. Drawing some conclusion that "seed oils are inflammatory so you should avoid them" based on this fact in isolation is just folly.  To know the truth you have to expose a lot of these complex systems to a lot of seed oils.... and that has been done.  And nearly all of these studies show high seed-oil intake leading to longer lives, less heart dieases, less diabetes, and numerous other positive health outcomes.

And no, I don't work for big-canola. 
 Fun fact: over the past few months, I realized my chronic migranes go away when I avoid carbs. I'm already largely seed-oil free, but just one handful of potatochips (I used to daily indulge in much worse) is enough to trigger a headache. Is this proof positive you are wrong and I'm right? By no means, only that keto has given me a way to manage my diet in a sustainable way while other diets do not. 
 I recommend avoiding potato chips whether they give you migraines or not. 😂

And there are lots of food sensitivies.  You just have to figure out what works for you.  I don't think medical science can tell you.  I cannot handle whole wheat - my gut dumps itself... but I can have white bread no problem so it's not a gluten thing.  In any case I gave up wheat for 3 weeks and my IBS is gone.  I've had a full week of amazing poops.  So I am definitely sensitive to wheat.  For some people it is FODMAPS but on me they make no difference.  Cabbage, beans, I handle these just fine.

I'm not even anti-Keto.  I think a 100% sardine diet is near ideal. 
 If i could make a short list of ubiquitous stuff I don't want my kids eating it would be this, and in this order:

1) Soy and flax anything
2) Artificial sweeteners, preservatives, flavorings, colorings & fortifications (e.g. enriched wheat)
3) Yellow prussiate of soda, anti-fungals and anti-yeasts (such as magnesium sulfate)
4) Oils high in alpha-lineolenic acid (but I repeat myself)
5) Any plant exposed to weed-killer (glyphysate)
6) Fluoridated or reverse-osmosis water
7) Hydrogenated oils
8) Shellfish, mussels, eels, pork and rodents (squirrel, raccoon, etx)
9) Wheat with bran and/or germ (whole wheat)

Yes, I know, you didn't ask 
 Interesting list.  My list is far too boring to compare to that one:  tobacco products, hydrogenated oils, deep fried foods, high sugar foods, low fibre foods (except meats), alcoholic drink > 15%.  Oh wait, I don't have kids so I don't have a list. 
 Ok I have to ask about reverse-osmosis water.... or am I opening Pandora's box?  My understanding is that a membrane with tiny holes only allows water to pass through and so on one side you get pure water. 
 Pure water will kill you. You NEED specific minerals dissolved in your water. That link nostr:nprofile1qqsgydql3q4ka27d9wnlrmus4tvkrnc8ftc4h8h5fgyln54gl0a7dgspzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuurjd9kkzmpwdejhgqg5waehxw309aex2mrp0yhxgctdw4eju6t0qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyfehcpn posted a while back with the woo-woo "sailine" guy is closer to the truth than you might assume. Look up "The Water Book" for homebrewers written about a decade ago if you want to understand what "good" water actually is made of. 
 By the way, I learned the hard way, almost all bottled water is reverse osmosis. They do this to remove bacteria so it doesen't get skunky.

And get this: "spring water" is also typically also reverse osmosis and treated with ozone (made into low concentration hydrogen peroxide). If its called "mineral water" they add minerals back in after all this.

AND! its bottled in PET or HDPE which leeches microplastics and other zenoestrogenic and endocrine disrupting plasticisers.

So: you can't drink tap water, you cant drink bottled water, you can't drink RO water,.. WHERE TF DO YOU FIND WATER?

Ideally, get water directly from a deep aquafer or natural spring that has about 15 grains of calcium carbonate is free of heavy metals, arsenic and other poisons. Haul it if you need to. Buy a few 5 gallon glass carboys and a pottery, glass or steel dispenser.

If this is out of the question, install a RO system and remineralize the water yourself. This is called "adding brewing salts" and "adjusting your water" for beer brewing.

A third option, possibly the most expensive and produces safe but not necessarily ideal water (in my opinion,) yet is a good preparedness item, is a Berke with an activated charcoal stage and put tap water or low quality well or spring water through it. 
 You mentioned anti-fungals and anti-yeasts. You should add anti-biotics.

Here is a bacterium 70% of Americans don't have anymore, probably due to antibiotic use, which degrades oxalates and prevents kidney stones: Oxalobacter formigenes

Who knows how many other good bacteria we have been slaughtering in order to wipe out Hamas... *ahem* I mean...  
 If people are associating seed oils with fried foods, potato chips, other fast foods, etc... then yes, get rid of that stuff.  But it's not IMHO the seed oil itself, it is how that oil is used, brought far above 200C causing it to partially transform into trans-fats, being put in contact with starches which then create acrylamide, etc.  Deep fried is deadly.

But if you put seed oil on a salad, or eat sunflower seeds, or even saute with a seed oil (saute stays below boiling), IMHO they are fine (and we can disagree, I'm fine with disagreement).

Anyhow, maybe that distinction makes a difference. 
 The potato chips I'm refering to are made in avocado oil 
 I didn't know that was done. 
 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨, 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 &𝐭𝐢𝐩𝐬 

𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐯𝐢𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐗 🔗
 This is true for many people 
 The truth is everyone needs to find out what works for them  - which simply means  - there is no cookie cutter solution . One has to invest times to understand their bodies - experiment with it and have faith in their own intelligence .. 

For example - the popular myth these days is Milk is bad !  My personal experience is it is the best gift to mankind  .. I can live on milk ..and may be some seasonal ruits  :-)  
 This is not my experience. Today, food is the primary cause of inflammation, illness is the second. Chronic inflammation leads to allergies and disease including every leading cause of death: heart disease, cancer and brain deterioration. Yes, inflammatory response is necessary for health, but to say we need unhealthy foods to aid inflammation is quite a stretch. 
 This note is general, not directly in response to you, but triggered by your response.

I feel like the lone voice in a storm of people telling me that I am wrong. Until somebody demonstrates to my satisfaction that I am wrong, I will continue believing that it is the storm of people who are wrong, and I will continue saying what I believe.  I'm not moved by peer pressure.  In fact I think exactly 0 people who I have interacted with agree with me (I could be wrong about that but I don't recall anyone being in clear agreement). I spent a lot of time on this issue because I keep hearing things that wildly contradict mountains of evidence that I've seen and in part studied for decades, much by people I either know or feel like I know. So you'll forgive me if I think that it is all of you anti-seed-oil-carnivore crowd that are the ones suckered into a narrative, rather than me being suckered into a mainstream narrative. That is how it feels from where I sit.  This note offers no evidence or proof of anything, and nobody should change their minds based on this note or how I feel. This is just me expressing how it feels to be the only one, and yet still pretty darn certain of something. It doesn't feel good. That is why I don't want to argue the issue. And that is why people getting angry at my notes and expressing a desire to half-unfollow me really disturbs me.... you think YOU are bothered by MY notes?! C'mon on. I get your views in my face over and over from hundreds of accounts. I am just a whisper in reply. If you can't handle a lone whisper, maybe you should leave nostr for something more sheltered.  I just want to drop a truth bomb every now and then that makes people stop and think... even if I'm wrong, making you stop and think is I think a valuable service. 
 I appreciate you provide an alternative view, and its one that I may have mistakenly interepreted as a variation on the historical mainstream view of inflamitory oils and phytonutrients. My point may reflect the direction the wind is currently flowing on this tooic, but to me it too is descenting from the mainstream and thereby I regard past research on the voodoo branch of science we know as nutrician the same as I regard the Trinity: A self-reinforcing delusion based on circular logic. Regardless, I appreciate you expanding my horizons with the aspect that the polar opposite may be equally likely. 
 I get that. A lot of mainstream things that turn out to be wrong are indeed self-reinforcing and circular and we only see it after we wake up from the delusion.  I think some aspects of climate science suffer from that (but not all of climate science).

I guess for me the pendulum swung anti-mainstream as far as it could swing, and now it is swinging back with less force and I'm correcting for over-correcting on some narrowly focused issues.

I still think science is deeply corrupted and biased. But also that you can get some signal out of it.

What is the Trinity? 
 Lol. Nothing important. 
 I was confused by your suggestion stating it is to support inflammation, but even good old webmd says that this is not the case. It is the food that causes the inflammation because your body partially rejects it. 

 Also take note that the stuff that causes the highest types of inflammation are actually the worst types of food. Processed foods and refined sugars. This could be a total coincidence of course but i think that's a highly unlikely scenario. 
 I think the hypothesis that these "bad foods" cause inflammation is a good one.  But there are counter examples where pro-inflammatory foods are known to be long-term healthy.  Unfortunately humans are just way too complex to get good clear answers on sweeping generalizations like this. 
 Yes exactly. There is too much money to be made in this business which opens the doors to the same problems we see in the pharmaceutical industry.  
 Good point. From that link: "If you have a condition that causes chronic inflammation, it may ease some of your symptoms." I think I said something like that.  Their list autoimmune diseases and inflammatory bowel disease -- I also listed both of those in my note. That page is far more complete.

It happens to be that most anti-inflammatory foods are associated with preventing chronic diseases. But it isn't clear that this is the mechanism. What we know is what they say in their Takeaway section "there’s some evidence it may lessen symptoms caused by conditions such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease."

My point was really that people shouldn't demonize a food otherwise known to be healthy just because it happens to be pro-inflammatory.  That this pro/anti inflammatory thing has been taken too far IMHO. 

Seems, that nutrition also can be a primary cause of inflamation. But there are many other primary causes beside.

But it seems nutrition can defnitly help lower inflamation:
 Yes it can. High sugar can glycate the glycocalyx making cells be recognised as foreign thus inflammation. For example.

And in modern times many of us have chronic inflammation.

But I'd love if we found and focused on the injury/insult causing the inflammation rather than our bodies natural reaction to that injury. 
 Yes I understand that you would like this. But in some causes it is might the best part to eat less and healthy for lower inflamation. For example when the cause is alergies, diabetes or something like this where there is no faster way to treat them. 
 Unique take.  
 You see into my soul 
 sorry but that's incorrect pro-inflammatory foods don't strengthen the immune system. i personally eat almost everything but i'm not going to say that white bread is beneficial for my immune system. also, pro-inflammation is more about chronic inflammation, not inflammation when the body is fighting a pathogen 
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