Oddbean new post about | logout
 This note is general, not directly in response to you, but triggered by your response.

I feel like the lone voice in a storm of people telling me that I am wrong. Until somebody demonstrates to my satisfaction that I am wrong, I will continue believing that it is the storm of people who are wrong, and I will continue saying what I believe.  I'm not moved by peer pressure.  In fact I think exactly 0 people who I have interacted with agree with me (I could be wrong about that but I don't recall anyone being in clear agreement). I spent a lot of time on this issue because I keep hearing things that wildly contradict mountains of evidence that I've seen and in part studied for decades, much by people I either know or feel like I know. So you'll forgive me if I think that it is all of you anti-seed-oil-carnivore crowd that are the ones suckered into a narrative, rather than me being suckered into a mainstream narrative. That is how it feels from where I sit.  This note offers no evidence or proof of anything, and nobody should change their minds based on this note or how I feel. This is just me expressing how it feels to be the only one, and yet still pretty darn certain of something. It doesn't feel good. That is why I don't want to argue the issue. And that is why people getting angry at my notes and expressing a desire to half-unfollow me really disturbs me.... you think YOU are bothered by MY notes?! C'mon on. I get your views in my face over and over from hundreds of accounts. I am just a whisper in reply. If you can't handle a lone whisper, maybe you should leave nostr for something more sheltered.  I just want to drop a truth bomb every now and then that makes people stop and think... even if I'm wrong, making you stop and think is I think a valuable service. 
 I appreciate you provide an alternative view, and its one that I may have mistakenly interepreted as a variation on the historical mainstream view of inflamitory oils and phytonutrients. My point may reflect the direction the wind is currently flowing on this tooic, but to me it too is descenting from the mainstream and thereby I regard past research on the voodoo branch of science we know as nutrician the same as I regard the Trinity: A self-reinforcing delusion based on circular logic. Regardless, I appreciate you expanding my horizons with the aspect that the polar opposite may be equally likely. 
 I get that. A lot of mainstream things that turn out to be wrong are indeed self-reinforcing and circular and we only see it after we wake up from the delusion.  I think some aspects of climate science suffer from that (but not all of climate science).

I guess for me the pendulum swung anti-mainstream as far as it could swing, and now it is swinging back with less force and I'm correcting for over-correcting on some narrowly focused issues.

I still think science is deeply corrupted and biased. But also that you can get some signal out of it.

What is the Trinity? 
 Lol. Nothing important. 
 Ouch 🔥